Für mich liest sich das alles eher wie eine Bedienungsanleitung, wie man jemandem, den man gar nicht leiden kann, ohne jedes Risiko mal so richtig Ärger machen kann. Noch dazu mit geringstmöglichem Aufwand, denn für das Schockmoment sorgt ja letztlich die Staatsgewalt.
Daily Archives: 4. August 2019
Bolsonaro Picks Military Dictatorship Backers to Head Agency Probing Deaths, Disappearances
Bolsonaro is trying to rewrite the history of a torturous “dictatorship that lasted for 21 years” and “deny it all” according to Psol leader Ivan Valente.
Tulsi Gabbard has done the unpardonable: criticized US global hegemony
The Times full spread hit piece on Tulsi Gabbard is a new low, even for the Times. It is yellow journalism half disguised as human interest, with a few random points of political information.
Der Imperiale Komplex enttarnt sich
Um in der real existierenden Weltordnung auf dem Planeten Kriege, Attentate oder einen (schleichenden) Staatstreich durchzuführen oder zu vernebeln, braucht es lediglich eine entsprechend mächtige Hierarchie, sowie Individuen, die sie entweder benutzen, manipulieren oder sich hinter ihr verstecken können.
Für die einfachen Menschen abseits der jeweils herrschenden Klasse ist es wichtig zu wissen, wie sie selbst von dieser betrachtet werden.
Nie wieder Hiroshima und Nagasaki
Die ärztliche Friedensorganisation IPPNW erinnert anlässlich der Jahrestage der Atombombenangriffe auf die japanischen Städte Hiroshima (6. August) und Nagasaki (9. August 1945) an die katastrophalen humanitären Folgen von Atomwaffen.
Tausend Aktivisten für 23 Einwohner: Ein Besuch im #Klimacamp in #Pödelwitz, dem von der Braunkohle bedrohten Dorf bei #Leipzig.
700 Braunkohlegegner bei Dorffest in Pödelwitz
Der Ort am Rand des Tagebaus „Vereinigtes Schleenhain“ soll abgebaggert werden. Vor dem Fest hatte am Sonntagmorgen ein Gottesdienst stattgefunden.
Das Klimacamp im 700 Jahre alten Ort hatte am Sonnabend begonnen und soll zehn Tage dauern. Die Veranstalter rechnen mit bis zu 1.000 Teilnehmern. Bis zum 12. August stehen rund 100 Konzerte, Diskussionen und Vorträge auf dem Programm. Neben dem Protest gegen die Braunkohleverstromung im Leipziger Umland solle es in den Debatten auch um alternative und nachhaltige Formen des Zusammenlebens gehen, hieß es.
Iranian fighter jet crashes in southern province, two onboard safe: Mehr
Iran said on Sunday that one of its fighter jets had crashed in the southern province of Bushehr because of technical problem, the semi-official Mehr news agency reported, adding that two people onboard the jet were safe.
Fliegender Mann überquert Ärmelkanal
Aber auch Armeen haben Interesse. Unter anderem für Patrouillenflüge könnten Soldaten das „Flyboard“ nutzen.
French ‚Flying Man‘ crosses Channel on jet-powered hoverboard
French inventor Franky Zapata on Sunday succeeded in crossing the English Channel on a jet-powered hoverboard he designed, zooming over the Strait of Dover in just over 20 minutes.
EU MUST BE JOKING! Sneaky EU chiefs are planning to hit Britain with a tax bill for £1trillion for unpaid VAT
Tory MP Mark Francois, vice-chairman of the European Research Group, said: “This is a classic example of arrogance from our so-called EU partners that convinced so many Brits to vote leave in the first place.
“The House of Lords says that, legally, we don’t owe them £39billion, so if they’re now ludicrously claiming a trillion, they can whistle for it.”
Iran seizes tanker smuggling fuel to Arab states in Persian Gulf
(This item is being updated.)
Iran seizes another tanker in the Gulf, state media say
State TV quoted by Reuters said the Revolutionary Guard Corps‘ naval forces had „seized a foreign tanker in the Persian Gulf that was smuggling fuel for some Arab countries“.
It said the tanker was carrying 700,000l of fuel, adding that seven sailors had been detained.
The reported incident comes amid high tension after the US tightened sanctions on Iran‘s oil sector.
NDAA heads to conference after budget deal
Discussions are expected to start in August, and he estimated that a conference report would be finalized by Oct. 1.
President Trump does not have the legal authority to drag the U.S. into war with Iran. A great quote from our very own @dohlbaum in this piece on Congress and war powers in the #NDAA. #EndForeverWars #AUMF
@SpeakerPelosi Congratulations on passing legislation to stop fueling war in Yemen by unconditionally suspending arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the UAE in the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). This must remain in the final bill sent to the President for signature.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of the FY 2020 NDAA
Recognizing the Flaws & Failures of the 2001 AUMF ( )
Lee, who was the sole NO vote on the 2001 AUMF passed in response to the 9/11 attacks, offered another amendment to express the sense of Congress that the 2001 AUMF has been utilized well beyond the scope that Congress intended, that it has served as a blank check for any President to wage war at any time and any place, and that any new authorization for the use of military force to replace the 2001 AUMF should include a sunset clause, a clear and specific expression of objectives, targets, and geographic scope, and reporting requirements. Eighteen years ago, she feared that the AUMF would be a blank check, and that is exactly what it has been.
The amendment passed 237 to 183. 215 Democrats, 21 Republicans, and Amash voted for it. 167 Republicans and 16 Democrats voted against it.
Here are the 16 warmongering Democrats:
REPORT: Multiple fatalities, several wounded in Oregon District shooting
Unconfirmed reports via police and fire scanners are indicating there may be as many as seven dead and an unknown number of victims wounded in a shooting at or near Ned Peppers Bar, in the 400 block of East Fifth Street.
Those scanner reports, also unconfirmed, are indicating that police are searching for a possible second shooter who may have left the area.
AF NEWS: At least 18 people have been shot or injured inside a Walmart at Cielo Vista Mall in El Paso, Texas. A few days ago a gunman killed 2 people in a Mississippi Walmart. Not 2 weeks have passed since the Gilroy, California shooting.
Eighth round of U.S., Taliban peace talks to start in Doha Aug. 3: officials
Two sources with knowledge of the talks said an agreement on the withdrawal of foreign forces in exchange for security guarantees by the Taliban is expected before Aug.13
About 20,000 foreign troops, most of them American, are now in Afghanistan as part of a U.S.-led NATO mission to train, assist and advise Afghan forces.
General Calls Rushed Troop Withdrawal From Afghanistan a ‘Strategic Mistake’
WASHINGTON — Withdrawing American troops from Afghanistan too soon would be a “strategic mistake,” President Trump’s nominee for Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman said Thursday, clearly outlining the Pentagon’s position as the White House wrestles with whether to pull military forces and end the 18-year war.
The 2 veterans on the Democratic debate stage made a big promise about Afghanistan
They would withdraw all US troops from Afghanistan within their first year in office.
North Korea want to host World Cup qualifier with South in Pyongyang
Recent rocket tests by the North Koreans have, however, brought talks about sport and other inter-Korean exchanges to a halt.
LIVE: Protest gegen Polizeigewalt in Frankreich – Schweigemarsch in Nantes
Demonstranten nehmen am Samstag, 3. August, an einem Schweigemarsch in den Straßen von Nantes teil. Anlass ist der Tod eines 24-jährigen Mannes, der im Juni bei einer Polizeiaktion in die Loire gefallen ist und dessen Leiche am Montag aus dem Fluss geborgen wurde. Auf den „Marsch des Schweigens“ folgt eine Demonstration gegen die Brutalität der Polizei.
Sharp rise in Brazilian deforestation undeniable, says sacked research chief
The sacking of Galvao, a respected physicist and member of the Brazilian Academy of Science, sent shockwaves through the country’s scientific community.
USS Washington stops in
The U.S. Navy Virginia-class attack submarine USS Washington (SSN 787) transits the Thames River on Friday, Aug. 2, 2019, while inbound to the Naval Submarine Base in Groton.