Daily Archives: 20. Januar 2020

20.01.2020 - 21:29 [ Common Dreams ]

Bernie Sanders Has Been Getting It Right for 40 Years. Now, Says His Movement: ‚We Are Going to Win‘

Ahead of Monday‘s official commemoration of Martin Luther King Jr., actor and activist John Cusack, journalist and public intellectual Naomi Klein, and writer and artist Molly Crabapple were among those who joined Sen. Bernie Sanders on the campaign trail in New Hampshire over the weekend to meet with voters and explain to rally-goers why their preferred candidate—coupled with the grassroots movement he now leads—represents something extremely rare in U.S. politics.

20.01.2020 - 20:58 [ Reuters ]

Malta minister quits in latest fallout from journalist murder

Another Maltese minister has quit after a paper reported links between her policeman husband and the man suspected of masterminding a journalist’s murder, the government said on Monday.

20.01.2020 - 17:52 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Die Berliner Libyen-Konferenz (II)

Mit einiger Skepsis reagieren Experten auf die Ergebnisse der gestrigen Berliner Libyen-Konferenz. Zwar verabschiedeten die Staats- und Regierungschefs der wichtigsten in den Libyen-Krieg involvierten Länder gestern in der deutschen Hauptstadt eine Resolution, die insbesondere einen Waffenstillstand, die Durchsetzung des Waffenembargos und erste Schritte zur Rekonstruktion des libyschen Staates vorsieht.

20.01.2020 - 14:07 [ Ansa.it ]

Conte ‚satisfied‘ after Berlin Conference on Libya

Italian Premier Giuseppe Conte, speaking in Berlin on Sunday together with Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio following the four-hour Berlin Conference on Libya, said he was „satisfied because we have made progress“.

20.01.2020 - 13:47 [ Secretary Pompeo / Twitter ]

Now is the time for Libyans to decide on a future for themselves – one free from violence fueled by external actors. We urge all parties to seize this opportunity, through @UN -facilitated mediation, to address the political, economic, and security issues that divide them.

20.01.2020 - 13:41 [ RT.com ]

‘Detailed proposals for Libyans to take up’: Roadmap for settling every field of Libya war agreed in Berlin, Lavrov says

Now, the Berlin proposals agreed in the German capital will be added to a catalog of ideas which “the international community could use to create conditions for the Libyan sides to come to the negotiation table and start reaching an agreement,” Lavrov said.

20.01.2020 - 13:38 [ Al Jazeera ]

Berlin summit on Libya conflict: What did world powers agree?

Leaders and officials from Turkey, Russia, Egypt, France, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States attended the gathering in the German capital, while representatives from the UAE, Algeria, China, the Republic of the Congo, the United Nations, European Union and African Union were also present.

Renegade military commander Khalifa Haftar and his rival, Fayez al-Sarraj, who leads the internationally recognised Government of National Accord (GNA) based in Tripoli, attended the summit but did not participate.

20.01.2020 - 13:24 [ newsroom.consilium.europa.eu/videos ]

Arrival and doorstep by Heiko MAAS, Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs of Germany, at the Foreign Affairs Council, taking place on 20 January 2020, in Brussels.


20.01.2020 - 13:20 [ Auswärtiges Amt ‏/ Twitter ]

Gestern war nur der Startschuss: Werden uns heute damit beschäftigen, die EU in Prozess zu integrieren. Das Waffenembargo wird im UN Sicherheitsrat besprochen. Anfang Februar wird in Berlin eine Folgekonferenz zur #LibyenKonferenz auf Außenministerebene stattfinden. – @HeikoMaas

20.01.2020 - 13:05 [ Karl Lauterbach ‏/ Twitter ]

@HeikoMaas hat in der Libyen-Konferenz eine grosse Leistung gezeigt. Auch hat er sich klar für die Auflösung der Flüchtlingslager in Libyen positioniert und will nicht wie andere sich über die schnelle Entsendung von deutschen Soldaten profilieren. Danke!

20.01.2020 - 13:02 [ Quentin Lichtblau / Sueddeutsche,de ]

„Anne Will“ zur Libyen-Konferenz: Alle gegen Maas

Maas mahnt an, dass deutsche Soldaten in Afrika in vielen Ländern des Kontinents als eine Art koloniale Geste verstanden würden, er erinnert an die Afrikanische Union, die ebenfalls an der Konferenz teilnahm und eher die Legitimität für eine Präsenz in Libyen besäße.

Marschall ist das etwas zu lasch, er wünscht sich mehr „Zähne“ zur Durchsetzung eines Waffenstillstands und fragt, wie Maas denn mit „den Afrikanern“ reden wolle, um sie von einem konsequenten Vorgehen gegen die zahlreichen Bürgerkriegsparteien und deren Unterstützerstaaten zu überzeugen.

20.01.2020 - 10:38 [ i24news.tv ]

Edelstein: Israeli parliament to hold Netanyahu immunity debate next week

Speaker of the Israeli Parliament Yuli Edelstein announced Sunday that a full debate in the Knesset plenum will be held next week on establishing a key committee that may strip away Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu‘s immunity from prosecution.

20.01.2020 - 08:47 [ Consortium News ]

Democrats Let Trump Off the Hook on Iran

Democrats scold and scorn Trump for his recklessness and ignorance. But as the Iranian crisis shows once again, the party’s leaders are not willing to challenge his claim that military might authorizes the United States (i.e., Trump, as president) to dictate and enforce the rules of behavior for the rest of the world. In effect, they are letting him slip off his own hook, and may well be helping him get re-elected.

20.01.2020 - 08:33 [ theHill.com ]

Lawmakers push back at Pentagon‘s possible Africa drawdown

“A decrease in our investment now may result in the need for the United States to reinvest at many more times the cost down the road,” Armed Services Committee Chairman Adam Smith (D-Wash.) and ranking member Mac Thornberry (R-Texas) wrote in letter to Esper last week.

20.01.2020 - 08:16 [ theHill.com ]

NYT editorial board endorses Warren, Klobuchar for Democratic nomination for president

The New York Times editorial board on Sunday night endorsed both Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) for the Democratic nomination for president.

20.01.2020 - 06:45 [ Bernie Sanders, candidate for President / Twitter ]

It‘s time to end austerity for working families and put a little austerity on the billionaire class.

20.01.2020 - 06:08 [ CBS News ]

World‘s billionaires have more wealth than 4.6 billion people

The richest 22 men in the world — including Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates — own more wealth than all the women in Africa, Oxfam found.

20.01.2020 - 06:01 [ Wall Street Journal ]

Capitalism Draws Fire, Despite Strong Global Economy

Worries about income inequality, jobs disappearing due to automation and environmental sustainability are all feeding wide-scale distrust in capitalism as the world knows it, according to a new study released Sunday.

Edelman, a public-relations firm, conducted its 20th annual analysis of public trust in major institutions, surveying 34,000 people in 27 countries and Hong Kong. The data reveal both skepticism about those institutions—including government, business, the media and nongovernmental organizations …

20.01.2020 - 05:39 [ Panapress.com ]

‘This terrible situation cannot be allowed to continue’, Guterres tells world leaders at major Libya summit

Speaking at a major, high-level summit on Libya, held in the German capital Berlin on Sunday, UN Secretary-General António Guterres evoked the disastrous humanitarian situation faced by thousands of civilians, as conflict in the North African country grows deeper and more destructive

20.01.2020 - 02:14 [ Fox 35 Orlando ]

Military exercise to jam some GPS signals in Florida

The Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) says that some GPS signals in Florida over the next few days will be jammed during military training exercises.

20.01.2020 - 01:42 [ The Jerusalem Post ]

A third of Israeli youth do not enlist in IDF

But the directorate is said to believe that the trend is not due to a sudden increase in mental illness, but rather to a decrease in motivation to serve in the army, leading youth to fake mental illness to avoid military service.