Daily Archives: 12. April 2019
Great to see @TulsiGabbard speak out against the arrest of #JulianAssange. Can we count on any other members of Congress to do the same? #FreeAssange #FreeChelsea
Saudi Arabia Promised Support to Libyan Warlord in Push to Seize Tripoli
The offer came during a visit to Saudi Arabia that was just one of several meetings Mr. Haftar had with foreign dignitaries in the weeks and days before he began the military campaign on April 4.
Mundo: Esta es la prensa corrupta del Ecuador, cómplice de Moreno, que trata de justificar la expulsión de Assange. Nunca fuimos permisivos con Assange, y la nacionalidad ecuatoriana se la dieron en el 2018, es decir, en el Gobierno de Moreno.
World shame! @Lenin took his betrayal to a global extent. He authorized the arrest of Assange in our embassy in London. He violated the Constitution, the international agreements and put at risk the life of a journalist that revealed atrocious crimes. We condemn you Judas
Ecuador‘s demented claims are completely false, a coordinated media plan agreed in advance between Ecuador and the UK being rolled out to taint Assange and divert attention from US indictment.
This is the beginning of a media smear campaign against Julian Assange, designed by his enemies to ruin his character to the point that he no longer has any integrity.
Chomsky: Arrest of Assange Is “Scandalous” and Highlights Shocking Extraterritorial Reach of U.S.
Attorneys for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange are vowing to fight his possible extradition to the United States following his arrest in London, when British police forcibly removed Assange from the Ecuadorean Embassy, where he had taken asylum for almost seven years. On Thursday night, Democracy Now!‘s Amy Goodman spoke to Noam Chomsky about Assange‘s arrest, WikiLeaks and American power.
Dr. Katie Bouman, who led the creation of an algorithm that helped capture the first ever image of a black hole, tells us what this breakthrough means for science ?? #EHTBlackHole #BlackHole
Nachschlag: Rad der Geschichte
Charlie Hardy kennt Venezuela seit 1982. Damals ging er als katholischer Priester nach Caracas, um in den Barrios zu arbeiten. Gerade ist er von einem Aufenthalt in dem südamerikanischen Land zurück und beim Internetfernsehen The Real News zu Gast. Er schildert, wie die USA Venezuela in die Krise treiben, Umstürze anzetteln und Vorwände für eine Intervention schaffen, um das Rad der Geschichte hinter die Bolivarische Revolution zurückzudrehen.
Präsident von Ecuador verteidigt Auslieferung von Assange
Weniger erfreut zeigten sich Vertreter der ehemaligen Regierung von Ecuador, die Assange Asyl gewährt hatte. „Die Auslieferung von Julian Assange, der von der britischen Polizei aus unserer diplomatischen Mission gezerrt wird, ist eine nationale Schande und ein historischer Fehler, der Ecuador noch lange Zeit zutiefst belasten wird“, schrieb der Ex-Außenminister Guillaume Long.
The purpose of arresting #JulianAssange is to send a message to the people, especially journalists, to be quiet and don’t get out of line. If we, the people, allow the government to control us through fear, we are no longer free, we are no longer America.
Tulsi Gabbard on Jake Tapper explains what makes the Trump DOJ‘s indictment and extradition of Julian Assange so dangerous to press freedoms but also to general political liberties:
Der Weltwährungsfonds hat Ecuador übrigens gerade einen Kredit über 4,2 Milliarden Dollar gewährt. Na DAS ist doch mal ein bemerkenswertes Timing!
Ob sie den Scheck in der Botschaft in London überreicht haben, damit Ecuador versteht, was im Gegenzug von ihnen erwartet wird?
IMF approves $4.2bn loan for Ecuador
The International Monetary Fund on Monday approved a $4.2-billion, three-year loan for Ecuador, part of a broader aid package to help support the government‘s economic reform program.
The Washington-based lender agreed to the terms of the financing late last month, and the final approval of the IMF board on Monday releases the first installment of $652-million.
Hillary Clinton: Assange muss sich für seine Taten verantworten
US-Geheimdienste gehen nach eigenen Angaben davon aus, dass die im Präsidentschaftswahlkampf gestohlenen E-Mails von russischen Hackern heruntergeladen und Wikileaks zugespielt wurden, um Clinton zu schaden und Donald Trump zu helfen.
Hillary Clinton says Assange ‚has to answer for what he has done‘
„I think it is clear from the indictment that came out it‘s not about punishing journalism, it is about assisting the hacking of a military computer to steal information from the United States government, and look, I‘ll wait and see what happens with the charges and how it proceeds, but he skipped bail in the UK,“ Clinton said.
Remember.. Warriors NOT Worriers! Despite being sick & in pain from prolonged detention & torture.. Julians spirit stays strong! He needs us to stay strong to keep him strong in the battles ahead! Pls attend court hearings/detention locations to let him know he‘s not alone.
‚Thuggish, brutal, unlawful‘: Calls for UK to block Julian Assange extradition
Julian Assange‘s mother has demanded her son‘s release, condemning his „thuggish, brutal, unlawful“ arrest.
Christine Assange said she would „fight like hell“ to secure his release.
Poroschenko in Berlin: Kritik an Besuch bei Merkel
Gut eine Woche vor der Stichwahl zum ukrainischen Präsidenten reist Amtsinhaber Poroschenko zu Kanzlerin Merkel nach Berlin. Leistet die deutsche Regierungschefin damit Wahlkampfhilfe? Zumindest erntet sie Kritik.
Bundessicherheitsrat: Heikle Lieferung für Saudi-Arabien
Die Bauteile für die Tieflader sollen nach Frankreich „mit Endverbleib der hergestellten Güter in Saudi-Arabien“ geliefert werden, heißt es in dem Schreiben Altmaiers. Für solche Zulieferungen für Gemeinschaftsprojekte mit europäischen Partnerländern war der Exportstopp für Saudi-Arabien Ende März gelockert worden.
Vorausgegangen war massiver Druck von Frankreich und Großbritannien auf die Bundesregierung.
Tausende fliehen vor Gefechten aus Tripolis
Die Libysche National Armee (LNA) des abtrünnigen Generals Chalifa Haftar kämpfte in der Gegend des stillgelegten internationalen Flughafens und im Bezirk Ain Sara gegen die Streitkräfte der international anerkannten Regierung. Nach ihrem Vormarsch hat sich die LNA in den südlichen Vororten von Tripolis etwa elf Kilometer vom Zentrum entfernt festgesetzt.
MAY OF THE DEAD: Zombie Theresa May defies Tory calls to resign after Brexit is delayed until Halloween
And referring to the cross-party talks she said: “We are sitting down seriously to find a way that enables this House to ensure that there is a deal that commands a majority so that we can leave the European Union.”
The PM met Jeremy Corbyn again for 20 minutes – and a number of Tory Ministers are expected to meet their Labour ‘Shadows’.
The labour movement has turned against the working class
Embery: The Labour Party now is increasingly a bourgeois, metropolitan, liberal party. It is obsessed with students and youth. It’s very London-centric – removed almost completely from parts of this country, such as the northern industrial heartlands, where the Labour Party was once a strong presence.
Nigel Farage unveils Jacob Rees-Mogg‘s SISTER as Brexit Party candidate: Mother-of-one Annunziata, 40, vows to beat ‚far right‘ UKIP in EU elections and ‘take back our democracy’
– Nigel Farage launched new Brexit Party and started war of words with UKIP
– He said party he used to lead lacks ‚good people‘ and ‚taken over‘ by the far right
– Farage says new home will do ‚brilliantly‘ and bet £1,000 on winning most seats
– Targeting UKIP, Tory and Labour voters upset that Britain did not leave the EU
‚Incompetent, self-interested s****‘: Fear and loathing on the doorstep over Brexit
„It‘s vitriolic. You knock at a door and the people on the other side scream at you.
„It‘ll take a generation to recover. All you hear is ‚Labour are stopping Brexit. Corbyn is crap, the Tories are traitors, we are all the same‘. People are clear, they won‘t be voting.“
The U.S. Government’s Indictment of Julian Assange Poses Grave Threats to Press Freedoms
The indictment of Julian Assange unsealed today by the Trump Justice Department poses grave threats to press freedoms, not only in the U.S. but around the world. The charging document and accompanying extradition request from the U.S. Government, used by the U.K. police to arrest Assange once Ecuador officially withdrew its asylum protection, seeks to criminalize numerous activities at the core of investigative journalism.
So much of what has been reported today about this indictment has been false. Two facts in particular have been utterly distorted by the DOJ and then misreported by numerous media organizations.
The continued imprisonment of @xychelsea is an utter disgrace. The arrest of Julian Assange represents an extremely dangerous crossing of the rubicon. This is an assault on journalism and a free press. All journalists should stand in fierce opposition.
An Australian citizen is facing extradition to the US for his publishing work with @wikileaks, which has won the @SydPeaceFound and @walkleys Awards. Our government should take action to bring Julian #Assange home @MarisePayne @dfat @SenatorWong #auspol
Correa: Moreno humilla a Ecuador permitiendo detención de Assange
En entrevista para teleSUR el expresidente de Ecuador, Rafael Correa, analizó la detención este jueves del periodista Julian Assange, refugiado desde 2012 en la embajada del país suramericano en Reino Unido. El arresto del fundador de Wikileaks se produjo después que el gobierno de Lenín Moreno le retirara la ciudadanía ecuatoriana y el asilo político y permitiera a la policía de Londres ingresar en la sede diplomática. teleSUR.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange ‘could spend decades behind bars in US’
But WikiLeaks editor Kristinn Hrafnsson expressed concern there could be more serious charges awaiting Assange.
He told the Press Association: “We believe this indictment presented in the extradition request is only a part of the story – that there will be more later, that will be added on, more charges.
Are May and Corbyn edging closer to a Brexit compromise? PM says pair have ‚more agreement in relation to customs union‘ after Commons meeting
Theresa May edged closer to a compromise with Labour on a customs union last night as she resumed Brexit talks with Jeremy Corbyn.
The two met in Parliament hours after Mrs May told MPs there was ‚more agreement in relation to a customs union than is often given credit‘.
TORY POLLS BLOODBATH: Tories to face election meltdown after shock poll reveals their support plummeted by ten points in a month
TORIES face election meltdown after a new poll shows support for them has plummeted by 10 points in a single month.
The result fuelled fears of a bloodbath at the council and European elections and came just days after Tory MP Anne Marie Morris said she may defy her bosses and back the Brexit Party at the polls.
Sudan military seizes power from Omar al-Bashir: Full statement
The following is an English translation of the Arabic statement delivered by General Awad Ibn Auf, Sudan‘s vice president and defence minister, on state media on Thursday:
Russian Lawmakers Criticize Sudan Coup as „Unconstitutional“
In January, Russia’s Foreign Ministry confirmed that private Russian companies were training the Sudanese army, but denied claims that they were there to help suppress protests…
“No matter how the new government is configured, there is no doubt that they will seek cooperation with Russia in the near future,” the state-run TASS news agency quoted Slutsky as saying.
“We have always maintained close relations with Sudan, even in Soviet times. This country has the most important geographical position on the African continent and in the Arab world,” Slutsky added.
Sudanese opposition rejects Ibn-Ouf’s military coup
But, the protesters shouted everywhere, expressing their rejection of Ibn Ouf and considered the move as a hoax saying that the same faces they opposed to, are in the security committee headed by Ibn Ouf includes the security apparatus, the Rapid Support Forces and the police…
„Awad Ibn Ouf’s statement means the continuation of the rule of the Islamist generals, the security services and the militias, and the retaliation against the officers who sided with the people of the middle and small ranks,“ said the SPLM-N led by Malik Agar.
Sudan coup: Protesters defy curfew after military ousts Bashir
The SPA said the military had announced a „coup“ that would merely reproduce the same „faces and institutions that our great people revolted against“.
It urged people to continue the sit-in outside the military complex – that began on Saturday – and to stay on the streets of cities across the country.
Militärputsch im Sudan – Der Diktator ist weg, die Diktatur bleibt
Die Herrschaft der neuen Machthaber im Sudan hat mit einer Lüge begonnen: Das Regime sei „entwurzelt“ worden, verkündete der bisherige Vizepräsident und Verteidigungsminister Ahmed Awad Ibn Auf am Donnerstagnachmittag in einer Fernsehansprache.
Doch das Regime ist mitnichten entwurzelt: Vielmehr hat die Armee, die das Rückgrat des Regimes in Khartum bildet, den Staatspräsidenten geopfert, um sich selbst das politische Überleben zu sichern.
Machtwechsel im Sudan – Neue Militärregierung vereidigt
Die Anführer der Proteste lehnten den „Militärputsch“ ab und riefen zu weiteren Demonstrationen auf. Sie fordern einen zivilen Rat statt eines Militärrats.