Archiv: Médecins Sans Frontières / Doctors without Borders / Ärzte ohne Grenzen

25.12.2024 - 16:19 [ Médecins Sans Frontières ]

Gaza death trap: MSF report exposes Israel’s campaign of total destruction

(December 19, 2024)

„What our medical teams have witnessed on the ground throughout this conflict is consistent with the descriptions provided by an increasing number of legal experts and organizations concluding that genocide is taking place in Gaza,” Lockyear said. (…)

MSF calls on states, particularly Israel’s closest allies, to end their unconditional support for Israel and fulfill their obligation to prevent genocide in Gaza. Nearly a year ago, on January 26, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered Israel to take “immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to address the adverse conditions of life faced by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.” Israel has taken no meaningful action to comply with the court order. Instead, Israeli authorities continue to actively block MSF and other humanitarian organizations from providing lifesaving assistance to people trapped under siege and bombardment.

25.12.2024 - 15:47 [ Middle East Eye ]

Opinion: Another expert report finds Israel is committing genocide. The West yawns

Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) agree that Israel is striving for extermination. It has not hidden its intent, and that intent is confirmed by its actions on the ground.

20.12.2024 - 00:25 [ Médecins Sans Frontières ]

Gaza death trap: MSF report exposes Israel’s campaign of total destruction

MSF calls on states, particularly Israel’s closest allies, to end their unconditional support for Israel and fulfill their obligation to prevent genocide in Gaza. Nearly a year ago, on January 26, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered Israel to take “immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to address the adverse conditions of life faced by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.” Israel has taken no meaningful action to comply with the court order. Instead, Israeli authorities continue to actively block MSF and other humanitarian organizations from providing lifesaving assistance to people trapped under siege and bombardment.

24.10.2024 - 08:33 [ Doctors without Borders ]

Update from North Gaza: “I just don’t have words”

Dr. Mohammed Obeid, MSF orthopedic surgeon at Kamal Adwan Hospital:

“There is death in all types and forms in Kamal Adwan Hospital and North Gaza. The bombardment does not stop. The artillery does not stop. The planes do not stop. There is heavy shelling, and the hospital is [being] targeted too. It just looks like a movie—it does not seem real.

“About five days ago, my house was hit. They completely blew up the roof and water tanks, but we were on the ground floor and only one person got injured, thank God. We left a few times, moving to different areas. My family and neighbors were terrified. I [took] shelter in Kamal Adwan Hospital with my wife and children, and I am now working here, where I can treat numerous patients.

“There are no words to describe the situation in Kamal Adwan Hospital: It is disastrous. The hospital is completely overwhelmed. There are injured people everywhere, outside and inside the hospital, and we do not have medical and surgical equipment to treat them.

“Ambulances cannot move. We cannot reach the bodies of the people killed and cannot save the injured ones who lie in the streets. Many of them died before reaching the hospital, and others died inside the hospital as we could not treat their wounds.

16.04.2024 - 19:55 [ Middle East Eye ]

Ghassan Abu Sittah accuses Germany of ‚genocide complicity‘ after being refused entry


„This morning, at 10 o‘clock, I landed in Berlin to attend a conference on Palestine, where I had been asked, along with many others … to give my evidence of the 43 days that I had seen in the hospitals in Gaza, working in both al-Shifa and al-Ahli hospitals,“ he said.

Abu Sittah said he was escorted from the passport office to the basement of the airport, where he was questioned for three-and-a-half hours.

„At the end of three-and-a-half hours, I was told that I woud not be allowed to enter German soil and that this ban will last the whole of April,“ he said.

16.04.2024 - 19:36 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Beweise begraben, Zeugen zum Schweigen bringen

Es ist Freitag gegen Abend, der 12. April 2024. In der Hand hält der Arzt ein Mikrophon von Middle East Eye (MEE), einem in England ansässigen Internetportal, das in englischer und französischer Sprache Nachrichten über den Nahen und Mittleren Osten veröffentlicht. Ruhig und überlegt berichtet der Arzt, was ihm am Berliner Flughafen widerfahren ist, eindringlich blicken seine Augen durch die großen, dunkel gerahmten Brillengläser.

08.03.2024 - 22:15 [ Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) / Twitter ]

We are deeply concerned about our staff member who was detained at a checkpoint by Israeli forces while trying to leave Nasser hospital in #Gaza on 15 February. Israeli authorities confirmed he is in their custody. We call on them to treat him with dignity & ensure his wellbeing.

25.02.2024 - 03:15 [ Doctors Without Borders ]

MSF to UN Security Council: The people of Gaza need an immediate and sustained ceasefire now

„Meeting after meeting, resolution after resolution, this body has failed to effectively address this conflict,” Lockyear said. “We have watched members of this Council deliberate and delay while civilians die. This death, destruction, and forced displacement are the result of military and political choices that blatantly disregard civilian lives. These choices could have been—and still can be—made very differently.

The consequences of casting international humanitarian law to the wind will reverberate well beyond Gaza. It will be an enduring burden on our collective conscience. This is not just political inaction—it has become political complicity.“

25.02.2024 - 03:12 [ ]

Doctors Without Borders Slams US for Vetoing Gaza Ceasefire Resolution at UN


The head of the international medical charity Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) slammed the US for vetoing a Gaza ceasefire resolution in testimony at the UN Security Council on Thursday and detailed the horrors Palestinian children are facing in the Gaza Strip due to the Israeli siege.

“We are appalled by the willingness of the United States to use its powers as a permanent Council member to obstruct efforts to adopt the most evident of resolutions: one demanding an immediate and sustained ceasefire,” said MSF Secretary-General Christopher Lockyear.

22.02.2024 - 21:08 [ United Nations ]

‚Shocking, unsustainable and desperate‘ conditions across Gaza, Security Council hears

Also briefing the Council was Christopher Lockyear, Secretary General, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), or Doctors Without Borders.

Fearful of further deadly Israeli attacks, he said he was “appalled” by the United States’ repeated use of its veto power to obstruct efforts to adopt the most evident of resolutions: one demanding an immediate ceasefire.

“We live in fear of a ground invasion” in Rafah, he said.

Calling Washington’s new proposed draft resolution “misleading at best”, he said the Council should reject any resolution “that further hampers humanitarian efforts on the ground and leads this Council to tacitly endorse the continued violence and mass atrocities in Gaza”.

21.02.2024 - 16:53 [ BBC News / ]

News at 3PM: MPs will vote on a #Gaza ceasefire following a debate. A Trident missile test has failed once more. The Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, is responding to queries at PMQs. MSF reports Israeli shelling of its #Gaza shelter. Syrian outlets report three deaths in Damascus due to Israeli missiles. Julian #Assange contests US extradition. #JulianAssange #BBC #News

11.01.2024 - 16:51 [ Saul Staniforth / Twitter ]

Blinne Ni Ghralaigh „I share with you 2 photos. The first is of a whiteboard.. with a handwritten message by a MSF doctor ‚We did what we could. Remember us‘. The second photo is of the same whiteboard after an Israeli strike on the hospital that killed the author of the message“

05.01.2024 - 17:36 [ MSF International / Twitter ]

Our project coordinator, Jacob Burns, arrived in southern Gaza on 17 December 2023 & describes the horrific situation for Palestinians on the ground. “Gaza is gone, basically, and there is nothing left.

It’s difficult for Palestinians to see a life here again, which is very sad.”

05.01.2024 - 17:22 [ Middle East Eye ]

Doctors Without Borders: ‘Gaza is gone…there is nothing left’

“Gaza is gone, basically, and there is nothing left. It’s difficult for Palestinians to see a life here again, which is very sad,” said Jacob Burns.

14.12.2023 - 19:27 [ MSF International, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) / Twitter ]

Jenin, West Bank: Israeli forces just shot and killed an unarmed teenage boy inside Khalil Suleiman hospital compound. Efforts to save his life from MSF and Ministry of Health doctors were in vain…

This morning, Israeli forces stopped ambulances taking discharged patients home outside Khalil Suleiman hospital. Paramedics and ambulance drivers were ordered out of the ambulances, stripped and made to kneel in the street. The patients were left in the ambulances…

All of this happened in full view of our team. Since 7 October, we have seen Israeli forces fire live bullets at the hospital, tear gas the hospital, block ambulances, humiliate and harass medical staff, and now – shoot and kill someone in the hospital compound…

Hospitals are supposed to be safe spaces. Hospitals must be respected. These attacks must stop. #MustStopNow

09.12.2023 - 16:49 [ Médecins Sans Frontières / Doctors Without Borders / Ärzte ohne Grenzen ]

MSF calls US veto of Gaza ceasefire resolution “a vote against humanity”

Avril Benoît, executive director of Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) USA gave the following statement:

“As bombs continue to rain down on Palestinian civilians and cause widespread destruction, the US has once again used its power to block an attempt by the UN Security Council to demand a ceasefire in Gaza. By vetoing this resolution, the US stands alone in casting its vote against humanity.

The US veto stands in sharp contrast to the values it professes to uphold. By continuing to provide diplomatic cover for the ongoing atrocities in Gaza, the US is signaling that international humanitarian law can be applied selectively—and that the lives of some people matter less than the lives of others.

29.11.2023 - 13:16 [ Christos Christou, Int'l President of @MSF. Surgeon. / Twitter ]

Two Palestinians died of wounds while ambulances could not reach them. This must stop now. Patients should have access to healthcare at all times.

17.05.2021 - 06:07 [ Max Blumenthal / Twitter ]

In addition to destroying the roads to al-Shifa Hospital and killing 33 in the process, including 8 children, Israel targeted a Doctors Without Borders clinic

31.01.2021 - 08:51 [ ]

Ärzte ohne Grenzen kritisiert Impfstoffhersteller: „Riesige Kapazitäten liegen brach“

Patientinnen bekommen nicht mehr die Arzneistoffe, die Diagnostik, die Impfstoffe, die sie benötigen. Sie und Interessenparteien wie die EU sitzen am unteren Ende einer schiefen Ebene. Am oberen sitzen sehr mächtige pharmazeutische Konzerne.

STANDARD: Gibt es Gegenmittel?

Bachmann: Die Pharmaindustrie war sehr erfolgreich darin, den Regierungen viele geistige Schutzrechte abzuverhandeln.