Archiv: LBGT

09.08.2023 - 13:49 [ ]

The Aguda

The Aguda – The Association for LGBTQ Equality in Israel, is Israel’s pioneer LGBTQ organisation. We are a national grassroots, volunteer-based, nonprofit human-rights organisation. We promote and advance new initiatives and cultivate leadership and partnership within all sectors in the community. The Aguda strives for full equality for LGBTQ people and aspires to create a public climate of acceptance and respect towards the community.

09.08.2023 - 13:43 [ ]

Mizrahi Democratic Rainbow Coalition – English

כללי דיור ציבורי קרקעות גזענות משטרתית חינוך ואקדמיה תקשורת ותרבות הסכסוך חברה וכלכלה

23.07.2022 - 19:56 [ ]

What Happened at the Stonewall Riots? A Timeline of the 1969 Uprising

Most gay bars and clubs in New York at the time (including the Stonewall) were operated by the Mafia, who paid corruptible police officers to look the other way and blackmailed wealthy gay patrons by threatening to “out” them.

Police raids on gay bars were common, but on that particular night, members of the city’s LGBT community decided to fight back—sparking an uprising that would launch a new era of resistance and revolution.

23.07.2022 - 19:52 [ CBS News ]

Remembering the Stonewall uprising and the birth of the gay rights movement 53 years later

(Jun 28, 2022)

Tuesday marks 53 years since the riots at the Stonewall Inn, which ushered in the birth of the gay rights movement. Marc Stein, a history professor at San Francisco State University and the author of „The Stonewall Riots: A Documentary History,“ joined CBS News to discuss the events that unfolded that night and the role it played in shaping the LGBTQ movement.

23.07.2022 - 19:50 [ ARD Studio New York / Youtube ]

50 Jahre Stonewall-Aufstand: „Wir mussten uns wehren“

Jun 27, 2019

Im Juni 1969 veränderte sich die Welt für alle Homosexuellen und Transsexuellen. Mit einem Aufstand vor der New Yorker Bar Stonewall Inn begann der Kampf für Gleichberechtigung.

27.06.2021 - 08:02 [ ]

Präsident Áder unterzeichnet „Anti-Pädophilen-Gesetz“

In einer Erklärung sagte Áder, dass das Parlament am 15. Juni mit 157 Ja-Stimmen und einer Enthaltung einem Gesetzentwurf zur strengeren Bestrafung pädophiler Täter und zum Schutz von Kindern zugestimmt hatte.

Áder sagte in der Erklärung, dass das Gesetz im Gegensatz zu jüngsten Presseberichten keine restriktiven Maßnahmen für Personen über 18 vorsehe. Es verstoße nicht gegen das verfassungsrechtlich garantierte Recht auf Achtung des Privat- und Familienlebens, sagte er.

26.06.2021 - 19:12 [ ]

Niederländischer Ministerpräsident: „Ungarn hat in EU nichts mehr zu suchen“

Beim EU-Gipfel war nicht nur die Pandemie ein Hauptdiskussionsthema. Es soll auch das sog. „Anti-Pädophilengesetz“ Ungarns eine heftige Kritik ausgelöst haben.

26.06.2021 - 19:01 [ ]

Luxemburgs Außenminister: Ungarns Orban nicht EU-fähig

Hintergrund ist zurzeit der Streit über ein ungarisches Gesetz, das Publikationen verbietet, die Kindern und Jugendlichen zugänglich sind und Sexualität darstellen, die von der heterosexuellen abweicht. Er kritisiere Orban schon seit der Flüchtlingskrise, sagte Asselborn am Samstag dem Bayerischen Rundfunk (Bayern 2).

24.09.2020 - 11:30 [ ]

Cellebrite Sold Phone Hacking Tech to Repressive Regimes, Data Suggests

A Motherboard investigation found that US state police agencies had collectively spent millions of dollars on Cellebrite products. US federal agencies, such as the FBI and Secret Service, are also Cellebrite customers.

24.09.2020 - 11:21 [ ]

Putin Investigators Targeting LGBTQs, Navalny, Use Israeli Phone-hacking Tech

Carmil resents a comparison with the NSO Group. “I know the people at NSO and appreciate their know-how, but Cellebrite works in the legitimate world of the police force, whose abilities are closely controlled, unlike the world of NSO customers and others who engage in illegal and concealed activity. Cellebrite is totally on the good side, where court orders are used. We do not make tools for breaking into private entities or espionage organizations.”

15.06.2020 - 07:54 [ LA Times ]

Thousands march in Hollywood for LGBTQ rights and racial justice

The march was organized by the Black Advisory Board, made up of Black LGBTQ+ leaders and organizations. On the event’s website, the board posted a statement announcing a protest “in direct response to racial injustice, systemic racism, and all forms of oppression.”

Some activists gathered around President Trump’s star on the Walk of Fame and demanded his removal from office because of his divisive rhetoric and insensitivity to racial justice issues.

03.08.2019 - 21:05 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Masses Protest Violence against Transgenders after Teen Stabbed

The march was organized after a 17-year-old from the Arab city of Tamra was stabbed Friday afternoon, July 26, outside Tel Aviv’s Beit Dror shelter, after moving there to escape family pressure. According to the staff of Beit Dror, before collapsing the teenager identified the assailant as his brother.

23.07.2019 - 18:55 [ Ryan Knight / Twitter ]

Ricky Martin protesting in Puerto Rico and showing the world what democracy looks like! ?️‍???

15.07.2019 - 14:01 [ ]

Gay conversion therapy works and I’ve given it, says Israeli education minister

Israel’s education minister has provoked a storm of anger by backing “gay conversion therapy”, a discredited technique that seeks to turn people heterosexual.

Rafi Peretz said it could work and that he had even performed it.

“I think that it is possible to convert [someone’s sexual orientation],” Mr Peretz said.

“I can tell you that I have deep familiarity on the issue of education, and I have also done this.”

26.06.2019 - 15:34 [ ]

What Happened at the Stonewall Riots? A Timeline of the 1969 Uprising

Most gay bars and clubs in New York at the time (including the Stonewall) were operated by the Mafia, who paid corruptible police officers to look the other way and blackmailed wealthy gay patrons by threatening to “out” them.

Police raids on gay bars were common, but on that particular night, members of the city’s LGBT community decided to fight back—sparking an uprising that would launch a new era of resistance and revolution.

26.06.2019 - 15:34 [ ]

50 Jahre Stonewall-Razzien: „Wir mussten uns wehren“

Boyce war 1969 regelmäßig im Stonewall Inn, eine der Bars im New Yorker Greenwich Village, in der sich die Homo- und Transsexuellen trafen. Ständig mussten sie mit Razzien der Polizei rechnen, Verhaftungen und Erniedrigungen. So auch in der Nacht zum 28. Juni. Doch diesmal wehrten sich die Gäste des Stonewall Inns und drängten die Polizei gewaltsam zurück.

Das Besondere in dieser Nacht an der Christopher Street, erinnert sich Boyce, war der plötzliche Zusammenhalt gegen Polizeiwillkür:

19.04.2019 - 16:03 [ Sinn Fein / Twitter ]

„I carry this flag for Lyra, an activist, a journalist, and a child of peace.“ – @MaryLouMcDonald #Derry

11.01.2019 - 06:35 [ A.P. Dillon / Twitter ]

Second death, more accusations sharpen focus on Ed Buck, California Democratic megadonor; Donated to Clinton, Obama, Sinema, Lieu, Gomez, Aguilar, Krishnamoorthi, Donnelly… big PAC contributor. #TheDemocrats

11.01.2019 - 06:29 [ Jasmyne Cannick ]

The Cost of Silence: How A Wealthy LA Democratic Donor Muted The Political Party of “Allies” and “Coalition Building”

(17.8.2017) Local news showed video surveillance of Moore’s body being removed from Buck’s house as another young man was just arriving. Almost implying that Buck planned to keep on “partying” even after the death of Moore in his house.

11.01.2019 - 06:15 [ Tariq Nasheed, anti-racism strategist ‏/ Twitter ]

The white gay community came out in DROVES to condemn Kevin Hart for tweeting a gay joke years ago. But this same white LGBT community is completely quiet about punishing suspected white supremacist Ed Buck for allegedly drugging several unsuspecting Black men & leaving 2 dead

11.01.2019 - 06:12 [ Daily News ]

2nd man found dead at Democratic donor Ed Buck’s West Hollywood apartment is identified

In July 2017, the body of 26-year-old Gemmel Moore was found at the same apartment. The coroner’s office ruled Moore’s death an accidental methamphetamine overdose, to the dismay of his family, who wanted prosecutors to charge Buck with a crime.

Buck was present at the location when both deaths occurred, according to the sheriff’s department.