Daily Archives: 21. Mai 2020

21.05.2020 - 14:34 [ Rationalgalerie ]

Der SPIEGEL heizt Stimmung an:: Das Magazin lenkt Hass auf Ken Jebsen

„Bei den Ermittlungen zum Angriff auf ein Kamerateam der „heute-show“ gibt es womöglich eine neue Spur“, schreibt der SPIEGEL online in einem Artikel mit dem Titel „Ken Jebsen nutzt Studio von attackierter TV-Produktionsfirma“. Mit dem Wort „womöglich“ tarnt das Magazin eine Denunziations-Story, die dem Medien-Mann Ken Jebsen völlig unbewiesen aber fast unverhüllt, die Schuld an einer Attacke auf ein ZDF-Team zuweist. „Wie aggressiv die Stimmung zum Teil ist, musste ein Kamerateam erfahren, das am 1. Mai auf einer sogenannten Hygienedemo an der Berliner Volksbühne für die ZDF-Satiresendung „heute-show“ drehte.“ Das Team drehte in Wahrheit auf der Berliner Rochstraße. Ziemlich weit vom Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz entfernt, dem Ort der Aktion für das Grundgesetz. Doch so wie der SPIEGEL sich den Tatort zusammenlügt, so lügt er sich auch eine Verbindung von Jebsen und dem betroffenen Kamerateam zusammen.

21.05.2020 - 10:59 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

COVID-19 Patients’ Right to Privacy Against Quarantine Surveillance

Governments around the world are using surveillance technologies to monitor whether COVID-19 patients are complying with instructions to quarantine at home. These include GPS ankle shackles, phone apps that track location, and phone apps that require patients to periodically take quarantine selfies and send them to government monitors.

21.05.2020 - 10:50 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

International Proposals for Warrantless Location Surveillance To Fight COVID-19

Time and again, governments have used crises to expand their power, and often their intrusion into citizens’ lives. The COVID-19 pandemic has seen this pattern play out on a huge scale. From deploying drones or ankle monitors to enforce quarantine orders to proposals to use face recognition or thermal imaging cameras for monitoring public spaces, governments around the world have been adopting intrusive measures in their quest to contain the pandemic.

21.05.2020 - 08:03 [ Haaretz ]

Spying on Citizens Permanently

Under cover of the public fear of the spread of the pandemic and the fear that there will be additional waves, the government wants to enlarge its tool box and expand its freedom of action.

We must not cooperate with that. It represents an upsetting of the balance between the power of the regime and citizens’ rights.

21.05.2020 - 08:00 [ Joe Biden ]

Joe Biden and the Jewish Community: A Record and a Plan of Friendship, Support and Action

– Urge Arab states to move beyond quiet talks and take bolder steps toward normalization with Israel.

– Firmly reject the BDS movement, which singles out Israel — home to millions of Jews — and too often veers into anti-Semitism, while letting Palestinians off the hook for their choices.

– Hold Iran accountable and rejoin a diplomatic agreement to prevent a nuclear armed Iran, if Iran returns to compliance with the JCPOA, using renewed commitment to diplomacy to work with our allies to strengthen and extend the Iran deal, and push back against Iran’s other destabilizing actions.

21.05.2020 - 07:55 [ CBS News ]

Transcript: Joe Biden foreign policy adviser Antony Blinken on COVID shortfalls, failures in Syria

Iran has now restarted some of the dangerous aspects of its nuclear program that the nuclear deal stopped dead in their tracks. And unfortunately, it‘s taken a series of provocative actions endangering our own forces in the Middle East, in Iraq and Syria, as well as our citizens. And all of that has happened at the same time that we managed to alienate ourselves from our closest allies. We disagree fundamentally with the approach the administration took on Iran. So this is just not working on its own terms. If Iran comes back into compliance with the deal, then yes, Joe Biden said we would do the same thing, but we would use that as a platform to try to build a stronger and longer deal working with our partners.

And I think we‘d have a decent chance of doing that because our partners would be with us, not alienated from us. And at the same time, much more likely to join us in trying to curb other actions by Iran that we find objectionable.

21.05.2020 - 07:52 [ Ben Spielberg / Twitter ]

Terrible stuff from @JoeBiden . As the grandson of a Jew who escaped Nazi Germany in 1939, I hope he and his campaign will stop undermining our ability to address anti-Semitism by using it as a euphemism for peaceful opposition to human rights abuses by the Israeli government.

21.05.2020 - 07:51 [ Independent.co.uk ]

‘Almost hard to believe’: Joe Biden attacks antisemitism on the left in US and UK

It comes as Mr Biden’s presidential campaign considers how he can appeal to progressives on the left of the Democratic party, and younger voters in particular, who criticise Israel’s treatment of Palestinians.

Mr Biden, who was asked about antisemitism among sections of the left in the US and UK, said that whilst antisemitism was “the mother of all conspiracy theories”, Americans had not heard enough about the dangers of the Holocaust happening again.

21.05.2020 - 07:44 [ Politico.com ]

Progressives thought they‘d overtaken the Democratic Party. Now they‘re in despair.


A string of losses this spring, highlighted by Bernie Sanders, has left the movement reeling.

21.05.2020 - 07:40 [ Haaretz ]

Despite Despair, Israel‘s Left Must Pick Up and Move On

The left put former generals at its helm and failed (they joined the right), as well as civilian personalities, who also failed to deliver the goods. It tried a decentralized model, with Labor and Meretz running separately, and hit a wall. It learned its lesson and ran as a united front of multiple parties (Labor and Meretz, Kahol Lavan), also meeting no success. It flirted with a post-Zionist concept and a state of all its citizens (Meretz) or, alternatively, highlighting its Zionist image (the Zionist Union), failing both times in garnering public support. …

21.05.2020 - 07:01 [ the Hill ]

Support slips for stay-at-home restrictions in new poll

Sixty percent of Americans are in favor of requiring Americans to remain home except for essential errands, including about a third of Americans who strongly favor it. This is down from 80 percent in favor of stay-at-home orders in April.

21.05.2020 - 06:33 [ ZDF ]

Lockdown verlängert – Proteste in Spanien

Nur kurz nach der Abstimmung gingen Lockdown-Kritiker und Gegner der Regierung in Madrid und anderen Städten an die Fenster, auf die Balkone und zum Teil auch auf die Straßen, um lautstark zu protestieren. Sie machten ihrem Ärger Luft, indem sie auf Töpfe schlugen und „Freiheit, Freiheit!“ skandierten. Viele schwenkten spanische Fahnen, andere waren in die Landesflagge gehüllt.

21.05.2020 - 06:25 [ okdiario.com ]

Sevilla ya es un clamor: cientos de personas marchan por cuarto día contra Sánchez


Varios cientos de personas se han vuelto a juntar este miércoles para protestar contra el Gobierno de un Pedro Sánchez del que exigen su dimisión. Se trata de la cuarta movilización celebrada en Sevilla contra el Ejecutivo.

21.05.2020 - 06:20 [ El Pais ]

Hundreds of Spaniards march against government despite social-distancing rules

The protests in Madrid intensified over the weekend, after health authorities on Friday rejected the region’s request to move to the next phase of the coronavirus deescalation plan. While much of the country is now in Phase 1, which allows some degree of social interaction and the reopening of some businesses, Madrid remains in Phase 0, although a few restrictions have been eased.

21.05.2020 - 06:15 [ okdiario.com / Twitter ]

La rebelión ciudadana se extiende a toda España: clamor general contra Sánchez e Iglesias


21.05.2020 - 06:07 [ El Pais ]

Obligatory use of face masks in Spain: What you need to know about the new rules

According to the ministerial order, published Wednesday in the Official State Gazette (BOE), face masks must be worn in the “public street, in open-air spaces and any closed space that is for public use or that is open to the public, where it is not possible to maintain [an interpersonal] distance” of two meters.

The new rules apply to everyone over the age of six. The use of face masks is also recommended for children between three and five years of age.

21.05.2020 - 02:51 [ Comité No Guerra no Nato and Global Research ]

Video: Let Us Free Ourselves From the Virus of War

International Conference on the 75th anniversary of the Liberation of Italy and the End of World War II organised by the Italian Committee No War, No Nato and Global Research.

The great Italian journalist Giulietto Chiesa passed away a few hours after the realization of this Conference.

His last words (Panel 4 and Conclusion) focussed on Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Information, and Freedom for Julian Assange.

“It is essential to join all our forces together, which are significant, “not so small” but there is a fundamental flaw: that of being divided, unable to speak with a single voice. We need an means or an instrument to speak to the millions of citizens who want to know.”

This was Giulietto Chiesa’s Appeal, an act in solidarity pointing to the need to break down social divisions and establish a grassroots movement, nationally and internationally.

His last words were confirmed by the fact that, immediately after the streaming, the online conference was “obscured” because the following content had been identified by the so-called YouTube community as “inappropriate or offensive to some audiences.” That’s what is commonly referred to as Censorship.

Scroll down for list of participants and index

21.05.2020 - 01:49 [ Press TV ]

Saudi-led blockade strands 15 vessels carrying oil derivatives outside Yemen‘s ports: Company

More than half of Yemen’s hospitals and clinics have been destroyed or closed during the war by the Saudi-led coalition, which is supported militarily by the UK, US and other Western nations.

At least 80 percent of the 28 million-strong population is also reliant on aid to survive in what the United Nations has called the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.

21.05.2020 - 01:31 [ Nasdaq ]

Venezuela‘s military to escort Iranian fuel tankers -defense minister

Venezuela‘s military will escort Iranian tankers bringing fuel to the gasoline-starved country as soon as they enter its exclusive economic zone, Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino said on Wednesday.