Archiv: YouGov (media)

16.06.2023 - 17:26 [ Forbes ]

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Tops Biden And Trump In New Favorability Poll

2024 Democratic presidential contender Robert F. Kennedy Jr.—an environmental lawyer with anti-vaccine views and a strong family dynasty at his back—has higher favorability numbers than either President Joe Biden or former President Donald Trump, according to a new poll by The Economist and YouGov, even as Biden maintains a lead in the 2024 primary.

15.06.2023 - 12:22 [ ]

2C. Favorability of Public Figures — Robert F. Kennedy

Very favorable

Total: 13%
Male: 13%
Female: 12%
White: 10%
Black: 24%
Hispanic: 16%


Somewhat favorable

Total: 36%
Male: 38%
Female: 35%
White: 37%
Black: 38%
Hispanic: 32%

15.06.2023 - 12:17 [ ]

RFK Jr. ranks higher in favorability than other major 2024 candidates: poll

The poll from The Economist and YouGov released Wednesday showed Kennedy was viewed favorably by 49 percent of respondents, giving him the highest net favorability rating of 19 points. He was viewed unfavorably by 30 percent.

President Biden and former President Trump each had the second-highest percentage of respondents viewing them favorably, with 44 percent saying so. But Biden had a minus-9 net favorability rating, while Trump had a minus-10 net favorability rating.

15.06.2023 - 12:15 [ @USA_Polling / Twitter ]

„Would you ever vote for a third party/independent candidate?“ Yes: 44% No: 25% Unsure: 31%

YouGov / June 13, 2023 / n=1500

15.06.2023 - 12:00 [ YouGov America / Twitter ]

NEW: The share of Democrats who say that Biden is the strongest candidate that their party could nominate for president in 2024 has fallen 17 percentage points since late April, to 34% from 51%.

15.10.2022 - 17:28 [ ]

YouGov / Eurotrack Survey Results




15.10.2022 - 17:21 [ ]

New cost of living tracker reveals extent of crisis in Western Europe


While different governments have taken very different approaches to the rising cost of living, it seems that none of these approaches have quite had the desired impact yet – a majority of adults polled across all seven countries say that they have already had to make cuts to their usual spending as a result of the rising cost of living. I

12.06.2021 - 05:12 [ ]

Summer freedom on hold for FOUR WEEKS: Boris Johnson is set to push Freedom Day to July 19 as new poll shows majority of Britons back delay with Indian variant driving hospital admissions up 40% week-on-week

The PHE figures show that the number of positive tests linked back to the strain more than tripled from 12,431 to 42,323 in just a week.

Part of this increase was down to an improved testing system that speeds up the process of working out which variant someone is infected with, PHE said, but cases are rising in the real world, too.

30.09.2020 - 11:58 [ ]

CBS/YouGov Poll: About half say Joe Biden won the first presidential debate

On Tuesday night, President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden met for their first debate with just over a month until the November election. An CBS News/YouGov Poll conducted immediately after the contest shows that about half (48%) of likely voters who watched the debate believe Biden won. About two in five (41%) say President Trump did. One in 10 (10%) called the event a tie.

10.07.2019 - 19:54 [ Guido Fawkes ]

Public Split on Kim Darroch Resignation

YouGov have conducted some remarkably speedy polling of the public’s attitude towards the Kim Darroch affair, although the fieldwork was conducted before his resignation.

09.04.2019 - 14:14 [ YouGov ‏/ Twitter ]

66% of Brits consider David Gauke’s statement regarding Brexit – that “sometimes you do have to accept your second or third choice in order to avoid an outcome you consider to be even worse”, to be generally good life advice

09.04.2019 - 14:13 [ ]

Would you like to work for the Security Services? Plus, Catholic priests, and compromising in life results

1. Would you ever like to work for GCHQ, MI5 or MI6 (Britain’s security services)?

I would: 45%
I would not: 36%
Don’t know: 19%

03.04.2019 - 11:58 [ YouGov / Twitter ]

…although Britons are less convinced of a national government‘s chances of success. 34% think it would probably help resolve Brexit, but 41% think it probably wouldn‘t

03.04.2019 - 11:56 [ ]

What do the public think might break the Brexit deadlock?

Should the EU decide they’ve had enough of the Brexit process and refuse to give the UK an extension, then the country divides between the 44% who would want to leave without a deal and the 42% who would seek to stay in the Union.

03.03.2019 - 18:15 [ ]

Social Scoring: Zwei von fünf Deutschen würden gerne das Verhalten ihrer Mitmenschen bewerten


„Dieses Konzept findet mit 46 Prozent im Milieu der Performer den größten Anklang. Diese wirtschaftsnahe und effizienzgetriebene Leistungselite ist äußerst fortschrittsoptimistisch und schätzt es sehr, wenn das Leben durch technischen Fortschritt vereinfacht wird. Den geringsten Zuspruch erfährt dieses Instrument hingegen mit 28 Prozent im Milieu der Sozialökologischen. Diese engagierten Gesellschaftskritiker erkennen zwar die Chance, andere zu besseren Menschen zu ‚erziehen‘, die Angst vor totaler Überwachung ist jedoch größer.“