Archiv: Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Asian NATO)

23.06.2023 - 10:55 [ Times of India ]

US President Biden and PM Modi‘s joint press conference: Full text

We shared our views to enhance coordination with all countries in this region, along with our Quad partners. India and America stand shoulder-to-shoulder in the fight against terrorism and fundamentalism. We’re in agreement that concrete actions are needed in order to end cross-border terrorism.
The COVID pandemic and the Ukraine conflict have afflicted the countries of the Global South in particular. We believe that in order to resolve these problems, it is absolutely imperative for all countries to unite.

23.06.2023 - 10:49 [ BBC ]

Joe Biden and Narendra Modi hail ‚defining‘ US-India partnership

This included marching bands, a lavish vegetarian dinner and a 21-gun salute on the South Lawn of the White House.

Mr Modi, who is on a state visit, also addressed the US Congress, where he received a standing ovation.

21.03.2023 - 12:17 [ Times of India ]

Japan‘s $75 billion boost for free, open Indo-Pacific but Ukraine looms large

Significantly, Kishida had last week welcomed the arrest warrant against Russian President Vladimir Putin by the International Criminal Court, which is not recognised by India. Despite their common interests in the Indo-Pacific, India’s position on Ukraine remains markedly different from Japan and other Quad members as it refuses to categorically condemn Russia’s military actions. Diplomatic sources said Japan wants India to be more forthcoming on the Ukraine issue and that the two sides agreed to remain in touch on developments related to the conflict.

24.05.2022 - 06:29 [ ]

Biden says US will use force to defend Taiwan if China invades

He warned that China is already „flirting with danger by flying so close and all the maneuvers they are undertaking (in Taiwan‘s ADIZ).“ The president said that although the U.S. is committed to the ‚one China‘ policy, it does not mean that China has the „jurisdiction to go in and use force to take over Taiwan.“

Biden pledged that the U.S. „stands firmly with Japan and other nations not to let that happen.“

24.05.2022 - 06:24 [ Japan Today ]

Japan hosts Quad summit seeking unity on countering China

Leaders of Japan, India, Australia and the United States met in Tokyo on Tuesday, looking to put China on notice as it expands its military and economic influence in the region.

The summit of the grouping known as the Quad comes a day after U.S. President Joe Biden said Washington would be ready to intervene militarily to defend Taiwan, prompting China to accuse him of „playing with fire“.

Tuesday‘s gathering is expected to produce fewer fireworks but still be clearly directed at China.

24.08.2021 - 16:56 [ Dave DeCamp ]

Quad Countries to Hold Drills Off Guam Aimed at China

The drill will be the second time the navies of the US, Japan, Australia, and India participate in the Malabar Exercise

24.08.2021 - 16:49 [ Dave DeCamp / ]

Quad-Länder halten vor Guam Übungen ab, die gegen China gerichtet sind

Die Förderung der Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Verbündeten in der Region ist ein wichtiger Aspekt der Anti-China-Politik der Biden-Administration, und Präsident Biden hat deutlich gemacht, dass er die Quad als entscheidend für diese Strategie ansieht. Im März hielt Biden ein virtuelles Treffen mit den Staats- und Regierungschefs Indiens, Japans und Australiens ab, das den allerersten Quad-Gipfel darstellte.

06.04.2021 - 11:31 [ Dave deCamp ]

Indien schließt sich französisch geführten Militärübungen im Golf von Bengalen an

Indien und seine Quad-Partner halten gemeinsam mit Frankreich Marinemanöver in der Bucht von Bengalen

05.04.2021 - 11:02 [ ]

Indonesia Will Not Join QUAD as It Delicately Balances Relations With All Regional Players

Even Vietnam, which has centuries long animosity with China and more tense relations over the South China Sea, shows no intentions of joining QUAD. Besides the lack of interest from Vietnam, and likely from Indonesia too, QUAD members themselves, at this point in time, have not named any specific candidates to join their anti-China coalition.

20.02.2021 - 05:32 [ ]

Biden auf Sicherheitskonferenz: „Das transatlantische Bündnis ist zurück“

Dem russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin warf Biden in seiner Rede vor, das Projekt der europäischen Einigung und das transatlantische Bündnis schwächen zu wollen. Für Russland sei es einfacher, einzelne Länder unter Druck zu setzen und zu bedrohen, als sich mit starken, geeinten Bündnissen anzulegen.

Es gehe nicht darum, den Kalten Krieg wieder aufleben zu lassen, aber Russlands Provokationen dürften nicht unbeantwortet bleiben, forderte Biden. Die USA und Europa müssten daher auch stets zur „Souveränität und territorialen Integrität“ der Ukraine stehen.

20.02.2021 - 05:22 [ ntv Nachrichten / Youtube ]

LIVE: Biden, Merkel und Macron sprechen auf der Münchener Sicherheitskonferenz


29.01.2021 - 03:57 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

“The Coming War On China”  –  Watch John Pilger’s Powerfully Relevant Documentary

(March 23 2020)

“The aim of this film is to break a silence: the United States and China may well be on the road to war, and nuclear war is no longer unthinkable,” Pilger says in his 2016 documentary The Coming War on China, which you can watch free on Youtube here or on Vimeo here.

“In a few years China has become the world’s second-biggest economic power,” Pilger’s introduction continues. “The United States is the world’s biggest military power, with bases and missiles and ships covering every continent and every ocean. China is a threat to this dominance, says Washington. But who is the threat? This film is about shifting power, and great danger.”

29.01.2021 - 03:39 [ The Times ]

Boris Johnson considers joining ‘Asian Nato’ to resist China


Boris Johnson will raise the prospect of Britain joining the “Asian Nato” informal alliance when he visits India as part of a post-Brexit strategy.

President Biden is seeking to recruit more members to the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue. The strategic forum to strengthen alliances to counter China, referred to as the Quad, consists of the United States, India, Japan and Australia.