Archiv: UN Generalsekretariat / UN Secretary-General

19.04.2024 - 20:10 [ United Nations ]

Retaliatory spiral in Middle East must end, says UN chief after reported strikes on Iran

Following reports of alleged Israeli strikes inside Iran near a nuclear power station early Friday, the UN Secretary-General António Guterres issued a new appeal to all parties to “stop the dangerous cycle of retaliation in the Middle East”.

“The Secretary-General condemns any act of retaliation and appeals to the international community to work together to prevent any further development that could lead to devastating consequences for the entire region and beyond,” he said in a statement issued by his Office.

18.04.2024 - 20:05 [ General Assembly of the United Nations ]

Rules of procedure: XIV. Admission of New Members to the United Nations


Rule 134

Any State which desires to become a Member of the United Nations shall submit an application to the Secretary-General. Such application shall contain a declaration, made in a formal instrument, that the State in question accepts the obligations contained in the Charter. [See introduction, para. 8]

Notification of applications

Rule 135

The Secretary-General shall, for information, send a copy of the application to the General Assembly, or to the Members of the United Nations if the Assembly is not in session. [See introduction, para. 8]

Consideration of applications and decision thereon

Rule 136

If the Security Council recommends the applicant State for membership, the General Assembly shall consider whether the applicant is a peace-loving State and is able and willing to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter and shall decide, by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting, upon its application for membership.

Rule 137

If the Security Council does not recommend the applicant State for membership or postpones the consideration of the application, the General Assembly may, after full consideration of the special report of the Security Council, send the application back to the Council, together with a full record of the discussion in the Assembly, for further consideration and recommendation or report. [See introduction, para. 8]

Notification of decision and effective date of membership

Rule 138 PDF

The Secretary-General shall inform the applicant State of the decision of the General Assembly. If the application is approved, membership shall become effective on the date on which the General Assembly takes its decision on the application. [See introduction, para. 8]

15.04.2024 - 17:00 [ United Nations ]

‘Step back from the brink,’ to avert full-scale Middle East conflict, says UN chief

The people of the Middle East are facing a real danger of a devastating full-scale conflict, António Guterres said on Sunday, urging “maximum restraint” across a region on the brink hours after Iran launched attack drones and missiles against Israel overnight Saturday.

“It is vital to avoid any action that could lead to major military confrontations on multiple fronts in the Middle East…Now is the time for maximum restraint,” the UN Secretary-General told delegates at the opening of an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council.

06.03.2024 - 17:50 [ General Assembly of the United Nations ]

Rules of procedure: XIV. Admission of New Members to the United Nations


Rule 134

Any State which desires to become a Member of the United Nations shall submit an application to the Secretary-General. Such application shall contain a declaration, made in a formal instrument, that the State in question accepts the obligations contained in the Charter. [See introduction, para. 8]

Notification of applications

Rule 135

The Secretary-General shall, for information, send a copy of the application to the General Assembly, or to the Members of the United Nations if the Assembly is not in session. [See introduction, para. 8]

Consideration of applications and decision thereon

Rule 136

If the Security Council recommends the applicant State for membership, the General Assembly shall consider whether the applicant is a peace-loving State and is able and willing to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter and shall decide, by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting, upon its application for membership.

Rule 137

If the Security Council does not recommend the applicant State for membership or postpones the consideration of the application, the General Assembly may, after full consideration of the special report of the Security Council, send the application back to the Council, together with a full record of the discussion in the Assembly, for further consideration and recommendation or report. [See introduction, para. 8]

Notification of decision and effective date of membership

Rule 138 PDF

The Secretary-General shall inform the applicant State of the decision of the General Assembly. If the application is approved, membership shall become effective on the date on which the General Assembly takes its decision on the application. [See introduction, para. 8]

02.03.2024 - 20:23 [ Al Jazeera ]

UN sees ‘large number of gunshot wounds’ after Israel’s ‘flour massacre’

At least 117 Palestinians were killed and more than 750 wounded during the “flour massacre” at the Nabulsi Roundabout on the southwestern side of Gaza City, after Israeli troops opened fire on the crowd.

On Friday a UN team visited some of the wounded in Gaza City’s al-Shifa Hospital, and saw a “large number of gunshot wounds”, UN chief Antonio Guterres’ spokesperson Stephane Dujarric said.

19.01.2024 - 08:45 [ ]

hellooo… Antonio… good morning.. @antonioguterres #WarInWestAsia #UN #UNSC

(search results)

17.01.2024 - 11:12 [ ]

Iraq files complaint against Iran to UN Security Council

Stephane Dujarric, spokesperson for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, told Rudaw’s Sinan Tuncdemir on Tuesday that they were “very concerned” about the Iranian attack, urging all parties to exercise maximum restraint and refrain from any escalation.

“We are, of course, against any attacks that violate the territorial integrity of any country. Every dispute needs to be dealt with through peaceful means, through dialogue, and within the ideals contained in the UN charter which are about sovereignty and territorial integrity of every country,” said Dujarric.

04.01.2024 - 11:31 [ ]

Iran pens letter to UNSC following Kerman terrorist blasts

The Islamic Republic of Iran asks the Secretary-General and the UN Security Council to immediately and unequivocally condemn this terrible terrorist attack, he added.

30.12.2023 - 16:45 [ United Nations ]

United Nations Charter (full text)

Article 7

1. There are established as principal organs of the United Nations: a General Assembly, a Security Council, an Economic and Social Council, a Trusteeship Council, an International Court of Justice and a Secretariat.


Article 94

1. Each Member of the United Nations undertakes to comply with the decision of the International Court of Justice in any case to which it is a party.

2. If any party to a case fails to perform the obligations incumbent upon it under a judgment rendered by the Court, the other party may have recourse to the Security Council, which may, if it deems necessary, make recommendations or decide upon measures to be taken to give effect to the judgment.


Article 96

– The General Assembly or the Security Council may request the International Court of Justice to give an advisory opinion on any legal question.

Other organs of the United Nations and specialized agencies, which may at any time be so authorized by the General Assembly, may also request advisory opinions of the Court on legal questions arising within the scope of their activities.