Daily Archives: 29. Oktober 2019

29.10.2019 - 19:45 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

Datenschutzgrundverordnung: 18 Millionen Euro Strafe für die Österreichische Post

Die Sammlung und Vermarktung von indivudellen Datenprofilen, unter anderem zur Parteiaffinität von Bürgern, sei nach der DGSVO nicht rechtens.

29.10.2019 - 18:26 [ Tagesschau ]

Politologin Münch „Der CDU droht das Schicksal der SPD“

Muss die CDU sich auf einen Abwärtstrend einstellen?

Münch: Ja, der CDU droht das gleiche Schicksal wie der SPD. Der spöttische Blick der Union auf die Verluste der Sozialdemokraten erschien mir immer schon ein bisschen verfrüht, weil relativ klar war, dass das genau die Probleme sind, die der CDU noch bevorstehen würden.

29.10.2019 - 17:11 [ Ben Norton / Consortium News ]

Grayzone Editor Max Blumenthal Arrested Months After Reporting on Venezuelan Opposition Violence

The arrest warrant was 5 months old. According to an individual familiar with the case, the warrant for Blumenthal’s arrest was initially rejected. Strangely, this false charge was revived months later without the defendant’s knowledge.

29.10.2019 - 17:02 [ teleSUR ]

Max Blumenthal Arrested: Accused by Venezuelan Opposition

A team of police officers from the U.S. capital appeared at Blumenthal‘s door shortly after 9 a.m., demanding entry and threatening to break down its door.

In addition, several officers had taken up positions surrounding his home as if they were prepared for a SWAT-style raid.

29.10.2019 - 16:36 [ NDR ]

Eurofighter beteiligen sich an Übung in Israel

Die Luftkampfübung „Blue Flag“ findet seit 2013 alle zwei Jahre statt. 2017 nahmen erstmals deutsche Kampfflugzeuge daran teil.

29.10.2019 - 16:20 [ Tagesschau ]

Krise im Libanon: Ministerpräsident Hariri gibt auf

Ministerpräsident Hariri hatte zuletzt Reformen angekündigt – doch die Demos gingen weiter. Nun gibt der Regierungschef auf.

29.10.2019 - 16:06 [ teleSUR ]

Lebanese PM Saad Hariri Resigns Amid Pressure From Protesters

Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri announced on Tuesday that he was headed to the Baabda Palace to submit his cabinet‘s resignation to President Michel Aoun „after having reached a dead-end, and sensing the need for a positive shock.”

29.10.2019 - 11:36 [ The Nation ]

Lebanon’s Protest Movement Is Local and Organic

The protesters are asserting the full meaning of their words. They don’t just want a single ruler gone, or a single party, or even the fall of the government. They want to rid themselves entirely of the whole regime: every single member of the ruling elite, regardless of their allegiance. “All of them means all of them,” as the protesters have been shouting nationwide.

29.10.2019 - 11:16 [ junge Welt ]

Protest gegen Firma LPT „Keines der Tiere verlässt das Labor lebend“

Wir brauchen eine Exit-Strategie für Tierversuche. Ohne das konkrete Ziel, diese abzuschaffen, werden wir Bilder wie die aus Mienenbüttel immer wieder sehen. Schon heute muss man ernsthaft an der Aussagekraft solcher Versuche zweifeln. Ein Verbot sollte das Ergebnis eines breiten gesellschaftlichen Dialogs sein, an dessen Ende dann Strategien entwickelt werden, um die wenigen derzeit nicht zu ersetzenden Tierversuche unnötig zu machen.

29.10.2019 - 10:57 [ junge Welt ]

Linkspartei im Ausverkauf: Ramelow sieht schwarz

Nach Landtagswahl: Thüringer Linkspartei bereit für Kooperation mit CDU. Landeschef der Union will mit »inhaltlich leerem« Ramelow reden

29.10.2019 - 08:07 [ Haaretz ]

Gantz Says No Progress Achieved in Talks on Unity Government With Netanyahu‘s Likud

Yair Lapid, the No. 2 on the Kahol Lavan roster, said at the party meeting that a government can’t be created in the space of 48 hours, and that all Netanyahu had to agree to was to be second in the rotation – i.e., to agree that Gantz serve as prime minister first, then Netanyahu. But what Netanyahu wants is a third election, Lapid said.

“That’s what his lawyers suggested to him, that’s what he needs because of the indictments,” Lapid said.

29.10.2019 - 07:11 [ theHill.com ]

2020 Democrats tackle US aid to Israel

The speeches from five White House contenders at the annual J Street conference in Washington Sunday and Monday exposed intraparty divisions on a topic widely viewed as a third rail of American foreign policy.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) went the furthest of the five in saying the U.S. should use that money as leverage.

29.10.2019 - 06:53 [ CNN ]

Rabbi peace activist beaten up by extremist Israeli settlers

Rabbi Moshe Yehudai, a peace activist, was beaten with an iron rod by five extremist settlers, their faces hidden by masks, while trying to protect Palestinian olive farmers. The assault comes during a severe spike in settler violence that has even included attacks on Israeli soldiers. Settler leaders have voiced condemnations, but Israeli human rights groups say that the impunity of these young extremist settlers shows the obstacles that stand in the way of any peaceful resolution to the conflict. CNN‘s David McKenzie reports.

29.10.2019 - 05:53 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu Goes After the Police for Seizing Advisers‘ Phones: This Is a Terror Attack on Democracy

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu bashed the Israel Police Monday for confiscating the cellphones of his advisers as part of a probe into suspicions that they had harassed a state‘s witness who provided testimony in one of the criminal cases against the premier.

Taking to Twitter to denounce the move, Netanyahu wrote that it was „a terror attack on Israeli democracy and the right to privacy that every citizen should enjoy.“

29.10.2019 - 05:48 [ Haaretz ]

Senior Likud Officials Suspected of Harassing State Witness in Netanyahu Corruption Case

Netanyahu spokesperson and media adviser allegedly harassed Shlomo Filber, who testified against Netanyahu in case 4000

29.10.2019 - 05:35 [ ntv Nachrichten / Twitter ]

Meistgeklickt: Kritik von Merz, Mohring und Co.: AKK gerät nach Thüringen-Pleite unter Druck

29.10.2019 - 05:31 [ ZDF ]

Scharfe Kritik aus der CDU – „Grottenschlecht“, „offene Führungsfrage“

Friedrich Merz hat nach der Wahl in Thüringen den Zustand der CDU und die GroKo scharf kritisert. JU-Chef Kuban lässt im ZDF Rückendeckung für die CDU-Parteivorsitzende vermissen.

29.10.2019 - 05:28 [ Tagesschau.de ]

JU-Chef Kuban: „Ich stelle Kramp-Karrenbauer nicht infrage“

Er soll im Bundesvorstand die „Führungsfrage“ gestellt haben: In den tagesthemen stellte der Junge-Union-Chef Kuban klar: Das war kein Frontalangriff auf die CDU-Chefin.

29.10.2019 - 01:14 [ Reuters ]

Aiming at Olympic boom, Japan builds ‚Ethnic Harmony‘ tribute to indigenous Ainu

“I think it’s possible it could end up becoming a theme park,” said Ainu tattoo artist Mai Hachiya. “People would come to see the dancing and other performances. It would be like a zoo.”

29.10.2019 - 00:36 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

Don’t Let Science Publisher Elsevier Hold Knowledge for Ransom

The progress of knowledge and culture happens when scholarly works of all kinds are widely shared, rather than locked behind paywalls and restrictive licensing. Efforts to boycott Elsevier and reimagine the scholarly communications ecosystem are on the forefront of the fight for knowledge.

29.10.2019 - 00:25 [ Techdirt ]

Senators Wyden And Paul Put A Hold On Dangerous CASE Act; Will Propose Alternative

Last week we noted that the House (overwhelmingly) voted in favor of the CASE Act, which is presented as a „small claims court“ for copyright issues, but which has significant Constitutional issues, and would almost certainly lead to an uptick in copyright trolling activity. As we noted, the bill still needed to go to the Senate, and it appears that this is (at least for now) being blocked by Senators Ron Wyden and Rand Paul who have put a hold on the bill, and will introduce an alternative approach.

29.10.2019 - 00:23 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

The House Votes in Favor of Disastrous Copyright Bill

22.10.2019 The CASE Act also has bad changes to copyright rules, would let sophisticated bad actors get away with trolling and infringement, and might even be unconstitutional. It fails to help the artists it’s supposed to serve and will put a lot of people at risk.

Even though the House has passed the CASE Act, we can still stop it in the Senate. Tell your Senators to vote “no” on the CASE Act.