Daily Archives: 18. März 2024

18.03.2024 - 18:35 [ International Court of Justice ]


10. Taken together, South Africa’s shrill and repeated submissions also suffer from a more fundamental flaw. They are simply unable to explain how significant measures undertaken continuously by Israel throughout the present hostilities—including various humanitarian initiatives and the ongoing coordination of access to humanitarian supplies, extensive efforts to mitigate civilian harm, a willingness to compromise operational advantage for the benefit of Palestinian civilians (for instance, by advance warning and close quarters combat), humanitarian pauses in fighting, specific directives by the War Cabinet and Israeli Defence Forces addressing the humanitarian situation, and much more—can possibly be reconciled with a genocidal intent to destroy a group in whole or in part. Put differently, which State that is engaged in genocide, or is indifferent to the commission of acts within the scope of Article II of the Convention, works to coordinate humanitarian convoys and airdrops, or facilitates constantly the provision of medical supplies to hospitals, the establishment of field hospitals, and the repair of critical infrastructure damaged in the course of hostilities?

18.03.2024 - 18:25 [ Times of India ]

Israel asks World Court not to order new measures over Gaza hunger

THE HAGUE: Israel has asked the (ICJ) not to issue emergency orders for it to step up humanitarian aid to Gaza to address a looming famine, dismissing South Africa‘s request to do so as „morally repugnant“.
In a legal filing to the United Nations‘ top court, made public on Monday, Israel said it „has real concern for the humanitarian situation and innocent lives, as demonstrated by the actions it has and is taking“ in Gaza during the war.

18.03.2024 - 18:20 [ storymaps.arcgis.com ]

Interactive Map: Russia‘s Invasion of Ukraine

Assessed Control of Terrain in Ukraine
as of March 17, 2024, 3:00 PM ET

18.03.2024 - 18:04 [ Times of India ]

‚Look forward to working together‘: PM Modi congratulates Putin on re-election

„Warm congratulations to H.E. Mr. Vladimir Putin on his re-election as the President of the Russian Federation.

Look forward to working together to further strengthen the time-tested Special & Privileged Strategic Partnership between India and Russia in the years to come,“ the Prime Minister wrote.

18.03.2024 - 17:32 [ Blick.ch ]

«Nur einen Schritt vom Dritten Weltkrieg entfernt» – Blick ordnet seine Drohung ein: Bläst Putin nach dem Wahlsieg zum grossen Angriff?

Das Problem allerdings sind die russischen Soldaten, von denen laut dem britischen Verteidigungsministerium schätzungsweise 70’000 getötet und 250’000 verwundet worden sind. Viele Russen befürchten daher eine neue Mobilmachung. «Putin weiss zwar um die gesellschaftlichen Risiken einer solch unpopulären Massnahme, dennoch ist eine neue Teilmobilmachung in den nächsten Monaten wahrscheinlich», meint Schmid. Hunderttausende von Reservisten könnten eingezogen und an die Front in der Ukraine geschickt werden.

18.03.2024 - 16:46 [ Antenne1.de ]

Geheimnisverrat-Vorwurf: 105 Personen bei Taurus-Sitzung

Die «Rheinische Post» beruft sich dabei auf einen Brief der Ausschussvorsitzenden Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann (FDP) an Bundestagspräsidentin Bärbel Bas (SPD). Darin heißt es demnach, an der fraglichen Sitzung hätten insgesamt etwa 105 Personen teilgenommen, «darunter zahlreiche Vertreterinnen und Vertreter der Bundesregierung und der Landesvertretungen».

«Es ist also nicht zwingend, dass die Informationsweitergabe aus dem parlamentarischen Raum erfolgt ist», schreibt die FDP-Politikerin demnach weiter. Sie bittet Bas, eine Ermächtigung zur Strafverfolgung wegen Verletzung des Dienstgeheimnisses und einer besonderen Geheimhaltungspflicht zu erteilen.

18.03.2024 - 16:39 [ Philippe Lazzarini, Commissioner-General of @UNRWA / Twitter ]

On the day new data is out on famine in #GAZA, the Israeli Authorities deny my entry to Gaza.

-Famine is imminent in the northern Gaza Strip, expected to arrive between now and May.
– Two million people= the entire population of Gaza is facing crisis levels of food insecurity or worse.
– Half the population has completely exhausted food supplies and coping capacities. They are struggling with catastrophic hunger (IPC Phase 5) and starvation.
– This is the highest number of people ever recorded as facing catastrophic hunger by the IPC system and double the number just three months ago.
– Earlier, UNICEF warned that the # of children under two years old suffering from acute malnutrition has doubled in one month.
– Children are now dying of dehydration & hunger.

@UNRWA has by far the largest presence among all humanitarian organisations in Gaza.
My visit today was supposed to coordinate & improve the humanitarian response.

This man-made starvation under our watch is a stain on our collective humanity.
Too much time was wasted, all land crossings must open now. Famine can be averted with political will.

18.03.2024 - 16:26 [ Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization / Twitter ]

Hospitals should never be battlegrounds. We are terribly worried about the situation at Al-Shifa Hospital in northern #Gaza, which is endangering health workers, patients and civilians. The hospital has only recently restored minimal health services. Any hostilities or militarization of the facility jeopardize health services, access for ambulances, and delivery of life-saving supplies. Hospitals must be protected. Ceasefire!

18.03.2024 - 16:02 [ Al Jazeera / Youtube ]

Israeli forces launch new attack on Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

The Israeli army has launched a new attack on al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza, raiding and opening fire on the facility where thousands are taking shelter.

18.03.2024 - 15:55 [ Middle East Eye ]

Israeli forces shooting anyone moving inside al-Shifa hospital, eyewitness says

Mohammed Eliwa, a journalist reporting from al-Shifa hospital, told Al Jazeera Arabic that Israeli forces are shooting anyone moving in the courtyards.

Hamadah Abdel Hadi, an activist also inside the hospital, said Israeli forces broke into the hospital and immediately targeted Al Jazeera staff.

18.03.2024 - 15:41 [ Reuters ]

Israeli troops raid Gaza‘s Al Shifa Hospital

The Israeli military said soldiers had conducted a „precise operation“ based on intelligence that the hospital was being used by senior Hamas leaders, and were fired upon when they entered the compound.

18.03.2024 - 15:22 [ Palestinian News and Information Agency - Wafa.ps ]

Gaza death toll from ongoing Israeli aggression surpasses 31,726

GAZA, Monday, March 18, 2024 (WAFA) – The Palestinian death toll from Israel‘s deadly offensive against the Gaza Strip since October 7th, 2023, has now soared to 31,726, medical sources confirmed on Wednesday.

18.03.2024 - 15:19 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Scholz: Goals of Gaza war do not seem to justify the means

Germany has been one of Israel’s staunch allies in its war against Hamas.

In a manner akin to the Biden administration, Scholz has a stern message for Netanyahu about the IDF’s conduct during the war, particularly its failure to ensure the distribution of aid, which has led to a hunger crisis in Gaza.

18.03.2024 - 14:55 [ UPI.com ]

Germany can‘t sit by and watch Gaza starve, Scholz tells Netanyahu

„We cannot stand by and risk Palestinian women and men starving. Much more humanitarian aid must reach Gaza, a way must be found to improve the means of distribution,“ Scholz said, as Western nations increase their criticism of ally Israel.

Still, Scholz reaffirmed his belief that Israel „has a right to defend itself“ without addressing whether that same right is extended to Palestinians.