Auf unserer von der Jury ausgezeichneten Themenseite #PolizeiTwitter beleuchten wir das Auftreten deutscher Polizeien in dem sozialen Netzwerk. Gemeinsam mit dem Datenjournalisten Luca Hammer analysierten wir dafür rund 163.000 Tweets. Das Ergebnis: Auf Twitter schafft die Polizei sich ihre eigene Öffentlichkeit und bewegt sich dabei im ethischen und rechtlichen Graubereich. Besonders heikel sind durch die Polizei verbreitete Falschmeldungen, etwa bei politischen Demonstrationen.
Daily Archives: 4. Februar 2019
Trump sagt, dass der Einmarsch in Venezuela eine Option bleibt
Der von den USA als interimistischer Ersatz für Präsident Maduro unterstützte Juan Guaido sagt, dass er die Unterstützung eines in seinem Namen unternommenen Einmarsches der USA nicht ausschließen wird, obwohl er sagte, dass seine Priorität darin besteht, Venezuela „in Richtung Demokratie“ zu führen.
„Moralische Schande“: das EU-Parlament predigt weltweit Rechtsstaatlichkeit und zerstört dann die Legalität in Venezuela
Die Form der Amtseinführung, die Maduros Feinde aus der ehemaligen Kolonialmacht Venezuelas in Europa für verfassungswidrig halten, ist in Wirklichkeit in der Verfassung ausdrücklich vorgesehen.
US: Tasers Claimed 49 Lives in 2018 Through Police Violence
The California county board of supervisors and the district attorney launched ongoing reviews of the use and safety of Tasers, which were touted by police and the weapon’s manufacturer as a near-perfect, “non-lethal” weapon when they began coming into widespread use more than a decade ago.
Maduro Calls For Peace, Non-intervention From US
During a speech Monday at the Day of National Dignity commemoration and the 27th anniversary of the military rebellion of 4F (Feb. 4, 1992), Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro swore before authorities, civilians and military that he will defend the homeland with his life against the coup d‘etat that is hovering over the nation.
Venezuela zwischen Diplomatie, Großdemonstrationen und US-„humanitärer Hilfe“
Acht EU- und fünf lateinamerikanische Länder wollen „friedlichen politischen Prozess begleiten“. USA lehnen Dialog ab und provozieren
Baden-Württemberg, #cdu stürzt ab. #spd nur noch einstellig, wie in #Bayern. :)
Deutschland erkennt Juan Guaidó als Übergangspräsidenten an
„Bis gestern ist keine Wahl für eine Präsidentschaft ausgerufen worden. Deshalb ist jetzt Guaidó die Person, mit der wir darüber reden und von der wir erwarten, dass sie einen Wahlprozess möglichst schnell initiiert“, sagte Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) nach einem Gespräch mit dem japanischen Ministerpräsidenten Shinzo Abe in Tokio.
52% of public, 10% of Likud: Netanyahu should resign if indicted – poll
The sample included 600 respondents, representing a national sample of the adult population of Israel aged 18 and over. The maximum sampling error for the entire sample was ± 4.1% at a confidence level of 95%.
TULSI 2020: Tulsi Gabbard Presidential Campaign, The ALOHA Launch – FULL SPEECH
Tulsi Gabbard is a Democrat who was first elected to Congress in 2012 to serve the people of Hawaii. She is currently a member of the Committees on Foreign Affairs and Armed Services. She deployed twice to the Middle East, and was one of the first female combat veterans ever elected to Congress. She continues to serve as a Major in the Army National Guard. Tulsi Gabbard was Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee from 2013 until she resigned in 2016 to support Bernie Sanders in his bid for President. Tulsi Gabbard announced her intention to run for President of the United States on January 11th, 2019. She does not accept campaign contributions from corporations, lobbyists or political action committees.
As commander-in-chief, I will work to end the new cold war, nuclear arms race and slide into nuclear war. That is why the neocon/neolib warmongers will do anything to stop me.
When the state of the union is scary, the State of the Union gets weird
The State of the Union has always been more about theater than substance. By the next day, almost no one can remember what was said. The speech is too long, the applause insincere, the cutaways overly staged. Huge moonshots are announced, only to fall back to Earth, unremembered.
Yet every now and then, the state of the union becomes so alarming that the State of the Union acquires a new fascination, as a different kind of theater. Sometimes, it is a theater of the absurd.
NBC News, to Claim Russia Supports Tulsi Gabbard, Relies on Firm Just Caught Fabricating Russia Data for the Democratic Party
NBC News published a predictably viral story Friday, claiming that “experts who track websites and social media linked to Russia have seen stirrings of a possible campaign of support for Hawaii Democrat Tulsi Gabbard.”
But the whole story was a sham: the only “experts” cited by NBC in support of its key claim was the firm, New Knowledge, that just got caught by the New York Times fabricating Russian troll accounts on behalf of the Democratic Party in the Alabama Senate race to manufacture false accusations that the Kremlin was interfering in that election.
Trump campaigned against regime change wars when he ran for President but now bows to the wishes of the neocons around him, clamoring for the regime change wars he claimed to oppose, this time in Venezuela and Iran.
Crude Realities of Venezuela‘s Future
(1.2.2019) USA being the largest buyers of Venezuelan heavy crude tightening all screws around Maduro. Madura seems adamant and expecting some help from Russia or Iran to bail him out of the situation, but that seems unlikely under the current circumstances. PDVSA being the special purpose vehicle for Maduro seems running out of fuel very soon and will not be able to support Maduro very long. China is withholding business ties and ongoing Refinery project JVs with PDVSA in the situations . Under this circumstances , all roads for Maduro are coming to an end.
Oil Prices Hit 2019 Highs as Sanctions Against Venezuela, OPEC Cuts Bite
(4.2.2019) Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak has said the country‘s overall cuts from the October baseline would total 50,000 bpd in January. Russia has pledged to reduce oil output by 230,000 bpd from October.
Russia: No OPEC+ Emergency Meeting Planned Over Venezuela’s Chaos
(24.1.2019) Asked today whether the political crisis in Venezuela could lead to higher oil prices, Russia’s Energy Minister Novak told news agency TASS that the oil market is very complex and it is difficult to forecast how it would react to the developments in Venezuela.
#OPEC oil supply has fallen in January by the largest amount in two years, a Reuters survey found, as top exporter #SaudiArabia over-delivered on the group’s supply pact while #Iran, #Libya and #Venezuela registered involuntary declines.
Oil Soars After OPEC And Partners Reach Deal
(7.12.2018) As talks resumed on Friday, Iran continued to refuse to accept wording that it would ‘cut’ and insisted on ‘exemption’, remaining the only sticking point in the OPEC negotiations, while the deal broker, Russia’s Energy Minister Alexander Novak, flew in from Moscow for the non-OPEC part meeting, and sat down for separate talks with each of oil ministers of Iran and Saudi Arabia, Bijan Zangeneh and Khalid al-Falih, respectively.
High Five At OPEC: Russia And Saudi Arabia Agree To 1.2Mbd Production Cut
(7.12.2018) The countries gathered in Vienna are part of the so-called OPEC+ super-cartel, which includes ten non-OPEC members such as Russia and Kazakhstan. Together, they possess unprecedented influence over the world economy, controlling 55% of global oil supplies and 90% of proven reserves.
Russia and Saudi Arabia to extend Opec+ accord, Putin says
(2.12.2018) Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Saturday he had no concrete figures on possible oil output cuts as Russia and Saudi Arabia agreed to extend their accord to manage the oil market, known as Opec+, into 2019, following a meeting on the sidelines of the G20 summit between Mr Putin and Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
Russia, Saudi Arabia Move to Control Global Oil Markets – Analyst
(17.6.2018) „This means that the concerted efforts of the OPEC oil cartel, which is regulated first and foremost by the Saudis, and the group of independent oil producing countries led by Russia proved their effectiveness in terms of coordinated actions on global markets. And if this global control mechanism is working, there’s no reason to alter it or get rid of it even as things have finally stabilized,“ the analyst said.
Mainstream media wants you to listen to the people of Venezuela… Except when they massively come out against outside intervention and aggression. Then mainstream media pretends they don’t exist.
Will Venezuela oil sanctions be the silver bullet to fell Maduro regime?
(3.1.2019) The sanctions, which came in on Monday, ban US companies from exporting goods or services to Petroleum of Venezuela (PDVSA), as part of a campaign to force Maduro to step aside and cede power to Juan Guaidó, the opposition leader. US refineries are also banned from buying crude from PDVSA unless the money is paid into accounts not tied to Maduro.
Russia‘s sovereign wealth fund to boost investment deals with Saudi Arabia
(17.1.2019) The Russian Direct Investment Fund and the Saudi Public Investment Fund have a $10bn investment partnership
Venezuela: Guaidó Seeks Support from Russia, China as Maduro Gov’t Remains Defiant
This comes as Reuters is reporting the Maduro government plans to sell gold from central bank vaults to the United Arab Emirates for cash, as new sanctions from the U.S. threaten to further cripple the country’s economy.
EU–Parlament unterstützt Putschversuch in Venezuela
Die Unterstützung der EU für den Putsch in Venezuela entlarvt die Darstellung der EU als verglichen mit dem US-Imperialismus menschlichere und demokratischere Variante als Lüge. Die EU verfolgt ihre räuberischen Interessen genauso rücksichtslos wie Washington und ist bereit, sie letztlich auch durch Krieg durchzusetzen. Während die USA ihre Konfrontation mit Russland und China verschärfen, forcieren die EU-Staaten ihren Austeritätskurs und pumpen Hunderte Milliarden Euro in ihre Armeen, um sich am imperialistischen Wettlauf um die Plünderung von Profiten und Märkten auf der ganzen Welt zu beteiligen.
Hunderttausende demonstrieren in Caracas für Präsident Maduro, mehrere Zehntausend für Putschist Guaidó. USA bereiten Intervention vor
Es war ein unübersehbares Menschenmeer, das in ausländischen Fernsehsendern kaum vorkam: Hunderttausende Menschen haben am Sonnabend auf der Avenida Bolívar in der venezolanischen Hauptstadt Caracas an den 20. Jahrestag der Amtsübernahme von Hugo Chávez erinnert und gegen den laufenden Putschversuch gegen die gewählte Regierung des Präsidenten Nicolás Maduro demonstriert.
Yemen‘s warring factions meet on ship to discuss peace efforts
The government source, who asked to remain anonymous, said that representatives of the Saudi-backed government and the Houthi rebels at the Redeployment Coordination Committee (RCC) attended a meeting with presence of General Patrick Cammaert, the UN cease-fire chief monitor aboard a ship in Hodeidah province.