Daily Archives: 12. April 2022

12.04.2022 - 18:05 [ Der Spiegel / Twitter ]

Der deutsche Rüstungskonzern Rheinmetall will Dutzende Kampfpanzer an die Ukraine liefern, sofern die Bundesregierung zustimmt. Eine Schulung an den Fahrzeugen vom Typ Leopard 1 sei kurzfristig möglich.

12.04.2022 - 17:57 [ Times of Israel ]

Hearings in submarine affair probe to be open to public, despite state’s request

(15 March 2022)

The state commission of inquiry, approved by the cabinet in January, will consist of five panelists headed by former Supreme Court president Asher Grunis.

It is tasked with examining a murky $2 billion deal to purchase submarines from the German shipbuilder Thyssenkrupp. More specifically, it will attempt to evaluate the procedures and decision-making employed by the political echelon related to the sensitive procurement, conducted under the government of former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

12.04.2022 - 17:48 [ IsraelHayom.com ]

PM vows will not seek coalition with Joint Arab List, Netanyahu

Asked about the immediate aftermath of Silman‘s resignation, he said that „the first order of business was to stabilize the faction. I‘ve spoken with the party heads and this government is moving forward. The alternative is to return to the dark days of more election campaigns. Instead of fighting terrorism, fighting each other.“

Bennett further rejected the assertion that the current 60-60 situation in the Knesset has left his government paralyzed, saying that political paralysis „is measured in actions. Controversial laws are hard to pass, but we have no issue with regular legislation.“

12.04.2022 - 17:18 [ CNN ]

No indictment for Netanyahu

(20. April 1997)

Netanyahu told CNN‘s Walter Rodgers he was „glad that the truth came out,“ and said the entire incident was „blown out of proportion and twisted out of shape.“

„It‘s politics,“ he said in an interview shortly after the attorney general released his report. „Of course there were people out to get us. But this is going nowhere. It‘s done. It‘s finished.“

12.04.2022 - 16:37 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Netanjahus Enkel zu Premierminister Israels: „Du schuldest uns Krieg“ – aus dem Zukunftsarchiv, 13.Oktober 2031

(13. Oktober 2013)

Wie wir alle wissen, wurde der rechtsradikale Premierminister Benjamin Netanjahu vor 18 Jahren wegen einem maßgeblich durch seine Person organisierten drohenden Atomkrieg gegen den Iran, nachfolgend gegen Libanon, gegen Syrien sowieso und natürlich auch gegen den Gazastreifen und überhaupt die gesamte Region von einem linksradikalen Israeli erschossen. Ganz Israel reagierte seinerzeit wie Netanjahus eigene Likud Partei. Es sagte: „Oh. Das ist aber schade.“ Und dann kam alles ganz anders…

12.04.2022 - 16:17 [ Youtube ]

Yitzhak Rabin – The Last Speech (English Subtitles)

The last speech of prime minister and minister of defense Yitzhak Rabin, who was assassinated by right-wing Israeli radical on November 4th 1995 in Tel Aviv.

12.04.2022 - 16:11 [ Washington Post ]

Will Israel Ever Move Past the Netanyahu Era?

(April 6, 2022)

Netanyahu has been relatively quiet on Ukraine, which would put him at odds with the current administration and key parts of the U.S. Republican Party. In the past he has seen Putin as a partner in fighting Iranian influence in Syria and in the effort to keep Iran from supplying Hezbollah and Hamas with cash and weapons. That is similar to Bennett’s policy, though it is hard to imagine Bibi trying to mediate the conflict or allowing his foreign minister to call Putin a war criminal, as Lapid is now doing.

12.04.2022 - 15:36 [ Radio Utopie ]

Taktik des Terrorkrieges: Wahrnehmungs-Management, Verwirrung, gelenkte Querfront

(7. Juni 2017)

Folgende Beispiele sind entnommen der Dokumentation „Hypernormalisation“ des britischen Journalisten, Regisseurs und Genies Adam Curtis aus dem Jahre 2016, welche untenstehend eingebettet ist.

Ohne auf alle in der Dokumentation dargestellten Entwicklungen und Hintergründe einzugehen, beleuchtet diese u.a. die jahrzehntelange Taktik des „Wahrnehmungs-Managements“ (perception management), die Manipulation der Öffentlichen Meinung, die Lenkung vermeintlich verfeindeter oder sich gegenseitig bekriegender Gruppen durch die gleiche Hand (befördert durch die Unfähigkeit zu dreidimensionalem Verständnis von Politik, links vs rechts, progressiv vs reaktionär, oben vs unten) die gezielte Konfusion jedweder Opposition und die permanente Formwandlung der Macht und der Mächtigen, um sie nicht greifbar und damit unangreifbar erscheinen zu lassen.

12.04.2022 - 15:33 [ AlArabiya.net ]

Russia sees military coordination with Israel on Syria continuing amid Ukraine crisis

(26 February ,2022)

Russia sees its military coordination with Israel over Syria continuing, the Russian embassy said on Saturday, after Moscow signaled displeasure with Israeli statements about the Ukraine crisis.

Following the 2015 Russian intervention in the Syrian civil war, Israel set up a “deconfliction mechanism” with the big power to prevent them clashing inadvertently during Israeli strikes against Iranian deployments and arms transfers in the neighboring Arab state.

12.04.2022 - 15:18 [ Haaretz ]

Rights Groups Demand Israel Stop Arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine

(Jul. 9, 2018)

A group of more than 40 human rights activists have filed a petition with the High Court of Justice, demanding the cessation of Israeli arms exports to Ukraine.

They argue that these weapons serve forces that openly espouse a neo-Nazi ideology and cite evidence that the right-wing Azov militia, whose members are part of Ukraine’s armed forces, and are supported by the country’s ministry of internal affairs, is using these weapons.

12.04.2022 - 06:42 [ OpIndia.com ]

Allegations of white phosphorus munitions being used by Russia and Ukraine emerge: Read if it’s considered a chemical weapon and is illegal to use it during war

(28 February, 2022)

WP has not been categorised as an incendiary or chemical weapon by international agencies. The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, which is an intergovernmental organisation and the implementing body for the Chemical Weapons Convention, has not listed WP in any of the three Schedules of Chemical Weapons. However, United Nations considers it as an incendiary chemical.

12.04.2022 - 06:25 [ Chris Menahan / Twitter ]

The Pentagon said Monday night they „cannot confirm“ the Azov Battalion‘s claim they were attacked by Russian „chemical weapons“ in Mariupol.

12.04.2022 - 06:13 [ Nexta / Twitter ]

Alexey Arestovich reports that at the moment they are checking information about the possible use of chemical weapons by #Russian troops in #Mariupol.