Archiv: DoT (DNS over TLS)

13.04.2023 - 06:36 [ ]


(28 March 2023)

Ylva Johansson is the EU Commissioner in charge of the Chat Control Bill. In recent days she has taken part in several interviews in Swedish media and also spoken in front of EU parliament members.

It’s obvious during the interviews that Ylva Johansson does not understand her own bill and what consequences it would have. She constantly repeats misleading and incorrect arguments. Above all, she continues to claim that it’s possible to scan end-to-end encrypted communication without breaking the encryption. It’s remarkable that the responsible EU Commissioner gets away with this, without tremendous criticism from media and members of the EU Parliament (we know, there are some speaking up, but it’s not enough).

Here are some of her statements during the last week and our comments.

02.04.2023 - 15:46 [ ]

[Report] Deep Packet Inspection and Encrypted Traffic Visibility for IP Networks

By concealing more layers of critical traffic information, new encryption protocols such as TLS 1.3, TLS 1.3 0-RTT and ESNI have led to a significant loss in traffic visibility, resulting in poor network performance, heightened susceptibility to security risks, and inefficiencies in resource utilization. At the same time, the existing use of decryption methods such as SSL/TLS inspection are continuously challenged by various security, regulatory and practicality issues.

This report, which is based on a survey of 34 leading networking vendors, assesses the evolution of deep packet inspection (DPI) techniques in response to newer and tougher encryption protocols.

28.02.2023 - 20:37 [ BBC ]

Signal would ‚walk‘ from UK if Online Safety Bill undermined encryption


Critics say companies could be required by Ofcom to scan messages on encrypted apps for child sexual abuse material or terrorism content under the new law.

This has worried firms whose business is enabling private, secure communication.

Element, a UK company whose customers include the Ministry of Defence, told the BBC the plan would cost it clients.

28.02.2023 - 20:31 [ ]

The end of end-to-end encryption: how the Online Safety Bill threatens your right to privacy

24 years ago, the Human Rights Act was passed and the right to privacy was declared a fundamental right in the UK. Today, in times of rapidly expanding online public spheres, this human right is under grave threat.

Something fundamental is at stake: our ability to hold private conversations.

A combined total of about 47 million people in the UK use messaging apps like Whatsapp and Signal. It is clear that the UK is online and connected. However, the privacy of our online conversations is under threat. So who is trying to undermine our ability to speak without large corporations and governments snooping on our conversations and why?

Enter the Online Safety Bill…

28.02.2023 - 20:18 [ ]

Online Safety Bill in Großbritannien: Threema lässt es auf Rausschmiss ankommen

Der Messenger Threema beteiligt sich nicht am von WhatsApp und Signal angekündigten „Walk-Out“ aus Großbritannien wegen des geplanten Überwachungsgesetzes. Den Anforderungen des „Online Safety Bills“ wird das Schweizer Unternehmen allerdings auch nicht nachkommen.

05.02.2023 - 11:26 [ ]

Next Generation Cryptography

he following table can help customers migrate from legacy ciphers to current or more secure ciphers. The table explains each cryptographic algorithm that is available, the operations that each algorithm supports, and whether an algorithm is Cisco‘s best recommendation. Customers should pay particular attention to algorithms designated as Avoid or Legacy. The status labels are explained following the table.

04.02.2023 - 10:26 [ ]

ZITiS baut Supercomputer zur Entschlüsselung


Dieser Supercomputer hat „höchste Priorität“ für die ZITiS-Abnehmer Verfassungsschutz, Bundeskriminalamt und Bundespolizei.

Vor zwei Wochen wurde bekannt, dass ZITiS auch einen Quantencomputer einsetzen will. Ob Supercomputer und Quantencomputer verschiedene Projekte sind, will ZITiS auf Anfrage nicht verraten:

04.02.2023 - 10:17 [ ]

IBM now has 18 quantum computers in its fleet of weird machines

(May 6, 2020)

Eighteen quantum computers might not sound like a lot. But given that each one is an unwieldy device chilled within a fraction of a degree above absolute zero and operated by Ph.D. researchers, it‘s actually a pretty large fleet. In comparison, Google‘s quantum computers lab near Santa Barbara, California, has only five machines, and Honeywell only has six quantum computers.

04.02.2023 - 10:04 [ ]

How Quantum Computer Could Break 2,048-Bit RSA Encryption in 8 Hours

(June 5, 2019)

Google‘s Craig Gidney and KTH‘s Martin Ekera demonstrated that a quantum system could crack 2,048-bit RSA encryption with just 20 million quantum bits (qubits), rather than requiring 1 billion qubits as previously theorized, in only eight hours with this technique.

The technique uses modular exponentiation, a mathematical process for finding the remainder when a number is raised to a certain power and divided by another number.

Gidney and Ekera have formulated various ways to optimize this process, reducing the resources required to run the large-number-factoring Shor‘s algorithm.