Daily Archives: 11. Mai 2022

11.05.2022 - 10:41 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

Israeli soldiers are accused of ‚assassinating‘ female Al Jazeera reporter by shooting her in the face during raid on refugee camp: Israel says she was ‚possibly‘ hit by ‚Palestinian gunfire‘

– Palestinian television personality Shireen Abu Akleh, 51, killed in West Bank raid
– Qatar claims Israeli security forces ‚shot her in the face‘ as she wore PRESS vest
– Israel said it is investigating the possibility she was hit by ‚Palestinian gunmen‘
– Another Palestinian was shot and wounded in the raid but is in stable conditio

11.05.2022 - 10:29 [ Haaretz ]

Al Jazeera Reporter Killed in Israeli Army Raid in Jenin

The Palestinian Health Ministry said Shireen Abu Akleh, a Jerusalem-based journalist for Al Jazeera, was hit in the head by live fire. The Israeli military said in a statement that it was looking into „a possibility, now being looked into, that reporters were hit – possibly by shots fired by Palestinian gunmen.“

A second reporter, Ali Samodi, sustained a gunshot wound to the back and is in stable condition, the Health Ministry said.

11.05.2022 - 09:58 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Weniger Gas für Europa: Ukraine stoppt Gastransit durch Luhansk

Wie der ukrainische Gasnetzbetreiber GTSOU mitteilte, stellt das Land von heute an den Transit von russischem Gas im Gebiet Luhansk im Osten der Ukraine ein. Damit fielen bis zu 32,6 Millionen Kubikmeter Gas pro Tag weg, teilte GTSOU mit. Das sei fast ein Drittel der täglich über die Ukraine nach Europa transportierbaren Höchstmenge.

11.05.2022 - 09:51 [ AfricaNews.com ]

Sergei Lavrov: Wagner in Mali and Libya on a „commercial basis“


In an interview with Italian television Mediaset, Lavrov reiterated Moscow‘s position that Wagner „has nothing to do with the Russian state“.

Wagner, which is reputedly close to President Vladimir Putin, is accused of employing mercenaries who have committed abuses in Mali, Libya and Syria.

11.05.2022 - 09:41 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Kabinett entscheidet heute: Mehr Soldaten für UN-Mission in Mali

Während die Bundesregierung an der UN-Mission also festhält, wird der zweite Einsatz, die Ausbildungsmission für malische Streitkräfte im Rahmen der EU-Mission EUTM, auf minimalem Niveau eingefroren beziehungsweise ins Nachbarland Niger verlagert.

Ein Grund dafür ist die Präsenz russischer Kräfte in Mali:

11.05.2022 - 08:59 [ Nexta / Nitter.net ]

This is what the occupiers have turned the historic center of #Mariupol into.