Daily Archives: 8. November 2020

08.11.2020 - 22:28 [ Stars and Srtipes ]

Cuomo to deploy National Guard troops to NY airports for COVID-19 enforcement

„I want people to know we‘re serious,“ the governor said during a conference call with reporters. „You should not land if you do not have proof of a negative test upon landing,“Airlines, the NYPD and the Port Authority are assisting with the effort.

08.11.2020 - 22:10 [ theHill.com ]

Washington braces for unpredictable post-election period

The president is expected to pursue legal challenges to the election results in key battleground states, even though some initial lawsuits have already been rejected and others would not change the outcome. There are also rumblings he could fire agency heads in the coming days, and some White House staffers have started circulating their resumes elsewhere.

08.11.2020 - 19:43 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

The tube that could change the world: First vial of COVID-19 vaccine ‚starting material‘ after Australian breakthrough – with millions to be made from tomorrow

Biotechnology giant CSL announced they would start producing the AstraZeneca AZD1222 coronavirus vaccine at its factory in Melbourne this week.

About 30million doses will be manufactured as part of a first-of-its-kind agreement with the Australian government, with the company hoping to release them in the first half of 2021 pending clinical trials and approval.

The jab, which was produced at the University of Oxford, is seen as the leading candidate across the globe and is in final-stage trials.

08.11.2020 - 19:41 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Europa und die Wahl Bidens: Hoffnungsträger für die EU

Mit dem Biden-Sieg kann die EU neue Hoffnung schöpfen. Auch wenn sich nicht alle transatlantischen Probleme in Luft auflösen, ist der Wahlausgang das erfreulichste Demokratie-Ereignis des Jahres.

Ein Kommentar von Ralph Sina, ARD-Studio Brüssel

08.11.2020 - 19:33 [ The Associated Press ]

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani calls on President-elect Joe Biden to return the U.S. to Tehran’s 2015 nuclear deal with world powers, a state-run news agency reports.

One of President Trump’s signature foreign policy moves was withdrawing from the pact.

08.11.2020 - 19:25 [ GOP / Twitter ]

“I’m here to stand with President @realDonaldTrump … he stood with me. He’s the reason we’re going to have a Senate Majority.” -@LindseyGrahamSC

08.11.2020 - 19:23 [ CNN ]

Romney calls for nation to ‚get behind‘ Biden and says he has seen no evidence of voter fraud

Republican Sen. Mitt Romney on Sunday called for the country to „get behind“ President-elect Joe Biden and said he has seen no evidence of widespread voter fraud, even as President Donald Trump has pushed for election-related lawsuits and refused to concede the election.

08.11.2020 - 14:26 [ Xinhuanet ]

Australian Defence Force chief handed „deeply troubling“ Afghanistan war crimes report

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation, which has published eyewitness accounts of the alleged war crimes including mass shootings of Afghan civilians by SOTG troops, reported on Friday that the report recommends criminal prosecutions or military sanctions for 15 to 20 soldiers involved in 10 incidents.

08.11.2020 - 14:12 [ The Japan Times ]

Aung San Suu Kyi poised to win a second term as Myanmar votes

The country’s first civilian-led government in more than five decades has delivered on some reforms, including liberalization of the banking, insurance and education sectors and curbing inflation. But about a third of the population lives in poverty, businesses remain mired in red tape, and accusations of genocide against the country’s Muslim Rohingya population are still a concern for foreign investors.

08.11.2020 - 13:44 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Proteste und Diskussionen nach Zwangsräumung in Argentinien

„Mit den Jahren lernt man viele Dinge dazu. Es ist genug der Lügen“, so eine Betroffene gegenüber der Tageszeitung Página 12. „Sie brauchen uns, die Armen, damit wir sie wählen, aber danach können sie sich nicht mehr an uns erinnern.“

08.11.2020 - 13:35 [ France24 ]

Thai police use water cannon to stop pro-democracy march to palace

Student-led rallies have rocked the kingdom since July, with protesters calling for the removal of Premier Prayut Chan-O-Cha — a former army chief who came into power through a 2014 coup — and a rewrite to the military-scripted constitution.

08.11.2020 - 10:16 [ CatoTheYounger / Twitter ]

Now the Generals will sit on their hands and not remove any troops from Afghanistan. Home by Christmas is gone.

Tough luck troops, you should not have gotten your hopes up

08.11.2020 - 09:55 [ Ben Norton / Twitter ]

The reality is the Biden admin will probably bomb *multiple* countries on its very first day. It will continue the ongoing imperial U.S. wars on Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, and Niger. And Biden will likely further expand covert drone wars across the globe.

08.11.2020 - 09:49 [ Tez / Twitter ]

Biden is going to win the presidency today! Thank God! We can finally go back to some sense of normalcy, like invading and bombing countries in the Middle East. But with decency.

08.11.2020 - 09:46 [ Bloomberg QuickTake: Now / Youtube ]

Trump Gets Cheers, Boos as He Returns to White House From Golfing in Virginia

Democrat Joe Biden was projected to win the presidential race late Saturday morning as Trump was on his golf course.

Trump has so far refused to concede to Biden and is promising legal challenges.

He is the first president to lose reelection since George H.W. Bush in 1992.

08.11.2020 - 09:41 [ Joe Biden / Youtube ]

President-Elect Joe Biden & Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris Address the Nation

A new day in America has come. Tune in as President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris address the nation.

08.11.2020 - 09:35 [ krqe.com ]

Watch: Demonstrators take to streets in some cities after Biden hits 270

In the moments following the announcement that Joe Biden had been projected the winner of the U.S. presidential race, cable news was quick to show people celebrating in the streets Saturday. Some municipalities also saw pro-Trump demonstrations as supporters expressed sorrow, anger and mistrust.

08.11.2020 - 00:51 [ ORF ]

Biden-Sieg: Welt beeilt sich zu gratulieren

Aus der ganzen Welt wurden schnell Glückwünsche und politische Wünsche geschickt, in vielen US-Städten kam es zu spontanen Feiern.