Daily Archives: 14. August 2019

14.08.2019 - 19:06 [ The Young Turks / Youtube ]

Bernie Sanders TRIGGERS Washington Post With Facts

The establishment media only wants to attack Bernie Sanders. Cenk Uygur and John Iadarola, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

14.08.2019 - 18:25 [ Bernie Sanders, candidate for President / Twitter ]

Breaking News: For the last 40 years the American working class has been disappearing and the rich have been getting richer.

14.08.2019 - 17:44 [ Realfunding.de ‏/ Twitter ]

Replying to @stadtvermieter: Was viele Menschen in Deutschland nicht akzeptieren können oder wollen: Es gibt in der sozialen Marktwirtschaft keine Statusgarantie. Wenn die Mieten in der Innenstadt unerschwinglich werden, muss man entweder sein Einkommen massiv steigern oder nach Brandenburg umziehen.


14.08.2019 - 17:32 [ Thomas Fricke, Chief Economist ‏/ Twitter ]

Die ärmsten zehn Prozent der Deutschen müssen mittlerweile 40 Prozent des Einkommens für Miete zahlen. Die oberen zehn Prozent sind dank steigender Immopreise seit 2011 um Billionen reicher geworden. Irre.


14.08.2019 - 17:28 [ Hans-Peter Fischer ‏/ Twitter ]

Armut in Deutschland: So geht es den Deutschen wirklich


14.08.2019 - 17:04 [ Welt Geld / Twitter ]

Geldvermögen privater Haushalte auf 6,17 Billionen Euro gestiegen


14.08.2019 - 17:01 [ FOCUS Finanzen / Twitter ]

„Abnorm niedrige Inflation“ – Ex-EZB-Chef Trichet: Deutschland muss Angst vor China überwinden und Löhne erhöhen


14.08.2019 - 16:49 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Andreas Aust: „Arme Familien sind hoffnungslos abgehängt“

Seit mehreren Jahren entwickelt sich nunmehr die Wirtschaft in Deutschland ausgesprochen positiv. Auch die Beschäftigung nimmt zu und die offene Erwerbslosigkeit nimmt ab. Infolgedessen müsste eigentlich auch die Armut abnehmen, weil mehr Menschen bezahlter Erwerbsarbeit nachgehen. Dies passiert aber nicht. Die Armut in Deutschland nimmt im Gegenteil zu.

14.08.2019 - 16:34 [ Telegraph.co.uk ]

Trade war and no-deal Brexit fears weigh on Germany‘s struggling economy

Some Britons may feel a touch of schadenfreude from seeing that the German industrial juggernaut is spluttering but its woes are a troubling symptom of a slowing world economy.

14.08.2019 - 16:26 [ Gesamtmetall, Wir sind Metall+Elektro, ?? größte Industriebranche ‏/ Twitter ]

„Kein Mensch weiß heute, was passiert, wenn die Produktion auch hier in Deutschland – zum Beispiel nach einem harten #Brexit – massiv stocken würde.“ Gesamtmetall-HGF Zander im Interview mit dem @RNDnewsroom #Rezession #Kurzarbeit #Konjunktur #Wirtschaft


14.08.2019 - 16:20 [ CNN ]

Dow tumbles 400 points after bond market flashes a recession warning

Investors are on edge because the German economy shrank in the second quarter, and the US-China trade war still looms large over markets, despite the latest truce. Industrial production in China grew at the weakest rate in 17 years.

14.08.2019 - 06:28 [ Spectator ]

In praise of the bands that said no to Greta Thunberg

Saying No to Greta and her establishment-backed moaning about the man-made cataclysm that will shortly devour humanity yada yada is the most rock’n’roll thing you can do right now.

14.08.2019 - 06:22 [ Guido Fawkes ]

BBC Shows World Greta’s Poo Bucket

In yet another clear sign that the misty-eyed adulation of Greta Thunburg is definitely #NotACult, the BBC has done another fawning piece on the teenager, this time revealing the plastic bucket Greta will be pooing in for the next two weeks to stop the apparent imminent extinction of mankind. Greta will be pushing for a resolution at a New York Climate summit, to get there she’ll be crossing the Atlantic in a small ‘zero carbon’ sailing boat with no toilets.

14.08.2019 - 06:21 [ derStandard.at ]

Italienischer Senat vertagt Debatte über Zukunft der Regierung auf 20. August

Am Dienstag schloss er im Senat aus, dass er und die Minister seiner Partei vorerst zurücktreten werden.
Salvini rief zudem den Koalitionspartner Fünf Sterne zur Verabschiedung einer Reform zur Kürzung der Parlamentarierzahl auf. Erst danach solle es zu Neuwahlen kommen.

14.08.2019 - 06:17 [ Suedtirolnews.it ]

Der Innenminister will Neuwahlen: Salvini hält Kabinett am Leben, Debatte im Senat vertagt

Der Senat in Rom vertagte zudem die Debatte über Zukunft der Regierung auf den 20. August. Erst danach soll über einen von der Lega eingereichten Misstrauensantrag gegen Premier Giuseppe Conte abgestimmt werden.

14.08.2019 - 06:08 [ CBS News ]

Shrieking heard from Jeffrey Epstein‘s jail cell the morning he died


On the morning of Jeffrey Epstein‘s death there was shouting and shrieking from his jail cell, a source familiar with the situation told CBS News. Corrections officers attempted to revive him while saying „breathe, Epstein, breathe.“

14.08.2019 - 06:08 [ CBS News ]

Corrections officers may have falsified reports saying they checked on Jeffrey Epstein


Multiple sources told CBS News that Epstein‘s cellmate at the Metropolitan Correctional Center posted bail last Friday, leaving Epstein alone in his cell the day before he died. Another source familiar with the investigation said it appears Epstein had been dead one to two hours before he was found.

14.08.2019 - 06:00 [ South China Morning Post ]

The US has a role to play in the escalating Hong Kong crisis – as a moderating force

– Washington is not the ‘black hand’ Beijing believes it to be. But neither should it wash its hands of the crisis, as Trump has apparently done
– However limited its role, the US should be urging restraint on all sides and highlighting the credible repercussions beyond Hong Kong of any crackdown

14.08.2019 - 05:44 [ GlobalTimes.cn ]

US delays tariffs as China, US trade negotiators hold phone call

The US has delayed the imposition of a 10 percent tariff on significant portions of Chinese imports until December 15 as top negotiators from the two countries spoke by phone for the first time since US President Donald Trump threatened to impose tariffs on $300 billion worth of Chinese imports.

14.08.2019 - 05:40 [ Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America / Twitter ]

Our Intelligence has informed us that the Chinese Government is moving troops to the Border with Hong Kong. Everyone should be calm and safe!

14.08.2019 - 05:32 [ South China Morning Post ]

China must pick the least bad option to resolve Hong Kong crisis. A PLA crackdown is not it

– Hongkongers would almost certainly treat Chinese government forces as invaders, and resistance would be fierce and casualties unavoidable
– An exodus of expats and elites would follow, and the Hong Kong economy – still a bridge between China the rest of the world – would almost immediately collapse

14.08.2019 - 05:07 [ HongKongfp.com ]

Pepper spray and arrests as Hong Kong riot police stage ‘rescue’ during airport sit-in protest

For over three hours, the man was surrounded by protesters in Terminal 1 after they accused of being an undercover agent from mainland China.
Suspicions were raised after a message on Telegram messenger was shared that appeared to identify him as a public security officer – a charge he denied.
He was chased down and briefly attacked as several airport security officers sought to protect him.
Paramedics arrived to treat him after he appeared to faint at 10pm but were unable to take him away from angry crowds who demanded to see identification and the contents of his phone.
The man claimed he was simply seeing friends off at the airport.

14.08.2019 - 05:01 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

China takes its gloves off: Riot police storm Hong Kong airport and fire pepper spray into protesters‘ faces during violent clashes after a Chinese man was tied and beaten up ‚for being an undercover agent‘

It comes after Hong Kong police admitted the previous day that they had deployed undercover officers among pro-democracy demonstrators, potentially causing paranoia among protesters on Tuesday who attacked two different people suspecting them of being spies.

14.08.2019 - 03:39 [ Common Dreams ]

„We Won‘t Back Down“: Over 50 Catering Workers Arrested at American Airlines HQ in Protest Against Poverty Wages

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, applauded the catering workers for standing up and „challenging corporate greed“ in a tweet on Tuesday.

„In recent years American Airlines has made billions in profits,“ said Sanders. „It is unconscionable that their workers cannot afford good healthcare or get reliable raises.“

In an act of civil disobedience, workers sat down and blocked the road leading to American Airlines‘ HQ:

14.08.2019 - 02:36 [ Paul Craig Roberts / antikrieg.com ]

Buchstäblich Gold über Leben

Alles, was der Kapitalismus in Amerika noch zu plündern hat, sind die Nationaldenkmäler und Wälder sowie die geschützten ökologischen Gebiete.

Die Auslagerung von US-Jobs war ein Akt des Selbstmords der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika.

14.08.2019 - 02:32 [ Common Dreams ]

‚Gold Over Life, Literally‘: How Trump Forced Reversal on Mining Project EPA Scientists Warn Could Destroy Alaskan Salmon Ecosystem

So Trump meets Alaska‘s governor in his airplane and agrees to push through a goldmine that had been stopped b/c it will devastate salmon habitat. This at a time that orcas are already starving death. Salmon carry entire ecosystems on their backs. Gold over life, literally. — Naomi Klein (@NaomiAKlein) August 9, 2019

14.08.2019 - 02:25 [ Paul Craig Roberts / Institute for Political Economy ]

„Gold Over Life, Literally“

All that capitalism has left to loot in America are the national monuments and forests and protected ecological areas.

The offshoring of US jobs was an act of suicide by the United States.