Archiv: Movement for Quality Government in Israel

09.08.2023 - 13:25 [ Haaretz ]

38 Human Rights Orgs Petition High Court to Strike Down Judicial Overhaul Law

The petition was signed, among others, by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, the Aguda for LGBT rights, Mizrahi Democratic Rainbow Coalition, Kav LaOved for disadvantaged workers, The Association for Ethiopian Jews, and the Adalah organization for Arab minority rights in Israel.

Several petitions against the law have already been filed, among else by the Israel Bar Association, the Movement for Quality Government in Israel, the Civic-Democratic organization and the Darkenu organization.

Additionally, private individuals, including military personnel, former Knesset members, and social activists, have submitted petitions against the law.

01.04.2023 - 06:15 [ Haaretz ]

Republicans Rally Behind Netanyahu, Taking Advantage of Growing U.S.-Israel Tensions to Batter Biden

In a tweet, the Texas senator described Biden’s rebuke as “Utterly disgraceful. Biden gleefully hosts anti-American radicals like Lula, while shunning close American allies like Netanyahu. It’s clear that Biden and his officials are high from funding what they believe to be successful anti-government protests in Israel.”

“These accusations are completely false,” a State Department spokesperson said about the theories, which first emerged on right-wing U.S. media outlets but were propagated by Netanyahu’s inner circle in briefings to journalists on trips abroad.

“[Israel‘s Movement for Quality Government] received a modest grant from the State Department that was initiated during the previous administration,” the spokesperson noted, adding that “the last disbursal of funds came in September of 2022, well before the last Israeli election.”

11.03.2023 - 19:03 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Israeli NGO presents constitution as alternative to judicial reform

(March 9, 2023)

“After 75 years, it’s time for a constitution for the State of Israel,” which would fix Israel’s government system, protect human rights and enshrine the Declaration of Independence, MQG head Eliad Shraga said during a press conference at the group’s judicial reform protest tent in front of the Supreme Court in Jerusalem. The movement presented the proposal to President Isaac Herzog on Wednesday night, he said.

26.02.2023 - 20:39 [ Haaretz ]

Bill Curbing Power to Rule Netanyahu Unfit Could Lead to ‚Absurd Situations,‘ Attorney General Warns

The bill, submitted by coalition chairman Ofir Katz, states that only the cabinet can declare a prime minister unfit or incapacitated by a two-thirds majority, and that in some cases, such a declaration would require approval by a majority of 90 lawmakers. Moreover, a declaration of incapacitation would apply to incompetence for health reasons only.

The bill is being advanced in response to the Movement for Quality Government in Israel’s petition to the High Court asking to declare Netanyahu unfit for office over a conflict of interest due to the ongoing criminal proceedings against him.

26.02.2023 - 20:30 [ Times of Israel ]

Court gives Netanyahu 1 month to respond to petition to declare him unfit for office

(10 February 2023)

The High Court of Justice on Friday gave Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu one month to respond to a petition to declare him unfit for office and force him to take a leave of absence.

The Movement for Quality Government in Israel petitioned the court on Thursday, arguing that Netanyahu is in violation of a conflict of interest arrangement that bars him from involvement in matters that could impact his ongoing trial on graft charges.

26.02.2023 - 20:17 [ Jerusalem Post ]

AG pondering declaring Netanyahu unfit as PM due to conflicts of interest

(Jan 22, 2023)

In 2021, the High Court of Justice ruled that a conflict of interest arrangement formulated under then former attorney-general Avichai Mandelblit was binding for Netanyahu.

The arrangement prohibits Netanyahu from being involved in the nomination of judges or of the police commissioner and from being involved in legislation that has an impact on the criminal proceedings against him.

11.01.2023 - 13:32 [ Haaretz ]

‚Police Promised They Won‘t Be Violent Against Protesters‘ in Tel Aviv This Weekend

Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai met on Wednesday with former IDF Chief of Staff Moshe Ya‘alon, former Mossad chief Tamir Pardo, and attorney Eliad Shraga, chairman of The Movement for Quality Government, in light of the protest against planned judicial reforms in Israel and ahead of the Saturday demonstration in Tel Aviv.

19.03.2021 - 23:41 [ ]

Neue Dokumente: U-Boot-Geschäft mit Israel wirft Fragen auf

Derzeit prüft der Oberste Gerichtshof in Jerusalem, ob neue Untersuchungen eingeleitet werden müssen. Dafür liegen ihm unter anderem mehr als ein Dutzend Aussagen hochrangiger Zeugen vor. Darunter die des früheren Premierministers Ehud Barak, des Ex-Verteidigungsministers Mosche Jaalon, der ehemaligen Chefs des Geheimdienstes Mossad und von Generälen und Generalstabschefs. Eingesammelt und dem Gerichtshof vorgelegt hat sie die israelische Nichtregierungsorganisation „Movement for Quality Government in Israel“. WDR, NDR und „Süddeutsche Zeitung“ (SZ) konnten sie einsehen.

19.03.2021 - 23:34 [ Movement for Quality Government in Israel ]

We petitioned the High Court of Justice in demand of a full investigation regarding the Submarines Affair

Our investigative department got hold of new evidence concerning the Submarines Affair (our efforts continue – the department still investigates the affair in full energy). In our petition to the High Court of Justice we requested the judges to order the following:

1. Criminal investigation of Netanyahu’s Steel Shares Affair. 2. Criminal investigation against Netanyahu in the Submarines Affair. 3. Establishing a State Inquiry Committee in order to finally investigate this severe affair.

24.10.2020 - 21:54 [ Haaretz ]

Anti-Netanyahu Protesters Return to the Streets, Thousands March From Knesset

At about 10:00 P.M., thousands of Jerusalem protesters started another march from the vicinity of the prime minister‘s residence. Police tried to stop the march in the Mamila area, but demonstrators broke into a run and bypassed the roadblocks.

Meanwhile, about 1,000 people are taking part in a protest by the Movement for Quality Government at Tel Aviv‘s Rabin Square for the second week in a row, under the banner of „Corruption is leaping – the state is sinking,“ a play on the Hebrew word for submarine.

30.09.2020 - 23:07 [ The Jerusalem Post / Twitter ]

The High Court of Justice has given little help to the #protest movement against Prime Minister Benjamin #Netanyahu, slow-walking their petition to strike down new corona-era limits on demonstrations. @jeremybob1 reports.

30.09.2020 - 23:05 [ Times of Israel ]

High Court says it won’t block a coronavirus law limiting protests, for now

Justice Neal Hendel has given the government a week — until October 7 — to respond to the Movement for Quality Government’s petition, according to an update by the plaintiffs on their Twitter account.

03.08.2020 - 11:31 [ Haaretz ]

Anti-Netanyahu Protests Have No Leaders. That‘s Why They‘re Getting Stronger

At Saturday evening’s protest, one person was put in charge of a logistical situation room that handled arrests as well as the photographers, “so we can tell our story rather than what the police and the media are saying,” as one person described it.

Speaking before the demonstration, he said “the situation room will help connect the many groups, but in the end, everyone will do what they want.” He also expressed confidence that there was no need for leadership of the protests, and in fact, opposed such leadership.

01.12.2019 - 11:00 [ ]

Israel: Protesters in Tel Aviv rally, urging Netanyahu to resign

The rally was organized by an NGO called Movement for Quality Government in Israel, which earlier petitioned the Israeli High Court to force Netanyahu to tender his resignation.