For days Theresa May and a phalanx of Cabinet ministers have told us this renegotiation was impossible. Europe still agrees and says it‘s not negotiating anything with Donald Tusk warning tonight ‚as time is running out‘ they would begin preparing for a no deal scenario.
Daily Archives: 10. Dezember 2018
Britisches Unterhaus: May verschiebt Brexit-Abstimmung
Entscheidend war am Ende aber der Widerstand in den eigenen Reihen: May und ihre Fraktionsführer hatten in den vergangenen Tagen alles versucht, um die konservativen Abgeordneten auf Kurs zu bringen. Gelockt und gedroht, in Gruppensitzungen und Einzelgesprächen, doch nach diesem Wochenende war klar: Etwa ein Drittel der konservativen Parlamentarier würde mit Nein votieren. May zog jetzt die Notbremse und nahm die Abstimmung von der Tagesordnung.
In full: Theresa May delays the vote on her Brexit deal
In her statement to the House of Commons, Theresa May tells MPs she has „listened very carefully“ to the three days of debate on her Brexit deal.
Macron bows to protesters‘ demands and says: I know I have hurt some of you
In a long-awaited address on primetime television, the president tried to talk the protesters out of further action, promising a rise in the minimum wage and tax concessions.
In a mea culpa, Macron said he had heard and understood protesters’ anger and indignation, which he said was “deep and in many ways legitimate”.
France yellow vest protests: Macron promises wage rise
The minimum wage would increase by €100 per month from 2019, he said.
A planned tax increase for low-income pensioners would be cancelled, overtime pay would no longer be taxed, and employers would be encouraged to pay a tax-free end of year bonus to employees, he added.
However, he refused to reinstate a tax on the wealthy, saying „this would weaken us, we need to create jobs“.
Rede zur Lage der Nation: Macron kommt „Gelbwesten“ entgegen
Fraglich ist, ob die Zugeständnisse ausreichen werden. Die Forderungen der „Gelbwesten“ sind noch weitgehender – sie fordern unter anderem die Erhöhung der Kaufkraft der Bevölkerung sowie mehr direkte Demokratie. Für kommenden Samstag gibt es bereits neue Aufrufe zu Protesten.
Atomwaffen vor Gericht
Die Friedensaktivist*innen, darunter ein IPPNW-Mitglied, haben mehrere Anträge vorbereitet, um darzulegen, dass die Aktion des Zivilen Ungehorsams angesichts der Bedrohung, die von den Atomwaffen in Büchel ausgeht, mit dem Grundgesetz vereinbar ist.
Lingen: Es brannte doch im nuklearen Bereich
Der Bundesverband Bürgerinitiativen Umweltschutz (BBU) forderte am Freitag die sofortige Stilllegung der Anlage. Der BBU hatte schon zuvor eine Stilllegung gefordert – und zwar erst wenige Stunden vor dem Feuer am Donnerstag. In einer Presseerklärung verwies der BBU dabei auf zwei meldepflichtige Ereignisse in jüngster Vergangenheit.
Brexit: Theresa May verschiebt angeblich Parlamentsabstimmung über Deal mit EU
Die für Dienstagabend geplante Brexit-Abstimmung ist offenbar geplatzt, berichten britische Medien.
Mexiko: Zwei ermordete Journalisten innerhalb einer Woche
In der ersten Woche der Amtszeit des neuen Präsidenten Andrés Manuel López Obradors wurden bereits zwei Journalisten erschossen. Die Morde sind ernüchternd für diejenigen, die gehofft hatten, unter dem neuen Präsidenten würde sich in Mexiko schlagartig alles zum Guten wenden.
Gipfeltreffen von Konservativen und Rechten aus Lateinamerika in Brasilien
Eduardo Bolsonaro fordete am Samstag zudem, die Regierungen Venezuelas, Kubas und Nicaraguas vor internationalen Gerichten anzuklagen. Er bot „Brasilien als Standort für einen möglichen Prozess gegen die Diktaturen der drei Länder“ an. „Es wäre eine große Befriedigung für unser Land, ein solches Gericht in Brasilien anzusiedeln“, sagte er.
Richard Tice – „A second referendum would be brutal, it will be ugly, it will be the most divisive thing this country has ever seen. „But, I regret to say, we are preparing for it because the Parliamentarians are not carrying out the will of the people.“ #Brexit
The ‘People’s Vote’ campaign’s latest struggle with the truth
Oh dear. People’s Vote has always suffered from a slight problem with its name, which implies somehow that it wasn’t human beings who voted in the 2016 referendum – maybe they think it was cloven-hoofed beasts or potted plants who condemned us to Brexit. Its latest struggle with truth is not going to help it in its campaign to try to reverse the result of that referendum. Indeed, one of its arguments – that voters were somehow misguided by fibs by the Leave campaign – would seem to be somewhat undermined.
„Has the way that Parliament has responded to #Brexit increased your trust in politics, damaged your trust, or made no difference?“ – Increased 2% – Damaged 44% – No difference, had trust & still do 8% – No difference, never had trust & still don‘t 37% – YouGov Dec 7
Brexit: What happens next? Here‘s how this incredible week could unfold
The Prime Minister is facing a vote that could topple her government. Here is your day-by-day guide to what could lie ahead – though of course, it could all change dramatically
Sky Views: Election call, Mars attacks? Possible outcomes of Brexit vote
Even more than with the other upsets in world politics in recent years, nobody knows what is going to happen as a result of the meaningful vote in the Commons next week on the deal the prime minister has agreed to take Britain out of the EU.
Not UKIP, but a new party will evolve from the ineffectual dithering of this government, Labour will also feel the brunt of this.
‘I will not LIE DOWN!’ Farage lines up SENSATIONAL return to politics with NEW party
Nigel Farage told the Sunday Telegraph: „I sense within me I have not fought my biggest battle yet – that is how it feels. Whether it is happenstance, serendipity, destiny.
„I am not going to lie down and watch it go down the plug hole. I couldn‘t do that, and I won‘t do that.
If Tommy Robinson is a monster, the left is his Dr Frankenstein
I don’t know if Robinson has an agent, but if he does he should sack him, because he has an army of agents on the left who are cultivating and inflaming the Tommy Robinson phenomenon literally for free.
Michael Portillo – “The EU has made a strategic error, short of marching PM May into a railway carriage in Compiègne Forest, they could not have produced a more humiliating surrender. “History tells us when you humiliate countries with a surrender, it doesn’t go well.“ #Brexit
Michael Portillo – „We have learnt that the EU is quite thuggish. It is almost mafia-like. It has held a gun to our head. How exactly that commends this organisation to us. „It is a kind of protectionist racket. If we try to be outside they are going to bully us again.“ #Brexit
“You’re talking nonsense.” – Alastair Campbell to journalist Jenni Russell. “That is exactly the kind of attitude, that kind of arrogance that is going to destroy the Remain campaign.” – Jenni to Alastair @campbellclaret | @jennirsl | #newsnight |
„If you turn the EU club into a prison, the desire to get out won‘t diminish it will grow“ – Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt addresses EU leaders during party conference speech
Many Labour Party supporters voted Leave as well . That’s Corbyn’s dilemma. Brexit has split all parties.
No surprise here. All that is needed now is a binding motion from a remain dominated Parliament and Brexit is finished. This is crunch time. If Parliament defies the people it will lose the confidence of the nation permanently and the U.K. will cease to be a democracy.
Channel 4 Brexit Debate audience member accuses Theresa May of ‘TREASON’ and betraying Leave voters
Kicking off Sunday night‘s debate, the woman said: “Leavers reject Theresa May’s deal and her treasonous behaviour. She is ceding control, not taking back control.
“And how dare she abandon the rights of the citizens of Northern Ireland?”
Responding to that host Krishnan Guru-Murthy said: “Well treasonous is very strong language”.
Labour‘s back sliding and betrayal of its working class .. Labour no longer a party supporting democracy… a leader in betrayal of people who voted to rid ourselves of authoritarian regimes like the EU.. Labour working firmly for the elites the mob.. Jeremy Corbyn the traitor
Jeremy Corbyn gives strongest signal yet that Remain would be on ballot paper in second referendum
When questioned by Political Editor Robert Peston on the topic of a second Brexit vote, Mr Corbyn gave his clearest indication yet that Remain would be an option, by saying another referendum would have to be „qualitatively different to the one held before“ and that there would „have to be an option there of what‘s on offer“ in terms of a Brexit deal, suggesting the choice would be between that and Remain.
Mr Corbyn continued that a second vote could be held while still respecting the outcome of the June 2016 referendum.
Brexit vote: The ultimate guide
What are the amendments?
The Labour Party amendment is designed to make sure Britain cannot leave the EU without an exit agreement.
This means Mrs May‘s threat that it‘s her deal or no deal would not sit with the Commons, and Britain would have to stay in the European Union until a new agreement is reached and passed.
A cross-party group has tabled a similar amendment, which blocks Mrs May‘s deal and rules out a no-deal Brexit.
UK can cancel Brexit without EU‘s permission rules European Court of Justice
Today‘s verdict by the European Court of Justice has put rocket fuel in calls for Brexit to be stopped
Theresa May begs EU to help save her hated Brexit deal ahead of historic vote — as senior figures give Commons vote 50/50 chance of going ahead
The PM was holed up in her Chequers country retreat with close aides on Sunday night as she wrestled with whether to go ahead with a landmark Commons vote on it on Tuesday.
Da redet Herr #Schäuble jetzt von Rache, die er gegen #Merkel gerade selbst zu praktizieren versuchte. In christlicher Deutung dürfte die Bezeichnung „Pharisäer“ für ihn treffend sein. Aber das Hinterzimmerspielchen mit Merz ging schön schief.
Wolfgang Schäuble warnt vor Rache-Aktionen @BILD
Macron to meet unions as pressure over ‚gilets jaunes‘ grows
France‘s beleaguered President Emmanuel Macron will hold talks with business leaders and trade unions Monday after a fourth weekend of protests that have challenged his grip on power.
Macron, who will also meet political leaders and local officials,
„Gelbwesten“-Proteste: Macron kündigt Rede an Nation an
Nach den Protesten der vergangenen Wochen reagiert nun auch Frankreichs Präsident Emmanuel Macron auf die „Gelbwesten“. Er kündigte für Montagabend eine Rede an die Nation an.
PSUV Wins Majority in Local Elections: Venezuelan Authorities
The National Electoral Council of Venezuela (CNE) announced that out of the 335 electoral lists across the country, 156 of them had been designated, and of those 142 were won by the governing United Socialist Party on Sunday, with 92 percent of the vote counted by 10.30 p.m. local time.
Rosanell Eaton, Fierce Voting Rights Advocate, Dies at 97
During the civil rights turmoil of the 1960s, she and her family were threatened repeatedly by night riders, according to federal court papers. She awoke several times to the crackle of burning crosses outside her home. Farm equipment was damaged one night, and bullets were fired into a shed and into the farmhouse. One struck just below her bedroom window.
University of Sydney Professor Tim Anderson Suspended for “Criticism of War Propaganda against Syria, Iraq and Palestine”
Global Research is in solidarity with Professor Tim Anderson who was suspended from his position as Senior Lecturer at the University of Sydney, Australia.
This decision by the University’s Provost was largely motivated by Professor Anderson’s research and public statements on Syria, Iraq and Palestine including Anderson’s carefully documented book entitled The Dirty War on Syria. (…)
Jordan Baker, Sydney Morning Herald, December 7, 2018:
By Friday afternoon 30 academics, including several emeritus professors, had signed the open letter arguing that academic freedom was “meaningless if it is suspended when its exercise is deemed offensive.”…
Assam tea garden workers criticise Narendra Modi for ‚chaiwala‘ references, urge PM to implement promised minimum wage
The tea labourers of Assam live in the most deplorable conditions without some of the basic amenities, Gowala said.
Urheberrecht: BAMF untersagt, eine Dienstanweisung zu veröffentlichen – wir tun es trotzdem
(7.12.2018) Eine Dienstanweisung des BAMF zu Dublin-Verfahren soll urheberrechtlich geschützt sein. Das Bundesamt hat uns die Dienstanweisung nach einer Informationsfreiheitsanfrage geschickt, aber wir dürften sie nicht veröffentlichen. Doch mit Zensurheberrecht Dokumente von der Öffentlichkeit fernzuhalten, schränkt die Meinungs- und Informationsfreiheit ein.