Archiv: Mitch McConnell

09.06.2023 - 04:30 [ Washington Post ]

Biden and Sunak reaffirm support for Ukraine amid counteroffensive

Earlier this week, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said the House has no plans to take up legislation that would boost military aid to Ukraine above levels included in the recent debt ceiling legislation, a position that put him at odds with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.).

14.04.2022 - 05:50 [ Fox News ]

McConnell says Democrats ‚headed toward a pretty good beating’ in midterms

(April 10, 2022)

„His policies have not worked, beginning with the precipitous and ill-advised withdrawal from Afghanistan, which became kind of a metaphor for the incompetence that’s been on full display during this administration,“ the senator said. „None of the policies they have pursued have worked out well.“

28.02.2021 - 09:15 [ Steve Herman / Twitter ]

There was congressional notification prior to the US airstrike on #Syria, @PentagonPresSec tells reporters.


„The Department of Defense briefed Congressional leadership before the action last night,“ confirms @PressSec
. „The administration has been briefing the Hill at the Member- and staff-level today. There will be a full classified briefing early next week at the latest.“

28.02.2021 - 08:55 [ ]

Biden administration to give Congress full classified briefing on Syria strikes by next week


“The Department of Defense briefed Congressional leadership before the action last night. The Administration has been briefing the Hill at the Member- and staff-level today. There will be a full classified briefing early next week at the latest,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said in a statement.

06.01.2021 - 20:58 [ CNN / Youtube ]

Watch McConnell side against Trump in Senate speech

Speaking in the US Senate following an objection to the counting of Arizona‘s electoral votes, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) warned about Congress overruling the voters saying it would „damage our Republic forever.“

30.12.2020 - 02:18 [ ]

Mitch McConnell Ties $2,000 Covid-19 Relief Checks To Repeal Of Section 230; Democrats Call It A “Poison Pill”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) introduced a bill that ties $2,000-per-person Covid-19 relief checks to a repeal of Section 230, the provision of a 1996 law that protects social media platforms from liability for the way that they moderate third party content.

In doing so, McConnell has likely added a “poison pill” to the effort to increase the Covid-19 relief payments from the current $600.

30.12.2020 - 02:12 [ ]

McConnell Blocks Senate Vote On $2,000 Direct Payments

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blocked a proposal to vote on the House bill on $2,000 direct payments. Also, the Senate will vote Wednesday to override President Trump‘s veto of the NDAA.

29.12.2020 - 04:48 [ Bernie Sanders, US Senator / Twitter ]

This week on the Senate floor Mitch McConnell wants to vote to override Trump‘s veto of the $740 billion defense funding bill and then head home for the New Year. I‘m going to object until we get a vote on legislation to provide a $2,000 direct payment to the working class

29.12.2020 - 04:41 [ ]

Sanders to slow down NDAA veto override in bid to get vote on $2K checks proposal

„This week on the Senate floor Mitch McConnell wants to vote to override Trump‘s veto of the $740 billion defense funding bill and then head home for the New Year. I‘m going to object until we get a vote on legislation to provide a $2,000 direct payment to the working class,“ Sanders tweeted.

10.11.2020 - 11:43 [ Fox News ]

Live Updates: McConnell backs Trump legal fight in election results

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell backed the Trump campaign’s legal challenge of voting results in several battleground states on Monday in his first public comments on the floor since Election Day.

In his remarks, McConnell, R-Ky., said, “no states have yet certified their election results” and that recounts are already expected to occur in “at least one or two states.”

06.05.2020 - 14:20 [ The Hill / Youtube ]

Krystal Ball: Will McConnell‘s corporatist bailouts lose him re-election?

Krystal Ball discusses Mitch McConnell‘s priority to confirm as many conservative judges as he can, as the Senator slows coronavirus relief funds to small businesses.

13.01.2020 - 06:09 [ ]

Administration officials defend Trump claims, Soleimani intelligence as senators push back on briefing

Esper also said the so-called Gang of Eight, the top members of Congress’s intelligence committees, did not believe further intelligence on Iran should be shared with Congress.

Esper told CBS’s Margaret Brennan he spoke to one of the officials who briefed the Gang of Eight and that “his assessment was most if not all the members thought the intelligence was persuasive and that the Gang of Eight did not think it should be released to the broader members of Congress.”

08.10.2019 - 15:44 [ ]

Trump bringt mit Syrien-Rückzug Republikaner gegen sich auf

Auf Twitter kündigte Senator Graham eine Resolution im Senat an, um die Entscheidung umzukehren, sollte der Plan vorangetrieben werden. Der Türkei drohte er zudem Sanktionen an, sollte sie „einen Fuß nach Syrien setzen“: „Ich hoffe, ich mache klar, wie kurzsichtig und verantwortungslos diese Entscheidung aus meiner Sicht ist“, hielt Graham fest.

27.08.2019 - 00:47 [ ]

Hill.TV exclusive interview: Sanders slams McConnell‘s ‚do nothing‘ Senate

“So essentially while enormous problems face this country — everybody knows it, there’s very little that’s going in the Senate, it is a do nothing body and that is because of McConnell,” he continued.

Sanders called on voters in the Bluegrass State to “demand that their United States Senate allow real debate on the floor so that we can begin to do something to represent working families.”

23.08.2019 - 19:42 [ Hong Kong Free Press ]

‘Real and painful costs’ to any crackdown in Hong Kong, US Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell warns Beijing

Mitch McConnell, the US Senate majority leader, wrote a strongly-worded op-ed in the Wall Street Journal on Wednesday, titled “We Stand With Hong Kong.” It comes as the city enters its 11th week of protest against the ill-fated extradition law, amid wider calls for democracy.

19.07.2019 - 13:33 [ Bernie Sanders, candidate for President / Twitter ]

There’s nothing „extreme“ about raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour. What’s extreme is paying workers starvation wages while CEO pay and corporate profits skyrocket. @senatemajldr stop blocking a raise for millions of Americans!

17.07.2019 - 12:01 [ ]

McConnell says Trump is not a racist, but calls for better rhetoric

“We’ve seen the far left throw accusations of racism at everyone, anyone who disagrees with them on anything, including the Speaker of the House,” he noted, referring to the claim by Ocasio-Cortez last week that Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) had singled out minority women lawmakers for criticism.

“From the president, to the Speaker, to freshmen members of the House, all of us have the responsibility to elevate the public discourse,” he said, addressing his comments to Trump as well as members of Congress.

17.07.2019 - 11:49 [ CNN ]

Mitch McConnell sidesteps question about his wife, who‘s an immigrant

Asked if he would consider it a racist attack if someone told his wife Elaine Chao — who is the US Secretary of Transportation and an immigrant and naturalized US citizen — to go back to her own country, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell sidestepped the question and talked about his support for legal immigration.

17.07.2019 - 11:28 [ CNN / Youtube ]

Mitch McConnell responds to Trump‘s attacks on Democratic congresswomen

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) speaks after a series of attacks by President Trump against several Democratic congresswomen. #CNN #News

28.04.2019 - 10:01 [ CNN ]

McConnell vows to be ‚Grim Reaper‘ for socialist legislation

„We are having a legitimate debate about the virtues of socialism and I don‘t want you to think it‘s just a 28-year-old congresswoman from New York. This is much broader than that. I‘ve got five colleagues in the Senate, five colleagues running for president, who have signed on to the Green New Deal and Medicare For All,“ he said.

01.02.2019 - 13:49 [ New York Times ]

Senate Rebukes Trump Over Troop Withdrawals From Syria and Afghanistan

The 68-to-23 vote to cut off debate ensures that the amendment, written by Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and backed by virtually every Senate Republican, will be added to a broader bipartisan Middle East policy bill expected to easily pass the Senate next week.

The vote was the second time in two months that a Republican-led Senate had rebuked Mr. Trump on foreign policy.

01.02.2019 - 13:32 [ CNN ]

In rebuke to Trump, Mitch McConnell unveils proposal urging troops stay in Syria, Afghanistan

(29.1.2019) Trump ordered a rapid withdrawal of troops from Syria on December 19, a move that was widely criticized by lawmakers from both parties.
Since that initial announcement, Trump earlier this month extended his original 30-day timeline to withdraw the troops to four months and told reporters, „I never said we‘re doing it quickly, but we‘re decimating ISIS.“

22.01.2019 - 19:12 [ Kyle Griffin, MSNBC's @TheLastWord / Twitter ]

Tim Kaine: „Democrats are not for the shutdown. Who said he would shut down the government? The president. Who said he would be proud of it? The president … Democrats are tying to get a vote to reopen government. Who‘s blocking it? The Republican Senate Majority Leader.“ @MSNBC

22.01.2019 - 19:10 [ ABC News ]

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell set to introduce bill that would end shutdown

It remains to be seen if the bill will advance in the Senate, given that most Democrats are united in demanding that President Donald Trump must reopen the government before they will begin talks about funding border security.

12.01.2019 - 14:45 [ Joy Reid ‏/ Twitter ]

To be clear, @senatemajldr Mitch McConnell has all the power he needs under the U.S. Constitution to let the Senate vote to end the government shutdown. The House bills would undoubtedly pass. He‘s simply refusing to do so without Donald Trump‘s permission. That‘s extraordinary.

12.01.2019 - 14:32 [ CNN ]

As shutdown drags on, McConnell heads home to Kentucky, leaving Democrats angry

McConnell, who has been brutalized by Democrats for blocking votes to reopen the government, skipped his customary remarks as the Senate gaveled in, when he might have defended his decision not to allow votes until a broad deal is reached between President Donald Trump and congressional Democrats over border wall funding.

11.01.2019 - 22:24 [ ]

Mitch McConnell has the power to shut down the shutdown: So why isn‘t he?

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, if he wanted to, could probably end this shutdown easily. Instead, he‘s actively backing Trump‘s tantrum. On Thursday, McConnell refused even to bring a bill to the Senate floor that could reopen the government, holding to the line that he doesn‘t want to pass something Trump will veto.