Archiv: Noam Chomsky

05.05.2023 - 10:50 [ ]

Who Are the Newly Revealed Jeffrey Epstein Associates?


A multiple-part report from The Wall Street Journal has revealed a number of additional prominent people who were associates of Jeffrey Epstein’s. Their ties to the notorious sex trafficker and longtime high-society hobnobber were not previously known, having not appeared in Epstein’s infamous black book or in the public flight logs of passengers who traveled aboard his private jet before his jailhouse death in 2019 while awaiting trial.

The new reports also deepen public understanding of the ties between Epstein and some boldfaced names who he had previously been associated with. And they underscored just how frequently Epstein met with his high-flying pals.

05.05.2023 - 10:40 [ Wall Street Journal ]

Bill Gates, Leon Black, Thomas Pritzker: ​One​ Day in the Life of Jeffrey Epstein

(May 4, 2023)

On Monday, Sept. 8, 2014, Jeffrey Epstein had a full calendar. He was scheduled to meet that day with Bill Gates, Thomas Pritzker, Leon Black and Mortimer Zuckerman, four of the richest men in the country, according to schedules and emails reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.

Epstein also planned meetings that day with a former top White House lawyer, a college president and a philanthropic adviser, three of the dozens of meetings the Journal reported he had with each of them.

05.05.2023 - 10:20 [ Wall Street Journal ]

Jeffrey Epstein Documents, Part 2: Dinners With Lawrence Summers and Movie Screenings With Woody Allen

(May 3, 2023)

Jeffrey Epstein, far right, and some of the people he scheduled meetings with, clockwise from top left: Woody Allen, Ehud Barak, Terje Rød-Larsen, Eva Andersson-Dubin, Lawrence Summers, Leon Black, Bill Gates and Reid Hoffman.

04.05.2023 - 18:44 [ Unlimited Hangout ]

Unraveling the Epstein-Chomsky Relationship

Chomsky, who has previously discussed the Epstein case in interviews and who has maintained that Epstein’s ties to intelligence agencies should be considered a “conspiracy theory,” had not previously disclosed these meetings. Chomsky, when confronted by Journal reporters, was evasive, but ultimately admitted to meeting and knowing Jeffrey Epstein.

Many, largely on the left, have expressed dismay and confusion as to why someone with the political views of Chomsky would willingly meet, not once but several times, with someone like Jeffrey Epstein, particularly well after Epstein’s notoriety as a sex trafficker and pedophile. As this report will show, Epstein appeared to view Chomsky as another intellectual who could help guide his decisions when it came to his scientific obsessions – namely, transhumanism and eugenics. What Chomsky gained in return from meeting with Epstein isn’t as clear.

04.05.2023 - 18:18 [ ]

Neue Papiere enthüllen prominente Kontakte des verurteilten Sexualstraftäters: So nah stand Epstein (†66) einer Schweizer Privatbank

Laut neu entdeckten Dokumenten des verstorbenen Finanziers und Pädophilen Jeffrey Epstein (†66) hat dieser gute Beziehungen mit der in Genf ansässigen Privatbank Edmond de Rothschild Group gepflegt. Dies geht aus Recherchen des «Wall Street Journals» hervor, das offenbar im Besitz von Epsteins privatem Kalender ist.

Nachdem Epstein 2019 wegen angeblichen Sexhandels mit minderjährigen Mädchen verhaftet worden war, versicherte die Bank noch, dass man Epstein nie getroffen habe und keine geschäftlichen Beziehungen zu ihm unterhalte. Jetzt teilte die Bank dem «Wall Street Journal» mit, dass diese früheren Aussagen nicht korrekt waren.

04.05.2023 - 17:40 [ Zero Hedge ]

Epstein‘s Private Calendar Emerges: Among Prominent Names Listed Are Biden‘s CIA Chief, Goldman Top Lawyer


One month after meeting with Epstein, in October 2014, Burns stepped down from this role at the State Department to serve as president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a think tank. He ran it until he was nominated by Biden to serve as CIA director in early 2021.

04.05.2023 - 17:26 [ Wall Street Journal ]

Epstein’s Private Calendar Reveals Prominent Names, Including CIA Chief, Goldman’s Top Lawyer

The nation’s spy chief, a longtime college president and top women in finance. The circle of people who associated with Jeffrey Epstein years after he was a convicted sex offender is wider than previously reported, according to a trove of documents that include his schedules.

04.05.2023 - 17:17 [ ]

Epstein‘s VERY tangled web: Pedophile met with current CIA Director William Burns, Obama White House lawyer, Noam Chomsky and music director for the American Symphony Orchestra in the years AFTER his sex offence conviction


Jeffrey Epstein‘s newly-released private calendar revealed he had scheduled meetings with a slew of prominent individuals, including the current CIA director, after he was convicted as a sex offender.

The documents contain emails and scheduled meetings with now-CIA Director William Burns, Bard College president Leon Botstein, Obama‘s White House counsel Kathryn Ruemmler and professor Noam Chomsky.

The meetings were scheduled between 2013 to 2017 after the pedophile had served time in jail in 2008 for sex crimes involving a teenage girl.

15.11.2021 - 18:27 [ ]

Noam Chomsky: Unvaccinated should ‚remove themselves from the community,‘ access to food ‚their problem‘

(Oct 26.10.2021)

Philosopher Noam Chomsky argued that those who remain unvaccinated should be segregated, saying that obtaining food after they had „the decency to remove themselves from the community“ was „their problem.“

15.11.2021 - 18:20 [ ]

Noam Chomsky calls for unvaccinated to be ‘isolated’ from society in resurfaced clip

(November 2021)

In an interview recorded earlier this year, which went viral last month, the 92-year-old philosopher offered his views on mandating vaccines and while disagreeing with the policy, suggested those who refuse jabs „should“ isolate to avoid becoming “a danger to the community“.

15.11.2021 - 18:08 [ ]

Wie das Impf-Narrativ kollabiert: Substanzlose Hetze als „tradiertes Mittel des Faschismus”

Inzwischen ist das Overton-Fenster bzw. Spektrum so weit in die totalitäre Richtung verrutscht, dass selbst Chomsky keine Skrupel hat, zu äußern: „Impfverweigerer sollten den Anstand haben, sich aus der Gemeinschaft zu entfernen. [..] Wie sie an Nahrungsmittel kommen, ist ihr Problem.“

Im Lichte dessen ist das obige Zitat wohl eher als Anleitung, denn als Warnung zu verstehen.

19.01.2021 - 22:17 [ Glenn Greenwald / Twitter ]

Censorship never was a left-wing tactic. Opposing censorship was never the hallmark of right-wing values. And censorship is never aimed at one ideology or the other, but at *dissent* from the ruling class wherever it comes from. Listen to Noam Chomsky:

Read how Chomsky, in 1981, object to the attempts to have a tenured professor in France fired for Holocaust revisionism, because Chomsky knew that that framework, once implanted, would be used against people like him, Edward Said, Howard Zinn, etc.:

14.12.2019 - 16:48 [ Portal ]

Die heuchlerische Berichterstattung über die Proteste in Venezuela, Chile und Ecuador

Wie sagte der US-Intellektuelle Noam Chomsky: „Die Hauptfunktion der Massenmedien in den USA besteht darin, die öffentliche Unterstützung für die speziellen Interessen zu mobilisieren, die in der Regierung und im Privatsektor vorherrschen.“

Washington will einen Regime Change in Venezuela, um eine Regierung einzusetzen, die ihren Interessen dient. Das wurde in Ecuador und Chile bereits erreicht, deshalb ignorieren die Medien die staatliche Unterdrückung in diesen Ländern. Aber wenn es sich um Venezuela handelt, gibt es für ihre Heuchelei und ihre Manipulationen keine Grenzen.

30. Oktober

12.08.2019 - 08:53 [ teleSUR ]

Noam Chomsky Slams Macri For Subordinating Public Education to Neoliberal Market

For Noam Chomsky “nothing can be more threatening” for Mauricio Macri’s “purposes than to free people, emancipate them, help them think…”

He also pointed out that Macri is against public education because free thinkers threaten his purpose as their questions could not be answered by marketing managers.

16.04.2019 - 11:49 [ Common Dreams ]

Chomsky: Arrest of Assange Is “Scandalous” and Highlights Shocking Extraterritorial Reach of US

Well, the Assange arrest is scandalous in several respects. One of them is just the effort of governments—and it’s not just the U.S. government. The British are cooperating. Ecuador, of course, is now cooperating. Sweden, before, had cooperated. The efforts to silence a journalist who was producing materials that people in power didn’t want the rascal multitude to know about—OK?—that’s basically what happened. WikiLeaks was producing things that people ought to know about those in power. People in power don’t like that, so therefore we have to silence it. OK? This is the kind of thing, the kind of scandal, that takes place, unfortunately, over and over.

16.04.2019 - 08:59 [ junge Welt ]

„Ein mehrfacher Skandal“. Noam Chomsky über die Festnahme von Assange

Die Inhaftierung von Assange ist in mehrfacher Hinsicht ein Skandal. Zum einen wegen der bloßen Anstrengungen, die Regierungen hier an den Tag legten – und nicht nur die der USA. Die Briten kooperieren, Ecuador natürlich, und die Schweden taten dies bereits zuvor. Im Grunde geht es darum, einen Journalisten zum Schweigen zu bringen, der Material in Umlauf gebracht hat, von dem die schimpfliche Menge dem Willen der Herrschenden nach nichts wissen sollte. So etwas mögen sie nicht, also wird es abgestellt. Dergleichen passiert leider immer wieder.

07.02.2019 - 23:31 [ Portal ]

Brasilien: Friedensnobelpreis für zu über 12 Jahren Haft verurteilten Lula?

Unterstützt wird der Vorschlag von zahlreichen berühmten Persönlichkeiten. Zu den Unterzeichnern zählen unter anderem die Soziologen Jean Ziegler aus der Schweiz und Éric Fassin aus Frankreich, sowie Linguist Noam Chomsky, Bürgerrechtlerin Angela Davis und Schauspieler Danny Glover aus den USA . Die Bekanntgabe der Gewinner des Friedensnobelpreises findet jedes Jahr im Oktober statt. Am 10. Dezember, dem Todestag von Alfred Nobel, wird der Preis schließlich vergeben.

29.01.2019 - 23:06 [ Portal ]

Kein „Regime Change“ in Caracas!

John Pilger, Noam Chomsky, Phyllis Bennis, Boots Riley, Vijay Prashad und viele weitere Stimmen der kritischen Öffentlichkeit haben sich zusammengeschlossen, um in einer gemeinsamen Erklärung den US-Interventionismus in Venezuela anzuprangern und sich für eine friedliche auf Dialog gründende Lösung der Krise im Land einzusetzen.

Im Folgenden der Wortlaut:

25.01.2019 - 18:03 [ teleSUR ]

Chomsky, Other Scholars Reject US Coup Attempt in Venezuela

MIT Professor Emeritus Noam Chomsky; co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, Mark Weisbrot; and 68 other scholars published an Open Letter Thursday demanding that the United States Government back off Venezuela.

07.12.2018 - 13:09 [ Junge Welt ]

Noam Chomsky: „USA müssen zum Frieden gezwungen werden“

Die Mittel zur Erlangung der politischen Herrschaft sind offensichtlich: Die Konzentration des Reichtums führt zu einer Konzentration der politischen Macht. All dies führt zu Wut, Groll und Verachtung für die etablierten politischen Parteien, wobei viele Menschen leicht Demagogen zum Opfer fallen und ihren berechtigten Ärger gegen Sündenböcke richten; in der Regel gegen Menschen, die noch stärker benachteiligt sind.

24.11.2018 - 17:21 [ Counterpunch ]

Noam Chomsky Turns 90: How a U.S. Anarchist Has More Than Survived

On December 7, 2018, Noam Chomsky turns 90 years old. In a 2013 Reader’s Digest poll of “The 100 Most Trusted People in America” (topped by Hollywood celebrities), Noam Chomsky, a self-described anarchist, ranked #20 (behind #19 Michelle Obama but in front of #24 Jimmy Carter). Given that anti-authoritarians throughout U.S. history have been routinely shunned, financially punished, psychopathologized, criminalized, and assassinated, Chomsky’s surviving and thriving are remarkable.

In the early 1960s, when few Americans were criticizing the U.S. government’s war in Vietnam, Chomsky was among the first to challenge and resist it. He risked prison time and the loss of an academic career in linguistics in which he had become highly esteemed for his groundbreaking contributions. For more than a half century, Chomsky has used his platform to challenge all illegitimate authorities, including the U.S. government and oppressive regimes around the world. He has voiced a consistent contempt for elite rule—for its atrocities as well as for its subversion of working-class autonomy.

14.11.2018 - 00:25 [ Middle East Monitor ]

Chomsky echoes prominent Israeli, warns of the rise of ‘Judeo-Nazi tendencies’ in Israel

Prominent Jewish intellectual Noam Chomsky has raised concerns over what he believes is the rise of “Judeo-Nazi tendencies” in Israel. Speaking to i24NEWS last week, the renowned political dissident, linguist and scholar repeated warnings given by Yeshayahu Leibowitz, an Israeli public intellectual, biochemist and polymath, concerning the dehumanising effect of Israel’s brutal occupation of Palestine on the victims and the oppressors.

23.09.2018 - 23:39 [ Portal ]

Kandidat der Arbeiterpartei in Brasilien legt in Umfragen weiter zu

Am vergangenen Wochenende waren der frühere argentinische Außenminister Jorge Taiana und der US-amerikanische Linguist Noam Chomsky nach Brasilien gereist, um an einem Forum der Arbeiterpartei PT teilzunehmen und den politischen Gefangenen zu besuchen. Auch ehemalige Premierminister aus Europa, wie José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero (Spanien), Dominique de Villepin (Frankreich), und Massimo D‘Alema (Italien) waren anwesend.

31.03.2018 - 13:31 [ teleSUR ]

Chomsky, Brian Eno Demand Ecuador #ReconnectJulian Assange

The letter was signed by prominent intellectuals Noam Chomsky and Slavoj Zizek, as well as rock musician Brian Eno, filmmaker Oliver Stone, former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, actress Pamela Anderson and former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis.