Archiv: Handelsblatt (media)

15.02.2021 - 22:34 [ ]

Why did a German newspaper insist the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine was inefficacious for older people—without evidence?

With huge global public health implications, Handelsblatt’s story rapidly became international news—and was rapidly rebuffed. Calls for the underlying data filled social media. An AstraZeneca spokesperson described the reported figure as “completely incorrect.”

The controversy came at a moment of intense finger pointing between the European Commission and AstraZeneca over unfulfilled vaccine shipments, and in the week that the European Medicines Agency (EMA) was expected to decide whether to recommend authorisation.

02.02.2021 - 23:57 [ ]

Wegen kritischer Recherchen: Wirecards Krieg gegen die Medien

Seit 2015 schrieb Dan McCrum bereits in seinem „Financial Times“-Blog „House of Wirecard“ über das Geschäftsgebaren von Wirecard und Unstimmigkeiten in den Bilanzen. McCrum geriet offenbar früh ins Visier von Wirecard. In den jetzt vorliegenden Unterlagen findet sich auch ein Angebot einer österreichischen Sicherheitsfirma an Wirecard von 2016 – darin der Vorschlag „konkrete Vorschläge an Hacker“ zu übermitteln.

29.01.2021 - 05:12 [ ]

Why has Germany advised against Oxford/AstraZeneca jab for over-65s?

Prof Andy Pollard, of the University of Oxford, said the lack of data is understandable. “In our trials, the older adults were recruited later and, because they were recruited later there has been less time for cases to occur, and, older adults are known to be more cautious in the pandemic, meaning the ‘attack rate’ is lower,” he said.

AstraZeneca has stressed that older adults were recruited later because the team wanted to be sure the vaccine was safe before administering it to older age groups.

29.01.2021 - 05:10 [ Dr. ASeidler - Infektiologie / Twitter ]

#STIKO des #RKI empfiehlt den #Impfstoff von #AstraZeneca nicht für Personen über 65 Jahre. Die #Zulassung seitens der #EMA #EU steht noch aus.

28.01.2021 - 15:07 [ ]

Germany blocks Oxford jab for over-65s: Panel says data on older people is insufficient – but does not support ‚8% effectiveness‘ claim – amid EU row with Britain over AstraZeneca supplies

AstraZeneca‘s vaccine has not been granted approval yet for general use in the European Union, but the bloc‘s medicines regulator EMA is poised to authorise it on Friday.

The German panel, STIKO did not detail the data from clinical trials on the vaccine on older people, but two prominent German media outlets had reported that the efficacy on above-65s was below 10 per cent.

27.01.2021 - 01:34 [ ]

Why experts say there is no basis to claims in Germany about efficacy of AstraZeneca vaccine

A University of Oxford spokesperson said clinical trials showed similar immune responses in younger and older adults, a good safety profile and high efficacy in younger adults. “There is no basis for the claims of very low efficacy of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine which have been circulating in the media,” they said.

While it is true that there was less data from older adults involved in the trials, the team say early figures were promising: “Preliminary efficacy data in older adults supports the importance of this vaccine for use in this population,” they said.

27.01.2021 - 01:12 [ ]

German media doubles-down on AstraZeneca vaccine stats: Handelsblatt newspaper REPUBLISHES widely rubbished claim that Oxford jab is only 8% effective in Over-65s and says there was NOT a mix-up in its reporting

Handelsblatt was still running the original story today with the headline: ‚Setback to coronavirus vaccine: AstraZeneca vaccine appears to hardly work on seniors‘.

A subheading noted that Germany‘s health minister Jens Spahn had been ‚circumspect‘ about the claim, without mentioning the ministry‘s subsequent denial.

Gregor Waschinski, one of the journalists behind the story, stood by it on Monday night and said it was confirmed by ‚multiple sources familiar with the German vaccination policy‘.

26.01.2021 - 19:49 [ BBC ]

Coronavirus: Germany rejects ‚mixed up‘ reports on AstraZeneca jab

The reports emerged in Handelsblatt, a respected financial daily, and the mass-circulation Bild, quoting sources within Germany‘s governing coalition.

26.01.2021 - 19:38 [ ]

Begrenzte Zulassung laut EMA grundsätzlich möglich

Die EU-Arzneimittelagentur (EMA) schließt nicht aus, dass der Coronavirus-Impfstoff von AstraZeneca in Europa nur für eine bestimmte Altersgruppe zugelassen wird. „Ich werde der Entscheidung nicht vorgreifen“, sagte EMA-Chefin Emer Cooke heute in einer Anhörung im Europaparlament. Eine begrenzte Zulassung sei aber grundsätzlich möglich. Das werde genau geprüft.

26.01.2021 - 12:22 [ ]

German Health Ministry DENIES bombshell vaccine claims – says Berlin paper messed up stats

The health ministry insisted the claims made in German media last night were based on confused analysis of a study into the effectiveness of the AstraZeneca jab.

26.01.2021 - 12:18 [ Michaela Kuefner, hief Political Editor at DW, Germany's international TV channel / Twitter ]

In an exclusive interview with @dw_politics German health minister @jensspahn calls for a licensing requirement for the export of vaccines outside the EU. Given the state funds spent on building up production capacity this is not about EU “first, but fair” Spahn told me.

26.01.2021 - 11:52 [ ]

‚F***ing bonkers!‘ UK attacks Germany over Oxford vaccine ‚lies‘ – EU row erupts

Another Westminster official said: “The efficacy claims circulating in the German media are unsubstantiated and incorrect.”

Speaking to Politico, a third added: “After this, support for Brexit will be at about 90 percent.”

The claims in the German media were made on the same day a row broke out between the European Union and AstraZeneca over supplies of the vaccine to the continent.

26.01.2021 - 11:01 [ ]

The great vaccine blockade? EU threat to cut off UK‘s supply of Pfizer jabs will ‚poison relations for a generation‘ as Germans are accused of ‚Russian-style‘ disinformation over ‚rubbish‘ claim that AstraZeneca version is just 8% effective in elderly

Meanwhile, there is another row raging after two German newspapers claimed the EU‘s regulator could refuse to give the Oxford/AstraZeneca jab full approval, with officials anonymously briefing its efficacy for pensioners was just eight per cent.

However, the claim was branded ‚absolutely incorrect‘ and ‚unsubstantiated‘ by the pharmaceutical company – and No10 sources told MailOnline it was ‚rubbish‘. One Whitehall source told Playbook it was the kind of tactics ‚you expect from the Russians‘.

26.01.2021 - 11:00 [ ]

Corona-Impfstoff von AstraZeneca: Zu wenig Impfdosen – zu geringe Wirksamkeit?

Möglicherweise wird es Einschränkungen bei der Anwendung des Impfstoffs geben, denn Zeitungsberichten zufolge ist die Wirksamkeit bei älteren Menschen eingeschränkt. AstraZeneca weist das zwar zurück, einen Gegenbeweis bleibt das Unternehmen in seinen Veröffentlichungen bisher aber schuldig.

09.03.2020 - 07:09 [ Handelsblatt / Twitter ]

In Deutschland gibt es eine „Koalition der Willigen“: Kommunen wollen Flüchtlinge aufnehmen. Das sollte die Bundesregierung nutzen.


05.05.2019 - 15:56 [ Handelsblatt Politik ‏/ Twitter ]

Der frühere US-Vizepräsident führt nach seiner Kandidatur in den Umfragen. 39 Prozent der Demokraten würden ihn zum Präsidentschaftskandidaten wählen.
