Daily Archives: 13. August 2019
Assange Must Not Also Die in Jail – The highly dubious death of Jeffrey Epstein in a US maximum security prison is another strong reason not to extradite Julian Assange into one – particularly as many of the same people who are relieved by Epstein‘s death
Neues Hochschulgesetz in NRW erlaubt Kriegsforschung
Die Blaupause für diesen Kurs lieferte im Jahr 2013 der regierungsnahe Think-Tank Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) mit dem Papier „Neue Macht – Neue Verantwortung“. In dem Dokument wird der Aufbau einer „Denklandschaft“ gefordert, die „imstande ist, politische Optionen schnell und in operationalisierbarer Form zu entwickeln“. Eine dieser Optionen besteht, so das Papier, im „Einsatz militaristischer Gewalt“. Universitäten und Forschungseinrichtungen werden explizit als Teil der „Denklandschaft“ verstanden.
John Pilger warnt: „Vergesst Assange nicht, sonst werdet ihr ihn verlieren“
Medientrust wie die New York Times und die Washington Post, aber auch jede große Zeitung in Australien und Deutschland, hatten drei Jahre lang die Lüge verbreitet, dass Assange ein „russischer Agent“ sei. Jetzt unterdrücken sie jegliche Nachricht über das vernichtende Urteil. Diese Reaktion unterstreicht nur ihre Funktion als Sprachrohr der Geheimdienste und der Regierungen, die Assange verfolgen.
Portugal: Klare Antwort
Landesweiter Ausstand der Lkw-Fahrer in Portugal: Regierung versucht sich an Aushebelung des Streikrechts
Washington beschränkt Artenschutz
Ferner sollen künftig wirtschaftliche Belange in die Bewertung des Schutzstatus von Wildtieren einbezogen werden dürfen.
Frankreich: Vor heißem Herbst
„Die Regierung ist noch immer nicht den Erwartungen der Gilets jaunes und der französischen Bürger nachgekommen. Es ist an uns, zu reagieren.“
Deutschlands Gestaltungsanspruch
Statt einer Beteiligung an einer US-Operation macht sich die Bundesregierung weiterhin für einen EU-Marineeinsatz im Persischen Golf stark. „Wir wollen eine europäische Mission“, erklärte Außenminister Maas vor rund einer Woche; allerdings werde es „sicherlich noch Zeit in Anspruch nehmen …, die EU davon zu überzeugen“
Stena Bulk ceo talks to @Lloydslisted @LloydsList about his concerns for the welfare of the crew on detained Stena Impero after a month trapped onboard in Iranian waters @stenabulk
Iran says Grace 1 tanker could be released ‘soon’
Authorities in Gibraltar were given permission by Gibraltar’s Supreme Court to detain the vessel until mid-August, with another hearing on the matter set for Thursday morning. The current detention order on the vessel expires on Saturday night.
Iran warns that small but growing U.S. naval coalition in Strait of Hormuz raises the „risk of combustion“
After intense negotiations with Iranian authorities, CBS News was given rare access to Iranian-controlled waters in the Strait — one of the most volatile transit routes for the world‘s oil supply.
About 14 tankers carry crude through the Strait every single day; a combined cargo value of $1.3 billion. It‘s a lot of money, and there‘s a lot of vested interest in ensuring the flow of tankers continues unimpeded.
Schwere Niederlage für Präsident Macri bei Vorwahlen in Argentinien
Der Wert des US-Dollars ist von 48,5 Pesos am Sonntagabend im Laufe des Montagvormittags um mehr als 30 Prozent auf bis zu 65 Pesos gestiegen. Argentinische Staatsanleihen und Aktien an den internationalen Börsen haben mit schweren Verlusten zu kämpfen. Macri machte auf einer Pressekonferenz am Montag den Erfolg der „Frente para Todos“ für die heftige Reaktion der Märkte und den immensen Abstieg des Pesos verantwortlich.
The war on democracy must be diverse!
Lucas, the ostensibly leftish leader of the Green Party, proposed forming an entirely undemocratic ‘emergency cabinet’ made up of her and her exclusively female chums. Its job would be to trash the thing that 17.4million of us voted for – leaving the EU. And how did the woke left respond to Lucas’s lunacy? By pointing out that her proposed cabinet consisted entirely of white women! Yes, it wasn’t the fact that Lucas was essentially proposing a coup against democracy that got the woke lobby’s back up – it was that there were no black faces in her clique against the masses.
‘Politicians vs People’ Latest
YouGov have carried out a poll of what politicians think their role is, compared to what their constituents believe they’re elected to do. Says it all really…
We have 447 days to #FlipTheSenate. Our first 7 candidates are: @cristinafortx for Texas @Romanoff2020 for Colorado @CollinsWilmot for Montana @MaggieForSenate for New Mexico @harrisonjaime for South Carolina @James_Mackler for Tennessee @tedterry1 for Georgia Let‘s GO!
Breakfast with Bernie Town Hall. Join us live in New Hampshire.
#MyBernieStory I was on the train in Brooklyn at 5:30am in the morning and it was PACKED. Every car. Every seat was taken. Just everyday people going to work. And I asked myself which presidential candidate cares most about the people on this train? Easy. @BernieSanders.
Neither does @washingtonpost or @NBCNews @MSNBC . They started attacking Bernie as soon as #MyBernieStory started trending.
We‘re starting to suspect that the New York Times doesn‘t like Bernie.
Bernie at Navy Pier in Chicago and received no coverage at all! #MyBernieStory
Yup, that’s our Val
Bernie truly woke me up and started a fire within me. I didn’t think there was a point in being involved in politics because of corruption. He showed me my power I hold. Now I’m fighting with him because he is fighting for us. #myberniestory
#MyBernieStory Trends As Americans Share Why They‘re Voting Sanders in 2020: He ‚Will Cancel All Student Debt‘
With tens of thousands of people participating by either uploading a video or writing support for Sanders (or both), the hashtag quickly rose to become the number one trending topic in America later in the afternoon.
Sanders‘ campaign manager Faiz Shakir on Monday thanked supporters for making the social media campaign go viral in a tweet, before detailing his own Sanders story.
Washington Post editor calls Sanders claim about campaign coverage a ‚conspiracy theory‘
Sanders and his campaign have begun arguing recently that a variety of news outlets, including the Post and the Times, are biased in their coverage of his 2020 White House bid.
„We have pointed out over and over again that Amazon made $10 billion in profits last year. You know how much they paid in taxes? You got it, zero! Any wonder why The Washington Post is not one of my great supporters, I wonder why?“ Sanders said in North Conway, N.H. on Monday night, according to CNN.
Israeli billionaire Beny Steinmetz to be tried over ‚Guinea bribes‘
sraeli billionaire Beny Steinmetz and two associates are to stand trial for allegedly bribing Guinean officials to win mining licences, Swiss prosecutors say.
The trio allegedly paid $10m (£8.2m) to one of the wives of former Guinean President Lansana Conte.
Mr Steinmetz and his mining company Beny Steinmetz Group Resources (BSGR) have previously denied any wrongdoing.
Greece earthquake: Crete hit by magnitude 5.2 tremor
It comes almost two weeks after the island was hit by an earlier 5.2 quake, and just days after a 5.8 magnitude tremor damaged hundreds of homes near Denizli in neighbouring Turkey.
Satellite mode not working anymore
It‘s happening on anything using chrome but if you use internet explorer it works fine. Has to be chrome related.
In largest-ever drill, Israeli Navy prepares for massive, devastating quake
Representatives from 9 foreign countries and NATO participate in naval exercise ‘Mighty Waves 2019,’ simulating aftermath of tremor
How to Watch the Peak of the Perseid Meteor Shower Tonight
One of the year’s best meteor showers peaks tonight into tomorrow and Wednesday, which means it’s a great opportunity to wake up early, find a dark place outdoors, and enjoy the spectacle.
Verizon is selling Tumblr to WordPress’ owner
Tumblr will act as as a “complementary” site to WordPress.