Daily Archives: 2. März 2023

02.03.2023 - 16:07 [ moldpres.md ]

Unites States announces additional emergency assistance worth 300 million dollars for Moldova


The financing will include a directly budgetary support of 80 million dollars, through which the quite high prices for electric energy of this winter will be compensated. Also, 135 million dollars will be used for backing projects on electric energy’s generation, for Moldova to diversify the sources of getting electricity. Another 85 million will be provided to Moldova to enhance the capacity of supply with energy from alternative sources and get energy independence from Russia.

02.03.2023 - 16:01 [ Novosti Pridnestrovya (Transnistria) ]

The contract for the supply of Pridnestrovian electricity to Moldova has been extended

Today, Moldavskaya GRES extended the contract for the supply of electricity to Moldova for another month.

02.03.2023 - 15:14 [ Moldova1.md ]

The Parliament passed the declaration on the Russian Federation‘s aggression against Ukraine

„Meanwhile, the Moldovan authorities support the efforts of the community of democratic states to establish a special tribunal for the crime of aggression against Ukraine, establishing accountability for war crimes and for all violations of international humanitarian law committed by the Russian Federation and its henchmen in Ukraine,“ reads the statement.

It also confirms the readiness of the Moldovan authorities to continue to provide humanitarian assistance and aid to the people of Ukraine who are seeking refuge from the war.

The BCS, on the other hand, proposed another statement declaring „unacceptable the direct or indirect involvement of the country in this conflict. Provocations, instigation of panic and other subversive actions endanger the sovereignty and security of the Republic of Moldova and its citizens,“ reads the proposed BCS document.

02.03.2023 - 14:52 [ RadioMoldova.md ]

Commander of the US National Cyber Mission Force is coming to Chisinau

William J. Hartman will meet with Chisinau officials to discuss „cooperation between the United States and the Republic of Moldova in countering new and emerging cyber threats,“ the source said.

02.03.2023 - 14:22 [ Politico.eu ]

Time to join NATO? Moldova eyes joining ‘a larger alliance’


Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is prompting soul-searching in neighboring Moldova about whether the country needs to shift away from its constitutionally-enshrined neutrality and lock itself into a “larger alliance.”

When asked about potential NATO accession, Moldova’s President Maia Sandu said in an interview with POLITICO the country was still weighing its next step, and whether it would require a constitutional change to do so.

02.03.2023 - 14:02 [ WIkipedia ]

2022–2023 Moldovan protests

On 18 September 2022, protests in Moldova began in the capital city of Chișinău, demanding the resignation of the country‘s pro-Western government,[35][36] amid an energy crisis causing rising natural gas prices and inflation, caused in part by the war in Ukraine.

02.03.2023 - 14:00 [ ABC News ]

Moldova: Anti-government protest stirs fears of more unrest

It is the second anti-government rally held in Chisinau in two weeks and comes amid growing concerns of attempts to destabilize Moldova, Ukraine’s neighbor.

On Feb. 13, President Sandu outlined what she claimed was an alleged plot by Moscow to overthrow the government in order to put the nation “at the disposal of Russia,” and to derail it from its course to one day join the 27-nation E.U. Russia strongly rejected her claims.

02.03.2023 - 13:40 [ Newsweek ]

Moldova, Rival Transnistria Warn Security Risk Intensifies Over Ukraine War

Fears of unrest have mounted in recent weeks as Moldova faced a series of overlapping issues, including soaring energy costs brought on by Western sanctions against Russia, whispers of an alleged Kremlin plot to destabilize the government of President Maia Sandu, and ongoing street protests against Sandu‘s administration.

02.03.2023 - 12:30 [ GlobalTimes.cn ]

Exclusive: EU has no right to interpret one-China principle without China’s recognition: Chinese envoy to EU

GT: Recently, Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs, visited multiple countries in Europe and also visited Russia. The visit came ahead of the one-year anniversary of the Russia-Ukraine crisis and attracted much attention. What signal do you think those visits sent to the world?

Fu: First, it is a signal of peace. Wang Yi made it very clear that on the Ukraine issue, our position is summed up in one sentence, that is, to promote peace. By visiting both Europe and Russia, the message is that China is promoting peace talks.

China is very worried about the current situation. The crisis is now clearly escalating, and both sides are preparing for the so-called spring offensive or counterattack, which means more killings.

02.03.2023 - 11:41 [ CNN ]

Biden administration approves potential sale of missiles for F-16s to Taiwan


The official noted Taiwan will use its own funds for the purchase. (…)

A news release from the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency on Wednesday said the defense contractors for the munitions and equipment will be Raytheon and Lockheed Martin.

02.03.2023 - 11:38 [ New York Times ]

Lawmakers Return From Taiwan Clamoring to Speed Up Weapons Deliveries


Mr. Gallagher was one of five House lawmakers who traveled to Taiwan during the congressional recess, meeting with top political, national security and business leaders to discuss how to enhance security and economic cooperation between Taipei and Washington.

02.03.2023 - 11:37 [ theHill.com ]

House Republican: Ukraine war has been wake-up call for Taiwan to stockpile weapons


Gallagher, a former Marine Corps intelligence officer and chairman of the House select committee on China, also said it is urgent for the U.S. to send weapons to Taiwan in an effort to prevent China from invading the country and the possibility of a third World War from happening.

02.03.2023 - 11:02 [ Tines of India ]

PM Modi calls for consensus at G20 foreign ministers‘ meeting

In his video message at the G20 foreign ministers‘ meeting, Modi also invoked Mahatma Gandhi and Buddha to urge the delegates to draw inspiration from India‘s civilisational ethos and „focus not on what divides us, but on what unites us.“

02.03.2023 - 10:31 [ U.S. Office of Palestinian Affairs / Nitter ]

التقى الممثل الخاص عمرو مع الشيخ عزام، مدير الأوقاف الإسلامية، لمناقشة الاستعدادات لشهر رمضان، يكون مفعما بالسلام، ويعكس روح الشهر المبارك، وكذلك تأكيد التزام الولايات المتحدة بالوضع التاريخي القائم.


02.03.2023 - 10:24 [ U.S. Office of Palestinian Affairs / Nitter ]

Special Rep. Hady Amr visited with the victims of Sunday’s Huwara attack. He expressed his deepest condolences and condemned the unacceptable widescale, indiscriminate violence by settlers. Extremely concerned by recent escalating violence in the West Bank.


02.03.2023 - 09:31 [ Axios ]

U.S. says Israeli minister‘s call to wipe out Palestinian town is „disgusting“

What to watch: Smotrich is expected to visit the U.S. the second week of March for a meeting of the Israel Bonds organization.

Israeli officials said he hasn‘t asked for any meetings with the Biden administration.
Two U.S. officials told Axios that even if he asked for meetings with Biden officials, he likely wouldn‘t get them.

02.03.2023 - 09:27 [ CNN ]

US condemns Israel far right minister’s call for Palestinian town ‘to be erased’

Price issued a strong condemnation from the US State Department podium Wednesday, saying, “I want to be very clear about this. These comments were irresponsible. They were repugnant. They were disgusting.”

“And just as we condemn Palestinian incitement to violence, we condemn these provocative remarks that also amount to incitement to violence,” he said at a State Department briefing.

Price also called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “and other senior Israeli officials to publicly and clearly reject and disavow these comments.”