Daily Archives: 14. Januar 2022
Democrats control both the House and Senate, along with the entire Executive Branch, and they *still* insist that it‘s radically unfair — even fascist! — to make them approve laws through Congress before they get to impose them. „Democracy“ means: we rule by executive decree
MSNBC‘s Joy Reid rants against Supreme Court for striking down Biden vaccine mandate: ‚Right-wing ideologues‘
MSNBC host Joy Reid was infuriated Thursday over the Supreme Court‘s decision to block President Biden‘s coronavirus vaccine mandate, launching a rant against what she called „right-wing ideologues“ occupying six of the court‘s nine seats.
During a segment of her show „The ReidOut,“ Reid declared she no longer had faith in the court, calling it a „Christian nationalist version“ of what it used to be, and suggested the justices should each have their own „right-wing talk radio shows.“
MASS PSYCHOSIS – How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL
This video was made in collaboration with Academy of Ideas. They create videos explaining the ideas of history‘s great thinkers in order to help supply the world with more knowledge, to empower the individual, and to promote freedom.
The frightening philosophy driving the Supreme Court’s new vaccine mandate rulings
At current pace, sometime in late April we will pass a grim milestone: 1 million Americans dead from covid-19. If we get lucky and the omicron wave abates, that millionth death may not come until later in the spring, or the summer. But it will come, and soon.
Keep that in mind as you consider the latest news from the Supreme Court. On Thursday, by a 6-to-3 vote along party lines (and no, I won’t pretend the justices have no relevant party affiliations), they struck down the Biden administration’s mandate that large employers were supposed to require that their employees either be vaccinated or receive regular tests for covid-19.
Blocking a Mandate, the Supreme Court ‘Sided With Covid-19’
To be clear, the legal resistance on display at the Supreme Court is not about vaccine efficacy or the idiosyncratic nuances of administrative law. It is to support Republican efforts everywhere to damage President Biden politically at the cost of suffering and death for millions of Americans.
Shame, shame on the Supreme Court.
Supreme Court saves Americans from Biden COVID vaccine mandate—but the fight is not over
As we have stated for months, the federal government doesn’t get to be your nanny, and it shouldn’t get to be your doctor. It has used this COVID-19 emergency to commandeer too many liberties that are solely afforded to sovereign states and free Americans. History has taught us that once a government takes rights from its citizens, they are almost never recovered. States must be vigilant and always ready to challenge a federal government that is growing too fast and too powerful.
US-Gericht stoppt Bidens Impfpflicht für Firmen – Auch Maskenpflichten fallen durch das Urteil.
Damit müssten Firmen mit mehr als 100 Angestellten zunächst nun doch nicht dafür sorgen, dass ihre Mitarbeiter entweder vollständig geimpft seien oder regelmäßig getestet würden. Auch eine Pflicht zum Tragen von Masken sei damit fürs Erste gestoppt.
Der nächste Rückschlag für Biden: Oberster Gerichtshof stoppt Impfpflicht
Der Oberste Gerichtshof der Vereinigten Staaten hat die von der Regierung Präsident Bidens angeordnete Impfpflicht in größeren Unternehmen gestoppt.
England ‚WILL scrap Covid passes and WFH at the end of the month’ because they are ‚hard to justify‘ now that Omicron is subsiding — with masks on trains and in shops the only curb left
Currently, people in England need to show proof of vaccination or a negative lateral flow to enter large events and nightclubs.
A Whitehall source told the newspaper: ‚There was always a very high threshold for the policy and it looks increasingly likely in a couple of weeks that threshold won‘t be met. The way cases are going it will be hard to justify renewing.‘
Herbe Schlappe für Joe Biden: Impfpflicht scheitert vorm Supreme Court
Die Regelung für Unternehmen wurde als wichtiges Druckmittel der Regierung gesehen, Angestellte angesichts der aufwendigen und regelmäßigen Tests zu einer Immunisierung zu bewegen, um die Impfquote in den USA zu steigern. Dort sind bislang lediglich 62,7 Prozent der Gesamtbevölkerung vollständig gegen das Coronavirus geimpft. Von den knapp 208 Millionen Geimpften haben nur rund 77 Millionen, oder 37 Prozent, zusätzlich eine Auffrischungsimpfung bekommen.
House GOP Leaders: No More Authoritarian Mandates
House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23), House Republican Whip Steve Scalise (LA-01), and House Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik (NY-21) released the following statement regarding the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the Biden administration’s unlawful vaccine mandate:
“President Biden’s vaccine mandates are unlawful and not based on science. They deny workers their livelihood, divide our society, and diminish liberty. They are bad policies that undermine public confidence in the vaccines and compound the President’s failure to fulfill his promise to ‘crush the virus.’
Biden‘s unconstitutional vaccine mandate for private employees has been struck down, with help from our objection in the Senate which was referenced in the majority opinion.
Schwere Schlappe für US Präsident Biden: Oberster Gerichtshof stoppt #COVID19-#Impfpflicht für US-Unternehmen.
BREAKING: Supreme Court blocks the Biden administration‘s vaccine-or-test rule for U.S. businesses, but allows a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for most health care workers.
Supreme Court puts an end to pandemic of the autocrat
The American work force is now safe from the unnecessary threat of its government
“Wir haben versagt”: Größte dänische Zeitung entschuldigt sich für die unkritische Veröffentlichung des offiziellen Covid-Narrativs
§“Es ist natürlich in erster Linie Aufgabe der Behörden, die Öffentlichkeit korrekt, genau und ehrlich zu informieren. Die Zahlen darüber, wie viele Menschen an Corona erkrankt sind und sterben, hätten aus offensichtlichen Gründen schon vor langer Zeit veröffentlicht werden müssen, damit wir uns ein möglichst klares Bild von dem Monster unter dem Bett machen können.
Insgesamt lassen die Botschaften der Behörden und Politiker an die Öffentlichkeit in dieser historischen Krise viel zu wünschen übrig. Und so lügen sie, wie sie es getan haben, wenn Teile der Bevölkerung das Vertrauen in sie verlieren.“