Daily Archives: 20. Mai 2023

20.05.2023 - 22:28 [ Haaretz ]

20th Week of Protests – ‚Robbing Our Children of Their Futures, With Our Money‘: Israelis Protest Controversial Budget, Judicial Overhaul

he Knesset is slated to devote several days next week to debating and passing the budget.

Despite the tension, leaders of all the coalition parties expect the budget to pass next week and say the government is at no real risk of falling. “In the long run, things can’t work this way, but at least for now, the budget will pass,” one minister said. “There’s no immediate threat to the government.”

20.05.2023 - 22:19 [ Reuters ]

Russia‘s Wagner claims Bakhmut; Kyiv says situation critical

„Today, at 12 noon, Bakhmut was completely taken,“ Prigozhin said in a video in which he appeared in combat fatigues in front of a line of fighters holding Russian flags and Wagner banners. „We completely took the whole city, from house to house.“

Ukrainian military spokesperson Serhiy Cherevatyi told Reuters: „This is not true. Our units are fighting in Bakhmut.“

20.05.2023 - 22:17 [ theHill.com ]

Congressional Democrats beg Biden to nullify their existence

At one event, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) released a letter to Biden on behalf of himself and nine Democratic senators “to urgently request that you prepare to exercise your authority under the 14th Amendment of the Constitution.” He was joined in this by Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), among others.

Obviously, these are not Nike-wearing cultists, but that only makes their actions all the more inexplicable. These are rational leaders whose desire to nullify their own existence would have seemed entirely implausible to the Framers.

20.05.2023 - 22:12 [ Forbes ]

Democrats Urge Biden To Evade GOP’s Debt Ceiling Demands Using Civil War-Era Amendment

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) led a letter co-signed by 10 other senators that asked the president to use the Civil War-era amendment, which states “the validity of the public debt of the United States . . . shall not be questioned,” to continue issuing debt without congressional approval.

20.05.2023 - 21:59 [ CNN ]

Family says man killed by US strike in Syria was father of ten out grazing sheep

The strike, carried out on May 3 in northwest Syria, targeted a senior al-Qaeda leader, Central Command said in a tweet announcing the operation that day.

The combatant command, which oversees operations in the Middle East and the surrounding region, said it would provide more information “as operational details become available.”

20.05.2023 - 14:51 [ PolandDaily24.com ]

Deputy FM Wojciech Gerwel met with Special Representative of the Chinese Government on Eurasian Affairs Li Hui

Li Hui is scheduled to travel to Berlin, Paris, and Moscow. China is encouraging Ukraine to engage in peace talks.

20.05.2023 - 14:13 [ @LIGAnet_eng / Nitter ]

Polish Deputy FM Wojciech Gerwel, at a meeting with China‘s special envoy Li Hui, called on Beijing to put pressure on the Kremlin to end the war against Ukraine and abandon nuclear blackmail, according to the statement of the Polish Foreign Ministry

20.05.2023 - 02:46 [ Counterpunch ]

Should the Left Give RFK, Jr. a Chance?

When I heard his campaign declaration speech, I was touched even more than my enthusiasm at comparable moments in Ralph Nader’s 2000 candidacy or the early days of Bernie Sanders’s 2016 campaign. Kennedy is picking up the baton from these earlier iterations of protest against extreme corporate power allied with state tyranny. To these he is adding a unique poetic calibration of his own, which comes from his unmatched personal experience as the nephew and son of a slain president and a possible future president respectively.

20.05.2023 - 01:35 [ theDailyBeast.com ]

Epstein Accusers Win $75 Million Settlement Against Deutsche Bank

(May. 18, 2023)

Despite the eye-watering sum, Deutsche Bank did not admit any wrongdoing as a result of the settlement, sources told the WSJ. “This groundbreaking settlement is the culmination of two law firms conducting more than a decade-long investigation to hold one of Epstein’s financial banking partners responsible for the role it played in facilitating his trafficking organization,” lawyers for the plaintiffs said in a statement.

20.05.2023 - 00:22 [ Watson Institute / Brown University ]

HOW DEATH OUTLIVES WAR – The Reverberating Impact of the Post-9/11 Wars on Human Health

The total death toll in the post-9/11 war zones of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen could be at least 4.5-4.6 million and counting, though the precise mortality figure remains unknown. Some of these people were killed in the fighting, but far more, especially children, have been killed by the reverberating effects of war, such as the spread of disease. These latter indirect deaths – estimated at 3.6-3.7 million – and related health problems have resulted from the post-9/11 wars’ destruction of economies, public services, and the environment. Indirect deaths grow in scale over time.

20.05.2023 - 00:01 [ NationalReview.com ]

The Real Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Among his many provocations: Kennedy claims that pandemic lockdowns were calamitous for working people and for children; that citizens should choose for themselves whether to receive vaccines; that corporate influences on government are pervasive and corrupting; and that censorship contrived by the state is intolerable. Worse even than these outrages, during the pandemic this man called into question the conduct and veracity of Anthony Fauci. And this offense — challenging Doctor Fauci! — is still regarded as the most shameful assault on science since the persecution of Galileo.