Den Plänen zufolge sollen die Zollbehörden zukünftig als Endnutzer:innen an den eigentlich auf die Strafverfolgungsbehörden ausgerichteten Sicherheitsforschungsprojekten im Rahmenprogramm Horizont 2020 teilnehmen.
Daily Archives: 16. März 2021
Hält Biden Amerika als Geisel bis zum „Unabhängigkeitstag“?
Jetzt brauchen die Amerikaner also die Erlaubnis von Fauci, um zu heiraten? Was geschieht mit diesem Land? Die Propaganda ist so unerbittlich, dass es scheint, dass die meisten Amerikaner nicht sehen, wie nicht normal das ist! In gesünderen Zeiten würde Fauci von der Bühne gelacht werden. Jetzt wird er als eine Art göttliche Quelle der Wahrheit behandelt.
Großbritannien will Atomwaffenarsenal vergrößern
Die Kampagne zur nuklearen Abrüstung (CND) nannte einen Ausbau des britischen Atomarsenals „schockierend“. „Wir wollen nicht mehr Nuklearwaffen. Wir wollen gar keine“, erklärte die CND, nachdem Einzelheiten aus dem Bericht bereits zuvor in Medien durchgesickert waren.
The free-speech crisis is not a right-wing myth
Too many on what passes for the left today are keen to dismiss the free-speech crisis in universities as a ‘right-wing myth’. They brush off the countless examples of censorship as overhyped. And they ignore concerns about the moral policing of dissenting views.
In short, they effectively deny that a free-speech crisis exists. And they do so by attacking those who are sounding the alarm. As far as these deniers are concerned, the problem is not cancel culture; it is those dishonest myth-makers who are drawing attention to it.
What is the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill and how will it change protests?
It will also become a crime to fail to follow restrictions the protesters „ought“ to have known about, even if they have not received a direct order from an officer.
At present, police need to prove protesters knew they had been told to move on, before they can be said to have broken the law.
The proposed law includes an offence of „intentionally or recklessly causing public nuisance“.
Civil liberties groups call police plans for demos an ‚assault‘ on right to protest
Among other things, the police, crime, sentencing and courts bill will give Priti Patel powers to create laws to define “serious disruption” to communities and organisations, which police can then rely on to impose conditions on protests.
The HMICFRS report, ordered by Patel following Extinction Rebellion (XR) and Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests, outlines a “need to develop” covert intelligence gathering methods and an expectation of increased use of facial recognition technology, despite a court of appeal ruling last year that its use in south Wales breached privacy rights and broke equalities law.
Welle von Polizeigewalt in Chile, 1.000 Festnahmen am Wochenende
Die Militärpolizei Carabineros hat am Samstag 1.024 Menschen in Santiago de Chile festgenommen.
CDU-Verteidigungsstaatssekretär Peter Tauber legt Amt vorzeitig nieder
Wegen einer Erkrankung legt der CDU-Verteidigungsstaatssekretär Tauber sein Amt zu Ostern nieder. Der Schritt falle ihm „nicht leicht“, sagte der 46-Jährige. Eine Operation zwinge ihn zu einer längeren Auszeit.
PM Boris Johnson: The Oxford vaccine shows why we and the world need Britain to be global
The objective of Global Britain is not to swagger or strike attitudes on the world stage. It is to use the full spectrum of our abilities, now amplified by record spending on both defence and science, to engage with and help the rest of the world. That is how we serve the British interest, and I mean the economic interest of people up and down the country. And as the vaccine programme begins to inspire a new global hope, we want to use this moment to heal, both literally and figuratively.
‚Your Brexit sulk will cost lives‘: MPs from all parties and the WHO plead with Britons to keep taking ‚safe‘ AstraZeneca vaccine amid fury that EU‘s ‚fake news‘ has fuelled anti-vax campaign as Sweden joins 12 countries suspending jab
As Sweden became the latest European country to suspend the Oxford vaccine over unproven fears it causes blood clots, politicians, medics and scientists have launched a concerted effort to reassure the public about safety.
France, Germany, Spain and Italy are also among the states to act despite the European Medicines Agency dismissing the link, with warnings that the pausing of inoculations is ‚reckless‘ and will cost lives on the continent.
Today‘s Trending Stocks $TSLA Tesla Inc $699.05 (0.99%) $AAPL Apple Inc. $123.21 (2.05%) $PFE Pfizer Inc $35.17 (0.76%)
$GME GameStop Corp. Class A
$275.93 (5.04%)
$SNAP Snap, Inc. Class A
$62.29 (-1.38%)
WHO: Vaccine rollout unaffected by concerns over AstraZeneca
“We understand these are precautionary measures,“ WHO assistant director-general Mariangela Simao said. “I would like to say this to countries from other regions that are not Europe: That the vaccines (at issue) so far are from European manufacturing not vaccines that are provided through the COVAX facility.”
Coronavirus live news: keep using AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine, says WHO
But, Boseley writes, while governments are pulling the plug, most scientists are rolling their eyes, because, so far, there is no evidence that any were caused by the vaccine.
Experts say that the numbers of blood clots and thrombocytopenia cases in people who have been vaccinated is no higher than in the population that has not received the jab
Deutschland, Frankreich, Italien: AstraZeneca-Impfung ausgesetzt
Die Entscheidung zur Aussetzung ist keine wirkliche Überraschung – angesichts dessen, dass sich andere Länder, zuerst Dänemark, dann Norwegen, Island, Bulgarien, Irland, die Niederlande und – auf bestimmte Chargen begrenzt – auch Österreich, Estland, Lettland, Litauen, Luxemburg, Italien und Rumänien zu einem solchen Schritt entschlossen hatten und dazu auch Fälle von schweren Blutgerinnseln zur Begründung angegeben wurden.
Meretz Leader Says Will Recommend Lapid for Prime Minister After Election
Meretz is the first party in the center-left bloc that has officially announced its support for Lapid, while the Yesh Atid leader himself has avoided declaring his candidacy for the premiership.
Labor chairman Merav Michaeli and Kahol Lavan leader Benny Gantz have refused in recent weeks to pledge their support for Lapid.
The Secrecy and Unaccountability of the Surveillance State Delegitimizes the Government and Undermines Trust
This warrantless mass surveillance of people in the United States—often capturing information on millions of innocent Americans, with disproportionate impacts on communities of color—fuels resentment against the government from both ends of the ideological spectrum.
Turkey issues diplomatic note to Greece, Israel and EU over East Med
The Foreign Ministry protested the recent agreement reached between Israel, Greece and Greek Cyprus advancing plans to build a 2,000-megawatt undersea electricity cable connecting the three.
Brazilians Demand Justice for Marielle Franco‘s Murder
One day before her killing, Franco spoke out against extrajudicial killings by police and paramilitaries. „Three years later, there is still impunity,“ Cipriano condemned.