Daily Archives: 24. August 2021

24.08.2021 - 19:50 [ Tagesschau ]

Krise in Tunesien: Präsident Saeid im Alleingang

Laut Saied bleibt das Parlament nun bis auf Weiteres in einer Zwangspause. Die Immunität aller Abgeordneten sei ebenfalls weiterhin ausgesetzt.

24.08.2021 - 19:39 [ France24 ]

Charlie Watts, legendary Rolling Stones drummer, dies at 80

Charlie Watts, the self-effacing and unshakeable Rolling Stones drummer who helped anchor one of rock’s greatest bands and used his “day job” to support his enduring love of jazz, has died at the age of 80, according to his publicist.

24.08.2021 - 18:46 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Biden hält an Abzug bis 31. August fest

„Es sind heute keine neuen Daten über das bekannte Datum des 31.8. genannt worden vom Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika“, sagte Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel nach einem virtuellen G7-Gipfel zu Afghanistan. Sie betonte, dass auch Deutschland die Evakuierungen ohne die USA nicht fortsetzen könne.

24.08.2021 - 18:32 [ CNN ]

Biden decides to keep August 31 deadline to withdraw from Afghanistan as evacuations accelerate

President Joe Biden has decided, in consultation with his national security team, to stick with the August 31 deadline for withdrawing troops from Afghanistan, according to a senior administration official.

24.08.2021 - 16:56 [ Dave DeCamp ]

Quad Countries to Hold Drills Off Guam Aimed at China

The drill will be the second time the navies of the US, Japan, Australia, and India participate in the Malabar Exercise

24.08.2021 - 16:49 [ Dave DeCamp / antikrieg.com ]

Quad-Länder halten vor Guam Übungen ab, die gegen China gerichtet sind

Die Förderung der Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Verbündeten in der Region ist ein wichtiger Aspekt der Anti-China-Politik der Biden-Administration, und Präsident Biden hat deutlich gemacht, dass er die Quad als entscheidend für diese Strategie ansieht. Im März hielt Biden ein virtuelles Treffen mit den Staats- und Regierungschefs Indiens, Japans und Australiens ab, das den allerersten Quad-Gipfel darstellte.

24.08.2021 - 16:19 [ Coordination gegen Bayer-Gefahren (CGB) ]

Bespitzelung kostet BAYER in Frankreich 400.000 Euro

Pressemitteilung vom 16.08.2021

Die COORDINATION GEGEN BAYER-GEFAHREN hatte sich nach Bekanntwerden des Bespitzelungsskandals an die nordrhein-westfälische Landesbeauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit gewandt. Diese aber zeigte sich mit den Antworten zufrieden, die der Leverkusener Multi ihr nach einem Auskunftsersuchen erteilte und betrachtete den Fall damit als erledigt. Nach Ansicht der Behörde handelte es sich bei den Aktivitäten von MONSANTO um ein reines „Media-Monitoring“,

24.08.2021 - 13:01 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Nach erfolglosen Verhandlungen: Kupfer-Bergarbeiter streiken in Chile

Chile ist der größte Kupferproduzent weltweit, wodurch das „rote Metall“ einen entscheidenden Anteil der Exportstruktur des Landes ausmacht – 2020 fast 52 Prozent.

24.08.2021 - 12:57 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Brasilien: Agrarlobby fordert Austritt aus der Konvention zum Schutz indigener Rechte

Brasiliens Agrarlobby verschärft ihre Angriffe gegen kleinbäuerliche Strukturen und indigene Territorien. Sie will jetzt den Austritt des Landes aus der Konvention Nr. 169 der Internationalen Arbeitsorganisation (ILO) in die Wege leiten.

24.08.2021 - 07:56 [ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - CDC.gov ]

When You’ve Been Fully Vaccinated


– If you’ve had close contact with someone who has COVID-19, you should get tested 3-5 days after your exposure, even if you don’t have symptoms. You should also wear a mask indoors in public for 14 days following exposure or until your test result is negative. You should isolate for 10 days if your test result is positive.


What We Know

– COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective at preventing COVID-19, including severe illness and death.
– COVID-19 vaccines are effective against severe disease and death from variants of the virus that causes COVID-19 currently circulating in the United States, including the Delta variant.
– Infections happen in only a small proportion of people who are fully vaccinated, even with the Delta variant. When these infections occur among vaccinated people, they tend to be mild.
– If you are fully vaccinated and become infected with the Delta variant, you can spread the virus to others.
– People with weakened immune systems, including people who take immunosuppressive medications, may not be protected even if fully vaccinated.

24.08.2021 - 07:49 [ apnews.com ]

Study: Vaccinated people can carry as much virus as others


In another dispiriting setback for the nation’s efforts to stamp out the coronavirus, scientists who studied a big COVID-19 outbreak in Massachusetts concluded that vaccinated people who got so-called breakthrough infections carried about the same amount of the coronavirus as those who did not get the shots.

24.08.2021 - 07:39 [ sites.google.com/a/fivestarschools.org ]

The difference between a vaccine and medication

A vaccine is a prevention against any bacteria or viruse. It can act like an agent to protect your body from becoming sick. It can slso weakened antibody production.


Medication is any substance or substances used in treating disease or illness.

24.08.2021 - 07:12 [ Tagesschau.de ]

BioNTech erhält in USA vollständige Zulassung

Alle Corona-Impfstoffe hatten in den USA bislang nur eine Notfallzulassung. Als erstes Vakzin hat nun das von BioNTech/Pfizer die vollständige Zulassung erhalten. Experten hoffen auf einen Schub für die US-Impfkampagne.

24.08.2021 - 06:47 [ Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ]

FDA Approves First COVID-19 Vaccine

August 23, 2021

Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine has been known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and will now be marketed as Comirnaty (koe-mir’-na-tee), for the prevention of COVID-19 disease in individuals 16 years of age and older. The vaccine also continues to be available under emergency use authorization (EUA), including for individuals 12 through 15 years of age and for the administration of a third dose in certain immunocompromised individuals.

24.08.2021 - 06:33 [ marketwatch.com ]

Pfizer, BioNTech stocks rise on report FDA could fully approve COVID-19 vaccine


Late Friday, The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times reported that the FDA could approve the vaccine, which up until now has been distributed on an emergency basis, as early as Monday but could possibly go past that if regulators need more time to review data.

24.08.2021 - 05:45 [ CNN ]

US military gives Biden a deadline to decide on extending Afghanistan evacuations

Military advisers have told the White House that the decision must be made by Tuesday in order to have enough time to withdraw the 5,800 troops currently on the ground, as well as their equipment and weapons. If the President agrees, the military anticipates „a few more days“ of trying to evacuate as many people as possible before the drawdown of US forces begins, possibly at the end of this week.