Daily Archives: 7. Januar 2023

07.01.2023 - 19:14 [ Bloomberg ]

The Untold Story Behind Saudi Arabia’s 41-Year U.S. Debt Secret

(May 31, 2016)

The basic framework was strikingly simple. The U.S. would buy oil from Saudi Arabia and provide the kingdom military aid and equipment. In return, the Saudis would plow billions of their petrodollar revenue back into Treasuries and finance America’s spending.

It took several discreet follow-up meetings to iron out all the details, Parsky said. But at the end of months of negotiations, there remained one small, yet crucial, catch: King Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud demanded the country’s Treasury purchases stay “strictly secret,” according to a diplomatic cable obtained by Bloomberg from the National Archives database.

07.01.2023 - 19:08 [ White House ]

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby, January 6. 2023

Q Thank you. I have two foreign policy questions, John. First, on — the Wall Street Journal is reporting that the administration easing tension with Saudi Arabia, and they might not go ahead with the review. Can you comment if this is actually accurate? And how far are we in the review?
And second, on Turkey: As you know, there’s this kind of rapprochement between Turkey and the Assad regime, with the mediation of the Russians. Do you believe that this is the right step from the administration’s point of view? And will the Kurds pay the price for this?
MR. KIRBY: To the second question, the answer — short answer is: No. We haven’t normalized relations with the Assad regime, and we — we wouldn’t encourage any nation-state to normalize relations with the Assad regime.
But we’ll see where these talks go and what actually comes out of this. I don’t want to get ahead of where they are. But we obviously don’t support normalization with Assad.
On — I’m sorry, your first question was?
Q On the Saudis. 
MR. KIRBY: Saudis. Thank you. The President has been consistent and clear that he wants this bilateral relationship, like any bilateral relationship we have, to be well suited to the interests of the American people and to our national security. And we’re going to continue to take a look at that relationship.
Look, Saudi Arabia is a strategic partner — 80-some-odd years. And — and it’s important that that strategic partnership continue, but it’s also important that it continues in a way that is completely consistent with our values and our interests. And the President wants to continue to take a look at it to make sure that that’s the case.

07.01.2023 - 19:05 [ aawsat.com ]

US Confirms Strategic Partnership with Saudi Arabia

(7 January, 2023)

The United States has once again expressed its keenness to maintain its 80-years strategic partnership with Saudi Arabia.

NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby reiterated in an interview with Al-Arabiya channel that Saudi Arabia is a „strategic partner“ of the United States, recalling that the bilateral relations date back to more than 80 years.

07.01.2023 - 18:25 [ ORF.at ]

McCarthy gewählt: Zäher Sieg mit unabsehbaren Folgen

Der 57-Jährige wurde in der Nacht auf Samstag (Ortszeit) erst nach wohl schwerwiegenden Zugeständnissen im 15. Wahlgang gewählt. Auch wenn sich McCarthy selbst fest im Sattel sieht, steht außer Frage, dass es nach den wohl beispiellosen Szenen der letzten Tage im US-Parlament weiter turbulent bleibt.

07.01.2023 - 18:12 [ New York Times ]

McCarthy Wins Speakership on 15th Vote After Concessions to Hard Right

Mr. McCarthy clawed his way to victory by cutting a deal that won over a sizable contingent of ultraconservative lawmakers on the 12th and 13th votes earlier in the day, and then wearing down the remaining holdouts in a tense session that dragged on past midnight, ultimately winning with a bare majority, after a spectacle of arm-twisting and rancor on the House floor.

07.01.2023 - 09:52 [ silkroadbriefing.com ]

Egypt & Saudi Arabia To Join Shanghai Cooperation Organisation As Dialogue Partners

(Sep 01, 2021)

Both Egypt and Saudi Arabia are about to become Dialogue Partners of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO). The SCO includes China, as well as three EAEU nations Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia, the CIS nations of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan in addition to Iran, India, and Pakistan. (…)

In addition to these countries, several others have applied for observer or dialogue status, including Bahrain, Bangladesh, East Timor, Israel, Iraq, Maldives, Syria, Qatar, and Ukraine.

07.01.2023 - 09:48 [ Tehran Times ]

Iran officially joins SCO

(September 17, 2022)

Iran‘s full membership in the SCO was announced by the President of Uzbekistan, which was applauded by the participants. China, Russia, India, Iran, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Mongolia, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan attended the 22nd SCO summit.

Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi spoke at the second day of the summit on Friday, stressing that maximum interaction and relation with the countries of the region, including the SCO states. (…)

During the summit, an agreement was reached on admitting Bahrain, the Maldives, the UAE, Kuwait and Myanmar as new dialogue partners. Relevant parties noticed that MOUs granting Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Qatar the status of SCO dialogue partners had been signed.

07.01.2023 - 09:21 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Saudi Arabia, Russia sign military cooperation agreement

(August 24, 2021)

Saudi deputy minister of defense Khalid bin Salman said on Twitter on Tuesday that the kingdom and Russia signed an agreement aimed at developing areas of joint military cooperation between the two countries.

07.01.2023 - 09:20 [ theDiplomat.com ]

Russia and Iran Sign Military Cooperation Agreement

(January 21, 2015)

According to the Associated Press, Dehghan furthermore emphasized that, “Iran and Russia are able to confront the expansionist intervention and greed of the United States through cooperation, synergy and activating strategic potential capacities. … As two neighbors, Iran and Russia have common viewpoints toward political, regional and global issues.”

07.01.2023 - 09:19 [ rferl.org ]

Russia, Israel Sign Military Cooperation Agreement

(September 06, 2010)

His Israeli counterpart, Ehud Barak, said Israel was „ready to continue sharing experience with the Russian military on fighting terrorism and ensuring security, including by using air drones.“

Barak also met with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who said, „We have purchased several unmanned aerial vehicles in Israel. We have launched a few satellites in Israel‘s interests. We are examining the possibility of equipping Israeli airplanes with our instruments and laser equipment.“

07.01.2023 - 09:12 [ en.mehrnews.com ]

Russia to hold 9 international military exercises in 2023

n addition, eight bilateral exercises are planned to be held at the training grounds of Russia‘s military districts, the ministry noted. According to the ministry, these exercises include Russian-Indian Indra-2023 drills, the joint military anti-terrorist command and staff exercises of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation member states Peace Mission-2023, the joint Russian-Lao military exercises, the joint Russian-Pakistani exercises Friendship-2023, the Russian-Algerian exercises, exercises with units of the collective forces of the rapid deployment of the Central Asian collective security region Frontier-2023, the Russian-Mongolian exercises Selenga-2023 and the Russian-Vietnamese exercises.

07.01.2023 - 07:13 [ TKP.at ]

Kriegseskalation: Deutsche Panzer rollen Richtung Osten

Zunächst war es Frankreich, das angekündigt hat, leichte Radpanzer an die Ukraine zu liefern. Dann telefonierten Scholz und Biden – so die offiziellen Angaben – und danach teilte das Weiße Haus mit, dass Deutschland Marder-Panzer sowie eine Patriot-Luftabwehrbatterie liefern werde. Damit stellt sich Scholz einmal mehr kompromisslos hinter die USA.