Daily Archives: 21. November 2018

21.11.2018 - 22:35 [ MDR ]

Kohlekommission muss nachsitzen

Scharfe Kritik kam von Umweltverbänden. „Wir möchten hiermit aufs Schärfste dagegen protestieren und Sie nachdrücklich darum bitten, beim ursprünglich vereinbarten Zeitplan zu bleiben“, schrieben die Kommissionsmitglieder Martin Kaiser (Greenpeace), Kai Niebert (Deutscher Naturschutzring) und Hubert Weiger (BUND) an die Vorsitzenden. Der Eindruck, dass Bundes- und Landespolitiker versuchten, „nach Belieben die Arbeit einer zivilgesellschaftlichen Kommission und deren Empfehlungen zu beeinflussen“, sei „völlig unbegreiflich“.

21.11.2018 - 19:36 [ Artists for Brexit ‏/ Twitter ]

Our congratulations to @StLukesLondon! It‘s great to see work being done by creatives besides associates of AFB to start to articulate a positive vision of post-Brexit Britain, when we‘ll be independent again, our democracy restored and thereby eventually feeling positive again!

21.11.2018 - 19:31 [ Westmonster.com ]

Artists scared they‘ll lose jobs if they admit to backing Brexit

(14.2.2018) Daltrey added: “We are getting out, and when the dust settles I think that it’ll be seen that it’s the right thing for this country to have done, that’s for sure. It’s got nothing to do with any of the immigration issues or any of that for me. It was to do with much more. The majority of this country felt that their voices weren’t being heard. It would have been nice to do a deal with Europe but they didn’t want to do a deal, and they sent Cameron back with a bag.”

Caps off to Artists 4 Brexit, there should be no stigma attached to being a Brexiteer whatsoever.

John Cleese, Roger Daltrey, Sir Michael Caine, Susan Hill

21.11.2018 - 19:17 [ Express.co.uk ]

Angela Merkel just released a statement on May‘s Brexit deal that may infuriate you

Germany will back an agreement on Sunday on Britain‘s withdrawal from the European Union, and hopes Spain‘s objection to wording over the disputed British territory of Gibraltar will be resolved imminently, Chancellor Angela Merkel said – a reaction which could shock Europe and Spain.

21.11.2018 - 19:06 [ Sebastian Payne, @FinancialTimes political leader writer ‏/ Twitter ]

@Peston reporting that the May government is „banking on“ the stock market and sterling to tank if the Commons rejects her Brexit deal on first pass – the so-called „TARP scenario“ as outlined by @rbrharrison.

21.11.2018 - 19:01 [ Alex Wickham, senior political correspondent @BuzzFeedUK ‏/ Twitter ]

Surprised more wasn‘t made of the Sunday Times story that No10 is planning to encourage a crash in the financial markets. Now @peston also says that‘s the plan:

21.11.2018 - 18:56 [ itv.com ]

Theresa May‘s cunning plan to get Brexit deal through Parliament

But MPs would then stare into the „abyss“, she said, recognise that a no-deal Brexit would be a disaster and another referendum too risky, and would then approve the deal – perhaps slightly modified – when brought back to them a second time.

This is what ministers refer to as the „TARP model“ – as recently coined by former government aide Rupert Harrison.

For the uninitiated, TARP was the US scheme to bail out bust banks after the Crash in 2008.

21.11.2018 - 18:53 [ BBC ]

May in Brussels for Brexit talks

– Theresa May arrives in Brussels for talks with EU Commission president
– She faced Brexit criticism from all sides at Prime Minister‘s Questions
– UK and EU are seeking to finalise text of declaration on future relations
– France (fishing) and Spain (Gibraltar) have issues with the current draft
– Tory Brexiteers‘ efforts to force no confidence vote seem to have failed, for now
– The PM published the 585 page draft withdrawal agreement last week. This, and the declaration on future relations, are due to be finalised at an EU summit next Sunday.

21.11.2018 - 18:44 [ NDR ]

Koalition schafft Straßenausbaubeiträge ab

Die Koalition reagiert mit dem Beschluss auch auf den Druck einer von den Freien Wählern vorangetriebenen Volksinitiative. Die Initiatoren hatten mehr als 40.000 Unterschriften gegen die Beiträge gesammelt, am Donnerstag muss sich der Landtag mit der Initiative befassen – die Koalition hat dieses Thema nach eigener Lesart bereits jetzt „abgeräumt“.

21.11.2018 - 18:44 [ ORF.at ]

BVT-Ausschuss: Rechtsextremer Security flog 2016 aus Miliz

Der auch beim BVT-Untersuchungsausschuss eingesetzte Security-Mitarbeiter im Parlament wurde 2016 dauerhaft aus der Bundesheermiliz ausgeschlossen – nachdem das Abwehramt des Bundesheeres Hinweisen auf seinen rechtsextremen Hintergrund nachgegangen war, berichtet das Magazin „profil“ (Onlineausgabe) heute.

21.11.2018 - 17:10 [ Informationsstelle Militarisierung e.V. ]

(Tarn-)Grüne Förderung von Sprunginnovationen

Im Koalitionsvertrag der aktuellen Bundesregierung wurde unter der Überschrift „Für eine modern ausgerüstete Bundeswehr“ die Gründung einer „Agentur für Disruptive Innovationen in der Cybersicherheit und Schlüsseltechnologien“ unter gemeinsamer Federführung des Innen- und des Verteidigungsministeriums angekündigt, welche die „technologische Innovationsführerschaft“ Deutschlands sicherstellen solle. Bereits im Vorfeld war durchgesickert, dass als Vorbild mit der DARPA die Forschungsagentur des Rüstungsindustrie galt. Die Rüstungsindustrie frohlockte bereits.

21.11.2018 - 16:05 [ teleSUR ]

Mexico: President-Elect‘s Party Submits Bill For National Guard

On Nov. 14, Mexico‘s President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) presented his 2018-2024 National Peace And Security Plan to the media. On that occasion, he stated that his policy proposal includes the creation of a 50,000-member National Guard.

MORENA aims precisely to do that. The bill contemplates changes to Mexican constitution that would mean that national guard members receive human rights training, are tried by civil courts, and will not be able to move detainees to National Guard institutions.

21.11.2018 - 15:57 [ teleSUR ]

Brazil‘s Military Police ‚Invades‘ MST Camp to Expel 150 Landless Families

The MST has been referred to as a terrorist group by far-right politician and Brazil‘s incoming President Jair Bolsonaro.

Brazil‘s military police violently entered a camp ran by the Campesino Landless Workers‘ Movement (MST) Wednesday to expel 150 families that have lived in the territory Ze Maria do Tome, in the municipality of Limoeiro, state of Ceara, for four years.

21.11.2018 - 12:51 [ Telegraph.co.uk ]

It‘s beginning to look a lot like a Brexit conspiracy

Quick recap. “As we leave the European Union, we will no longer be members of the single market or customs union.” Yet, weirdly, Michel Barnier, the EU’s chief negotiator, claimed yesterday that it was the Prime Minister, during the Brext negotiations, who was the one to set out the request for a deal based on a customs union. So, who exactly is the traitor?

21.11.2018 - 12:28 [ Bloomberg.com ]

May’s Brexit Deal Has a Fatal Defect: The agreement makes Britain a perpetual subordinate.

This deal, despite its resemblance to the Chequers plan, fundamentally subverts that earlier approach. This is no longer a flawed but defensible compromise. It’s a capitulation.

21.11.2018 - 12:07 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

Will Juncker sweeten the Brexit deal? May pins hopes on concessions from EU chief over tea as MORE Tory MPs vow to oppose her package

Some 56 Eurosceptic MPs have now signed up to the ‚Stand up for Brexit‘ campaign which commits them to voting down any deal based on Mrs May‘s Chequers proposals.

Worryingly for Mrs May, high-profile Tory Remainers are also promising them to vote against, with the latest names including Culture Committee chair Damian Collins.

21.11.2018 - 11:52 [ Belfast Telegraph ]

Brexit Unionists try to ramp up pressure on May over Brexit deal – forcing vote climbdown in Commons

The Government climbdown and unwillingness to force votes came after the DUP voted with Labour once and abstained five times during Finance Bill votes on Monday. Yesterday, Mr Dodds had made clear the DUP was ready to continue voting against the Government and called on Mrs May to dump her exit plan.

21.11.2018 - 11:38 [ John McDonnell, Mitglied im House of Commons / Twitter ]

Absolutely staggering. The Government has just accepted all Labour amendments to the Finance Bill because they couldn’t rely upon DUP to support them. Tories in office not in power. A government falling apart in front of us.

21.11.2018 - 11:24 [ KentOnline.co.uk ]

Brexit split among Kent MPs

As the Prime Minister continues to face pressure over her leadership, the county’s MPs – like the rest of the country – are split on whether the deal delivers what the government promised.

But only one has decided to join those who have called for a vote of confidence in the Prime Minister by submitting a formal letter to the chairman of the 1922 committee Graham Brady – the MP for Gravesham Adam Holloway.

21.11.2018 - 10:58 [ Dominic Raab / Telegraph.co.uk ]

We must be willing to walk away with no deal – taking our £39bn with us

Last week, I resigned as Brexit Secretary because I could not in good conscience support the proposed deal between the UK and the EU. There is still time to stand up to the bullying tactics from Brussels. But we must change course, or the flame of optimism and opportunity that sparked Brexit will be snuffed out.

21.11.2018 - 10:57 [ Independent.co.uk ]

DUP expected to abstain for second time on crucial Budget votes

MPs from the Democratic Unionist Party are expected to abstain for a second time on crucial Budget votes in the Commons in protest at Theresa May‘s Brexit deal.

It comes after Eurosceptics in the party faced questions over the apparent collapse of their efforts to trigger a no confidence in the prime minister.

21.11.2018 - 10:36 [ Jeremy Corbyn / Mirror.co.uk ]

Jeremy Corbyn: Theresa May has finally united the country on Brexit – everyone dislikes her deal

(19.11.2018) While claiming to take back control, the Government’s “backstop” risks locking Britain into an indefinite halfway house it cannot leave without the agreement of the EU.

This is an unparalleled and unacceptable loss of sovereignty, which Labour will not accept on behalf of our country.

21.11.2018 - 10:27 [ Washington Post ]

Bank of England preparing Brexit deal verdict next week

Bank of England Governor Mark Carney gave a guarded welcome to Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit deal as he confirmed the bank would deliver its verdict on the agreement next week.

Addressing lawmakers Tuesday, Carney said the withdrawal agreement would eliminate some of the uncertainty that has surrounded the British economy since the country voted to leave the EU in June 2016. It would provide businesses the platform to plan and invest.

21.11.2018 - 10:19 [ Express.co.uk ]

Bank of England boss BACKS Theresa May’s Brexit deal, warns no deal would ‚SHOCK‘ economy

The Bank of England governor spoke to MPs on the Treasury Select Committee about the importance of there being a transition period for the UK’s divorce for the EU. Mr Carney warned that if there is no deal, then it could greatly harm the economy with the bank being unable to do much to rectify the damage. He told the committee:

21.11.2018 - 09:58 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

Don’t come back empty-handed: Tory‘s Chief Whip fires warning to Theresa May to get more from the EU as she jets to Brussels for crunch talks

Theresa May gathered Cabinet for first time since forcing through Brexit deal
Three ministers still thought to be considering their positions over the package
Theresa May is heading to Brussels after PMQs as she tries to close her deal
But rows with Europe over fishing waters and Gibraltar threaten to derail it
Chief whip warns PM to get concessions from Brussels or face Commons defeat

21.11.2018 - 09:45 [ Radio Utopie ]

Der „starke“ tiefe Staat

(4.5.2017) Trotz nach Jahrzehnten schließlich unter den Begriffen „Gladio“ oder „Stay Behind“ bekannt gewordenen geheimen Attentats-Armeen des Staates, eingebunden in Hierarchie und Befehlskette von Nordatlantikpakt und Leit-Imperium Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, drückt sich die „breite Öffentlichkeit“ in der Republik immer noch um die Tragweite der Staatsaffäre um den durch einen reinen Zufall aufgeflogenen faschistischen Elitesoldaten der Bundeswehr und deren beiseite geschaffte Munition und Sprengstoff.

Dabei ist dessen „Netzwerk“ offensichtlich der „starke Staat“ selbst.

21.11.2018 - 09:36 [ Junge Welt ]

Schwarze Bundeswehr

(heute) Die Razzien sind, das lässt sich heute so einschätzen, gescheitert. Nicht, weil es das Netzwerk nicht gäbe. Sondern weil es längst zu groß und zu verzweigt erscheint und zu tief in die staatlichen Strukturen verstrickt sein könnte. Die, die dort untersucht werden sollten, sind selbst Teil der Befehlskette. Hat der täppische Offizier Albrecht etwa, ohne es zu beabsichtigen, eine klandestine Struktur, eine Art »Stay-behind-Armee« in und um die deutschen Streitkräfte und Sicherheitsorgane aufgedeckt?

21.11.2018 - 09:22 [ LBC.co.uk ]

Is This Why The Tory Rebel Plot To Topple Theresa May Faltered?

“When you are Tory MP, you’re over 55 and you‘ve been there for a few years,” he said.

“And you think on principle you ought to rebel but then, of course, you know what happens to Tory MPs when they retire if they‘ve been good boys and girls?

“They go to the House of Lords and rebels don‘t go to the House of Lords!”

21.11.2018 - 09:05 [ Politico.eu / Facebook ]

Ryan Heath, POLITICO’s Political Editor, sits with the foreign minister to discuss a multitude of hot topics including Catalonia, the Spanish political economic landscape, Brexit and the 2019 European election.


21.11.2018 - 09:03 [ Politico.eu ]

Spanish foreign minister: UK will split before Spain

And he reiterated Spain’s insistence that negotiations over the future relationship between Gibraltar and the EU should be handled separately to those with the U.K.

“I am very much [more] worried about the unity of the United Kingdom than the unity of the Kingdom of Spain. I think the United Kingdom will split apart before the Kingdom of Spain,” he said, in an apparent reference to movements in both Scotland and Northern Ireland to leave the U.K. over its EU departure.

21.11.2018 - 08:56 [ Express.co.uk ]

Brexit SPLIT: UK will BREAK UP and Scotland should rejoin the EU, says Spanish minister

Spain has faced its own independence claim from the region of Catalonia, which voted to separate in a referendum dubbed illegal by Madrid. The Spanish government has always opposed Scotland being allowed to join the EU, apparently worried that it would start a precedent for newly independent European states to join, encouraging Catalan separatists.

21.11.2018 - 08:43 [ Salzburger Nachrichten ]

Weltpolitik: Kurz am Donnerstag für EU-Ratsvorsitz bei May

Der Großbritannien-Besuch ist offiziell auch Grund dafür, dass Kurz am Mittwoch im Nationalrat keine Erklärung zum „Brexit“ abgeben wird. Zwar steht der Kanzler sowohl in der „Aktuellen Stunde“ als auch in der „Aktuellen Europastunde“ am Beginn der Sitzung den Abgeordneten zur Verfügung, dann muss er aber nach London.

21.11.2018 - 08:38 [ Kleine Zeitung ]

Brexit-Deal: „Monster und dunkle Mächte“ in Brüssel

(18.11.2018) In Brüssel sind aus Raabs Sicht „dunkle Mächte“ am Werk. So sei ihm von Diplomaten berichtet worden, innerhalb der EU-Kommission werde Nordirland als „Preis“ bezeichnet, den London für den Brexit bezahlen müsse. Das sei „total unverantwortlich und rücksichtslos“, sagte er. Dahinter stecke wohl der deutsche Martin Selmayr, Generalsekretär der EU-Kommission, der in britischen Medien als „Monster von Brüssel“ bekannt ist.

21.11.2018 - 08:30 [ tt.com ]

Brexit – May reist zu Juncker nach Brüssel

Beide Seiten hatten sich vorige Woche auf ein Abkommen zum britischen EU-Austritt am 29. März 2019 geeinigt. Es soll beim EU-Sondergipfel am Sonntag gebilligt werden. Die begleitende politische Erklärung soll Grundlage für ein Partnerschaftsabkommen sein, das aber erst nach dem Austritt im Detail ausgehandelt werden soll

21.11.2018 - 08:18 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Streit um Italiens Haushalt: Die EU in der Zwickmühle

Ein solches Verfahren, an dessen Ende eine 3,5 Milliarden Euro schwere Strafe für Italien stehen könnte, müssen die Finanzminister der EU beschließen. Vor Januar wird das nicht mehr geschehen. Und danach beginnt der Europawahlkampf, in dem die Populisten um Italiens Innenminister und Lega-Chef Matteo Salvini nur auf Signale aus Brüssel warten, die sie in Wahlkampfmunition verwandeln können.

21.11.2018 - 03:26 [ WIRED ]

Google and Facebook are gobbling up the internet‘s subsea cables

More than 5,700 kilometres of the Atlantic Ocean separate the coastlines of France and Virginia. But in 2020 they will be directly connected for the first time by the Dunant submarine cable which will boost internet capacity between Europe and the east coast of the US.

When Dunant becomes operational it will join more than 428 submarine cables, spanning thousands of kilometres, that makeup the backbone of the internet. But this cable is unlike any other.

21.11.2018 - 02:46 [ Goverment Executive ]

The Office of Personnel Management Could Soon Lose One of Its Most Significant Functions

The 2018 National Defense Authorization Act paved the way for Defense to take back control of its own investigations—a job it held until 2005, when the program was moved to OPM in response to cost overruns, major delays, and a pervasive backlog. While Congress has already approved the workload shift back to Defense, members of Congress and other stakeholders have repeatedly questioned the possibility of redundancy with the two programs—OPM’s National Background Investigations Bureau and Defense—basically performing the same function, albeit for different government customers.