Großbritannien plant unabhängig von der EU ein ähnliches Gesetz wie die Chatkontrolle. Sollte der jetzige Entwurf mit seinen Bestimmungen durchkommen, erwägt der weltweit größte Messenger einen Rückzug von der Insel.
Daily Archives: 13. Dezember 2022
Positionspapier zu Chatkontrolle: Innenministerin Faeser will Koalitionsvertrag brechen
Die Bundesinnenministerin will alle Chatnachrichten ohne Anlass durchsuchen. Das geht aus einem Positionspapier des Ministeriums hervor, das wir veröffentlichen. Im Koalitionsvertrag steht das Gegenteil. Koalitionspartner und sogar die eigene Fraktion kritisieren den Vorschlag heftig.
Exclusive: US finalizing plans to send Patriot missile defense system to Ukraine
“And we’re working to make sure that the Ukrainians get those systems as quickly as possible but also as effectively as possible, making sure that they are trained on them, making sure they have the ability to maintain them and all of that has to come together and it is. We have a very deliberate process established by the Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin in Ramstein, Germany, that meets regularly to make sure that the Ukrainians are getting what they need, when they need it.”
Why the US Won’t Give Patriot Interceptors to Ukraine
(March 10, 2022)
“There‘s no discussion about putting a Patriot battery in Ukraine. In order to do that you have to put U.S. troops with it to operate it,” a senior defense official said Thursday.
Biden faces growing pressure to drop charges against Julian Assange
The charges against Assange for obtaining and publishing classified information, without any active role in actually stealing it mark “the crossing of a legal rubicon”, said Jaffer at Columbia University. That’s an ominous legal threshold, he said, for Assange and all journalists.
“It’s the first time the US government has used the Espionage Act to go after a publisher and the implications are huge,” Jaffer said. Assange “has been indicted for activity that reporters are engaged in every day and that reporters have to engage in every day to inform the public. This would have dramatic implications for national security journalism.”
To @POTUS and @TheJusticeDept: Stop the extradition of Assange. I am as indictable as he is on the exact same charges. I will plead „not guilty“ on grounds of your blatantly unconstitutional use of the Espionage Act. Let‘s take this to the Supreme Court.
Letter: 90+ LGBTQ and human rights organizations oppose KOSA
November 28, 2022
Re: Opposition to S. 3663’s Threats to Minors’ Privacy and Safety Online
Dear Majority Leader Schumer, Chairwoman Cantwell, and Ranking Member Wicker:
We, the undersigned organizations, believe that the privacy, online safety, and digital well-being of children should be protected. However, S. 3663, the “Kids Online Safety Act” (KOSA), would undermine those goals for all people, but especially children, by effectively forcing providers to use invasive filtering and monitoring tools; jeopardizing private, secure communications; incentivizing increased data collection on children and adults; and undermining the delivery of critical services to minors by public agencies like schools. We oppose this bill.
Congress Trying To Sneak Through Internet Link Tax To Funnel Cash To Private Equity Firms That Are Destroying Local Journalism
Congress has a bad habit. They have stopped passing substantive legislation through normal procedure, debate and votes. The legislative process as designed by our Founders is not happening. Instead, Congress is saving most of its actual policy-making legislation for large end-of-the-year bills that can combine hundreds of separate pieces of legislation. And if reports are accurate, we could be shaping up for the granddaddy of them all this December. This process must change, particularly for bills as highly controversial and constitutionally concerning as the misleadingly named Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA).
Ampel trägt Chatkontrolle im EU-Minister-Rat grundsätzlich mit
Im Ministerrat der EU gibt es Vorbehalte gegen den Chatkontrolle-Vorschlag der EU-Kommission – aber Deutschland hält sich mit Kritik zurück. Das geht aus einem Protokoll (PDF) eines EU-Innenministertreffens sowie aus den Drahtberichten der deutschen Ständigen Vertretung in Brüssel hervor. Die eingestuften Drahtberichte der Verhandlungen vom 03.11. und 24.11. veröffentlichen wir im Volltext.
Die Dokumente zeigen deutlich, dass es keinen maßgeblichen Widerstand gegen die Einführung dieser neuen anlasslosen Massenüberwachung bei den Innenminister:innen gibt – auch nicht aus Deutschland, wo sich die Koalitionspartner von Innenministerin Nancy Faeser (SPD) überaus deutlich von dem Vorhaben distanziert haben.