Archiv: Philippinen / Philippines

12.08.2023 - 15:52 [ Haaretz ]

Pakistan’s Spy Agency Buys Israeli Cellphone Hacking Tech

As Haaretz has reported on numerous occasions, Cellebrite’s clients have included oppressive regimes that were or still are subject to sanctions, including Belarus, China (including Hong Kong), Uganda, Venezuela, Indonesia, the Philippines, Russia and Ethiopia, as well as Bangladesh’s notorious Rapid Action Battalion.

The security forces in Pakistan are known to commit serious violations of human rights and freedom of expression.

19.09.2021 - 20:03 [ France24 ]

Philippines‘ Manny Pacquiao to run for president in 2022

Philippine boxer-turned-politician Manny Pacquiao declared Sunday he will run for president in 2022, ending months of speculation about whether the legendary fighter would seek the country‘s top job.

02.08.2021 - 18:36 [ Paul Antonopoulos / Global Research ]

US Hopes to Turn Philippines into Military Outpost Aimed Against China

On July 29, Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte decided to cancel his plans to end the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) – an important defense treaty with the United States. He said that the legal conditions for the temporary U.S. military presence in the Philippines has existed since 1998, on which the two sides conducted joint exercises on land, air and sea.

27.07.2021 - 17:21 [ Dave DeCamp / ]

SecDef Austin Heads to Southeast Asia With Eye on China

The US wants to form stronger partnerships in the region to counter China

20.07.2021 - 19:52 [ CNBC ]

U.S. Defense Secretary to visit the Philippines, Singapore and Vietnam

“Secretary Austin’s visit will demonstrate the importance the Biden-Harris Administration places on Southeast Asia and on ASEAN as an essential part of the Indo-Pacific’s architecture,” Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said, referring to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations bloc.

The U.S. embassy in Hanoi said on Tuesday that Austin’s trip would start on July 23.

01.07.2021 - 17:30 [ The Japan Times ]

Japan and Philippines to hold first joint air force exercises

The air forces of Japan and the Philippines will hold their first-ever joint exercises next week, Japan’s embassy in Manila said Thursday, in a further sign of deepening defense ties between the two countries.

18.06.2021 - 10:53 [ AFP News Agency / Twitter ]

#UPDATE Britain‘s Karim Khan was sworn in Wednesday as the new prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, facing huge challenges, including investigations into the Palestinian territories, Afghanistan and the Philippines

09.04.2021 - 10:02 [ Dave deCamp / ]

US Warship Sails Through Taiwan Strait as Tensions Rise

The US warned China over a dispute with the Philippines in the South China Sea and recent flights in Taiwan‘s ADIZ

09.04.2021 - 09:58 [ Dave deCamp / ]

US-Kriegsschiff passiert die Straße von Taiwan, während die Spannungen zunehmen

Die USA warnten China wegen eines Streits mit den Philippinen im Südchinesischen Meer und wegen der jüngsten Flüge in den von Taiwan beanspruchten Luftraum

13.11.2020 - 14:47 [ Dave DeCamp / ]

Philippines Extends Military Pact Allowing US Troops in the Country

The Obama administration started challenging China’s claims to islands in the South China Sea by sailing warships near them, maneuvers known as Freedom of Navigation Operations (FONOPs).

13.11.2020 - 14:42 [ ]

Philippinen verlängern Militärpakt und erlauben US-Truppen Aufenthalten im Land

Es ist nicht zu erwarten, dass Joe Biden die Haltung Washingtons in Bezug auf die Ansprüche Pekings auf das Südchinesische Meer aufweichen wird. Während der letzten Präsidentschaftsdebatte prahlte Biden mit der harten Haltung der Obama-Regierung in Bezug auf Chinas Ansprüche auf die umstrittenen Gewässer.


18.09.2020 - 17:29 [ Xinhuanet ]

Philippines extends state of calamity for one year amid COVID-19 spread

„I, hereby extended the declared state of calamity throughout the Philippines for a period of one year, effective September 13, 2020, to September 12, 2021, unless earlier lifted or extended as circumstance may warrant,“ read the proclamation that Duterte signed on Wednesday but was released to the media on Friday.

15.06.2020 - 21:37 [ ]

Pressefreiheit: Philippinische Journalistin Maria Ressa verurteilt

Maria Ressa und ein weiterer Redakteur der populären philippinischen Nachrichtenplattform wurden heute zu Haftstrafen bis zu sechs Jahren verurteilt. Die Richter befanden beide der Verleumdung für schuldig. Geklagt hatte ein Unternehmer, der sich in seinem Ruf geschädigt sah.

02.04.2020 - 20:21 [ CBS News / Youtube ]

“Shoot them dead”: Philippine President Duterte threatens coronavirus lockdown violators

After some people in the Philippines defied a coronavirus lockdown to protest a lack of food, the country‘s president, Rodrigo Duterte, took to the airwaves declaring that he will order the military to shoot troublemakers dead.

25.12.2019 - 23:57 [ GMWatch and Prof Michel Chossudovsky / Global Research ]

Philippines Approves GM Golden Rice. The Destabilization of Agriculture

The Green Revolution launched in the 1960s pushed new, potentially high-yielding forms of rice on Asian farmers as a way to increase food production. As a result, white rice has come to dominate the once-diverse Asian diets — with dramatic health consequences.”

12.08.2019 - 11:01 [ Portal ]

Tödlicher Einsatz für Umwelt, Rechte und Frieden in Kolumbien

Im Jahr 2018 wurden weltweit im Durchschnitt jede Woche drei Umweltaktivisten umgebracht, mehr als die Hälfte davon in Lateinamerika. Mit 24 Morden allein in Kolumbien steht das südamerikanische Land zusammen mit den Philippinen und Brasilien das dritte Jahr in Folge an der Spitze. Zu den Mitteln der Repression von Umweltprotesten zählen auch die Kriminalisierung des Engagements, die oft in langen Haftstrafen endet, sowie gezielte Taktiken zur Diffamierung und Einschüchterung.

05.08.2019 - 18:14 [ ]

Warnung vor „Militarisierung“ des Südchinesischen Meeres

Die EU-Außenbeauftragte Federica Mogherini hat vor einer „Militarisierung“ des Südchinesischen Meeres gewarnt. Die EU sei besorgt über „zunehmende Spannungen“ in dem Gebiet, sagte Mogherini heute bei einem Besuch in Vietnam.

25.07.2019 - 13:53 [ ]

Philippines not informed of Chinese warship sail-by in Tawi-Tawi

Lorenzana clarified that China would not need permission if it is for commercial shipping as they are allowed to do so by virtue of the principle of innocent passage.

Beijing still needs to inform Manila if their warships will pass through Philippine waters, the secretary said.

12.07.2019 - 15:41 [ teleSUR ]

Philippines: 13th Journalist Murdered Since Duterte Took Power

The National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) said Thursday if Dizon’s murder is connected with his work, then he would be the 13th journalist to be murdered since President Rodrigo Duterte came to power in 2016.

Dizon, who shot was by two gunmen riding a motorcycle while he was driving home after work, was receiving death threats days before the shooting. He informed police about the threats according to local news reports.

31.05.2019 - 11:21 [ ]

„Nehmt jetzt euren Müll zurück“

Nach monatelangen diplomatischen Querelen schicken die Philippinen mehr als 1300 Tonnen Müll nach Kanada zurück. Die Leute wehren sich dagegen, dass ihr Land zur internationalen Müllhalde wird.

18.05.2019 - 00:00 [ Haaretz ]

Arming Dictators, Equipping Pariahs: Alarming Picture of Israel‘s Arms Sales

A thorough report by Amnesty International is harshly critical of Israel’s policies on arms exports. According to the report written in Hebrew by the organization’s Israeli branch, Israeli companies continue to export weapons to countries that systematically violate human rights. Israeli-made weapons are also found in the hands of armies and organizations committing war crimes. The report points to eight such countries that have received arms from Israel in recent years.

28.04.2019 - 09:17 [ Neue Zürcher Zeitung ]

Sri Lankas Präsident in Dutertes Fussstapfen


Seine Bewunderung für Duterte scheint tief zu gründen. Schon im vergangenen Sommer begrüsste Sirisena die Gewaltorgie im südostasiatischen Inselreich. Gleichzeitig hob Sri Lanka ein Moratorium für die Todesstrafe auf. Nach der von Sirisena verursachten Verfassungskrise, die den Inselstaat zwei Monate lahmlegte und vor der Weltöffentlichkeit blamierte, muss die Versuchung umso grösser sein, den starken Mann zu markieren.

30.03.2019 - 08:46 [ Techdirt ]

Journalist Maria Ressa Arrested Yet Again As Philippines Keeps Finding Bogus Reasons To Arrest Vocal Critic

As we‘ve discussed before, reporter Maria Ressa is a powerhouse journalist, who started an important Filipino news site, Rappler has been (quite reasonably) highly critical of the Filipino government under President Duterte, and over the past few years, the Duterte government has responded with a bunch of highly questionable criminal complaints against Ressa, which all appear to be in direct violation of the country‘s 4th Amendment, which is a near carbon copy of the American 1st Amendment. It forbids any law that abridges the freedom of the press (among other things).

04.01.2019 - 05:40 [ Press TV ]

Saudi asked to open airspace to more Israeli-bound flights

The Philippines’ national carrier has requested permission from Saudi Arabia to use the kingdom’s airspace for Israeli-bound flights, months after Riyadh approved a similar request from India.

Jaime Bautista, Philippine Airlines‘ president, told Reuters on Wednesday that the Southeast Asian country’s Civil Aeronautics Board sent a formal letter to Riyadh in October, asking Saudi officials for overflight rights.

29.12.2018 - 22:52 [ ]

Magnitude 7.2 earthquake hits off coast of Philippines‘ southern island – USGS

The large earthquake struck off the coast of the Philippines‘ southern Mindanao island, the US Geological Survey added. The quake was registered at 03:39 GMT, 101 kilometres (62.7 miles) to the southeast of the Pundaguitan coastal area, according to the agency‘s data.

04.07.2018 - 07:48 [ Manila Times ]

Another mayor killed in ambush

A day after Tanauan Mayor Antonio Halili was felled by a sniper’s bullet in Batangas, another mayor was slain — Ferdinand Bote of General Tinio town in Nueva Ecija.
A report from the Nueva Ecija Provincial Police Office said Bote was killed in Cabanatuan City at 4:50 p.m. by unidentified men.

02.07.2018 - 11:39 [ Manila Times ]

UPDATE 2: Tanauan mayor shot dead

A mayor in the province, known as the “Duterte of Batangas,” for his relentless campaign against illegal drugs, was shot dead on Monday morning.
A single crack of gunfire from a suspected sniper was heard as Mayor Antonio Halili attended the regular flag-raising ceremony at the new city hall in Barangay Natatas.

08.05.2018 - 11:15 [ Yomiuri Shimbun ]

INSIGHTS into the WORLD / What the ‘Indo-Pacific’ means for Japan

The Australian government adopted the “Indo-Pacific” term in 2012 as a pivotal idea in its diplomacy. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe used the same term for the first time in August 2016 during the Sixth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD VI), held in Nairobi, when he unveiled a “free and open Indo-Pacific strategy.”