Daily Archives: 14. September 2022

14.09.2022 - 18:14 [ Haaretz ]

Prosecution in Netanyahu Trial Admits: We Don’t Know Where Our Star Witness Is

The prosecutor in the “lavish gifts” corruption trial of former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the court Tuesday that although the prosecution doesn’t know the whereabouts of James Packer, an Australian businessman who gave Netanyahu gifts, it has no intention of forgoing the testimony of the state’s key witness.

n response to a question from the head of the panel of judges that is hearing the case in Jerusalem, Alon Gildin said: “The prosecution hasn’t given up on anyone.”

14.09.2022 - 17:44 [ Kultur-Zentner.de ]

Kabarettist Martin Großmann: „In der Kleinkunst ist eine Underground-Szene entstanden“

Dabei schlüpft der Kabarettist wieder in die Rolle verschiedener Figuren, die das thematisieren, was seit über zweieinhalb Jahren in Deutschland passiert. Die Geschichten beruhen auf wahren Begebenheiten, werden jedoch ein wenig überhöht. Großmann sieht in diesen Audio-Aufnahmen eine weitere Möglichkeit, künstlerisch aktiv zu bleiben. „Es ist spannend, was sich durch die Krise auftut“, beschreibt er seine Situation. Trotz der Strapazen und Enttäuschungen sieht der Kabarettist die Corona-Zeit als sehr wertvoll an. Noch nie, so Großmann, habe er über die Spezies Mensch soviel lernen dürfen wie in den letzten zwei Jahren.

14.09.2022 - 17:32 [ Tichys Einblick ]

Grundgesetz: Wer hat noch nicht, wer kriegt noch mal?

Ab Herbst gelten Regelungen zur Freiheitsbeschränkung „grundrechtsschonend“, so Justizminister Buschmann. Genau! Man muss das Grundgesetz schonen. Man darf nicht zu viel davon hergeben, sonst machen es die Bürger bloß kaputt. Gut, dass diese Regierung das Demonstrationsrecht jetzt jederzeit einschränken kann: Stell Dir vor, die Leute demonstrieren gegen kalte Wohnungen, müssen nassgespritzt werden von der Polizei und frieren dann erst richtig in ihren kalten Buden mit nassen Kleidern. Da hilft nur: Schont das Grundgesetz.

14.09.2022 - 17:17 [ Jens Berger / Nachdenkseiten ]

Leitzinserhöhung zur Inflationsbekämpfung? Was für eine Schnapsidee

Es ist nicht einfach, die Zusammenhänge rund um Leitzinsen, Geldmenge und Inflation so zu erklären, dass sie auch für Nicht-Ökonomen verständlich sind. Da ein Fachartikel, den nur einige wenige Leser verstehen, gegen das Selbstverständnis der NachDenkSeiten spricht, von möglichst vielen Lesern verstanden zu werden, hole ich in diesem Artikel etwas weiter aus und versuche mein Bestes, allgemeinverständlich zu argumentieren. Haben Sie also bitte Verständnis dafür, dass ich nicht alle Randaspekte beleuchte und Fachbegriffe vereinfacht benutze.


Haben Sie mehr Geld in der Tasche, weil die Leitzinsen sinken oder die Geldmenge steigt? Nein, natürlich nicht. Zumindest nicht zwangsläufig. Es ist ja nicht so, dass die Zentralbanken „Geld drucken“, wie es die Monetaristen gerne ausdrücken. Geld wird geschöpft, wenn der Staat, die Unternehmen oder der Privatsektor Kredite aufnehmen.

14.09.2022 - 16:42 [ Maximillian Alvarez / Nitter ]

On Friday, the US could see its 1st major rail strike and/or lockout since the 90s. MSM has *finally* taken an interest in covering this story but seldom from the workers‘ side. Here‘s a thread of our @TheRealNews coverage this year on the long-brewing crisis in the rail industry

14.09.2022 - 16:30 [ Railroad Workers United ]

Welcome to Railroad Workers United

Railroad Workers United is an inter-union, cross-craft solidarity „caucus“ of railroad workers, and their supporters, from all crafts, all carriers, and all unions across North America. We urge union railroaders to continue being active in their craft union AND to join RWU in building solidarity and strength among all rail workers. We work with union rank & file railroad workers, but we welcome yet-to-be organized rail workers as well. In addition, we actively work with other labor and community organizations on issues of mutual concern. We do not accept managers or those who oppose our principles.

14.09.2022 - 16:23 [ theRealNews.com ]

Railroad workers are being ground to dust. Who will help them?

(May 5, 2022)

Jeff Kurtz: Okay, thank you, Max. I’d like the viewers to imagine that their life is a scorecard, because that’s exactly what these workers are facing. They start off with a score of 30 points that they can never exceed that 30 points. They will get four points allocated back to their score. Say they get down to 20 points. If they work 14 days in a row, they will get four points allocated back to their score. But the points that you can lose are really dramatic. So, I mean, you could lose points for an incident. You could lose 15 points for an incident.

There are specific incidents. If you don’t show up for work for whatever reason. We had a gentleman that was in a car wreck, and it wasn’t his fault. He was about a mile from his terminal and his car was totaled. And the supervisor that came out there told him, she said, you’re not going to work. She said, you could be hurt, and we don’t know it. So they, what we call marked this guy off. They marked him off the job. Well, he initially was saddled with a 15 point deduction for not showing up to work. And eventually, I think that the local supervisor protested this, so they only docked him three points.

But this is exactly what’s going on. I heard of a case where a worker, his mother died while he was en route, and the railroad pulled him off the train, and then they tried to dock him points for it. And the stories just go on and on and on. And Max, what you alluded to as far as things getting worse when people aren’t watching, that’s exactly what’s happening.

14.09.2022 - 15:37 [ theHill.com ]

Congress prepares to act on rail strike amid fears of ‘economic catastrophe’

More than 115,000 rail workers will be legally allowed to strike on Friday.

14.09.2022 - 09:51 [ EUobserver.com ]

The Greek Watergate


A wall of silence both invisible yet highly-effective, that stonewalls, and continues to stop, annoying news stories before reaching their rightful spots in the largest and most influential media.

A wall of silence, always working on behalf of the „truth“ — as viewed by the centre-right New Democracy government of Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

14.09.2022 - 09:44 [ Patrick Breyer #JoinMastodon / Nitter ]

Quietly, without any announcement, the Commission‘s #ChatControl #CSAM scanner draft legislation has been added to the agenda of the EU Parliament. My Civil Liberties Committee will be in the lead:

14.09.2022 - 09:26 [ BBC ]

Greece wiretap and spyware claims circle around PM Mitsotakis


„It all goes back three years, when I started investigating a series of wrongdoings that involved Greek banks and the EU bailout money used to save them from bankruptcy at the peak of the financial crisis,“ Koukakis told the BBC.

After his initial reports, he began looking into a potential cover-up – a task that involved talking to members of the judiciary. He believes it was the Mitsotakis government that decided to place him under surveillance in order to eavesdrop on his exchanges with judges and their assistants.