Daily Archives: 8. Februar 2020

08.02.2020 - 19:50 [ antikrieg.com ]

Richterin würgt die Verteidigung der Verteidiger der venezolanischen Botschaft ab

Dies ist im Fall der Botschaftsbeschützer wichtig, weil die Regierung die Ausrede, die Botschaft zu betreten, um falsche Verhaftungen vorzunehmen, damit begründete, dass Carlos Vecchio, ein falscher Botschafter eines falschen Präsidenten, ihnen die Erlaubnis gab und die Vertreibung der Beschützer anordnete. Er war der Donald Duck für Micky Maus Guaido.

08.02.2020 - 18:48 [ teleSUR ]

Colombia: Paramilitary Black Eagles Threaten Social Activists

In the last few hours, in the capital of the country, a threatening pamphlet by the self-styled ‚Black Eagles‘ began to circulate threatening the promoters and defenders of the marches supporting the national strike.

08.02.2020 - 17:12 [ Radio Utopie / Twitter ]

..and if they‘re a progressive, they let you do it! @BernieSanders @AOC @krystalball @ggreenwald #IowaCaucuses2020 #norecanvasswanted (?!)

08.02.2020 - 16:28 [ Fox News ]

Buttigieg edges past Sanders in latest New Hampshire poll

The survey shows Buttigieg at 25 percent and Sanders at 24 percent support among likely Democratic primary voters in New Hampshire, according to Suffolk‘s latest daily tracking poll results from Thursday and Friday evenings. Buttigieg has surged 10 percentage points over three nights.

08.02.2020 - 12:35 [ Chris Bastian / Twitter ]

Isn‘t that the approach that got Al Gore into trouble?

08.02.2020 - 11:54 [ The Hill / Twitter ]

Question: „The DNC now has said they should recanvass. Do you want, are you going to call on them?“ Sen. Bernie Sanders: „We got enough of Iowa.“

08.02.2020 - 11:44 [ CNN ]

Iowa Democratic Party extends deadline for campaigns to ask for recanvass or recount

The deadline had been noon CT/1 p.m. ET on Friday, but the party said it was moving the deadline to the same time on Monday, giving campaigns three additional days to review the results and decide whether they want to challenge them.

The state party added that campaigns have until Saturday at noon CT/1 p.m. ET to „submit documentary evidence of inconsistencies between the data reported and the records of result for correction.“

08.02.2020 - 11:25 [ Des Moines Register ]

Iowa caucus results are in, but not final, as state Democratic Party asks campaigns to air their issues

Party officials on Friday invited presidential campaigns to report errors in the delegate count and gave them until noon Saturday to do so. The campaigns also have until noon Monday to ask for a recanvass of results from all 1,700-plus precincts — a deadline the party announced it had extended about 30 minutes before the initial deadline of noon Friday expired.

08.02.2020 - 11:21 [ Fox News / Youtube ]

Iowa Democratic Party chair holds a press conference

Iowa Democratic Party Chair Troy Price holds a press conference on the Iowa Caucus process.

08.02.2020 - 11:19 [ WQAD.com ]

Watch: Iowa Democratic party chair holds press conference on caucus status

Friday, February 7, at 3:30 p.m., Iowa Democratic Party Chair Troy Price started speaking at the Northwestern Hotel to discuss updates in the 2020 Iowa Caucus process.

08.02.2020 - 11:07 [ Vice.com ]

Bernie Got Robbed in Iowa, And It Could Throw Fuel on His War With the Democrats


Polling averages suggested that Sanders was running away with it in Iowa. And that would have likely propelled a multimillion-dollar surge in donations and positive media coverage, particularly since it appears as though the presumptive frontrunner, former Vice President Joe Biden, severely underperformed.

Instead, the delay in results created an information vacuum that quickly turned into a circular firing squad of recriminations on the left.

08.02.2020 - 11:01 [ FiveThirtyEight.com ]

Iowa Might Have Screwed Up The Whole Nomination Process


Actually, we had to do more than that. Since the nomination process is sequential — states vote one at a time rather than all at once — we had to determine, empirically, how much the results of one state can affect the rest.

The answer in the case of Iowa is that it matters a lot.

08.02.2020 - 10:27 [ WSWS:org ]

Democrats seek to suppress Sanders victory in Iowa

Iowa state Democratic Party Chairman Troy Price said that he was prepared to order a recanvass, but only if requested by one of the campaigns, not by Perez, who has no actual authority to order the review. None of the campaigns has yet requested a recanvass, and it is not clear that any of them will, since those candidates who finished below the top two, including Warren, former Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Amy Klobuchar, want the public to forget about Iowa as quickly as possible.

08.02.2020 - 10:15 [ WSWS.org ]

Demokraten wollen Sanders Sieg in Iowa totschweigen

Der Vorsitzende der Demokraten von Iowa, Troy Price, erklärte sich bereit, eine Überprüfung anzuordnen. Diese müsste allerdings von einem der Wahlkampfteams beantragt werden, da Perez keine Befugnis dazu hat. Bisher hat keines der Wahlkampfteams eine Überprüfung beantragt. Es ist unklar, ob es dazu kommen wird, denn die Kandidaten, die auf die zwei Bestplatzierten folgen, (darunter Warren, der ehemalige Vizepräsiden Joe Biden und Senatorin Amy Klobuchar) wollen die Vorwahl in Iowa so schnell wie möglich aus dem Gedächtnis der Öffentlichkeit verbannen.

08.02.2020 - 09:13 [ ZDF ]

Thüringen-Krise – GroKo versucht sich in Schadensbegrenzung

Über die Thüringen-Krise beraten die Spitzen von Union und SPD an diesem Samstag im Koalitionsausschuss. Die SPD hatte um das Krisentreffen im Kanzleramt gebeten, nachdem die CDU in Erfurt zusammen mit der AfD den FDP-Politiker Thomas Kemmerich zum Ministerpräsidenten gewählt hatte. Die Sozialdemokraten dringen auf Neuwahlen – die dortigen Christdemokraten wollen dies jedoch vermeiden.

08.02.2020 - 08:40 [ Georg Mascolo, Florian Flade / Tagesschau ]

Attentat im Kleinen Tiergarten: Einfacher Mord oder Staatsterrorismus?

Zahlreiche Ermittler des Berliner Landeskriminalamtes (LKA) und des Bundeskriminalamtes (BKA) sind nun seit Monaten mit der Aufklärung befasst. Sie sollen die wichtige Frage klären: Hat K. den Mord im Kleinen Tiergarten im Auftrag Moskaus begangen? War es demnach kein gewöhnlicher Mord, sondern ein Akt des Staatsterrorismus?

08.02.2020 - 08:31 [ Tagesschau ]

Anschlag in Halle: Neues Video wirft Fragen zu Polizeieinsatz auf

Um 12:17 Uhr, nachdem er einen weiteren Menschen in einem Dönerimbiss wenige Straßen entfernt getötet hatte, fuhr Stephan B. noch einmal an der Synagoge und an den inzwischen eingetroffenen Polizisten vorbei. Nach dem Auto wurde zu diesem Zeitpunkt bereits gefahndet, der Täter wurde allerdings nicht von der Polizei stoppt.

Durch das Video wird deutlich, dass die eingesetzten Polizisten bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt offenbar wenig um Eigenschutz bemüht waren.

08.02.2020 - 02:37 [ KUNC ]

Trump Administration Releases Final Plans For Grand Staircase, Bears Ears National Monuments

“The Trump administration’s effort to preempt any adverse ruling by prematurely finalizing the land management planning process for the illegally declared Shash Jaa and Indian Creek units, unequivocally demonstrates a complete disregard for Native American concerns and blatant disrespect for the cultural landscape protections the Tribes have sought,” Clark Tenakhongva, vice chairman of the Hopi Tribe and the coalition leader wrote in a press release.

08.02.2020 - 02:27 [ KUNC ]

Company Eyes Massive Lithium Deposit On Public Lands In Nevada

Cattle rancher Jhona Bell, for one, has concerns.

“Well, it takes out a lot of our range, and it has a huge economic impact for us,“ she said. „Obviously you can’t run cattle where there’s a mine.“

Bell said she’s also concerned about water usage, land reclamation and traffic.

08.02.2020 - 02:17 [ Reuters ]

China‘s Ganfeng to take control of Argentina lithium project

China’s Ganfeng Lithium Co said on Friday it will take control of an Argentina lithium project it has been developing with Lithium Americas Corp, cementing its control over a key source of the white metal for electric vehicle batteries.