Gun believes that because there was no specific UN authority to attack Iraq, ‘in theory’ Bush and Blair could be put on trial for waging an aggressive war (the charge at Nuremberg). ‘That is the only consolation I have… A lot of people would welcome that. It would show that there isn’t a double standard. It would show that when our politicians break the law they are held accountable.’ There is no chance of such a war crimes trial. Gun, the conscience–stricken spy, will almost certainly remain the only British official charged with anything to do with the war in Iraq.
Daily Archives: 16. September 2019
If Netanyahu wins Israel’s election, the Mideast doomsayers may finally be proved right
If Benjamin Netanyahu succeeds in prolonging his tenure as Israel’s prime minister following Tuesday’s election, the proposition that Israelis and Palestinians will be condemned to live in one state forever is likely to become inescapable. That would mean a choice between a country that is secular and democratic but binational, or a Jewish apartheid regime.
In other words, if “Bibi” wins, the doomsayers about Israel are finally going to be proved right.
Führungsansprüche an der „nassen Flanke“
Der Fokus der deutschen Marine, aber auch der Bundeswehr insgesamt hatte sich weg von Ostsee beziehungsweise von Europa hin zu „Out of Area“-Einsätzen in aller Welt verschoben, vor allem im Nahen und Mittleren Osten und in Afrika.
Two Days to Election: Netanyahu Goes to DEFCON 1, Guns Blazing, in Last-ditch Effort to Sway Voters
In the process, Netanyahu has successfully relegated what was supposed to be the central issue of this election – his alleged corruption and prospects of indictment – to the sidelines. He has deftly shifted the focus of the campaign to his fortes in national security and foreign affairs. Come what may, he has proven once again that he is the undisputed heavyweight champion of Israeli election campaigns, making his rivals look like clueless amateurs in comparison.
Coup Master: Michael Kozak, New US Envoy for Latin America
As the Western Hemisphere bureau is responsible for implementing U.S. policy in Latin America, Kozak returns to the region where he learned his trade as a coup master ready to constrict those countries that are not aligned with the U.S.
Chile: Soziale Bewegungen gedenken Jahrestag des Putsches, Staat nicht
Unterstützt wurde das chilenische Militär damals von den USA. In diesem Zusammenhang und in der nachfolgenden Zeit wurden Tausende linke, indigene und gewerkschaftliche Aktivisten verfolgt, gefoltert, exiliert oder hingerichtet.
Kriminalisierung von Umwelt-Protesten in Honduras
Auch für Anwalt Omar Menjivar, Mitglied der legalen Verteidigung (Defensa Legal) des Flusses Guapinol, ist die Übertragung des Falles Arnold an das Militärgericht ein klares Signal, dass die Umweltschützer vom Staat zu Kriminellen abgestempelt werden. Damit wird die Kriminalisierung sozialer und ökologischer Proteste in Honduras zu einem “normalen” Verhaltensmuster der Staatsgewalten, obwohl dies gegen die Verfassung verstößt.
Today the lobby of the EU Delegation was vandalized with threatening slogans on the walls. No one of my colleagues was in the office as we are closed on Sunday. This incident is deplorable and has to be condemned. We will continue to do our job.
Gregor Gysi smears @maxblumenthal & @davidsheen then locks himself in Bundestag toilet
Max Blumenthal, an US-American writer of Jewish origin, and the son of Sidney Blumenthal, the former advisor of President Bill Clinton and now a close adviser to potential Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, says in this video that he wants to sit down with German parliament member Gregor Gysi (The Left) in order to see if Gysi can explain the allegations against Blumenthal and if Gysi can explain why Blumenthal and Sheen should be silenced.
#Toilettengate: Gysi, die Israel-Kritiker und der Geist der Stasi – Was auf dem Flur des Bundestags passierte
Es zeigt wie Sheen und Blumenthal zusammen mit den Linke-Bundestagsabgeordneten Inge Höger, Annette Groth, Heike Hänsel und weiteren Personen auf dem Fluren des Bundestages über ein nicht zustande gekommenes Treffen mit Gregor Gysi reden. Laut wird es als Fraktionspressesprecher Hendrik Thalheim den Flur betritt. »Warum kann mich Herr Gysi öffentlich als Antisemiten denunzieren«, fragt der in Israel lebende Autor Sheen.
Das rote (Wurm)Loch
Neues aus Deutschplanet: Die „Linksfraktion“ verurteilt „auf das Schärfste“ einen „Angriff auf die Privatsphäre von Gregor Gysi“ durch David Sheen und Max Blumenthal.
Als Frage bleibt, ob das wenigstens als physikalischer Beweis eines Paralleluniversums durchgeht.
The Israeli friends of Volker Beck, Gregor Gysi and Petra Pau send their favorite German lawmakers a message of love at the entrance to the EU’s offices here
EU offices in Israel vandalized with ‘German money kills Jews’
A right-wing Israeli activist and anti-asylum seekers activist, Sheffi Paz, filmed herself committing the vandalism, and later admitted to it. Paz is a former member of the left-wing Meretz party.
This is a big deal and a big win for Netanyahu – and a vehemently anti-Democratic act, affirming Israeli disenfranchisement of Palestinian citizens. It shows the Right has permeated every institution in the country, and that legality has no meaning.
Central election committee rules „Zazim“ initiative illegal
The injunction came after the Likud party submitted a petition arguing that Zazim, which is heavily funded by the US-based New Israel Fund, an organization that has butted heads with the Likud party before, was violating election laws with its initiative.
In 2017 the V15 law was passed in order to prevent foreign funded non-party political organizations from interfering with the elections.
Standing Up to Likud’s Voter Suppression
Two days before the last Israeli election in April, Israel’s ruling Likud Party petitioned the Central Elections Committee to shut down a get out the vote operation by an Israeli campaigning organization called Zazim — an organization that Online Progressive Engagement Network (OPEN) and I co-founded with activist Raluca Ganea four years ago, which functions very much like an Israeli version of The government’s efforts were unsuccessful, and Zazim’s campaign went ahead as planned, bringing thousands of Arab Bedouin voters from unrecognized villages in southern Israel to their polling places.
Last week, the Likud Party once again petitioned the Central Elections Committee to prevent Zazim from helping citizens exercise their right to vote. Today, Israel’s Attorney General confirmed that Zazim’s activity is fully legal. Zazim’s organizers plan to help some 15,000 Arab voters cast their ballots next Tuesday.
I passionately believe that I can strike an EU deal within weeks
Let us be in no doubt as to what has really happened in Parliament in the last couple of weeks. Let there be no ambiguity about the underlying motive. A large number of MPs – though by no means all – are simply trying to crush Brexit. In spite of all that they promised – and voted for – they just want to stop this country from ever leaving the European Union.
TREVOR KAVANAGH: My money’s still on the incredible Bulk Boris Johnson to deliver Brexit
Voters won’t accept a rehashed version of Theresa May’s botched deal as reward for three years of political agony.
Not once they realise Brussels has won hands down, while we’ve surrendered all power over its relentless march to a federal superstate.
It certainly won’t entice them to vote Tory next time rather than for a resurgent Brexit Party.
‘There’s a word for what the political elite is doing – treason’
David Starkey talks to Brendan O’Neill about the ‘lying, deceiving shits’ in the establishment.
Johnson trifft Juncker zu Brexit-Gesprächen
Der britische Regierungschef Boris Johnson kommt heute in Luxemburg zu Gesprächen über den Brexit mit dem scheidenden EU-Kommissionspräsidenten Jean-Claude Juncker zusammen. Geplant ist ein Arbeitsessen. Auch der EU-Chefunterhändler für den Brexit, Michel Barnier, ist dabei.
Bernie Sanders Campaign Shakes Up New Hampshire Operation
New Hampshire Democrats also believe that Mr. Sanders did not have the sort of organization befitting the candidate who had won the state so overwhelmingly three years ago.
Mr. Jackson, who was previously the Sanders campaign’s northeast regional director, has worked with Mr. Sanders for years, including in his senate office in Burlington, Vt. He also helped start Our Revolution, the senator’s political advocacy group.