Eine für Jänner 2019 vorgesehene Erhöhung der Strom- und Gastarife wurde ebenfalls für die kommenden sechs Monate, also die wegen der Heizungskosten heikle Winterperiode, annulliert. Während dieser Schonphase würden breit angelegte Beratungen mit allen Betroffenen stattfinden, versprach Philippe. Bei diesem „echten Dialog“ würde alles zur Diskussion stehen, also auch die gesamte Steuerpolitik.
Daily Archives: 4. Dezember 2018
Unterhaus fügt Mays Regierung schwere Niederlage zu
Generalstaatsanwalt Geoffrey Cox hatte die Weigerung noch am Vorabend im Unterhaus damit begründet, dass eine vollständige Vorlage „dem öffentlichen Interesse“ entgegenstünde und Staatsgeheimnisse offenbaren würde. Daraufhin hatten aufgebrachte Abgeordnete eine Debatte über Parlamentsmissachtung angesetzt.
Brexit: Der Souverän begehrt auf
Wenige Tage vor der Entscheidung des britischen Parlaments über den Brexit-Vertrag hat die Regierung von Theresa May eine große Zahl von Abgeordneten verärgert.
May wollte ihre Zusage, ein juristisches Gutachten zum Brexit-Vertrag in voller Länge zu veröffentlichen, wieder rückgängig machen.
Dagegen begehren die Abgeordneten nun auf – und sorgen so für eine Sternstunde der Demokratie.
NO DEAL DEAD: MPs vote to APPROVE Dominic Grieve‘s SHOCK amendment to Withdrawal Act
By 321 votes to 299 the Government was defeated on the vote over Mr Grieve’s amendment, which will allow MPs to vote on amendments to the EU exit deal if it is defeated in next week’s meaningful vote. Mrs May’s Government had already been defeated in two shock votes in the House of Commons this evening as an ongoing contempt row threatens to derail the start of five days of Brexit debate. Mr Grieve‘s victory will allow the final Brexit deal to be repeatedly amended – ending Mrs May’s threats of her Brexit deal or no deal.
„Keine Steuer ist es wert, die Einheit der Nation zu gefährden“
Frankreichs Regierung will die angekündigte Erhöhung der Ökosteuer für mehrere Monate aussetzen.
Das bestätigte der Premierminister in einer TV-Ansprache.
Der Regierungschef kündigte zudem an, dass die Tarife für Elektrizität und Gas während des Winters nicht angehoben werden sollen.
Den „Gelben Westen“ reicht das nicht. Sie fordern breite Steuersenkungen sowie die Erhöhung von Löhnen und Renten.
„Gelbwesten“ in Frankreich: Vorerst keine Steuererhöhung
Nach mehr als zweiwöchigen, teils gewaltsamen Protesten sind die „Gelbwesten“ in Frankreich einem ihrer Ziele ein Stück näher gekommen: Regierungschef Edouard Philippe bestätigte, dass die Ökosteuer auf Diesel und Benzin ausgesetzt werde. Die umstrittene Erhöhung ab Januar werde sechs Monaten lang gestoppt, sagte er in einer Fernsehansprache. Gleichzeitig kündigte er an, auch die Strom- und Gaspreise während der Wintermonate nicht zu erhöhen.
France protests: PM Philippe suspends fuel tax rises
Fuel tax rises which have led to weeks of violent protests in France have now been postponed for six months.
The move was announced in a televised address by PM Edouard Philippe, who said anyone would have „to be deaf or blind“ not to hear or see the anger.
BREAKING: Third Government defeat as MPs vote by 321 to 299 (majority: 22) for Dominic Grieve‘s amendment to the timetable motion to allow future motions after a Government defeat on its deal to be amendable
MPs have voted in favour of the #ContemptOfParliament motion ! MY GOODNESS This is unprecedented in modern times ! The Legal Advice will now be published.
HISTORIC HAT-TRICK: The Govt has been defeated for a third time in a row by 22. The Amdt guarantees any future ‘neutral motion’ under S.13 of the EU Withdrawal Act will be amendable, guaranteeing Parliament a future meaningful vote if May loses on Dec 11 #InOfficeButNotInPower
BREAK: MPs back Dominic Grieve‘s amendment by 321 to 299 to give the House of Commons a say in what happens next if Parliament rejects the PM‘s Brexit deal on December 11. Massive defeat for Theresa May.
UTTER CONTEMPT: Government forced to hand over ALL Brexit legal advice after humiliating Commons defeat sees it found in contempt of Parliament for first time ever
The full details on the hated Brexit deal will come out tomorrow, laying bare the extent of how awful Mrs May‘s agreement really is
Government agrees to publish FULL Brexit legal advice after it is dealt a humiliating defeat as MPs vote to hold ministers in contempt of Parliament
– MPs hold ministers in contempt of Parliament for the first time ever today
– Theresa May lost the vote by 311 to 293 in a humiliating defeat for Number 10
– Commons leader Andrea Leadsom said the full advice will be published now
– Caved amid fears minsters could be suspended just as crunch Brexit vote held
– Labour, SNP, Tory rebels and DUP joined forces to inflict the historic defeat
– PM had told Cabinet ministers are defending an ‚important point of principle‘
MPs vote on the contempt of Parliament motion in the Commons | ITV News
Streamed live 53 minutes ago
Government found in contempt of parliament for first time in history
Six parties – including Labour and the DUP – claim ministers are in contempt, despite denial from the Conservatives.
BREAKING: Extraordinary, the Government have been defeated and go down in ignominy as being the first Government found in contempt of Parliament. Theresa May’s in contempt and incompetent Govt must now publish the full and final legal advice from the Attorney General. Lost by 4
Jonathan @Isaby on @BBCRADIOKENT: „Today we‘ve got the government being accused of contempt of parliament – well these people campaigning for another referendum are in contempt of the British people and the democratic process“
Listen to the rest here:
We don‘t ‚wonder‘ at all. We know precisely why the liberal establishment is angry. It had become so used to getting its way for so long and is furious that the masses are challenging the status quo.
Attorney General finally turns up to chamber looking like he’s been finishing his lunch off… extraordinary. #Brexit #Contempt
Brexit Bulletin: In Contempt?
Today in Brexit: May’s big Brexit debate is overshadowed by more parliamentary guerrilla tactics.
There are no statements or UQs today. We expect the contempt of Parliament debate to start around 1245/1300.
Großbritannien: Die Schlammschlacht um den Brexit beginnt
Andererseits hatte Labour schon vor der Rede angekündigt, man behalte sich vor, die Regierung mit einer archaischen Regel unter Druck zu setzen, die höchst selten angewendet wird und in etwa der „Missachtung des Gerichts“ in Strafprozessen gleicht.
Busy day ahead – don’t remember seeing a contempt motion before Parliament before! Well done @Keir_Starmer @NickTorfaenMP @labourwhips for forcing this crucial issue. Outrageous behaviour by Tory Government. #Brexit #Contempt
House of Commons: Tuesday 4 December 2018
Meeting started at 11.30am
THE SUN SAYS: Government knows PM’s EU deal sucks for Britain – we must return to Brussels
EVERYONE from the Prime Minister down knows her EU deal sucks. Even Oliver Robbins — and he negotiated it.
The civil servant told the PM the Irish “backstop”, absurdly inserted to “avoid” a hard border no one will ever build, is a “bad outcome” for Britain.
Today‘s Commons motion on contempt of Parliament – @DArcyTiP looks at what it might mean
House of Commons: Monday 3 December 2018
Speaker Statement
‚Arguable case‘ the government is in contempt of parliament over Brexit legal advice, says speaker John Bercow
House of Commons Speaker John Bercow has said there is an „arguable case“ that the Government committed contempt of Parliament over the legal advice on Brexit.
Senior MPs from six parties wrote to Mr Bercow asking him to begin contempt proceedings against the Government after full publication of the attorney general‘s findings was withheld „in the public interest“.
Attorney General Geoffrey Cox could be SUSPENDED as MPs launch historic bid to hold May‘s government in contempt of Parliament and force it to FINALLY release full Brexit legal advice
Theresa May faces a bitter test of strength with MPs today as they mount an historic bid to force release of legal advice on her Brexit deal.
The House of Commons will vote on a contempt motion that could plunge the PM‘s government further into chaos.
Carney Defends BOE‘s Publication of Worst-Case Brexit Analysis
The BOE’s scenarios were more extreme than the government’s, and prompted criticism from some lawmakers, who accused Carney of undermining the BOE’s credibility.
Treasury Committee: Tuesday 4 December 2018
Witnesses: Dr Mark Carney, Governor, Bank of England, Ben Broadbent, Deputy Governor for Monetary Policy, Bank of England, Sir Jon Cunliffe, Deputy Governor for Financial Stability, Bank of England, and Sam Woods, Deputy Governor for Prudential Regulation, Bank of England and Chief Executive Officer, Prudential Regulation Authority
Subject: The UK‘s economic relationship with the European Union
THE SUN SAYS: We should be celebrating our freedom from the clutches of the European Union
Nearly 900 days after that historic vote, we‘re left with a stinker of a deal and a Government that has pursued a damage-limitation strategy from Day One
Proteste in Frankreich: Fake-Bilder von „Gelbwesten“
Die Proteste der „Gelbwesten“ in Frankreich werden im Netz mit Fake-Bildern begleitet. Zehntausende Nutzer teilten ein Foto einer Guillotine. Doch das Bild ist manipuliert – und kein Einzelfall.
„Die #SPD geht unter, wenn sie jetzt nicht aufwacht“ Die #spd kann aufwachen wie und wann sie will, es ist vorbei! Sie wird eine 10 Prozent Partei und mit 13 Prozent ist sie schon nahe dran.
Sonntagsfrage zur Bundestagswahl • INSA/BILD: CDU/CSU 27,5 % | GRÜNE 18 % | AfD 16 % | SPD 13,5 % | DIE LINKE 11 % | FDP 9,5 % | Sonstige 4,5 %
Ministers face contempt vote over Brexit legal advice secrecy
John Bercow, the Speaker, announced last night that he would accept a motion of contempt against the government for failing to comply with a Commons order to publish the advice. The motion, which will be debated today, could result in Geoffrey Cox, the attorney-general, or David Liddington, Mrs May’s de facto deputy, being suspended from parliament.
Brexit: Ministers may have broken rules by not publishing legal advice – Speaker
John Bercow said there was an „arguable case“ that a contempt of Parliament has been committed.
It means MPs will debate and vote on the issue on Tuesday.
Even May‘s backers are half-hearted in their support
These days, life in Westminster is punctuated by wall-to-wall Theresa May.
VOTE MAYDAY: ‘Defeated’ Theresa May to beg MPs to back her Brexit deal as top Tories give up hope of victory
(3.12.2018) But one normally loyal Tory MP who had a private audience with the PM yesterday told The Sun that she “looked defeated”.
And ministers were also last night resigned to a crushing government defeat after almost 100 Tory MPs spoke out against the deal.
Six police killed in Mexican state ravaged by gang violence
Lopez Obrador, who took power on Saturday, has given top priority to quelling gang violence, which has claimed tens of thousands of lives during the past two administrations.
LIVE – Hatch opening and welcoming aboard the International Space Station
David Saint-Jacques and his crewmates enter the Space Station and are greeted by the crew on board.
US, India to ‚sort out‘ sanctions waiver for S-400 purchase – Mattis
„We‘ll sort out all those issues here today, and in the days ahead… we’ll work all this forward,“ Mattis told reporters on Monday when asked if he expects New Delhi to get a sanctions waiver over the S-400 purchase.
Mexiko: Außenminister besucht Washington
Mexikos neuer Außenminister Marcelo Ebrard hat sich bei seinem Antrittsbesuch in Washington mit US-Außenminister Michael Pompeo getroffen.
Mexiko: Kirche bietet Lopez Obrador Zusammenarbeit an
Die Kirche wolle allerdings kein „Komplize“ der Regierung sein: Wo Missstände dies erforderten, werde man Kritik äußern.
Mexiko: Andrés Manuel López Obrador leitet Verkauf von Präsidentenflieger ein
Gleich an seinem zweiten Tag im Amt legt Mexikos neuer Präsident Andrés Manuel López Obrador los: Er hat den Verkauf des Präsidentenflugzeugs in die Wege geleitet – und damit ein Wahlkampfversprechen umgesetzt.
Mexico‘s new president takes aim at violence during first day in office
On Monday, he held his first news conference, promising to repeat the exercise every weekday at 7 a.m. – a contrast to predecessor Enrique Pena Nieto, who rarely took journalists’ questions, preferring to deliver stage-managed speeches.
„Ich bin dafür gerüstet, gegenüber meinem Volk nicht zu versagen“ (Teil I)
Auszüge aus der Rede des mexikanischen Präsidenten anlässlcih seiner Amtsübernahme am 1. Dezember 2018
Hier auf dem Zócalo der Stadt Mexiko, bekräftige ich, nachdem ich den Befehlsstab der Urvölker unserer großen Nation erhalten habe, mich dazu zu verpflichten, nicht zu lügen, nicht zu stehlen und das Volk nicht zu verraten:
An erster Stelle werden wir den indigenen Völkern Mexikos besondere Aufmerksamkeit schenken: es ist eine Schande, dass unsere Urvölker seit Jahrhunderten unter der Unterdrückung und dem Rassismus, unter Armut und Ausgrenzung leben. Alle Regierungsprogramme werden die indigenen Völker der diversen Kulturen des Landes begünstigen.
Sie werden alle Mexikaner unabhängig von Glaubensrichtungen, Klassen, Organisationen, Geschlecht, Partei, wirtschaftlichem oder kulturellem Bereich berücksichtigen, aber man wird dabei zum Wohle aller, das Prinzip – die Armen zuerst – anwenden…
Mexico‘s new president may investigate soldiers in missing students case
For the first time, the army could be investigated by the commission, Lopez Obrador said, a key demand of family members and experts who believe that members of the military have information about the case that remains secret.
Turkey‘s Erdogan slams Venezuela sanctions, Maduro defends gold exports
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan on Monday criticized sanctions on Venezuela during a visit to Caracas, while President Nicolas Maduro defended the country’s right to export gold after U.S. sanctions last month targeted its shipments of the metal.
Turkish President Erdogan in Venezuela to Meet Maduro, Strengthen Ties
This is especially significant considering the U.S. sanctions on the South American country, fueled by a desire to possess Venezuelan resources, such as gold reserves.
Journalist Dies in Northern Mexico, Activists Demand Justice
Last month, the Human Rights National Commission (CNDH) denounced the violent situation of journalism in Mexico during the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists, pointing out that 21 have been missing since 2005 and there have been 52 attacks of media offices.