The reports emerged in Handelsblatt, a respected financial daily, and the mass-circulation Bild, quoting sources within Germany‘s governing coalition.
Daily Archives: 26. Januar 2021
Begrenzte Zulassung laut EMA grundsätzlich möglich
Die EU-Arzneimittelagentur (EMA) schließt nicht aus, dass der Coronavirus-Impfstoff von AstraZeneca in Europa nur für eine bestimmte Altersgruppe zugelassen wird. „Ich werde der Entscheidung nicht vorgreifen“, sagte EMA-Chefin Emer Cooke heute in einer Anhörung im Europaparlament. Eine begrenzte Zulassung sei aber grundsätzlich möglich. Das werde genau geprüft.
UK Government Announces New National Cyber Force
The four organisations will collaborate under one unified command for the first time. The Ministry of Defence’s official tagline for the NCF is, “A Defence and Intelligence Partnership”, to emphasize the fact that there is no other organization like it anywhere else on the globe, to date.
UK government ‚confident‘ in Pfizer jabs supply despite EU threat to block COVID vaccine exports
The European Commission has warned it will impose controls on vaccines that could affect the UK’s supply of the Pfizer/BioNTech coronavirus vaccine, which is shipped from its manufacturing base in Belgium.
But vaccines minister Nadhim Zahawi told Sky News on Tuesday: “I’m confident that the Pfizer vaccine will be delivered.
EU to monitor vaccine exports, but says it‘s not a ban
EU countries learnt late last week that deliveries of the vaccine from AstraZeneca, which is expected to be approved on Friday, would be some 60% lower in the first quarter than initially indicated.
There have also been reduced deliveries of a vaccine jointly produced by Pfizer and BioNTech.
Kommission: Keine Exportverbote von CoV-Impfstoffen
„Wir sehen, dass Dosen anderswohin geliefert werden“, sagte der Kommissionssprecher. Da die EU Vorauszahlungen für die Produktion geleistet habe, „sollten diese Dosen eigentlich für die Lieferung verfügbar sein“, sobald die EMA grünes Licht gebe.
AstraZeneca konnte bei zwei Treffen mit der EU-Kommission und den Mitgliedsstaaten gestern Brüssel zufolge nicht ausreichend erklären, wie es zu den Lieferengpässen gekommen ist.
German Health Ministry DENIES bombshell vaccine claims – says Berlin paper messed up stats
The health ministry insisted the claims made in German media last night were based on confused analysis of a study into the effectiveness of the AstraZeneca jab.
In an exclusive interview with @dw_politics German health minister @jensspahn calls for a licensing requirement for the export of vaccines outside the EU. Given the state funds spent on building up production capacity this is not about EU “first, but fair” Spahn told me.
‚F***ing bonkers!‘ UK attacks Germany over Oxford vaccine ‚lies‘ – EU row erupts
Another Westminster official said: “The efficacy claims circulating in the German media are unsubstantiated and incorrect.”
Speaking to Politico, a third added: “After this, support for Brexit will be at about 90 percent.”
The claims in the German media were made on the same day a row broke out between the European Union and AstraZeneca over supplies of the vaccine to the continent.
Coronavirus: NOVASEP partners with ASTRAZENECA to produce Covid-19 Oxford vaccine for Europe
Novasep brings to AstraZeneca more than 20 years of expertise in viral vector production. Novasep’s investment strategy in the large-scale production of biopharmaceutical products for immunotherapy and gene therapy enables Novasep to support the alliance for the production of the vaccine active substance in Europe.
The production operations will be carried out at Novasep‘s Belgian site in Seneffe. Furthermore, the biopharmaceutical ecosystem in the region allows Novasep to rapidly mobilize the additional human resources needed to achieve this project.
Where is the Pfizer vaccine made? USA headquarters but produced in Europe!
(December 2020)
Most of the UK’s supply of the vaccine is being produced at Pfizer’s facilities in Puurs, Belgium.
Some does are also being made at BioNTech’s sites in Germany.
The great vaccine blockade? EU threat to cut off UK‘s supply of Pfizer jabs will ‚poison relations for a generation‘ as Germans are accused of ‚Russian-style‘ disinformation over ‚rubbish‘ claim that AstraZeneca version is just 8% effective in elderly
Meanwhile, there is another row raging after two German newspapers claimed the EU‘s regulator could refuse to give the Oxford/AstraZeneca jab full approval, with officials anonymously briefing its efficacy for pensioners was just eight per cent.
However, the claim was branded ‚absolutely incorrect‘ and ‚unsubstantiated‘ by the pharmaceutical company – and No10 sources told MailOnline it was ‚rubbish‘. One Whitehall source told Playbook it was the kind of tactics ‚you expect from the Russians‘.
Corona-Impfstoff von AstraZeneca: Zu wenig Impfdosen – zu geringe Wirksamkeit?
Möglicherweise wird es Einschränkungen bei der Anwendung des Impfstoffs geben, denn Zeitungsberichten zufolge ist die Wirksamkeit bei älteren Menschen eingeschränkt. AstraZeneca weist das zwar zurück, einen Gegenbeweis bleibt das Unternehmen in seinen Veröffentlichungen bisher aber schuldig.
Anti-coronavirus protests and riots across the Netherlands
The national curfew came into effect at 9pm on January 23. The first night saw the police issue over 3.600 95-euro fines for violations of the curfew. 25 people were arrested. However, the police did note that, of the people who were stopped and checked during curfew hours, 80 percent carried the necessary government forms.
On Monday, the Dutch Security Council – made up of the 25 mayors who chair security regions – will meet in Utrecht in order to discuss how the curfew will be enforced over the coming weeks.
Rutte calls anti-curfew violence ‘unacceptable’ but rules out calling in army
The prime minister expressed his support for police, municipal mayors and journalists who were targeted while reporting on the weekend’s violence. He said police had responded ‘adequately’ to the situation and dismissed the idea of calling in the army to enforce the curfew. We’re not taking these measures for fun,’ Rutte said. ‘We’re doing it because we’re fighting the virus and right now it’s the virus that’s taking away our freedom, and it’s because of the virus that we’re taking these rotten measures.’
Riot police called out across the Netherlands as trouble flares for third night
Police in Noord-Holland province said they had arrested five people who had called online for riots in Purmerend, Hoorn and Alkmaar. In Amsterdam, there were at least nine arrests after trouble erupted in the east of the city. In Gouda, the mayor also evoked his emergency powers after several cars were set on fire. There were also arrests in Geelen, in Limburg, including several minors, police said.
Proteste gegen Ausgangssperre – Wieder Corona-Krawalle in den Niederlanden
Sie hatten sich kurz vor Beginn der Ausgangssperre wegen der Corona-Pandemie in Stadtzentren versammelt. In großen Gruppen zogen sie plündernd und randalierend durch die Straßen.
Unruhen wurden aus etwa zehn Städten gemeldet – darunter Amsterdam, Den Haag und Rotterdam.
Regierungskrise in Italien Conte will zurücktreten und weiterregieren
Der parteilose Jura-Professor hofft offensichtlich darauf, dass er von Mattarella einen neuen Regierungsbildungsauftrag erhält – um in den nächsten Tagen eine Koalition mit breiterer Mehrheit im Parlament zu schmieden. Die bisherigen Regierungspartner machten bereits deutlich, dass sie an Conte auch in einer neuen Koalition festhalten wollen.