Archiv: Jimmy Dore

06.12.2022 - 03:16 [ The Jimmy Dore Show / Rumble ]

Matt Taibbi On Twitter’s Hunter Biden Deliberations! SF OKs Deadly Police Robots! W/ Max Blumenthal


06.12.2022 - 03:09 [ Glenn Greenwald / Nitter ]

Starting live on Rumble in just a few minutes, @jimmy_dore speaks to @mtaibbi about his reporting on Twitter‘s pre-election censorship of articles on Joe Biden‘s business activities in Ukraine and China, and the media‘s reaction to Matt‘s story:


18.11.2022 - 10:26 [ Jimmy Dore / Nitter ]

She’s going down as someone who amassed over $100 million dollars while in office.

“Show me a man that gets rich by being a politician, and I’ll show you a crook” – Harry Truman

18.08.2022 - 02:50 [ @PeoplesParty_US / Nitter ]

“The mask is completely lifting on the empire right now and more and more people are seeing it but they have nowhere to go in the two party system… The fear is that someone like you steps out and gives people hope.” – @MaxBlumenthal on #Dore24

18.08.2022 - 02:18 [ the Jimmy Dore Show / Rumble ]

Dems Have A Sad Over Liz Cheney’s Primary Loss! Moderna Trashes 30M Vax Doses! W/ Jackson Hinkle

Join the Email list:

27.07.2022 - 16:26 [ Jimmy Dore / Nitter ]

Joe Biden is the cure for Trump the same way sugar cures Diabetes. Democrat voters are straight up delusional Chumps of the highest order. They’re SURE the Washington Generals are gonna win next time for sure. Absolute Chumps on purpose who love their oppressors.

15.07.2022 - 15:29 [ ]

Jimmy Dore is considering running for president. He could win.


Through his show, Jimmy has consistently lead and been right on issues like RussiaGate, the chemical attack in Syria, the DNC rigging a second election against Bernie, the CARES Act bailout for Wall Street, Covid vaccine mandates and lockdowns, Bernie’s spinelessness, the Squad’s careerism, and the need for a major new populist party free of corporate money.

His #ForceTheVote campaign reshaped US politics by exposing that even progressives like AOC are quickly corrupted by the Democratic Party. The People’s Party was the only major national organization to partner with Jimmy and demand a floor vote on Medicare for All in the middle of the pandemic.

When Jimmy asked him about running on the show, Chris Hedges said the media would dredge up something he said or did, or allegedly said or did, and use it to attack him endlessly. He’s right, they would do this to any independent populist who truly challenges the corporate state, but as Ralph pointed out, we’re in a very different political and media age from when he ran in 2000.

We’ve been through two great recessions and a pandemic that were used to crush us and create super billionaires. People are working more, making less, and living worse. Faith in institutions has collapsed across society, including the major parties, the media, big business, the banks, the courts, and schools. Trust in government is at historic lows. The number of independents is at record highs. And a majority of Americans want a major new party and an independent candidate for president.

10.07.2021 - 19:10 [ Glenn Greenwald ]

An Ugly War Among Leftist YouTubers Shows Two Common, Toxic Pathologies Plaguing U.S. Politics

While I used my social media platforms to denounce the false accusations voiced by Uygur and Kasparian against Maté, none of this would merit an article or stand-alone commentary if not for the fact that the two weapons they chose — false accusations that someone is a paid Russian agent and exploited sexual harassment accusations — have become extremely commonplace in Democratic Party politics, liberal circles and U.S. politics more broadly. It is long past time — way past time — that these tactics be rejected and scorned by everyone regardless of ideology or personality preferences.

29.06.2021 - 10:47 [ Jimmy Dore / Twitter ]

America is terrorizing & bombing the middle east again. We’re the terrorists. We’re the Imperialists. We’re the blood thirsty murdering psychopaths. We’re the Bad guys. This is without Trump. Congrats!

04.01.2021 - 10:37 [ The Jimmy Dore Show / Youtube ]

DSA Deny Their Own Manifesto Of Advocating #ForceTheVote


We demand that every progressive in Congress refuse to vote for Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the House until she publicly pledges to bring Medicare for all to the floor of the House for a vote in January:

31.12.2020 - 04:55 [ Movement for a People’s Party / Twitter ]

#ForceTheVote Town Hall

30.12.2020 - 19:10 [ ]

#ForceTheVote Town Hall

Dear progressive members of Congress,

We invite you to join us at a live town hall meeting on Wednesday at 8:30 pm ET to discuss forcing a vote on Medicare for all.

Tens of millions of Americans are struggling without health care in the middle of a pandemic and we have a fleeting opportunity to bring Medicare for all to the floor of the House for a vote. Medicare for all is overwhelmingly popular and forcing the vote has enormous support in the progressive movement. Please join thousands of your biggest supporters to discuss #ForceTheVote.

30.12.2020 - 19:00 [ @JohnKramarz / Twitter ]

Here‘s #MyStory , or at least one of them, to #ForceTheVote on #M4A Thanks @jimmy_dore for forcing this issue!

30.12.2020 - 18:53 [ Sherrie Scott / Twitter ]

Hey @jimmy_dore This is #MyStory let’s #ForceTheVote

29.12.2020 - 11:55 [ ]

Susan Sarandon, Rose McGowan, Justin Jackson Join New People’s Party Advisory Council

Joining the Advisory Council are labor leaders, nonprofit leaders, students, scientists, artists, commentators, and elected officials including:

– Amaya Wangeshi — Founder of Beyond Bernie, former volunteer national high school director Bernie 2020
– Chase Iron Eyes — Co-founder of the Last Real Indians
– Cheng-Sim Lim — Board member of Healthcare for All LA, national Bernie Delegate
– Chris Smalls — Founder of The Congress of Essential Workers, led national-reported Amazon warehouse walkout
– Dr. Cornel West — Public intellectual, Harvard professor, author, co-host of The Tight Rope Podcast
– Eleanor Goldfield — Activist, singer, writer, host of Act Out!, creator of Art Killing Apathy
– Eynelys García — Host of the Eynelys Show and YRLA
– Jimmy Dore — Host of The Jimmy Dore Show, host of several Comedy Central Specials, political comedian
– Justin Jackson — NFL running back, LA Chargers
– Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap — National Director, Move to Amend
– Maebe A Girl — Silver Lake Councilwoman, first drag queen elected to public office in the U.S.
– Medea Benjamin — Co-founder of Code Pink
– Mike McCorkle — Former chair of the Progressive Democrats of Colorado, lawyer, national Bernie delegate
– Rep. Mike Sylvester — Maine State Representative, endorsed by DSA
– Omar Fernandez — President of the American Postal Workers Union of VT, executive council member of the VT AFL-CIO
– Dr. Peter Kalmus — Climate scientist, author, Bernie 2020 surrogate
– Ron Placone — Host of Get Your News on with Ron, political comedian
– Rose McGowan — Cultural Resetter, Time Magazine Person of the Year, founder of the Rose Army, NYT bestselling author
– Ryan Knight — Host of the Amped Up Podcast, Medicare for all advocate
– Susan Sarandon — Academy-award winning Actress, nominated for nine Golden Globes, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, activist

21.12.2020 - 22:12 [ The Jimmy Dore Show / Youtube ]

Force The Vote is Trending! Pressure Campaign on Politicians Getting Stronger.


21.12.2020 - 00:12 [ Movement for a People´s Party ]

Dr. Cornel West and Jimmy Dore join the People’s Party Advisory Council, launch MPP organizing campaign to Force The Vote on Medicare for all

Public intellectual and Harvard professor Dr. Cornel West and political comedian Jimmy Dore have joined the People’s Party Advisory Council. Together with the Movement for a People’s Party, they are launching the Force The Vote petition and organizing campaign. The campaign aims to pressure The Squad and House progressives to refuse to vote for Rep. Nancy Pelosi as Speaker until she publicly pledges to bring Medicare for all to the floor of the House for a vote. Nearly 10,000 people signed the petition overnight.

Dore hosted Dr. West on The Jimmy Dore Show Friday evening where they broke the news. “We’re joining forces with the Movement for a People’s Party. We are,” said Dore. “There’s never a wrong time to do the right thing. And now is the time, in the middle of a deadly pandemic. There’s never been a better time to have a Medicare for all vote.”

20.12.2020 - 23:48 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

The Revolutionary Struggle Is A Fight Between Movement And Inertia


The pandemic and a Democrat-controlled House presents a once-in-a-century opportunity to shove hard toward getting Americans the same healthcare rights afforded to everyone else in every major country on earth and forcing all House Democrats who oppose it to expose themselves to their constituents instead of passing the blame to the Republicans. With things getting more and more desperate, waiting for the next once-in-a-century opportunity to even begin pushing is a ridiculous proposition.

20.12.2020 - 23:45 [ ]

Former Sanders spokesperson: Progressive base confused by ‚ambiguity‘ over how to replace


In contrast, she said, “this question of whether Pelosi should be ousted altogether, and whether we have to do so because there’s not someone in the ranks, is a new one.”

“It’s an interesting conversation given that we’ve had now two years of these progressive ‘Squad’ members in office who came in really hot to do something about Nancy Pelosi and to threaten her leadership at that point,” she added.

20.12.2020 - 23:27 [ Business Insider ]

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez rejects left-wing calls to force Pelosi to hold a ‚Medicare for All‘ vote in exchange for her vote for the speaker


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is publicly rejecting those calls, saying that Democrats don‘t have the votes to pass „Medicare for All“ in the House and there are other options the party has that would affect real change.

20.12.2020 - 23:20 [ Movement for a People’s Party / Twitter ]

There‘s a feud on the political left right now. It all started when @jimmy_dore made a video arguing that House progressives should refuse to re-elect Nancy Pelosi as House Speaker unless she puts #MedicareForAll to a floor vote.

Via @caitoz
. #ForceTheVote

08.12.2020 - 11:55 [ Jimmy Dore / Twitter ]

Progressives in congress CAN actually force a Med4all vote if they withhold their vote for Pelosi as speaker to do it. I ask all progressives to pressure ur favorite progressive congressperson to withhold their Vote 4 Pelosi & demand a Med4all vote!


15.10.2020 - 04:10 [ Jimmy Dore / Twitter ]

Facebook & Twitter are extensions of the Surveillance State & the Intelligence Community. This is straight up 100% censorship and as always , will come back to be used against the left, i mean, it already is being used against the left, you all just don’t notice or care.

21.08.2020 - 18:00 [ Mo / Twitter ]

Speakers at the @4aPeoplesParty convention:







This line up has me fired up!
This is the party that represents me

Mark your calendars: August 30th!

21.08.2020 - 16:58 [ Jimmy Dore / Twitter ]

FYI: Constitution was „Shredded“ on 9-11, U now live in a 100% surveillance state, U have no right to privacy, U have no 4th Amendment protections, & the Democrats voted for it, and Obama/Biden renewed it! & then repealed Habeas Corpus!

17.08.2020 - 14:27 [ Movement for a People´s Party ]


One week after the Democratic and Republican national conventions, people from all walks of life will come together to discuss the state of the nation and plans to form a major new political party in America. A party free of corporate money and influence. A people’s party.

Join us on Sunday, August 30, from 4-6 pm Eastern Time for The People’s Convention.

The Convention will be digital and broadcast live to YouTube, Facebook and Twitter pages with well over a million subscribers and followers. Sign up for more information and updates.

17.08.2020 - 14:21 [ Jamie York, Antiwar Veteran / Twitter ]

Vote for who you want in 2020, but It’s time to help build the People’s Party. The convention is Aug. 30 with Nina Turner, Cornel West, Ryan Knight, and Jimmy Dore speaking. Register to participate.

12.08.2020 - 08:21 [ Movement for a People´s Party ]


One week after the Democratic and Republican national conventions, people from all walks of life will come together to discuss the state of the nation and plans to form a major new political party in America. A party free of corporate money and influence. A people’s party.

Join us on Sunday, August 30, from 4-6 pm Eastern Time for The People’s Convention.

The Convention will be digital and broadcast live to YouTube, Facebook and Twitter pages with well over a million subscribers and followers. Sign up for more information and updates.

12.08.2020 - 08:16 [ Jennifer won't vote for Biden Green2020 / Twitter ]

Both parties have failed us miserably. The Democrats campaigned to end our movement. We need a new party.

Join @4aPeoplesParty
for The People‘s Convention with @ninaturner
, @CornelWest
, @ProudSocialist
, @JimmyDoreShow
and more on Aug 30.

10.08.2020 - 06:11 [ Movement for a People´s Party ]


One week after the Democratic and Republican national conventions, people from all walks of life will come together to discuss the state of the nation and plans to form a major new political party in America. A party free of corporate money and influence. A people’s party.

Join us on Sunday, August 30, from 4-6 pm Eastern Time for The People’s Convention.

The Convention will be digital and broadcast live to YouTube, Facebook and Twitter pages with well over a million subscribers and followers. Sign up for more information and updates.

10.08.2020 - 06:05 [ Ryan Knight / Twitter ]

America is not dying because of one corrupt president. It’s dying because our entire system is corrupt. We live in an oligarchy where both major parties serve the ruling class. It is time to build a party that serves the working class. #PeoplesConvention


29.04.2020 - 17:39 [ The Jimmy Dore Show / Yotube ]

Biden Supports Trump’s Immoral Iran Sanctions

Apr 27, 2020

12.04.2020 - 20:19 [ The Jimmy Dore Show / Youtube ]

Working Class 3rd Party Is Forming In America!

02.04.2020 - 14:22 [ The Jimmy Dore Show / Youtube ]

Why Are Progressives Voting For Ultimate Screwing Of America?


02.04.2020 - 14:17 [ Jimmy Dore / Twitter ]

What will be remembered is how our progressive leaders did worse than absolutely nothing during the ultimate screwing of America, you voted for it! and still have ZERO ideas for what to do right now. Progressive leadership is co-opted & worthless.


10.03.2020 - 09:42 [ Jimmy Dore / Twitter ]

Still seeing lots of people aghast at the Democratic party because they are “risking losing to a Trump”. For the last time: They don’t care if they “lose” to Trump!!! What they can’t “RISK” is winning with a progressive. Hope that helps.

03.03.2020 - 07:29 [ Jimmy Dore / Twitter ]

Maybe the people supporting Biden arent out of touch morons, seems more likely they are just sick sadistic maniacs who get a kick out of watching his mental decline in Public like this. Shame on you.

28.02.2020 - 14:28 [ JRE Clips / Youtube ]

Jimmy Dore: Bernie Has to Over-Win Or They’ll Cheat Him


Taken from JRE #1412 w/Jimmy Dore:

25.02.2020 - 14:08 [ The Jimmy Dore Show / Youtube ]

CIA Says Russia Is Boosting Bernie As Predicted

About The Jimmy Dore Show:
#TheJimmyDoreShow is a hilarious and irreverent take on news, politics and culture featuring Jimmy Dore, a professional stand up comedian, author and podcaster.

22.02.2020 - 17:54 [ Jimmy Dore / Twitter ]

As predicted, they are now using Russiagate to sink Bernie, which is why it was always horrible strategy for Bernie to validate it instead of debunking it. Even in this clip he props up bogus CIA talking points WHILE ACKNOWLEDGING that they are weaponizing it against him. WTF?!?

23.12.2019 - 15:08 [ Tulsi Gabbard, candidate for President / Twitter ]

2,400 Americans & countless Afghans have been killed in Afghanistan War that our leaders have known for 18 yrs is unwinnable. They’ve lied about progress in that war to get the $4bn/month it costs. My new bill calls for congressional investigation. It‘s time for accountability.

26.11.2019 - 06:19 [ ]

Jimmy Dore: until we fix Democratic Party elites’ corruption, we won’t defeat Trump’s

Jimmy Dore pushes back on impeachment and Ukrainegate, Hillary Clinton’s smear of Tulsi Gabbard as a Russian asset, the DNC’s 2020 gift-wrapping for Trump, and more.

19.10.2019 - 12:31 [ Jimmy Dore / Twitter ]

By smearing & red baiting a soldier currently serving as a medic in the illegal wars she voted for & helped engineer, @HillaryClinton has erased any doubt that she is just as despicable & disgusting as GWB or Donald Trump could ever be. She is a cancer on America.

30.03.2019 - 14:57 [ Jimmy Dore ‏/ Twitter ]

Great having antiwar veteran ⁦@TulsiGabbard⁩ on the show! Help get her message of peace on the democratic debate stage , she needs 65,000 individual donations to qualify and she’s only a few thousand donations away!make any size donation at

10.02.2019 - 22:05 [ The Jimmy Dore Show / Youtube ]

Tulsi Gabbard Smears Debunked

21.12.2018 - 15:49 [ ]

Jimmy Dore Slams Liberal Hawks on Syria

Jimmy Dore is fantastic! Listen to him skewer liberal hawks on Trump’s decision to withdraw from Syria:

22.04.2018 - 12:07 [ The Young Turks / Youtube ]

CNN Attacks Jimmy Dore

CNN went after Jimmy Dore. Cenk Uygur, Brett Erlich, and Sue-Ann Robinson, the hosts of The Young Turks, explain.