Archiv: Bill de Blasio

08.12.2021 - 19:03 [ Newsweek ]

NYC Vaccine Mandate Blocked by Judge in Blow to Bill de Blasio

Patricia Finn, an attorney who describes herself on Twitter as „The Good Health Lawyer New Yotk (sic),“ launched the legal challenge against the mayor‘s mandate. She regularly espouses anti-vaccination views on her social media accounts.

In one Facebook post, Finn wrote: „Please DO NOT support lockdowns for the unvaccinated. It garners support for lockdowns and punishment for whoever these bureaucrats deem ‚dangerous‘.“

01.11.2021 - 10:15 [ NBC New York ]

FDNY: 2,000 Firefighters on Medical Leave in Apparent Protest of Vaccine Mandate

The FDNY said its vaccination rate for firefighters has climbed to 75% as of around 5 p.m. on Sunday. The overall vaccination rate for the department is 80%.

More than 1,000 FDNY members have applied for religious exemptions and will be able to continue on the job with weekly COVID testing in place as their respective Equal Employment Opportunity offices review the claims, a spokesperson told News 4 Friday.

30.10.2021 - 07:56 [ Yahoo News ]

As vaccination mandate looms, New York prepares for shortage of firefighters, police

Leaders of unions representing firefighters and police officers have said the city could put more than one-third of their members on unpaid leave when enforcement of the vaccine mandate takes effect on Monday.

28.09.2021 - 19:02 [ NY Teachers for Choice ]

Multi-Cultural Plaintiffs Sue de Blasio over Vaccine Mandate

Black, Brown, Hispanic, White, Asian, female, male and immigrant plaintiffs are suing Mayor de Blasio in federal court over his forced vaccination mandate for NYC DOE employees in the case KANE vs DE BLASIO. The 10 plaintiffs include Michael Kane, William Castro, Margaret Chu, Heather Clark, Stephanie Di Capua, Robert Gladding, Nwakaego Nwaifejokwu, Ingrid Romero, Trinidad Smith, and Amaryllis Ruiz-Toro.

This is the third lawsuit filed against de Blasio’s vaccine mandate for NYC educators with a major focus on the city’s fraudulent exemption process.

04.08.2021 - 07:47 [ Fox News ]

Hannity slams New York City‘s vaccine passport protocol

„Nevermind medical privacy, your medical privacy, nevermind your doctor-patient confidentiality. Anyone who‘s vaccinated and is allowed to attend indoor activities will soon have to share their personal, medical documents with employees at every restaurant, every bar, every sporting event, every concert and other random strangers all across New York City.“

Along with vaccine requirements, NHI Director Dr. Francis Collins told CNN that parents should wear masks with their children in their own homes, sparking outrage.

04.08.2021 - 06:58 [ Chicago Tribune ]

Chicago won’t require vaccine passports like New York for now, but ‘we’ll be watching to see how this plays out,’ health commissioner says

Dr. Allison Arwady called New York’s move “appropriate” and praised Chicago businesses who independently implemented such a practice. But New York City was a lot less resistant at the idea of a vaccine passport than Chicago has been, she said.

04.08.2021 - 06:39 [ ]

New York verlangt Impfnachweise

In der US-Metropole New York dürfen bald nur noch geimpfte Menschen Fitnessstudios und die Innenräume von Restaurants betreten. Bürgermeister Bill de Blasio erklärte, die neue Regelung werde über mehrere Wochen im August und September eingeführt.

Damit ist New York die erste Großstadt in den USA, die solche Beschränkungen verhängt.

31.10.2020 - 21:41 [ NBC New York ]

NYC Sheriffs Bust Illegal Halloween Party With Almost 400 People at Brooklyn Warehouse

Deputies said they found three walk-up bars inside as well as a DJ for what appeared to be a Halloween-themed celebration. They shut down the party and charged people for resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, and violating pandemic executive orders that put a ban on mass gathering.

24.10.2020 - 11:40 [ ]

De Blasio calls Trump’s NYC ‘ghost town’ description ‘unfair,’ Manhattan offices could fill up more by early 2021

As of Sept. 18, only 10% of Manhattan office workers had returned to their buildings, the Wall Street Journal reported late last month.

De Blasio confirmed that City Hall had indeed been considering bringing back more of its workforce, but new developments were put on hold due to the recent COVID clusters in Brooklyn and Queens.

17.10.2020 - 23:28 [ Fox News ]

Federal judge says Cuomo coronavirus restrictions may turn NYC ‘desolate,’ but allows them

Brooklyn U.S. District Judge Brian M. Cogan said safety restrictions and guidelines may even “turn New York City into a very different, even desolate, place compared to how it was before the pandemic,” but he declined to grant a preliminary injunction against rules that prohibit restaurants from serving food after midnight. Indoor dining is also restricted to 25% capacity as of Sept. 30.

17.10.2020 - 23:07 [ NBC New York ]

Judge Refuses to Block Cuomo‘s COVID Restrictions After Brooklyn Catholic Diocese Files Lawsuit

Ruling in a lawsuit brought by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn, U.S. District Court Judge Nicholas Garaufis said in an order Friday that even though the rules harm religious groups, it is not in the public interest to block them if they are helping prevent a wave of new infections.

17.10.2020 - 23:02 [ Jerry Dunleavy / Twitter ]

With help from the Becket Fund, New York’s Bais Yaakov Ateres Miriam school for Jewish girls just filed a lawsuit against the recent coronavirus lockdown orders imposed by NY Governor Andrew Cuomo and NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio.

09.10.2020 - 20:00 [ ]

Zoned Coronavirus Shutdown Of Parts Of Brooklyn And Queens Is Now In Effect. Here‘s What We Know

The maps were drafted in consultation with health experts including former city health commissioner and Centers for Disease Control director Dr. Tom Frieden, Dr. Noam Ross of EcoHealth Alliance, and Dr. Michael Osterholm of the University of Minnesota.

05.10.2020 - 21:06 [ ]

Neue Welle an Verschärfungen: Weltweit hat Corona Städte fest im Griff

Das Coronavirus hat die Welt weiterhin fest im Griff. Vor allem in den großen Städten sind die Infektionen in den vergangenen Tagen massiv angestiegen. Sowohl New York als auch Paris schlagen Alarm, in Italien wird eine landesweite Maskenpflicht im Freien geplant.

05.10.2020 - 20:55 [ New York Times ]

Cuomo Won’t Approve Closing of Businesses in 9 Hard-Hit N.Y.C. Areas

Indeed, the governor also announced that the state would take over supervision of enforcement of mask and social-distancing rules in the hot spot clusters, presumably putting the State Police in charge of New York City Police Department officers.

05.10.2020 - 20:49 [ ]

New York governor moves to close yeshivas – and possibly synagogues

That deadline is a day earlier than Mayor Bill de Blasio had set — and equally irrelevant for the hundreds of Jewish schools in the areas, most of which are closed right now because of the Sukkot holiday.

Cuomo also announced that he would take over efforts to enforce social distancing and mask mandates in New York City areas with rising cases, many of which are home to significant Orthodox populations.

05.10.2020 - 20:38 [ Jewish Deplorable / Twitter ]

BREAKING: Cuomo sides with de Blasio’s plan to shut down schools in primarily Jewish areas, threatens to ban religious gatherings

05.10.2020 - 16:06 [ ]

NYC To Close Businesses In Parts Of Brooklyn And Queens As Virus Takes Hold Again

After initially leading the nation in positive coronavirus tests, New York City was able to get the virus under control earlier this year through strong messaging on the importance of social distancing and the widespread closures of businesses. But in recent weeks, city officials and residents had been watching the numbers tick back up, particularly in Orthodox Jewish areas.

05.10.2020 - 15:56 [ CBS News ]

New York City looking to close some areas seeing coronavirus surge

Over the past two weeks, the number of new cases of the virus has been rising in pockets of the city, predominantly in neighborhoods in Brooklyn and Queens that are home to the city‘s large Orthodox Jewish population.

13.06.2020 - 11:42 [ ]

New York City oversight bill to force police to detail surveillance tools

The Public Oversight of Surveillance Technology (POST) Act already has enough co-sponsors to win the two-thirds support needed to override veto from the mayor, who has opposed the bill.

08.06.2020 - 00:43 [ New York Times ]

De Blasio Vows for First Time to Cut Funding for the N.Y.P.D.

The mayor on Sunday declined to say precisely how much funding he planned to divert to social services from the New York Police Department, which has an annual budget of $6 billion, representing more than 6 percent of Mr. de Blasio’s proposed $90 billion budget.

06.06.2020 - 23:36 [ ]

Live Protest Updates: Influential Union Presses De Blasio To End NYC Curfew Now

Mayor Bill de Blasio is facing continued pressure to lift the 8 p.m. curfew that is in response to the protests, this time from an influential union.

In a tweet sent out this afternoon, the 175,000-member-strong 32BJ SEIU union demanded de Blasio end the curfew while also calling for „the immediate release of all who have been arrested for curfew violations.“ The union comprised of service workers has been an ally to de Blasio in the past, having endorsed him twice during his tenure as mayor.

06.06.2020 - 23:32 [ Seth Pollack / Twitter ]

A scary explanation from horrified ⁦@NYCMayor ⁩ staff: “Of particular concern to staffers, the source said, is that de Blasio appears to be getting all of his information about the protests from Police Commissioner Dermot Shea.”


06.06.2020 - 23:28 [ ]

More Than 400 Current And Former Members Of The De Blasio Administration Say The Mayor Is Failing At His Job


Over 400 current and former employees in the administration of Mayor Bill de Blasio have signed an open letter denouncing the mayor’s treatment of peaceful protesters and his refusal to reign in the NYPD.

The letter includes a scathing evaluation of de Blasio’s performance on criminal justice reform, despite it being one of the main commitments that drew many of these staffers to work for the administration, particularly after he made ending the misuse of stop and frisk a central theme in his 2013 mayoral campaign.

06.06.2020 - 12:10 [ New York Times ]

‘Kettling’ of Peaceful Protesters Shows Aggressive Shift by N.Y. Police

The maneuver was a law enforcement tactic called kettling. The police encircle protesters so that they have no way to exit from a park, city block or other public space, and then charge in and make arrests.

For the next 20 minutes in Downtown Brooklyn, officers swinging batons turned a demonstration that had been largely peaceful into a scene of chaos.

The kettling operations carried out by the police department after curfew have become among the most unsettling symbols of its use of force against peaceful protests, and have touched off a fierce backlash against Mayor Bill de Blasio and the police commissioner, Dermot F. Shea.

06.06.2020 - 12:09 [ ]

Outrage over NYPD tactics

The NYPD is under fire for a series of actions unfolding each day as protesters continue to defy the nightly curfew.

03.06.2020 - 19:52 [ New York Times ]

Police Union Discloses Arrest of de Blasio’s Daughter in Privacy Breach


In the post, the union asked how police officers could protect New Yorkers from “rioting anarchists” when “the mayor’s object-throwing daughter is one of them.”

There was nothing in the police report that suggested Ms. de Blasio had thrown any object, and the mayor said she was protesting peacefully. The report said that the police had advised her to leave the street, at 12th Street and Broadway, and she had “refused to do so.”

03.06.2020 - 19:23 [ ]

New York Police Are Attacking Protesters — They Know They Won’t Face Consequences

In New York, which has one of the strictest laws in the country protecting the privacy of law enforcement officers, Gov. Andrew Cuomo surprised advocates this week when he expressed support for repealing 50-a, despite the fact that the legislation has been hotly debated during the nine years he has been in office. “I would sign a bill today that reforms 50-a,” Cuomo said. “I would sign it today.” De Blasio has defended 50-a, and under his administration the city has stopped making the outcomes of internal disciplinary reviews available to the public.

02.06.2020 - 21:02 [ Tony McDay / Twitter ]

Cuomo is absolutely right. @NYCMayor and #NYPD, were focused on the protesters instead the organized looters using the protests as cover to create havoc.

02.06.2020 - 20:27 [ New York Daily News ]

Cuomo calls on NYPD to ‘do a better job,’ slams de Blasio as looting and unrest rock NYC

Gov. Cuomo said Tuesday the NYPD and Mayor de Blasio must “do a better job” at curbing looting and violence erupting amid civil unrest over police brutality against African-Americans.

“The police in New York City were not effective at doing their job last night. Period,” the governor said during a press briefing in Albany. “They have to do a better job.“

23.03.2020 - 08:47 [ ]

De Blasio asks Trump to send military to New York

“The military is the best logistical organization in the nation. If there are ventilators being produced anywhere in the country, we need to get them to New York. Not weeks from now or months from now, in the next 10 days.“

“Why are they at their bases? Why are they not being allowed to serve?“ de Blasio said. “I guarantee you, they‘re ready to serve. But the president has to give the order.“

23.02.2020 - 16:04 [ Bill de Blasio, Mayor of New York City / Twitter ]

And hey @PeteButtigieg , try to not be so smug when you just got your ass kicked. You know how we form a winning coalition to beat Trump? With a true multi-racial coalition of working Americans: something @BernieSanders has proven he can do + you haven’t. Dude, show some humility