Daily Archives: 19. Mai 2023

19.05.2023 - 23:40 [ Robert F. Kennedy Jr / Nitter ]

Remember the days when the idea of ubiquitous surveillance cameras was repugnant? An Orwellian nightmare fit for the old Soviet Union perhaps, but never for America. #Kennedy24

19.05.2023 - 23:35 [ Washington Post ]

Eyes on the poor: Cameras, facial recognition watch over public housing

No data is available on how often the cameras are used for this purpose. But the previously unreported practice highlights how efforts to make public housing safer are subjecting many of the 1.6 million Americans who live there — overwhelmingly people of color — to round-the-clock surveillance. If evicted, former tenants can face difficulties finding housing and employment for the rest of their lives.

19.05.2023 - 23:14 [ CNN ]

US signals to allies it won’t block their export of F-16 jets to Ukraine

(Fri May 19, 2023)

Administration officials are not aware, however, of any formal requests by any allies to export F-16s, and State Department officials who would normally be tasked with the paperwork to approve such third-party transfers have not been told to get to work, officials said.

19.05.2023 - 23:11 [ Sun5 / Nitter ]

Germany and UK say US must decide on fighter jets to Ukraine

(May 17, 2023)

19.05.2023 - 12:40 [ CNN ]

China’s special envoy met Zelensky during two-day Ukraine visit, Beijing says

n its statement Thursday morning, China’s Foreign Ministry confirmed Li had met Zelensky and other senior Ukrainian officials.

Li reiterated that China is willing to serve as a peace broker for resolving the Ukrainian crisis, on the basis of its previously stated positions on the war.

19.05.2023 - 12:38 [ ORF.at ]

Australische Polizei taserte 95-jährige Frau

Die Frau ist 1,57 Meter groß und 43 Kilogramm schwer und auf eine Gehhilfe angewiesen. Der Polizist ist laut BBC nicht suspendiert worden, werde aber derzeit nicht mehr eingesetzt.

19.05.2023 - 12:06 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu Sold Israel‘s Soul to the Devil and His Coalition Keeps Plundering

The reckless, messianic fanatics who run our lives aren’t pausing for a moment, pouncing on the public coffers like a pack of hungry hyenas, emptying them for many years to come ■ With the budget deadline looming next week, pressure is mounting on the architects of the judicial coup

19.05.2023 - 12:00 [ Free Jerusalem / Nitter ]

*מחר בשעה 9:00 בבוקר הפגנה מול בית משפט השלום בירושלים* למען שלושת העצורים שעדיין במעצר בעקבות שנעצרו בעקבות החסימה היום. בואו לעמוד איתנו. גאות בפעולות תמיד והיום במיוחד. מול משטרה אלימה ופאשיסטים חסרי בושה הצלחנו להציב אלטרנטיבה למצעד הגזעני והאלים.

(15 hours ago)

19.05.2023 - 11:52 [ Uri Agnon, composer and activist. Jerusalemite in London. words in @Haaretz @jdforward @972mag @mekomit / Nitter ]

Every year on „Jerusalem day“ droves of fascists flock the city and fill it with violence and hate. This year we blocked them from entering the city, keeping the main entrance from West Bank settlements closed for over an hour. @freejerusalem1

19.05.2023 - 11:49 [ Times of Israel ]

Reporter for right-wing network attacked while covering anti-government protest

Shalev said he is accustomed to facing animosity at anti-government demonstrations because he reports for Channel 14, which critics consider a mouthpiece for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but that the incident the night before had for the first time included physical violence.

He said protesters used their flagpoles to beat him and his crew on the head and body.

“At that point I felt afraid. Until now I have not felt afraid in all the demonstrations I have been to, but here with the flags when it reached the physical level I started to be afraid,” Shalev said.

19.05.2023 - 11:25 [ @YuliEdelstein / Twitter ]

אין מרגש ונכון יותר מאשר לחגוג יחד עם עשרות אלפי אחיותנו ואחינו את 56 השנים לשחרור ירושלים ואיחודה. בעזרת השם ובאהבת חינם, נחגוג יחד לעוד שנים רבות, ארוכות ובטוחות ונאמר אמן! עם ישראל חי, וליבו – ירושלים המאוחדת לעד!

19.05.2023 - 11:15 [ @nirhasson, @haaretz, ]

הבחור שעל הריצפה כאן הוא פיראס אלאטראש, בן 37, תושב מזרח ירושלים. „הלכתי לקנות בגדים, אמרו שהכול נסגר ב-5 אז הלכתי ב-3, לא היה ויכוח ולא כלום. מישהו ריסס גז מדמיע ואז קפצו עלי. הם היו חמישה, אני על הריצפה והם מרביצים“. האירוע כולו נמשך שניות עד שמגביניקים חילצו אותו. אין עצורים.

19.05.2023 - 10:38 [ Haaretz ]

Haaretz reporter injured from stone throw, foreign and Arab journalists assaulted by Jewish marchers

Haaretz reporter Deiaa Haj Yahia was struck in the head by a stone thrown by participants in the procession near the Damascus Gate, the entrance to the Old City‘s Muslim Quarter.

Marchers also unleashed barrages of stones and bottles towards a group of foreign journalists, including Arab journalists. The attack left several journalists and photographers injured, with one sustaining a head injury, another struck in the back, and a third injured in the leg, leading them to vacate their positions for safety

19.05.2023 - 10:28 [ PBS.org ]

Israeli crowds chant racist slogans, taunt Palestinians during Jerusalem Day march

Thousands of Jewish nationalists, some of them chanting “Death to Arabs” and other racist slogans, paraded on Thursday through the main Palestinian thoroughfare of Jerusalem’s Old City, in an annual display that caused new friction between Jews and Palestinians in the tense city.

The marchers, who were overwhelmingly male Orthodox teens and young men, were celebrating “Jerusalem Day,” which marks Israel’s capture of the Old City 56 years ago.

19.05.2023 - 09:58 [ Haaretz ]

Jerusalem Day‘s Flag March: A Cruel Celebration of an Occupied City

Sadly, we have no reason to believe the cruel celebration will not be re-enacted next year ■ Six basic facts about the Nakba everyone should know ■ A virtual tour of Temple Mount/Al-Aqsa compound ■ Today‘s best reads on Haaretz

19.05.2023 - 09:22 [ Japan Today ]

Against Hiroshima‘s somber legacy, G7 grapples with Ukraine conflict

Clockwise from left, U.S. President Joe Biden, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, European Council President Charles Michel, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, French President Emmanuel Macron and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida attend a meeting during the G7 Leaders‘ Summit in Hiroshima on Friday.