Archiv: censored CIA torture report / Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) report / zensierter CIA Folterbericht / released December 2014

28.02.2023 - 10:35 [ ]

Dianne Feinstein statement on CIA torture report ‚cover-up‘ – full text

(March 11, 2014)

Let me say up front that I come to the Senate Floor reluctantly. Since January 15, 2014, when I was informed of the CIA’s search of this committee’s network, I have been trying to resolve this dispute in a discreet and respectful way. I have not commented in response to media requests for additional information on this matter. However, the increasing amount of inaccurate information circulating now cannot be allowed to stand unanswered.

The origin of this study: The CIA’s detention and interrogation program began operations in 2002, though it was not until September 2006, that Members of the Intelligence Committee, other than the Chairman and Vice Chairman, were briefed. In fact, we were briefed by then-CIA Director Hayden only hours before President Bush disclosed the program to the public.

A little more than a year later, on December 6, 2007, a New York Times article revealed the troubling fact that the CIA had destroyed videotapes of some of the CIA’s first interrogations using so-called “enhanced techniques.” …

28.02.2023 - 10:03 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

C.I.A.-Affäre: Der Offenbarungseid von Dianne Feinstein – Video, Zusammenfassung, Einschätzung

(12. März 2014)

Die Rede von Senatorin Dianne Feinstein vor dem Senat der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika über die Sabotage der verfassungsmäßigen Kontrolle des Parlaments über die Central Intelligence Agency durch die Central Intelligence Agency ist vielleicht das Erbärmlichste, was ich in meinem Leben je gesehen und gehört habe. Es ist nicht nur der Offenbarungseid eines Ausnahmezustands, eines über sich selbst und die Welt verhängten Kriegsrechts des mächtigsten Imperiums auf dem Planeten, in seinem Krieg „on terror“, weltweit geführt mit seinen „Einflussgebieten“, „Alliierten“, Ablegern, schlechten Kopien und Kolonien. Es ist der Offenbarungseid seiner bis auf die Knochen korrupten, feigen, abgetakelten, unfähigen Zuträger, Mitwisser, Kollaborateure und Funktionäre.

Was Senatorin Feinstein hier zeigt, was sie da zeigt, ist so unbeschreiblich, das sogar mir die Worte fehlen um es zu beschreiben. Ich will hier den Inhalt ihres Statements nur deshalb zusammenfassen, weil ich davon ausgehe dass die ganzen Feinsteins der deutschsprachigen Presse dies alles weder hören, lesen, geschweige denn darüber berichten wollen, genauso wie deren KundInnen.

28.02.2023 - 09:51 [ New York Times ]

Doctor Describes and Denounces C.I.A. Practice of ‘Rectal Feeding’ of Prisoners

(Feb. 24, 2023)

In December 2014, the Obama administration released a 500-page summary of a classified Senate study of the C.I.A.’s so-called black site program. It revealed the agency’s practice of using “rectal rehydration” and “rectal feeding” to punish prisoners.

At the time, the C.I.A. defended it as a sound medical procedure. The group Physicians for Human Rights then condemned the practice as “sexual assault masquerading as medical treatment.”

But this week the agency declined a request for a comment on the descriptions that were attributed to the C.I.A. in open court. Nor would an agency spokeswoman respond to Dr. Crosby’s testimony that Mr. Nashiri also told her that he was sodomized with a broom stick while the C.I.A. held him in a cell, nude with his wrists shackled above his head.

26.10.2021 - 10:44 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Julian Assange – Mordpläne, Schulterzucken und die Berufungsverhandlung

Hierzu der Whistleblower John Kiriakou:

„Wie sieht der Tag von Daniel Hale aus? Er ist allein in einer zwei mal drei Meter großen Zelle aus Beton und Stahl. Sie hat eine Stahlkoje, eine hauchdünne Matratze, ein kleines Stahlwaschbecken und eine Stahltoilette. An den Tagen, an denen er Hofgang hat, was zwei- oder dreimal pro Woche der Fall ist, wird er in einen sechs mal zehn Fuß großen Außenkäfig geführt, wo er eine Stunde lang im Kreis laufen kann.“

„Er darf zweimal pro Woche duschen und einmal pro Monat telefonieren, allerdings nur mit seinem Anwalt. Besucher werden sorgfältig überprüft (der NSA-Whistleblower Tom Drake und ich zum Beispiel dürfen ihn nicht besuchen, weil wir strafrechtlich verurteilt sind, weil wir das Abhören ohne richterliche Anordnung bzw. die CIA-Folter aufgedeckt haben).“

26.12.2020 - 06:53 [ Marcy Winograd / Twitter ]

After CODEPINK Campaign & pressure from others, Torture Defender Mike Morell Bows Out for CIA. Now, we must ask the tough questions of #AvrilHaines, challenge her nomination & put the #drone program on trial!

26.12.2020 - 03:22 [ Marcy Winograd / ]

Open Letter to President-Elect Biden & U.S. Senate from Torture Victims and their Advocates Opposed to Mike Morell for CIA and Avril Haines for National Intelligence.


Morell has no place in a Biden-Harris administration. His nomination would send a chilling message to torture survivors and other victims of grave injustice that the United States government, including the Biden administration, does not uphold its own stated principles. Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) from the Senate Intelligence Committee has said about Morell: “No torture apologist can be confirmed as CIA director. It’s a nonstarter.” We agree and urge the President-elect not to nominate Morell.

We also oppose Avril Haines, another toture apologist, as Director of National Intelligence. Since she has already been nominated, we ask Senators to oppose her confirmation.

26.12.2020 - 03:19 [ ]

No, Joe, Don’t Roll out the Red Carpet for Torture Enablers


It was painful enough to live through the U.S invasion of Iraq that caused untold devastation and human misery for no justifiable reason.

Now we are again reminded of the grim Bush legacy with President-elect Biden’s nomination of Avril Haines for Director of National Intelligence.

26.12.2020 - 02:52 [ Frankfurter Rundschau ]

CIA: Die Stille nach dem Folterbericht


Viele US-Amerikaner scheinen abgestumpft, vielleicht sogar verroht, zu sein, dass Gräueltaten sie nicht mehr bewegen. Selbst der schamlos freche Auftritt des früheren Vizepräsidenten im Fernsehen, in dem Dick Cheney belegte, dass er ein Schreibtischtäter ist, der Reue nicht kennt, vermochte nicht mehr für Aufregung zu sorgen. Kein Wunder übrigens: Die Mehrheit der Amerikaner, so sagen Umfragen, findet Folter gar nicht so schlimm.

Das hat die Angst vermocht, die das Land nach den Terroranschlägen vom 11. September 2001 gepackt hat und bis heute in ihrem Griff hält.

26.12.2020 - 02:48 [ New York Times ]

Torture Report Puts Presidential Hopefuls in Quiet Mode

(Dec. 10, 2014)

Most of the possible presidential candidates have not plunged into Washington’s debate over the Senate Intelligence Committee’s withering report on the Central Intelligence Agency’s brutal interrogation tactics — and some are ducking questions entirely, illustrating the delicate politics of national security. (…)

For Mrs. Clinton, the challenge is different: She must balance her desire to be seen as tough on national security against pressure from her party’s liberal wing to not only condemn the gruesome tactics but punish those involved.

26.12.2020 - 02:42 [ ]

Torture report‘s hidden fiasco: How Mark Udall revealed a little-noticed smoking gun

(December 11, 2014)

„The Panetta Review further describes how detainees provided intelligence prior to the use of torture against them. It describes how the CIA – contrary to its own representations – often tortured detainees before trying any other approach. It describes how the CIA tortured detainees even when less coercive methods were yielding intelligence. The Panetta Review further identifies cases in which the CIA used coercive techniques when it had no basis for determining whether a detainee had critical intelligence at all. In other words, CIA personnel tortured detainees to confirm they didn’t have intelligence – not because they thought they did.“

26.12.2020 - 01:47 [ US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence ]


The Committee makes the following findings and conclusions:

#1: The CIA‘s use of its enhanced interrogation techniques was not an effective means of acquiring intelligence or gaining cooperation from detainees.


#2: The CIA‘s justification for the use of its enhanced interrogation techniques rested on inaccurate claims of their effectiveness.


#3: The interrogations of CIA detainees were brutal and far worse than the CIA represented to policymakers and others. (…)

At least five CIA detainees were subjected to „rectal rehydration“ or rectal feeding without documented medical necessity. The CIA placed detainees in ice water „baths.“ The CIA led several detainees to believe they would never be allowed to leave CIA custody alive, suggesting to one detainee that he would only leave in a coffin-shaped box. One interrogator told another detainee that he would never go to court, because „we can never let the world know what I have done to you.“ CIA officers also threatened at least three detainees with harm to their families— to include threats to harm the children of a detainee, threats to sexually abuse the mother of a detainee, and a threat to „cut [a detainee‘s] mother‘s throat.“

#4: The conditions of confinement for CIA detainees were harsher than the CIA had represented to policymakers and others.

Conditions at CIA detention sites were poor, and were especially bleak early in the program. CIA detainees at the COBALT detention facility were kept in complete darkness and constantly shackled in isolated cells with loud noise or music and only a bucket to use for human waste.10 Lack of heat at the facility likely contributed to the death of a detainee. The chief of interrogations described COBALT as a „dungeon.“11 Another senior CIA officer stated that COBALT was itself an enhanced interrogation technique.“ At times, the detainees at COBALT were walked around naked or were shackled with their hands above their heads for extended periods of time. Other times, the detainees at COBALT were subjected to what was described as a „rough takedown,“ in which approximately five CIA officers would scream at a detainee, drag him outside of his cell, cut his clothes off, and secure him with Mylar tape. The detainee would then be hooded and dragged up and down a long corridor while being slapped and punched.

26.12.2020 - 01:43 [ ]

„We Tortured Some Folks“: CIA Lied To Congress, Senate Torture Report Reveals

(Dec 09, 2014)

The drilldown from Bloomberg:

– CIA provided inaccurate information about effectiveness and scope of interrogations of suspected terrorists, and mismanaged a program that was far more brutal than represented, according to 6-year investigation by Democrats on Senate Intelligence Cmte.
– Interrogation techniques weren’t effective, didn’t produce key information that led to killing of Osama bin Laden and were significantly different from procedures authorized by Justice Dept, report says
– CIA provided inaccurate information to White House, Congress, DOJ, CIA Inspector General, media and the public
– “This document examines the CIA’s secret overseas detention of at least 119 individuals and the use of coercive interrogation techniques – in some cases amounting to torture,” Senate Intelligence Cmte Chairman Dianne Feinstein says in statement

26.12.2020 - 00:16 [ ]

Meet Biden‘s pick to lead the US intelligence community

Haines is expected to withstand scrutiny during the Senate confirmation process for her role in the drone program, as well as her approval of a CIA review board decision in 2015 not to discipline agency personnel for intruding in computers used by the Senate Intelligence Committee when it was investigating the CIA’s enhanced interrogation program. Haines was also part of the team that redacted the committee’s report on the program.

25.11.2020 - 17:36 [ Radio Utopie ]

C.I.A.-Affäre: Der Offenbarungseid von Dianne Feinstein – Video, Zusammenfassung, Einschätzung

(12. März 2014)

Die Rede von Senatorin Dianne Feinstein vor dem Senat der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika über die Sabotage der verfassungsmäßigen Kontrolle des Parlaments über die Central Intelligence Agency durch die Central Intelligence Agency ist vielleicht das Erbärmlichste, was ich in meinem Leben je gesehen und gehört habe. Es ist nicht nur der Offenbarungseid eines Ausnahmezustands, eines über sich selbst und die Welt verhängten Kriegsrechts des mächtigsten Imperiums auf dem Planeten, in seinem Krieg „on terror“, weltweit geführt mit seinen „Einflussgebieten“, „Alliierten“, Ablegern, schlechten Kopien und Kolonien. Es ist der Offenbarungseid seiner bis auf die Knochen korrupten, feigen, abgetakelten, unfähigen Zuträger, Mitwisser, Kollaborateure und Funktionäre.

Was Senatorin Feinstein hier zeigt, was sie da zeigt, ist so unbeschreiblich, das sogar mir die Worte fehlen um es zu beschreiben. Ich will hier den Inhalt ihres Statements nur deshalb zusammenfassen, weil ich davon ausgehe dass die ganzen Feinsteins der deutschsprachigen Presse dies alles weder hören, lesen, geschweige denn darüber berichten wollen, genauso wie deren KundInnen.

16.03.2018 - 15:56 [ Kevin de León / Facebook ]

Having released a torture report, Feinstein knows better than most how morally and legally wrong torture is. This should be an easy call.

(13.3.2018) Not only should she be a NO vote on Trump‘s pick to lead the CIA, she should also be a leading voice rallying all Democrats against this nomination.

I would vote NO on confirming Gina Haspel if elected to represent California in the U.S. Senate. Following orders is a poor excuse to commit torture and tear at the fabric of our great democracy.

29.07.2017 - 19:46 [ ]

US-Folterbericht: So bestialisch quälte die CIA ihre Gefangenen

(10.12.2014) Viele Passagen in dem Folterbericht zur CIA sind geschwärzt – doch was man lesen kann, ist entsetzlich genug: Gefangenen wurden Schläuche zur Zwangsentleerung eingeführt, sie wurden in Eiswasser gesteckt, anal penetriert. SPIEGEL ONLINE zeigt Auszüge aus dem Dokument.

05.03.2017 - 07:21 [ Radio Utopie ]

Trumps Regierung schickte kompletten C.I.A.-Folterbericht an ziviles Gericht – Kreml will wieder versagen?

Als Boss des Geheimdienstausschusses des Senats rückt Burr wieder ins Rampenlicht bei den aktuellen „Anhörungen“ über Kontakte zu Russland und der Beeinflussung der Präsidentschaftswahl vergangenen Jahres durch den Kreml sowie andere plötzlich auftauchende Verfehlungen diverser nominierter Kandidaten der Trump-Regierung.

17.02.2017 - 10:45 [ Miami Herald ]

Trump Justice Department delivers CIA ‘Torture Report’ to federal court

(10.2.2017) The Trump administration said on Friday it delivered to a federal court vault in Washington, D.C., a Justice Department copy of the so-called Senate Torture Report on the CIA’s secret prison network during the George W. Bush administration.

The Obama administration had balked at turning over a copy to any court.

26.01.2017 - 14:15 [ ]

US-Folterbericht: So bestialisch quälte die CIA ihre Gefangenen

(10.12.2014) Viele Passagen in dem Folterbericht zur CIA sind geschwärzt – doch was man lesen kann, ist entsetzlich genug: Gefangenen wurden Schläuche zur Zwangsentleerung eingeführt, sie wurden in Eiswasser gesteckt, anal penetriert. SPIEGEL ONLINE zeigt Auszüge aus dem Dokument.

26.01.2017 - 13:59 [ Spiegel ]

CIA-Report: Britischer Geheimdienst ließ Passagen im Folterbericht schwärzen

(12.12.2014) Zahlreiche Passagen im Bericht über die Foltermethoden der CIA sind geschwärzt. Nun gab die britische Regierung zu, dass einige Stellen auf ihren Wunsch hin unkenntlich gemacht wurden. Britische Agenten wussten anscheinend von den brutalen Verhören.

18.01.2017 - 19:14 [ Techdirt ]

DOJ, Obama Administration Fight Order Requiring The Full CIA Torture Report To Be Turned Over To The Court

The Obama administration has responded to calls to declassify the full CIA Torture Report with a „will this do?“ promise to lock up one copy in the presidential archives. While this ensures one copy of the full report will survive the next presidency, it doesn‘t make it any more likely the public will ever see more than the Executive Summary released in 2014.

Other copies may still be scattered around the federal government, many of them in an unread state. The Department of Defense can‘t even say for sure whether its copy is intact.

12.01.2017 - 17:15 [ Miami Herald ]

9/11 trial judge orders Pentagon to preserve its copy of the CIA ‘Torture Report’

(10.1.2016) A military judge ordered the Department of Defense on Tuesday to preserve its copy of the CIA “Torture Report,” but left undecided whether attorneys for the men accused of orchestrating the 9/11 terror attacks will be allowed to read it.

15.12.2016 - 18:24 [ Techdirt ]

Obama Has Saved One Copy Of The Torture Report From Destruction, But What‘s Going To Happen To The Rest Of Them?

Even if the White House won‘t declassify the full CIA Torture Report, at least we know one copy will be locked up in President Obama‘s archives for 12 years. That prevents Senator Burr and others from making the report disappear completely.

The White House copy isn‘t the only copy of the report, but at least we know where that one is. Other agencies have copies. Or had them. But they haven‘t read them. The CIA destroyed its copy of the report — the sort of „accident“ that often befalls damning reports in the hands of the agency targeted by them.

14.12.2016 - 10:16 [ Techdirt ]

White House Tells Feinstein CIA Torture Report Will Be ‚Preserved‘ But Not Declassified

The full report, approaching 7,000 pages and costing $40 million to prepare, apparently details all sorts of wrongdoing by the CIA in torturing people in the Middle East. It‘s a comprehensive look into not just the horrific program by the CIA, but its failure to produce anything useful and the details of how the CIA lied about it. And here‘s the problem: Feinstein‘s colleague on the Senate Intelligence Committee, the current chair, Senator Richard Burr, wants the report destroyed.

13.12.2016 - 09:51 [ Techdirt ]

Two Former Senators Call On Obama To Save The Full CIA ‚Torture Report‘ From Being Buried

So far, very little has been done with the Senate Intelligence Committee‘s 6,700-page „Torture Report.“ Some agencies haven‘t even read it (and have blocked others from doing so). Others have been completely careless in the handling of their copies. Most of the federal government — especially the White House — just seems to want it to go away.

Dianne Feinstein, who helped keep the full document from being made public (costing requesters like Jason Leopold thousands in legal fees), now wants the report declassified.

02.12.2016 - 17:15 [ Techdirt ]

Senator Feinstein Asks President Obama To Declassify Senate‘s CIA Torture Report

Could President Obama actually declassify and release the full 6,800 page report on the massive failures of the CIA‘s torture program from a decade ago? While it seems unlikely, Senator Dianne Feinstein is urging the President to release the document, fearing that the massive report may disappear into the memory hole soon.

03.10.2016 - 23:19 [ Radio Utopie ]

Ex-C.I.A.-Agent John Kiriakou ist in Freiheit. Jetzt ist der komplette Folterbericht nächster Kandidat.

(2015) Desweiteren müssen die Beteiligungen der Geheimdienste der europäischen und anderer Staaten untersucht werden. Dass die Regierung in Berlin nicht die Veröffentlichung fordert und als zu gefährlich für die nationale Sicherheit erklärt spricht Bände. Auch das ist eine Aussage, die keine Fragen aufwirft sondern eine unausgesprochene aber klare eindeutige Antwort ist.

27.09.2016 - 10:40 [ Radio Utopie ]

Schottland fordert unzensierten Folterbericht der C.I.A.

(16.1.15) Welche Zeitung, welcher Politiker hat seit Beginn des neuen Jahres nachgehakt um eine Beteiligung einer Gruppe deutscher Mitwisser zu untersuchen und eine Anklage zu erheben?

Was ist das für eine heuchlerische Vereinigung in Berlin, die ihre Informationen angeblich aus der Zeitung bezieht und sich nur darauf in blossen Lippenbekenntnissen beruft, wenn es ihr ins politische Kalkül passt?

11.09.2016 - 18:18 [ John Kiriakou / TruthDig ]

How the CIA’s Darkest Torture Secrets Were Exposed—and Covered Up

The Guardian published a story Friday on Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) investigator Dan Jones and his quest to get to the bottom of the CIA’s torture program. Jones’ hard work resulted in the Senate Intelligence Committee report on CIA torture. The article provides great insight into the day-to-day machinations between the SSCI and the CIA, although no new details on the torture program per se.

07.05.2016 - 12:41 [ AllGov ]

National Archives’ Refusal to Ensure Preservation of CIA Torture Report Alarms Rights Groups

The groups demand a meeting with the archivist to discuss NARA‘s approach to preserving CIA records.

A spokeswoman from the National Archives acknowledged receiving the letter and said the agency is reviewing it.

„We cannot comment further because this issue concerns a matter that is in ongoing litigation,“ Miriam Kleiman said in an email.

Some of the other letter signatories include the Center for Constitutional Rights, Center for Victims of Torture, Demand Progress, Federation of American Scientists, Human Rights Watch, Human Rights First, National Security Archive, PEN America, Physicians for Human Rights, Psychologists for Social Responsibility, Society of Professional Journalists and the Sunlight Foundation.

06.12.2015 - 14:50 [ Human Rights Watch ]

USA: Kein Ende des CIA-Folterskandals – Ein Jahr nach Senatsbericht noch immer keine Untersuchung und Entschädigung

„Der Folterbericht des US-Senats wurde vor einem Jahr veröffentlicht und die Obama-Regierung hat immer noch keine neuen, strafrechtlichen Ermittlungen eingeleitet“, kritisiert Kenneth Roth, Executive Director von Human Rights Watch. „Ohne solche Untersuchungen bleibt Folter eine politische Option. Das würde Obamas Vermächtnis für immer vergiften.”

22.10.2015 - 15:43 [ RT Deutsch ]

Deutsche Menschenrechtsgruppe zeigt CIA-Folterkönigin an

Der im vergangenen Jahr veröffentlichte CIA-Folterbericht hat nun juristische Konsequenzen. Eine deutsche Menschenrechtsgruppe erstattete nun Anzeige gegen die hochrangige CIA-Mitarbeiterin Alfreda Frances Bikowsky, die den Spitznamen „Königin der Folter“ trägt. Die CIA-Beamtin hat Foltermethoden wie etwa Waterboarding gegen verdächtige Personen angeordnet und nahm angeblich auch selbst an verschiedenen Formen der Folter teil. RT sprach mit Andreas Schuller vom European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights über den Fall.

23.05.2015 - 11:49 [ RT ]

Scottish prosecutors demand unredacted CIA torture report to aid investigation

Prosecutors investigating the use of Scottish airports by the CIA for rendition flights have called for an unredacted copy of the US Senate’s CIA torture report, it has emerged.

The prosecutors have confirmed that investigations of airports in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Prestwick and Aberdeen are under way, British anti-torture charity Reprieve revealed on Sunday.

09.03.2015 - 07:43 [ Radio Utopie ]

Gegen den Bleiernen Vorhang der Stille: Internationaler Strafgerichtshof zu C.I.A.-Folterbericht

Offensichtlich herrscht die internationale stillschweigende Übereinkunft, den Folterbericht der C.I.A. zu ignorieren. Aber es gibt noch ein Tribunal in Den Haag, mit dem zu rechnen ist.

18.02.2015 - 09:48 [ Süddeutsche ]

CIA-Folterbericht: Grüne werfen Bundesregierung „unglaubliche Ignoranz“ vor

Es ist ja nicht so, dass sie die Sachzwänge und Nöte nicht kennen würde, denen Regierende oft ausgesetzt sind. Die Grünen-Politikerin war selbst Bundesministerin. Aber in diesem Fall findet sie die Zurückhaltung der Regierung einfach skandalös.