Archiv: Candiru (spy corporation)

04.11.2021 - 19:51 [ ]

Ungarn räumt Beschaffung von Pegasus-Software ein

Nach mehrmonatigem Schweigen hat ein hochrangiger ungarischer Regierungspolitiker eingeräumt, dass das Innenministerium des EU-Landes die umstrittene israelische Spionagesoftware Pegasus beschafft hat. „Die betreffenden (Geheim- und Polizei-)Dienste verfuhren in jedem Fall gesetzeskonform“, erklärte der Vorsitzende des parlamentarischen Verteidigungs- und Innenausschusses, Lajos Kosa, heute in Budapest.

03.11.2021 - 17:40 [ Haaretz ]

U.S. Blacklists Israeli Cyberarms Firms NSO, Candiru for Harming ‚National Security and Interests‘

„NSO Group and Candiru (Israel) were added to the Entity List based on evidence that these entities developed and supplied spyware to foreign governments,“ the statement read, adding that the spyware‘s tools were used „to maliciously target government officials, journalists, businesspeople, activists, academics, and embassy workers.“

03.11.2021 - 17:28 [ ]

US-Sanktionen gegen israelische Spionagesoftware

Es gebe Beweise, dass diese Unternehmen „Spionagesoftware entwickelt und an ausländische Regierungen geliefert haben, die diese Tools zur böswilligen Überwachung von Regierungsbeamten, Journalisten, Geschäftsleuten, Aktivisten, Wissenschaftlern und Botschaftsmitarbeitern eingesetzt haben“.

05.10.2021 - 00:35 [ Middle East Monitor ]

After NSO Group, warning issued against second Israeli spyware firm

(October 4, 2021)

The July report by Citizen‘s Lab and Microsoft found that Candiru had been used to spy on more than 100 human rights activists, regime opponents, journalists and scholars from countries such as Iran, Lebanon, Yemen, UK, Turkey and even Israel.

Revelations about Candiru make it the first time that fingers were being pointed at a second Israeli cyber-surveillance company, which is considered a competitor of the NSO Group. The notorious Israeli firm sparked a global scandal in July following the discovery that as many as 50,000 phones were targeted by its Pegasus spyware.

05.10.2021 - 00:24 [ Haaretz ]

Cellphone Hacking and Millions in Gulf Deals: Inner Workings of Top Secret Israeli Cyberattack Firm Revealed

(Sep. 7, 2020)

NSO’s specialty is hacking smartphones. Up till now, little was known about Candiru. TheMarker has revealed that the firm offers hacking tools used to break into computers and servers, and now, for the first time, has confirmed it also has technology for breaking into mobile devices.

05.10.2021 - 00:20 [ Forbes ]

Meet Candiru — The Mysterious Mercenaries Hacking Apple And Microsoft PCs For Profit

(Oct 3, 2019)

Israel is home to scores of hacker-for-hire businesses, but one of the most clandestine has been Candiru. With no website and few records available, it’s operated largely under the radar.

But now a researcher is claiming the elite Tel Aviv-based firm sold cyber weapons to the government of Uzbekistan, while industry sources tell Forbes the company is hacking both Microsoft Windows and Apple Macs for various nation states.

03.10.2021 - 16:39 [ Haaretz ]

Advanced Spyware From Israel‘s Candiru Discovered on Russian, Turkish, Palestinian Computers

Spyware made by the Tel Aviv-based hacking tool company Candiru has been found on several computers in Europe and the Middle East, the cybersecurity company ESET reported.

In their September report, ESET wrote that according to research published by Citizen Lab and the Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center in July about Candiru‘s DevilsTongue malware, it is „sold to third parties, which can abuse it to spy on various victims, including human rights defenders, dissidents, journalists, activists and politicians.“

19.07.2021 - 18:02 [ ]

‚Israeli spyware firm linked to fake Black Lives Matter, Amnesty websites‘

Using Internet scanning, a team of researchers from the University of Toronto‘s Citizen Lab and tech giant Microsoft identified more than 750 websites linked to Candiru‘s spyware infrastructure.

„We found many domains masquerading as advocacy organisations such as Amnesty International, the Black Lives Matter movement, as well as media companies and other civil-society themed entities,“ researcher Bill Marczak said in a statement.

19.07.2021 - 17:58 [ Microsoft ]

Fighting cyberweapons built by private businesses


We believe Sourgum is an Israel-based private sector offensive actor or PSOA. Citizen Lab has identified the group as a company called Candiru. Sourgum generally sells cyberweapons that enable its customers, often government agencies around the world, to hack into their targets’ computers, phones, network infrastructure and internet-connected devices. These agencies then choose who to target and run the actual operations themselves.

19.07.2021 - 17:54 [ Reuters ]

Microsoft says Israeli group sold tools to hack Windows


The hacking tool vendor, named Candiru, created and sold a software exploit that can penetrate Windows, one of many intelligence products sold by a secretive industry that finds flaws in common software platforms for their clients, said a report by Citizen Lab.

Technical analysis by security researchers details how Candiru‘s hacking tool spread around the globe to numerous unnamed customers, where it was then used to target various civil society organizations, including a Saudi dissident group and a left-leaning Indonesian news outlet, the reports by Citizen Lab and Microsoft show.

03.09.2020 - 20:53 [ Haaretz ]

Cellphone Hacking and Millions in Gulf Deals: Inner Workings of Top Secret Israeli Cyberattack Firm Revealed

NSO’s specialty is hacking smartphones. Up till now, little was known about Candiru. TheMarker has revealed that the firm offers hacking tools used to break into computers and servers, and now, for the first time, has confirmed it also has technology for breaking into mobile devices.

According to a document signed by an unnamed vice president for Candiru, they also offer a “high-end cyber intelligence platform dedicated to infiltrate PC computers, networks, mobile handsets, by using explosions and disseminations operations.“

01.04.2019 - 07:09 [ ]

‘Any Palestinian is exposed to monitoring by the Israeli Big Brother’


I assumed a role in which people are called “targets”, and those people who really interest us are in no sense terrorists, but rather generally normative people – who interest us because of their roles, so that we can obtain more intelligence and achieve greater access. We take advantage of the capabilities that we have over these people in order to put ourselves at ease. We take advantage of the impact that we have on their lives. Sometimes it involves truly harming a person’s life, or their soul. I mean extortion whereby they must hide things from people around them. It can really screw up their lives. It made me feel omnipotent.

04.01.2019 - 11:03 [ ]

Israel Helped 30 Countries Foil Terror Attacks in 2017, Says Economy Minister

(28.2.2018) Israeli military’s intelligence branch, known as “Unit 8200,” told the Australian authorities about a hidden explosive device destined for an Etihad Airways flight leaving Sydney for Abu Dhabi last July.

Earlier this month, the German weekly Der Spiegel reported on Israel’s role in helping Germany and European countries in combating Islamist terror. It revealed that Israel is part of a covert multinational counter-terrorism operation named “Gallant Phoenix” that gathers intelligence on Islamic State war criminals returning from the Middle East to Europe.

04.01.2019 - 10:36 [ Haaretz ]

Top Secret Israeli Cyberattack Firm, Revealed

Unlike NSO, Candiru is more conservative in its choice of customers. Most of them are in Western Europe and none of them are from Africa. In fact, the company reportedly doesn’t sell equipment to Israel, although that is for business – not political – reasons, they say.

“For example, if Germany needs offensive cyber equipment for some national security matter, it will develop it in-house without question,” explained one source, who asked not to be identified. “But if it needs to contend with human trafficking from Turkey, for instance, it will buy cyber gear from an outside source where the issue is less sensitive.”

03.01.2019 - 16:39 [ ]

‘Any Palestinian is exposed to monitoring by the Israeli Big Brother’

(12.9.2014) I assumed a role in which people are called “targets”, and those people who really interest us are in no sense terrorists, but rather generally normative people – who interest us because of their roles, so that we can obtain more intelligence and achieve greater access. We take advantage of the capabilities that we have over these people in order to put ourselves at ease. We take advantage of the impact that we have on their lives. Sometimes it involves truly harming a person’s life, or their soul. I mean extortion whereby they must hide things from people around them. It can really screw up their lives. It made me feel omnipotent.

03.01.2019 - 14:25 [ Haaretz ]

Top Secret Israeli Cyberattack Firm, Revealed

Candiru, named after an Amazon fish known to parasitize the human urethra, recruits heavily from 8200 intelligence unit and sells offensive tools for hacking computer systems