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Daily Archives: 10. Juni 2021
Save the date: BigBrotherAwards on June 11, 2021
On Friday, June 11, 2021 Digitalcourage and other civil rights organisations will present this year‘s BigBrotherAwards. The BigBrotherAwards, also known as the „Oscars für data leeches“, are “negative” or “anti” awards to draw public attention to companies, persons, institutions, or technologies whose actions severely infringe on fundamental rights and data privacy.
The awards ceremony will take place in the „Hechelei“, a historic location in Bielefeld, Germany. Due to Corona restrictions, we cannot yet confirm how many guests and media representatives will be able to be present. We are planning with a stringent hygienic concept and a limited number of participants. The awards ceremony will be broadcast as a livestream with simultaneous translation to English.
Geldvermögen und Verschuldung der privaten Haushalte
Geldvermögensbildung und Außenfinanzierung in Deutschland im vierten Quartal 2020
Zum Ende des Jahres 2020 belief sich das Geldvermögen der privaten Haushalte in Deutschland auf 6 950 Mrd € und war damit 211 Mrd € oder 3,1 % höher als im dritten Quartal.
Im selben Zeitraum erhöhten sich die Verbindlichkeiten der privaten Haushalte um 24 Mrd € auf 1 960 Mrd €.
Das Geldvermögen der nichtfinanziellen Kapitalgesellschaften stieg insgesamt auf 5 233 Mrd € und wuchs somit um 72 Mrd €.
„Geldvermögen der Deutschen auf Rekordhoch…fast 7 Billionen Euro…WIE DAS GELD VERTEILT IST, GEHT AUS DEN DATEN NICHT HERVOR.“ No shit Sherlock, das ist natürlich völlig unbeabsichtigt.
„Die Sparer“ haben 5,76 Billionen Euro auf dem Konto
Bundesbank: Geldvermögen der „privaten Haushalte und privaten Organisationen ohne Erwerbszweck“ steigt um eine Viertelbillion und deren Reinvermögen um eine halbe Billion Euro – innerhalb eines einzigen Jahres. Und allein in Deutschland bzw bei den Betreffenden mit Sitz in Deutschland und / oder seiner Staatsbürgerschaft.
EZB lässt Leitzins unverändert bei 0,0 Prozent
Die EZB hat in der Pandemie ein besonders flexibles Notkaufprogramm für Staatsanleihen und Wertpapiere von Unternehmen (Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme/PEPP) aufgelegt. Das Programm mit einem Volumen von inzwischen 1,85 Billionen Euro läuft bis mindestens Ende März 2022.
G7 summit: Why does it matter?
Do summits like this matter? „Occasionally!“ comes the answer from a former government insider who worked for years at the very top.
They warn that global get-togethers – however glamorous the location, however acute any particular political emergency, however good the freebies for the thousands of attendees – can descend into ‚waffelage‘.
Resigned to a nuclear deal revival, Gulf engages with foe Iran
Gulf officials worry that they lack the same clout with the Biden administration that they had under Trump. They lobbied to join the Vienna talks, but were rebuffed.
Work on final document at talks on Iran in Vienna to resume soon – Ryabkov
There are no problems at negotiations on the Iranian nuclear deal in Vienna, and the work on the final document will resume in the near future, Russia‘s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said on the sidelines of the international forum of experts, diplomats, and decision makers Primakov Readings in Moscow on Wednesday.
„Any Palestinian is exposed to monitoring by the Israeli Big Brother“: Testimonies from people who worked in the Israeli Intelligence Corps tell of a system where there were no boundaries
(12 Sep 2014)
„From a political standpoint, information is collected that can serve to manipulate Israeli, Palestinian and international politics.
Although ours is not actual field work, it has serious impact on the lives of many people, and this is something that I think soldiers in the unit forget when everyone just does their part. Since we’re so focused on not missing any important developments, we always prefer to assume the worst. For example, if anyone is suspected, even very faintly, it is possible that the stain will never fade, and that person will suffer sanctions as a result.
Our daily service dulls everyone’s sensitivity and this is reflected, for example, in running jokes about very personal things that come up in our intelligence material. Or, for instance, in the expression “blood on the headset”, or X’s marked on our headsets after assassinations.
After my discharge from the Intelligence Corps, I had a moment of shock while watching the film The Lives of Others, about the secret police in East Germany.
On the one hand, I felt solidarity with the victims, with the oppressed people who were denied such basic rights as I take for granted to be mine. On the other hand, I realised that the job I had done during my military service was that of the oppressor.
My first reaction as a discharged soldier was that we do the same things, only much more efficiently.“
IDF Lies About Espionage Charges Against Tomer Eiges, Cyber-intelligence Officer Who Died in Military Prison
We do not know for certain how Eiges, who a separate source told me committed suicide (though this fact is disputed by his family), managed to die. Though an autopsy was performed by a pathologist hired by the family, according to a family friend he was not able to determine a cause of death.
The IDF refuses to release any medical account of its own. It has performed its own secret investigation of the circumstances of Eiges death and refuses to release any accounting.
Intel Officer Who Died in Jail Was About to Compromise ‚Big Secret,‘ Says Israeli Army Chief
According to Kochavi, the secrecy, with which the affair was handled, was important „in order to safeguard his privacy and the privacy of his family … while guarding a big secret.“
Kochavi added that the IDF managed to stop „him at the last minute,“ before he caused harm.
„Wir können, also lasst es uns tun“: Über die Mentalität im elektronischen Polizeistaat
(12. November 2016)
Kontext B.N.D.-Gesetz: Die Allermeisten haben weder eine Ahnung was Totalüberwachung aka Massenüberwachung tatsächlich bedeutet, noch welcher Gefahr auch sie dabei ausgesetzt sind, selbst wenn sie sich noch so sehr anpassen und die technischen Möglichkeiten im 21. Jahrhundert über den privaten Konsum hinaus ignorieren. Welche Skrupellosigkeit und geistig-moralischen Verfall die Apparatschiks des elektronischen Polizeistaats bei ihrem Tun an den Tag legen, während gleichzeitig seit Jahren reguläre Polizei, Justiz und Rechtsstaat systemisch verschwinden, zeigen Berichte von Aussteigern, allerdings nicht aus Deutschland.
Everything That Can Be Said About the Mysterious Death of an Israeli Intel Officer
Those who knew the officer say he was regarded as a prodigy in the field of computers, which he studied in high school. At age 16, he participated in a program to encourage high-tech entrepreneurship for young people and completed a bachelor’s degree in computer science. He joined the Israel Defense Forces in March 2016 and served in an intelligence branch tech unit.
His friends told Haaretz he was an idealistic and brilliant individual who succeeded in all the assignments he was given. “He was a man of values and ideals, and they guided him in his work and in his philosophy of life,” said one.