Daily Archives: 17. März 2020

17.03.2020 - 23:55 [ Granma.cu ]

Cuban international medical brigades focused on solidarity and caution

According to information provided by Dr. Jorge Hidalgo Bustillo, director of the Central Unit for Medical Collaboration (UCCM), all 28,268 members of Cuba’s medical brigades working in 61countries, around the world, remain free of the virus, to date.

Given the situation, the center is maintaining close contact with brigade leaders via video conferences, and provides a report on the health of doctors and technicians which is updated daily.

17.03.2020 - 23:45 [ Grayzone ]

Italy and UK rely on help from Cuba, China, Venezuela to fight coronavirus – as US steps up brutal sanctions

Italy requested doctors from China, Cuba, and Venezuela to contain the coronavirus, while Cuba rescued a ship of British citizens. Meanwhile, US sanctions worsen the toll of the Covid-19 crisis in Iran and Venezuela.

17.03.2020 - 23:39 [ Weijia Jiang, @CBSNews White House Correspondent / Twitter ]

This morning a White House official referred to #Coronavirus as the “Kung-Flu” to my face. Makes me wonder what they’re calling it behind my back.

17.03.2020 - 23:28 [ Independent.co.uk ]

What coronavirus revealed about national mindsets across the world — and how Cuba came out on top

Diplomats from the British Foreign Office had urged US officials to allow the ship to dock on American soil but were met with obstacles. Cuban officials instead accepted the request, stating that there must be “a shared effort to confront and stop the spread of the pandemic”. After all, these are still humans suffering, regardless of the passport they hold.

Cuba itself has only had five confirmed cases of Covid-19, and the ship docking could threaten to increase that number exponentially.

17.03.2020 - 23:18 [ medicalxpress.com ]

Spain looks to China for help in fighting virus

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez spoke Tuesday with China‘s President Xi Jinping to ask for medical supplies to help fight the coronavirus epidemic which has infected more than 11,000 people in Spain.

17.03.2020 - 22:53 [ Granma.cu ]

Passagierin der MS Braemar: «Danke an Kuba, dass es uns sein Herz geöffnet hat»

„Könnten alle meine Freunde ein Glas auf Kuba erheben und sich daran erinnern, dass Kuba vortrat, als niemand anderes uns von Bord lassen wollte? Am Mittwoch oder Donnerstag fliegen wir von Kuba aus nach Hause. Liebe Grüße an alle, die unser großes Abenteuer verfolgt haben“, schrieb Anthea auf ihrer Facebook-Pinnwand, als sie die Nachricht erfuhr.

Als sie daraufhin eine Lawine ermutigender Botschaften erhielt, sagte sie: „Ehrlich gesagt, bin ich voller Tränen angesichts Ihrer Freundlichkeit. Sie haben uns das Gefühl gegeben, nicht nur geduldet, sondern auch willkommen zu sein. Danke Kuba, dass es uns sein Herz eröffnet hat, wir werden nie vergessen, dass es uns geantwortet hat, als absolut niemand, und ich möchte sagen, dass NIEMAND SONST dies getan hätte.

17.03.2020 - 22:46 [ CGTN / Twitter ]

China sends first batch of medical aid to #Serbia; 1,000 #COVID2019 rapid test kits arrived in Belgrade on Sunday. Serbian President @avucic Aleksandar Vucic‘s video on „China was the only country that would help“ went viral and received a big thumbs up from Chinese netizens.

17.03.2020 - 22:40 [ Chen Weihua, China Daily EU Bureau Chief / Twitter ]

Just read that Chinese medical team sent to Italy to fight Covid-19 comprises mostly experienced doctors from Sichuan. Sichuan folks still remember how Italy rescue team during the devastating 2008 Wenchuan earthquake saved many lives. The world needs more help with each other


17.03.2020 - 22:12 [ Stol.it ]

Sanitätsbetrieb richtet Spendenkonto ein

Spenden an den Südtiroler Sanitätsbetrieb können auf folgendes Bankkonto eingezahlt werden:

Südtiroler Sparkasse AG
Horazstrasse 4/d
I – 39100 Bozen
IBAN: IT61 W060 4511 6190 0000 0010 000

17.03.2020 - 22:11 [ Ansa.it ]

Coronavirus: Deaths in Italy up to 2,503, 26,602 infected

Emergency Commissioner and Civil Protection Chief Angelo Borrelli said Tuesday that 2,503 people have now died with the coronavirus in Italy, 345 more than Monday. That was down slightly on the daily rise of 349 on Monday, which, in turn, was slight lower than Sunday‘s figure for fatalities. The number of new cases of COVID-19 grew again, however, after a small deceleration on Monday.

17.03.2020 - 21:12 [ CNBC Now / Twitter ]

Dow rebounds more than 1,000 points as Trump seeks $1 trillion in stimulus for coronavirus fight

17.03.2020 - 21:09 [ Fox News ]

Trump wants to send Americans checks ‘immediately’ in response to coronavirus, Mnuchin says

“We’re looking at sending checks to Americans immediately,” Mnuchin said during a press briefing from the White House. “Americans need cash now, the president wants to get cash now. I mean now—in the next few weeks.”

17.03.2020 - 21:06 [ Washington Post ]

White House expresses support for making immediate cash payments to Americans as part of coronavirus stimulus package

“We’re looking at sending checks to Americans immediately,” Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said Tuesday. “And I mean now, in the next two weeks.”

17.03.2020 - 20:55 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu Exploits Coronavirus Fears to Consolidate Authoritarian Hold on Power

Fear is the tyrant’s best friend – and liberty’s worst enemy. The human instinct for survival is more powerful than any social commitment to decency, due process, separation of powers or the nuances of democracy. As philosopher Bertrand Russell wrote: “Neither a man, nor a crowd, nor a nation can be trusted to act humanely or to think sanely under the influence of a great fear.”

Fear was the instrument wielded most by 20th century tyrants, dictators and authoritarians. It provided them with pretext to remove restrictions, expand authority and to diminish, if not destroy, checks and balances.

17.03.2020 - 20:52 [ i24NEWS English / Twitter ]

#Israel‘s supreme court rejected a request to halt Shin Bet‘s use of cyber-monitoring to track citizens with #COVID-19

17.03.2020 - 20:41 [ i24news.tv ]

Gantz slams decision to track infected citizens for lacking ‚transparency and oversight‘

Taking to Twitter, Gantz wrote that “exceptional times, unfortunately, call for exceptional measures. [However,] Blue & White will insist that the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, along with a special corona sub-committee, the Finance Committee and other sub-committees be enlisted immediately to oversee the process and approve the type of oversight regulation so critical at this juncture.”

He added that “a functional parliament, even and especially in states of emergency, is a hallmark of democracy and we will be steadfast in preserving it.”

17.03.2020 - 20:36 [ Haaretz ]

In Dead of Night, Israel Approves Harsher Coronavirus Tracking Methods Than Gov‘t Stated

The Israeli government unanimously passed in the early hours of Tuesday new emergency regulations for tracking the cellphones of coronavirus patients or those suspected of being infected, circumventing the approval of the Knesset in the process.

17.03.2020 - 20:24 [ Tagesschau ]

Wie funktioniert der Rechtsstaat in der Krise?

Gerichte schieben Urteile auf, mündliche Verhandlungen werden vermieden. Doch der Rechtsstaat soll weiter funktionieren.

17.03.2020 - 20:21 [ Tagesschau ]

Wie bleibt der Bundestag handlungsfähig?

Was passiert, wenn der Bundestag wegen der Corona-Krise nicht mehr zusammenkommen kann? Möglich wäre eine Art Notparlament, so wie in Bayern.

17.03.2020 - 20:04 [ ORF ]

Israel verhängt Ausgangssperre und setzt „Öffis“ aus

Welche Überwachungstechnologien der Geheimdienst genau einsetzen darf, gab die Regierung nicht bekannt.

17.03.2020 - 17:32 [ NDR ]

Pressekonferenz live: SH wird Sperrgebiet für Touristen

Die Landesregierung hat angekündigt, wegen des Coronavirus weitere drastische Maßnahmen zu beschließen. NDR.de überträgt eine Pressekonferenz mit Ministerpräsident Günther jetzt live.

17.03.2020 - 08:28 [ GlobalTimes.cn ]

Senior Chinese official Yang Jiechi urges US to stop slandering China’s COVID-19 efforts in phone call with Pompeo

Yang‘s remarks were made after the US State Department summoned the Chinese Ambassador to the US Cui Tiankai over Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian‘s recent tweets.

In his tweets, Zhao claimed it might be US army representatives who brought the novel coronavirus to Wuhan, Central China‘s Hubei Province in October 2019, after a top US health official admitted detecting coronavirus infections on some deceased flu patients. Zhao urged the US to disclose further information, exercise transparency on coronavirus cases and provide an explanation to the public.

17.03.2020 - 08:26 [ CBS News ]

Coronavirus shutdowns spread across U.S. as death toll tops 80

Updated 4:53 PM / March 16, 2020
The latest numbers

More than 4,500 people have tested positive for the new COVID-19 disease in the U.S. and at least 88 have died.

Deaths per state:
Washington: 48
New York: 9
California: 9
Florida: 5
New Jersey: 3
Louisiana: 3
Virginia: 2
Nevada: 1
Kansas: 1
South Dakota: 1
Georgia: 1
Colorado: 1
Oregon: 1
Kentucky: 1
South Carolina: 1
Indiana: 1

17.03.2020 - 08:18 [ Xinhua ]

21 new confirmed cases of coronavirus infection reported on Chinese mainland

Also on Monday, 930 people were discharged from hospital after recovery, while the number of severe cases decreased by 202 to 2,830.

The overall confirmed cases on the mainland had reached 80,881 by the end of Monday, including 8,976 patients who were still being treated, 68,679 patients who had been discharged after recovery, and 3,226 people who died of the disease.

17.03.2020 - 07:43 [ Kathimerini ]

Coronavirus infections rise to 352; travellers to be placed in two-week quarantine

The source of infection for 51 cases is undetermined, he said. Of the total number, 65 patients are hospitalized in Athens, Thessaloniki and Patras, with nine being treated in Intensive Care Units.

17.03.2020 - 07:33 [ Yonhap ]

New cases in S. Korea stay low for 3rd day, cluster infections rising in capital area

About 61 percent of confirmed cases have been linked to a branch of the Shincheonji religious sect in Daegu, which has a population of 2.5 million and is the country‘s fourth-largest city.

The pace of daily new infections has slowed markedly since the second week of this month as health authorities completed extensive testing of 210,000 Shincheonji followers at the center of the rapid spread,

17.03.2020 - 07:10 [ ITV.com ]

UK coronavirus death toll jumps to 55 as disease spread ‚accelerates‘ with 1,543 diagnoses

At least 55 people in the UK have died after contracting coronavirus, the health secretary has revealed, a jump of 19 from 36 on Sunday.

17.03.2020 - 07:07 [ Tagesschau ]

Ausgangssperre in Frankreich

Innenminister Christophe Castaner erklärte die Details der Ausgangssperre: Sie gilt ab heute Mittag 12 Uhr im ganzen Land. Die Menschen in Frankreich dürfen das Haus dann nur noch in wichtigen Fällen verlassen. Laut Castaner, um zur Arbeit zu gehen, wenn zuhause arbeiten nicht möglich ist, um zum Arzt zu gehen, oder Einkäufe zu erledigen. Außerdem sei sportliche Betätigung im Freien erlaubt.

17.03.2020 - 07:03 [ France24.com ]

France to deploy 100,000 police to enforce coronavirus lockdown

France will deploy 100,000 police to enforce a lockdown ordered by President Emmanuel Macron aimed at curbing the coronavirus outbreak, the country‘s interior minister said on Monday, and fixed checkpoints will be set up across the country.

17.03.2020 - 01:02 [ The Hill ]

Senate clears 77-day extension of surveillance powers

„We applaud the many senators who refuse to cave to efforts to jam a weak surveillance bill through Congress without debate and amendments,” said American Civil Liberties Union senior legislative counsel Neema Singh Guliani in a statement. “The inadequate House bill must be amended to further reform the intelligence courts, limit large-scale collection of Americans’ information, and ensure the government complies with its constitutional obligations.“