2020 Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders discusses immigration, national security, Mueller‘s report, and more during his town hall.
2020 Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders discusses immigration, national security, Mueller‘s report, and more during his town hall.
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders discusses his tax returns, his tax plan, the perception of socialism, calls for new Democratic leadership, a potential Biden candidacy and health care with moderators Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum.
Die neue EU-feindliche Brexit-Partei von Nigel Farage liegt laut Yougov im Vereinigten Königreich mit 27 Prozent deutlich vorn. Die größte Oppositionspartei Labour kommt demnach auf 22 Prozent, die regierenden Konservativen auf nur 15.
In our first poll on the forthcoming EU Parliament elections last week Nigel Farage’s new outfit stormed into third place with 15% of the vote. This was despite the Brexit Party not having formally launched.
Now, following the burst of publicity that came with their official formation, our second poll, conducted for the People’s Vote, shows the Brexit Party leapfrogging into first place on 27% of the vote.
Nigel Farage launched the new Brexit Party with Annunizta Rees-Mogg last week
Im März vergangenen Jahres legte er sein Amt des Präsidenten nieder und kam damit einem zweiten Amtsenthebungsverfahren zuvor. Der erstes Versuch, ihn aus dem Präsidentenamt zu entfernen, war zuvor gescheitert, nachdem sich eine Gruppe von konservativen Abgeordneten um die konservative Politikerin Kenji Fujimori überraschend enthalten hatte. Wenige Tage später begnadigte Kuczynski den wegen Korruption und Menschenrechtsverletzungen verurteilten Ex-Präsidenten (1990-2000) und Vater der Politikerin, Alberto Fujimori.
When the authorities arrived at the home of the former president, Alan García, with an arrest warrant, he locked himself into his bedroom, shot himself and was rushed to a hospital, his personal secretary told reporters.
The charges relate to Odebrecht, a Brazilian construction giant, which last year admitted to $800 million in payoffs in exchange for lucrative contracts for projects including roads, dams and bridges.
Peru‘s former president has died after shooting himself in the head to avoid arrest over corruption allegations, said officials.
The current leader of the South American country, Martin Vizcarra, confirmed that Alan Garcia had died, saying he was „dismayed“.
Am gestrigen Dienstag erreichte eine Lieferung des Roten Kreuzes das Land. Laut CNN kamen 30 Lastwagen in Venezuela an. Sie brachten neben Medizin auch chirurgisches Material, Notfallgeneratoren und andere Hilfsgüter ins Land. Medienberichten zufolge sind ebenfalls Flugzeuge mit Lieferungen angekommen. Die Aufwendungen des Roten Kreuzes für die Hilfe in Venezuela sollen verdreifacht werden. Derweil bittet die internationale Organisation alle politischen Lager darum, die Hilfe nicht politisch zu instrumentalisieren.
Craig Murray connected the event to imperialism: “France is a country which has spent hundreds of billions of euros on nuclear Weapons of Mass Destruction, and hundreds of billions of euros on other military capabilities. France possesses the technological capability to utterly flatten a city the size of Paris in minutes. Yet it does not possess the technological capability to prevent one of its greatest buildings from being destroyed by fire.”
Der französische Innenminister Laurent Nunez lobte die Arbeit der Feuerwehrleute, die ihr Leben bei dem Großeinsatz riskierten. Die Rettung der Kathedrale sei auf einen entscheidenden Zeitrahmen von 15 bis 30 Minuten zurückzuführen, berichtete der Politiker.
When he left the building about 20 minutes later, Vexo said there was still no evidence of a fire, adding that he thought it was a false alarm.
Monsignor Patrick Chauvet, the rector of Notre Dame, told French radio station France Inter that the cathedral has fire supervisors who go up to the attic to examine the frame three times a day.
Auf mehrmalige rbb-Anfragen wollen sich zunächst weder Staatsanwaltschaft noch Polizei äußern. Nach einigem Hin und Her teilt die Berliner Generalstaatsanwaltschaft dann schriftlich mit, das Verfahren gegen den Beamten W. sei eingestellt worden und stehe „im Zusammenhang mit einem weiteren Ermittlungsverfahren, bei dem eine Auskunftserteilung einer Ermittlungsgefährdung entgegensteht“. Was das genau bedeutet, möchte die Staatsanwaltschaft auch auf Nachfrage nicht erläutern.
While many are mourning the partial destruction of this monument, this article highlights times during the last decade when multiple other equally important historical and cultural sites have also been lost or damaged due to wars, negligence or mere foolishness by human actions.
This latest demonstration comes as Moreno’s administration has openly aligned with the U.S. backed right-wing governments from Latin America. In the last couple of months, oil prices went up, unemployment rates are at a record high, and just recently the government signed a US$4.2 billion dollar deal with the IMF, announcing that a set of austerity measures will be implemented starting 2019.
Der Minustah-Einsatz war 2004 vom UN-Sicherheitsrat maßgeblich auf US-Initiative hin beschlossen worden und kostete nach offiziellen Angaben rund 7,2 Milliarden Euro.
MINUJUSTH will be gradually drawn down over the coming months and end on October 15, according to a US-drafted resolution that the council adopted on Friday.
The resolution was adopted by a vote of 13 in favor in the 15-member council. Russia and the Dominican Republic abstained.
Paris public prosecutor Rémy Heitz announced on Tuesday that firefighters were called to the world-famous cathedral at 6.20pm CET, almost half an hour before the roof caught fire.
But after an initial inspection they said they were unable to find any evidence of fire.
Staff checked under the roof and saw nothing, according to a Paris judicial official, speaking anonymously.
But 23 minutes later a second smoke detector went off, at which point it was too late to stop the inferno.
„We are favouring the theory of an accident,“ he said, adding that 50 people were working on a „long“ and „complex“ probe into what caused the blaze.
He said they would be interviewing workers from five companies that had been hired to work on renovations to the cathedral‘s roof, which was where the fire is thought to have started.