Daily Archives: 22. Juli 2023

22.07.2023 - 23:45 [ Times of Israel ]

IDF chief to reportedly speak with PM about reservist protests’ impact on IDF

IDF chief Herzi Halevi is expected to speak tomorrow with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about the growing number of reservists suspending their volunteer service to protest the judicial overhaul and the expected impact on military readiness, according to Hebrew media reports.

22.07.2023 - 23:34 [ New York Times ]

With Israel, It’s Time to Start Discussing the Unmentionable

In reality, it’s not so much aid to Israel as it is a backdoor subsidy to American military contractors, which is one reason some Israelis are cool to it.


“Israel’s economy is strong enough that it does not need aid; security assistance distorts Israel’s economy and creates a false sense of dependency,” Kurtzer said in an email. “Aid provides the U.S. with no leverage or influence over Israeli decisions to use force; because we sit by quietly while Israel pursues policies we oppose, we are seen as ‘enablers’ of Israel’s occupation.”

22.07.2023 - 23:25 [ Haaretz ]

Former U.S. Ambassadors: Time to Cut Military Assistance to Israel

The two former U.S. ambassadors to Israel claim that the aid provides ‚no leverage or influence‘ over Israeli decisions, and cause U.S. to seem like ‘enablers’ of Israel’s occupation

22.07.2023 - 23:19 [ Times of Israel ]

Protesters rally outside Histadrut HQ in Tel Aviv

Anti-overhaul protesters are rallying outside the Histadrut’s headquarters in Tel Aviv, as chief Arnon Bar-David holds “emergency” deliberations amid calls for the labor federation to declare a strike.

22.07.2023 - 23:10 [ Times of Israel ]

Israel’s top labor union holds emergency meeting on judicial overhaul

Histadrut chief Arnon Bar-David is facing intense pressure from opponents of the judicial shakeup to declare a general strike to stop the bill to limit court oversight of government decisions.

The meeting was to include other senior Histadrut officials and Dov Amitai, head of the Israeli Presidency of Business Organizations. According to reports Friday, Bar-David and Amitai met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently to try to find a compromise deal.

22.07.2023 - 23:05 [ Times of Israel ]

Medical association urges doctors to attend tomorrow’s anti-overhaul rally in Jerusalem

The Israel Medical Association calls for physicians to head to Jerusalem tomorrow for a march and “healing the rupture in the nation” rally. The professional organization urges Israeli leaders from all sides to come together for talks to bring the country out of the current crisis.

Participants are instructed to arrive at the Chord Bridge at the entrance to the capital at 11:45 a.m., to prepare for a march to the nearby International Convention Center.

22.07.2023 - 22:38 [ Times of Israel ]

Ex-Shin Bet chief Diskin: Suspending voluntary reserve service now ‘is a heroic step’

“My brothers and sisters… who have saved our state on the battlefield from our enemies,” he says, “the battle today is for the nature of the state, against those who are seeking to destroy its foundations and its values.”

Diskin continues: “Suspending voluntary reserve service is certainly an irregular step — but it is a legal, democratic and non-violent step. And above all, it is a heroic step.”

22.07.2023 - 22:31 [ Times of Israel ]

Dozens of ex-security chiefs: Netanyahu ‘directly responsible for harm to security’

Comparing the current climate to “the eve of the Yom Kippur War,” a highly traumatic event for Israel, the signatories said they were “holding up a bright red stop sign in front of you and your government.”

The signatories include former IDF chiefs Ehud Barak, Moshe Ya’alon and Dan Halutz; former Mossad heads Nahum Admoni, Efraim Halevy, Shabtai Shavit, Danny Yatom and Tamir Pardo; former Shin Bet directors Carmi Gillon, Yuval Diskin and Nadav Argaman; several former police commissioners and prison service leaders; and many former military generals.

22.07.2023 - 22:05 [ Times of Israel ]

‘This is where we draw the line’: 10,000 more reservists to stop volunteering

Some 10,000 Israel Defense Forces reservists will suspend their volunteer reserve duty in protest of the government’s plans to overhaul the judicial system, a large protest group announced Saturday evening.

At a press conference in Herzliya, leaders of Brothers in Arms announced the move, the latest to send shockwaves through the Israel Defense Forces, which is struggling to stem a growing flood of reserve troops dropping out of volunteer duty to protest the overhaul, as defense officials warn the phenomenon could affect national preparedness.

22.07.2023 - 21:49 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu’s Judicial Coup: 10,000 Reservists Announce Suspension of Service Until Judicial Coup Nixed as Tens of Thousands Protest Across Israel for 29th Straight Week Ahead of Key Vote

Netanyahu’s coalition is set to vote on Monday to significantly weaken the Israeli High Court’s ability to review government decisions

22.07.2023 - 13:55 [ Haaretz ]

Hundreds of Reserve Officers From Elite IDF Intel Unit 8200 to Netanyahu: Overhaul ‚Enhances Security Risks‘

„As elected public representatives and commanders, you have a duty to demonstrate leadership and spirit in this critical hour, to stop the hastiness, and to foster a broad social and public consensus on fundamental issues related to the nature of the State of Israel,“ the officers stated. „This is our warning, do not ignore it.“

Gallant is trying to delay the Knesset vote on a crucial piece of the judicial overhaul legislation planned for next week, out of concern that proceeding with the plan to weaken the judiciary will harm military readiness.

22.07.2023 - 13:48 [ News.cn ]

Erdogan says plans talks with Putin for extension of Black Sea grain deal

„The termination of the Black Sea Grain Initiative will have a series of consequences, ranging from an increase in global food prices, famine in some regions, to potential new waves of migration,“ Erdogan told reporters on his flight back to Türkiye.

„I believe we will ensure the continuation of this humanitarian movement by discussing the issue in detail with Mr. Putin,“ he said.

22.07.2023 - 13:34 [ RT.com ]

Moscow lists seven conditions for grain deal resumption

Listing Russia’s conditions, Polyansky insisted that sanctions on the country’s grain and fertilizer exports to global markets should be lifted “in practical terms rather than just in words” while all obstacles to Russian financial institutions involved in the sector must also be removed, including their reconnection to the SWIFT payment system.

22.07.2023 - 13:27 [ APNews.com ]

Russia comes under pressure at UN to avoid global food crisis and revive Ukrainian grain shipments

China’s deputy U.N. ambassador Geng Shuang noted U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ commitment to make every effort to ensure that both Ukrainian grain and Russian food and fertilizer get to world markets. He expressed hope that Russia and the U.N. will work together to resume exports from both countries “at an early date” in the interest of “maintaining international food security and alleviating the food crisis in developing countries in particular.”

22.07.2023 - 13:21 [ Tagesschau.de ]

China drängt Russland zu neuem Getreidedeal

Russland ist im Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen von seinem Verbündeten China, den Entwicklungsländern sowie den westlichen Staaten unter Druck gesetzt worden, eine weltweite Nahrungsmittelkrise abzuwenden. Die ukrainischen Getreidelieferungen müssten rasch wieder möglich gemacht werden, hieß es. Chinas stellvertretender Ständiger Vertreter bei den Vereinten Nationen, Geng Shuang, forderte eine baldige Wiederaufnahme der Ausfuhren von Getreide und Düngemitteln aus Russland und der Ukraine.

22.07.2023 - 12:38 [ AA.com.tr ]

Turkish, Ukrainian presidents discuss extension of Black Sea grain deal

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy discussed the extension of the Black Sea grain deal over a phone call on Friday.

„The leaders discussed in detail the extension of the Black Sea Grain Corridor Agreement during the phone call held at the request of President Zelenskyy of Ukraine,“ the Turkish Communications Directorate said on Twitter.

22.07.2023 - 12:31 [ APNews.com ]

By pulling out of the Ukrainian grain deal, Russia risks alienating its few remaining partners

The Black Sea deal allowed Ukraine to ship 32.9 million metric tons of grain and other food to global markets. According to official data, 57% of the grain from Ukraine went to developing nations, while China received the most — nearly a quarter.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted that 60,000 metric tons of grain destroyed by Russia’s strike on the port of Odesa on Wednesday were bound for China.

22.07.2023 - 12:17 [ South China Morning Post ]

China-Ukraine trade: amid Russian attacks in Black Sea, Beijing promises Kyiv negotiator it will boost imports

The commitment was made at a time when Moscow’s recent attack on Ukrainian ports in the Black Sea affected grain exports destined for China and damaged a Chinese consulate.

Beijing was ready to work with Kyiv to “actively” develop bilateral economic and trade cooperation, advance the strategic partnership between the two countries and promote study towards freer trade, China’s commerce vice-minister Ling Ji said on Thursday when meeting the visiting Ukrainian deputy minister of economy, Taras Kachka.

22.07.2023 - 12:14 [ NHK.or.jp ]

China: No one at consulate-general hurt in Odesa explosion

China‘s foreign ministry spokesperson said in a statement on Thursday night that an explosion had occurred near China‘s Consulate-General in Odesa.

The statement went on to say that the „blast wave shook off parts of the wall surface and windowpanes.“ It also said, „The consulate staff had long left the premises and no one was hurt.“

It added that China is „staying in touch with the parties concerned“ and will „take all measures necessary to keep Chinese institutions and nationals safe in Ukraine.“

22.07.2023 - 12:09 [ Tass.com ]

Russia to inspect ships in Black Sea if necessary — MFA

Russia wants ships in the Black Sea to be inspected to make sure they are not being used to carry weapons, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Vershinin told a briefing on Friday.

Speaking about the statement of the Russian Ministry of Defense that Moscow will consider all ships that go to Ukrainian ports along the Black Sea as carriers of military cargo, Vershinin said: „What is meant there is that we must make sure of this, we must check if a ship is carrying something bad.“

22.07.2023 - 12:05 [ United Nations ]

Russian strikes on Ukraine ports ‘further blow to global food security’

Ms. DiCarlo strongly condemned the aerial strikes this week on the ports in Odesa, Chornomorsk and Mykolaiv, which destroyed critical infrastructure and killed or injured civilians.

The attacks followed Russia‘s decision on Monday to effectively end the Black Sea Initiative, the UN-brokered accord that facilitated Ukrainian grain and foodstuffs to be shipped to international markets at a time of spiralling global food prices and rising hunger.

Ms. DiCarlo said these events are but the latest developments in Russia’s „senseless war against its neighbour“, which has consequences that can be felt around the world.