Archiv: Serum Institute of India (licensed producer of own version of Oxford "vaccine" ChAdOx1 nCoV-19)

23.09.2021 - 06:36 [ New Indian Express ]

Changes in menstrual cycle after COVID vaccine jab? Don‘t worry, say doctors

(28th June 2021)

Doctors point out that there is no scientific evidence to show that vaccination can alter cycles and bleeding patterns. They, however, say it could be related to stress.

05.07.2021 - 16:41 [ ]

The EU’s COVID Digital Green Pass: Dividing the world?

Consequentially, from July 1st onwards, only persons who have taken these EMA-approved vaccines can travel freely within the EU region. Any other vaccine, such as WHO-approved Covishield, manufactured by Serum Institute of India under license from Oxford-AstraZeneca, is not recognized by EMA. However, the EU has clarified that the “Green pass” is not a precondition to travel. Nevertheless, people vaccinated with Covishield in India and other countries where New Delhi has exported its vaccines, such as Nepal, Bangladesh, Kenya, Mauritania and other African countries, might face specific issues while travelling within the EU

02.07.2021 - 14:34 [ ]

Up to 5million British holidaymakers could be BARRED from Europe because they were given Indian-made versions of AstraZeneca Covid jab

– EMA does not recognise the Covishield AstraZeneca vaccine produced in India
– This could cause issue for vaccinated Britons eagerly hoping to travel abroad
– Still a theoretical issue as so few European nations are on the ‚green‘ travel list

02.07.2021 - 13:47 [ ]

Astrazeneca batch number check: How to check where your AZ jab was made

The EU’s passport scheme does not recognise batches of AstraZeneca that were made in India and given out in the UK.

The EU Digital Covid Certificate will allow people to travel safely across Europe by acting as a Covid passport.

01.07.2021 - 10:40 [ BBC ]

Covishield: India puts pressure on EU for vaccine pass approval

Covishield is the Indian-made version of AstraZeneca‘s Vaxzevria jab, which has been authorised in the EU.

India‘s Serum Institute, which is making the vaccine, is seeking emergency authorisation in the European Union for its jab.

The vaccines currently eligible for the green pass have all been approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

01.04.2021 - 23:48 [ ]

Now EUROPE goes to India in an attempt to buy 10m extra doses of AstraZeneca vaccine while Delhi blocks shipment of 5m jabs to Britain

The European Union has approached India in a bid to buy 10million doses of the AstraZeneca jab from its Serum Institute, as the bloc desperately scrambles to procure more vaccine supplies.

Britain has already blamed India‘s export ban for delaying the shipment of five million doses to the UK and restricting the country‘s vaccine drive to mainly administering second doses to the over-50s in April.

27.03.2021 - 13:52 [ ]

Boris Johnson sends envoy to Serum Institute for vaccine deal with India

UK prime minister Boris Johnson has sent an envoy to India to secure millions of doses of the AstraZeneca (AZN.L) COVID-19 vaccine.

Lord Eddie Lister, the PM‘s Conservative peer, and international adviser David Quarrey, met with India‘s foreign secretary Harsh Shringla in New Delhi on Monday.

22.03.2021 - 16:49 [ ]

Boris ‚will offer to SHARE millions of doses of AstraZeneca‘s jab made at Dutch factory with the EU‘ as he warns a THIRD Covid wave will ‚wash up on our shores‘ from Europe

The PM is appealing to other leaders in a bid to resolve the crisis without a clash, and he spoke with continental heavyweights Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron last night to try and persuade them to soften their stance. He has also sent Lord Lister, a government ally, to India to ease tensions over the delay to a batch of five million UK-bound doses of the same vaccine.

21.03.2021 - 13:44 [ ]

UK to slow Covid vaccine rollout, PM Johnson says delay due to shipment from India‘s Serum Institute


The United Kingdom (UK) will have to slow its Covid-19 vaccine rollout in April due to a supply crunch caused by a delay in a shipment of millions of AstraZeneca vaccines from the Serum Institute of India.

21.03.2021 - 13:14 [ ]

Brazil, Saudi Arabia and Morocco ‚told of delay in Covid jabs from India‘

The Serum Institute of India (SII) has told Brazil, Saudi Arabia and Morocco that further supplies of the Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine will be delayed because of surging demand at home and work on capacity expansion, a source with direct knowledge of the matter said.

19.03.2021 - 06:32 [ The Sun / Youtube ]

Boris Johnson vows ‘roadmap to freedom’ will NOT be delayed despite AstraZeneca jab supply fears

BORIS Johnson has reassured Brits that the AstraZeneca jab is safe and effective – as he calmed nerves about the country‘s vaccine rollout.

19.03.2021 - 06:14 [ ]

‚We over-promised again‘: Matt Hancock faces Tory backlash as he FINALLY admits that India IS behind jabs delay with four million AstraZeneca doses held back by Delhi in ‚act of vaccine nationalism‘ – dealing serious blow to UK‘s rollout

– Matt Hancock under fire for raising hopes of huge ramp up in vaccines only for supplies setback to emerge
– Serum Institute of India has been told it must hand jabs to its own citizens before exporting vaccine stocks
– One batch of five million doses of the AstraZeneca jab bound for the UK has been delayed by a month
. Confusingly Boris Johnson insisted Indian government has not blocked any exports, as he prepares to visit

15.02.2021 - 22:14 [ NBC News ]

WHO approves AstraZeneca/Oxford Covid-19 vaccine for emergency use

„We continue to call for Covid-19 vaccine developers to submit their dossiers to WHO for review at the same time as they submit them to regulators in high-income countries,“ he said.

A WHO statement said it had approved the vaccine as produced by AstraZeneca-SKBio (Republic of Korea) and the Serum Institute of India.

06.02.2021 - 12:21 [ ]

„Impfdiplomatie“: Vakzine als Pfand im Rennen um Einfluss

Chinas Zusage an Covax wird als Reaktion auf Indien gewertet, das in der Verteilung von Impfstoffen an andere Staaten inzwischen eine Führungsrolle übernommen hat. Zuletzt unterstützte Indien das schwer von der Pandemie getroffene Südafrika mit einer Million Covishield-Dosen, weitere 500.000 sollen bis Ende Februar folgen. Zuvor hatte Indien bereits zugesagt, rund 20 Mio. Dosen an Nepal, Bangladesch, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, die Seychellen und Mauritius zu verkaufen oder zu spenden.

27.01.2021 - 13:45 [ ]

India‘s Serum Institute says AstraZeneca vaccine output unaffected due to fire


SII has licensed the vaccine developed by Oxford University and AstraZeneca. Many low- and middle-income countries, from Bangladesh to Brazil, are depending on SII delivering the vaccine, known as COVISHIELD in India, to fight the COVID-19 epidemic.

27.01.2021 - 13:37 [ DailyMirror / Twitter ]

500,000 vials of the Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccine will arrive in #SriLanka tomorrow at 11 am on an Air India flight which will be donated by the Indian govt to the Sri Lankan health ministry.

Under this program, 250,000 front line workers will be vaccinated – Lalith Weeratunga

24.01.2021 - 06:10 [ ]

India clears vaccine exports to Brazil after delay


Brazil is set to collect two million doses of Serum Institute’s (SII) Covishield vaccine, two weeks after Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro requested Prime Minister Narendra Modi for their “urgent” clearance, sources confirmed to The Hindu.

24.01.2021 - 06:07 [ ]

South Africa authorities approve Serum Institute of India‘s COVID-19 vaccine


Health Minister Zweli Mkhize announced on Friday that the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA) has granted approval to the SII, which is producing the vaccine in collaboration with the University of Oxford and AstraZeneca, to supply the drug to the country.

16.01.2021 - 19:20 [ ABC News ]

India starts world‘s largest COVID-19 vaccination drive

India on Jan. 4 approved emergency use of two vaccines, one developed by Oxford University and U.K.-based drugmaker AstraZeneca, and another by Indian company Bharat Biotech. Cargo planes flew 16.5 million shots to different Indian cities last week.

03.01.2021 - 08:08 [ Times of India ]

Global partnership COVAX secures two billion COVID-19 vaccine doses


UNITED NATIONS: Global vaccine partnership COVAX has lined up almost two billion doses of existing and candidate COVID-19 vaccines for use worldwide, including 200 million doses of the AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine through an agreement between the Vaccine Alliance Gavi, the Serum Institute of India and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.