Daily Archives: 11. Oktober 2018

11.10.2018 - 23:31 [ El National.cat ]

Catalan Parliament censures king Felipe VI and calls for the abolition of the monarchy

That wasn‘t the only bill the Parliament passed today. With 90 votes in favour from JxCat, PSC, En Comú and CUP, ERC‘s bill condemning Francoism and the rise of the far-right sailed through. Notably, however, both Ciutadans and PP abstained. The text restates the chamber‘s commitment to „democracy and freedoms“ and urges the Catalan government to eliminate any and all Francoist and fascist symbolism from public spaces, official buildings and monuments.

11.10.2018 - 22:50 [ Ariana News ]

Abdullah Off to Tajikistan to Attend Shanghai Summit

In a statement, CEO office said, at the sideline of the Summit, Abdullah will meet with the President of Tajikistan, Prime Ministers of Russia, China, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kirghizstan, Tajikistan, Belarus and Foreign Secretary of India.

11.10.2018 - 22:38 [ Democracy Now! ]

Owner of Limo Involved in Deadly NY Crash Spent Years as FBI Informant Entrapping Muslim Men

Now it’s been revealed that the owner of Prestige Limousine Chauffeur Service is a Pakistani immigrant named Shahed Hussain, an FBI informant with a long history of entrapping Muslim men on behalf of the U.S. government.

11.10.2018 - 22:23 [ Reuters ]

Internet operator challenges network tapping by German spy agency

Procedurally, the case can now either be taken up again by the Federal Administrative Court or, if it again rejects it, go before the Constitutional Court, DE-CIX said.

11.10.2018 - 20:10 [ Tagesschau ]

Indonesien Erdbeben bei Bali – mehrere Tote

Das Beben riss am frühen Morgen die Menschen aus dem Schlaf. Es hatte eine Stärke von mindestens 6,0 und ereignete sich rund 157 Kilometer nordwestlich von Bali in einer Tiefe von zehn Kilometern. Erschüttert wurde neben der Insel auch die Provinz Ost-Java.

11.10.2018 - 20:04 [ Tagesschau ]

Präsenz bei Abstimmungen: Wer im Bundestag am häufigsten fehlt

So blieb Gysi unter anderem am 28. Juni der Abstimmung eines Antrags seiner Fraktion über Sanktionen für Hartz-IV-Empfänger im Parlament fern. Er hielt an diesem Tag neben einer öffentlichen Diskussionsveranstaltung der Linken einen bezahlten Vortrag an einer privaten Hochschule in Vechta, bei dem er mindestens 3500 Euro verdiente.

11.10.2018 - 17:23 [ Ruptly / Youtube ]

*REFEED* Roscomos shows Soyuz MS-10 crew arriving in Baikonur

NASA astronaut Nick Hague and Roscosmos cosmonaut Aleksey Ovchinin were on board the spacecraft, which was scheduled to dock to the International Space Station (ISS) later in the day.

11.10.2018 - 17:12 [ RT Deutsch / Youtube ]

Aufnahmen der Such- und Rettungsaktion nach Notlandung der ISS Besatzung

Eine russische Sojus-Rakete mit zwei Besatzungsmitgliedern musste wegen einer Fehlfunktion eines Zusatztriebwerks beim Start notlanden. Die Stelle, an der die Kapsel mit beiden Besatzungsmitgliedern landete, wurde umgehend von einem Helikopter und Geländefahrzeugen der Rettungsmannschaft aufgespürt.

11.10.2018 - 17:11 [ SciNews / Youtube ]

#SoyuzMS10: Soyuz MS-10 launch failure

A Soyuz-FG rocket launched the Soyuz MS-10 spacecraft with International Space Station Expedition 57-58 crew members, NASA astronaut Nick Hague and Roscosmos cosmonaut Alexey Ovchinin, from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, on 11 October 2018, at 08:40 UTC (14:40 local time). Due to a booster error, the spacecraft entered a ballistic descend and the crew landed in Kazakhstan. Credits: NASA/Roscosmos

11.10.2018 - 17:07 [ euronews / Youtube ]

Notlandung der Sojus nach missglücktem Raketenstart – 2 Mann an Bord wohlauf

Der Start einer bemannten russischen Raumkapsel zur Internationalen Raumstation ISS ist nach russischen Medienberichten fehlgeschlagen.

11.10.2018 - 16:59 [ Mark Alderman / realclearpolitics.com ]

Deja Vu for Democrats?

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, in particular, would feel the the full rebellion. The shocking primary victory of a candidate like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who toppled Rep. Joe Crowley — long rumored to be a future House speaker — would be the trend, not the aberration.

11.10.2018 - 13:07 [ Guangming Online ]

Belt and Road Initiative bolster China-Tajikistan ties, says ambassador

Cooperation between China and Tajikistan continues to rapidly develop and score results under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative, Chinese Ambassador to Tajikistan Yue Bin said.(…)
Tajikistan is the first country in the world to have signed a memorandum with China on building the Silk Road Economic Belt, and Dushanbe pledged to strengthen the synergy between its national development strategy that centers around industrial development and the China-proposed initiative.

11.10.2018 - 12:50 [ BBC ]

Jamal Khashoggi: Turkey‘s Erdogan urges Saudi Arabia to release images

„If a bird flew, or a fly or a mosquito appeared, the systems would capture this; they [Saudi Arabia] have the most cutting-edge systems,“ Hurriyet quoted him as saying.(…)
A critic of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Mr Khashoggi was living in self-imposed exile in the US and writing opinion pieces for the Washington Post before his disappearance.

11.10.2018 - 12:00 [ ASIA-Plus ]

New EU ambassador to Tajikistan presents copy of credentials to Tajik foreign minister

The Delegation of the European Commission to Tajikistan was established in Dushanbe in 2003 and officially accredited as a diplomatic representation in May 2004. It initially operated as a Regionalized Delegation under the authority of the Head of Delegation based in Kazakhstan (Alan Waddams since 2001, Adriaan van der Meer since 2005, Norbert Jousten since 2008) while its daily operations were supervised by a Chargé d‘affaires a.i. (Ms. Barbara Plinkert since 2004, Ms. Charlotte Adriaen since 2007). In 2009, the Delegation started to be upgraded into a fully-fledged Delegation, culminating with the arrival of a new resident Head of Delegation in January 2010.

11.10.2018 - 11:31 [ Dawn ]

Pakistan formally seeks financial assistance from IMF

Lagarde said in a statement that the request came during her meeting with Finance Minister Asad Umar and State Bank Governor Tariq Bajwa on the sidelines of the IMF and World Bank annual meetings in Bali.

11.10.2018 - 11:11 [ Telegraph ]

British student held in solitary confinement on spying charges in UAE

According to a profile on the Durham University website, Mr Hedges‘s research includes Middle Eastern politics, the changing nature of war, civil-military relations and tribalism.

11.10.2018 - 09:45 [ Kingdom of Cambodia - Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation ]

Communiqué in response to the EU’s announcement on the Everything But Arms (EBA) and Cambodia.

The Cambodian Government can only take this decision as an extreme injustice when the EU disregards the considerable progress made by the country, despite its recent tragic past, in the implementation of numerous international conventions to which the grant of the EBA preferences is linked, particularly in the areas of labor and land rights.

11.10.2018 - 06:00 [ Radio Utopie ]

Warum die Republik keine Angst vor dem Niedergang der „S.P.D.“ haben muss

(16.1.2018) Zur Zeit steht die im Kaiserreich gegründete und in den letzten sechzehn Jahren Krieg und Euro-Kapitalismus zwölf Jahre an der Regierung befindliche Partei „S.P.D.“ bei 18,5 Prozent. Mancher wird sich nun fragen, wie das ohne die „S.P.D.“ weitergehen soll. Genau das ist ja der Punkt: gar nicht. Das ist ein Grund zur Freude, nicht zur Sorge.

11.10.2018 - 05:49 [ Common Dreams ]

The US-Led Global War on Terrorism Has Succeeded… In Creating More Global Terrorism

(17.9.2018) The focus of the report—titled Beyond the Homeland: Protecting America from Extremism in Fragile States—maintains a very U.S.-centric worldview. And while it does little or nothing to critically challenge the widely criticized policies pursued by the Bush, Obama, or Trump presidencies, its tabulation of the dramatic rise in destablized states and growing terrorist violence throughout the regions where the U.S. military has been most active since 2001—namely, the Middle East and North Africa, South Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa—is nonetheless revealing.

11.10.2018 - 05:43 [ Max Blumenthal / Twitter ]

Today I spoke to a longtime friend of Guardian “reporter” Carl David Goette-Luciak who worked with him in Nicaragua. He told me what it was like “inhabiting the role of a foreign agent of imperialism” and slammed the @guardiannews’s “conflict of interest”


11.10.2018 - 05:40 [ Rania Khalek, journalist with opinions ‏/ Twitter ]

We’ve been at war with Afghanistan since I was 15 years old. 17 years, 3 presidents and trillions of dollars later, this war has no purpose and no end in sight. And it’s been totally forgotten.

11.10.2018 - 05:32 [ Rania Khalek, journalist with opinions / Twitter ]

Check out my fake news segment where “experts” discuss whether the US should militarily intervene in a made up country called Badistan. I play all the characters. Enjoy!

11.10.2018 - 05:28 [ Mark Ames / Twitter ]

Erdogan’s Turkey imprisons more journalists than any nation, carrying out world’s largest purge in decades, kidnaps & murders Erdogan opponents. Saudis even worse. And both are America’s close imperial allies. The grandstanding is nauseating

11.10.2018 - 05:16 [ BBC ]

Raqqa’s dirty secret

(13.11.2017) The BBC has uncovered details of a secret deal that let hundreds of IS fighters and their families escape from Raqqa, under the gaze of the US and British-led coalition and Kurdish-led forces who control the city.

A convoy included some of IS’s most notorious members and – despite reassurances – dozens of foreign fighters. Some of those have spread out across Syria, even making it as far as Turkey.

11.10.2018 - 05:13 [ SMM Syria ‏/ Twitter ]

A mass grave containing about 1,500 bodies has been uncovered in the #Syrian city of #Raqqa, which was #ISIS terror group‘s largest stronghold for a long time.

Responders are still working to uncover and identify bodies at the site

11.10.2018 - 04:49 [ Zeit.de ]

„Wie aus einem Schundroman“

Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdoğan hält sich zu dem Fall weiterhin bedeckt. Doch hat es den Anschein, dass die Führung der Türkei durch ihre Informationspolitik den internationalen Druck auf den 33-jährigen Thronfolger Saudi-Arabiens erhöhen will – ohne dabei gleichzeitig als dessen Chefankläger aufzutreten. Offensichtlich will die Türkei ihre Beziehungen zu dem reichen Königreich in der akuten Wirtschaftskrise nicht gefährden.

11.10.2018 - 01:48 [ Junge Welt ]

Bedrohte Grundrechte

»Die Verschärfungen der Polizeigesetze bedrohen Rechtsstaat und Rechtsempfinden«, stellte der Aktionskünstler »Padeluun« von Digitalcourage in einer am Montag veröffentlichten Pressemitteilung klar. »Die Union und ihre Koalitionspartner versuchen, das Grundgesetz zu unterminieren. Dabei sind die Abwehrrechte gegen den Staat gerade das, was langfristig Frieden und Sicherheit möglich macht«, so der Bürgerrechtler weiter. Die von den sogenannten Sicherheitsbehörden geforderten Maschinengewehre, »Staatstrojaner« und eine uferlose Videoüberwachung seien hingegen »Gift für eine Demokratie«.

11.10.2018 - 00:32 [ teleSUR ]

Colombia: Thousands March in Defense Of Public Universities

Thousands of students, professors, university directors of 32 public universities in Colombia participated in the National March in Defense of Higher Education to demand higher budgets and transparency from the national government Wednesday.

11.10.2018 - 00:19 [ Zero Hedge ]

Goldman CEO‘s Former Assistant Commits Suicide After Confessing To $1.2 Million Wine Theft

De-Meyer eventually decided to use the alias Mark Miller to sell bottles to a North Carolina-based wine dealer. After discovering the theft in November 2016, Solomon confronted De Meyer, who quickly confessed and promised to pay Solomon back. However, he soon fled the country and over the following 14 months traveled to Rome, Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires before returning to the US, where he was arrested earlier this year after landing at LAX. He spent the next two months in federal custody before his mother pledged her home to put up his $1 million cash bond.