Results showed candidates backed by President Sebastian Pinera‘s Chile Vamos coalition had won only a fifth of seats, while independents picked up the most votes.
Daily Archives: 17. Mai 2021
F-125: Sachsen-Anhalt
Heute wird die dritte von vier Fregatten vom Typ F-125, die „Sachsen-Anhalt“, in Dienst gestellt. Worüber man allerdings in der zentralen DPA-Meldung über das aktuell größte Schiff der deutschen Marine nichts erfährt, ist sein Preis.
Rheinmetall: Weiter im Super-Zyklus
Schon am Anfang der Corona-Pandemie sah der Chef des deutschen Panzerbauers Rheinmetall optimistisch in die Zukunft und prophezeite trotz der Umstände einen „‚Super-Zyklus‘ im wehrtechnischen Geschäft‘“
Recoleta, Chile: Daniel Jadue Sweeps the Municipal Election
Likewise, he emphasized that „the right-wing has had a disastrous result and effectively is far from keeping a third of the Constituent Assembly and that is a reason for pride for all the people of Chile.“
Colombian Government And Strike Committee Reach No Agreements
Social organizations request that the Army and the Mobile Anti-Riot Squad (ESMAD) withdraw from the streets to put an end to police brutality.
President Ivan Duque‘s administration and the Strike Committee on Sunday did not reach agreements to find a solution to the crisis that Colombia is going through. They will meet again this Monday starting at 14h00.
Peru: Leftist Candidate Keeps Lead Before Presidential Runoff
Castillo received 51.1 percent of the votes in a poll carried out by consulting company IPSOS. He also obtained 36.5 percent of voting intentions in a study released by the Institute of Peruvian Studies (IEP) on Sunday.
Merkel sichert Netanjahu Solidarität zu
Die deutsche Kanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) hat Israels Regierungschef Benjamin Netanjahu angesichts des neuen Konflikts zwischen Israel und der radikalislamischen Hamas die Solidarität der deutschen Regierung zugesichert.
Merkel telefonierte heute mit Netanjahu über die aktuelle Eskalation im Nahost-Konflikt, wie Regierungssprecher Steffen Seibert mitteilte.
Lage der Menschenrechte in Kolumbien weiter dramatisch, Proteste halten an
Die Esmad setzte in Popayan auch erneut elektronische Munitionswerfer als Bodengeschosse gegen Demonstrant:innen ein, die erhebliche Verletzungen verursachen. Mit den sogenannten Venom-Projektilen werden mehrere Kartuschen mit Tränengas, Reizgas oder Schock- und Blendmunition gleichzeitig verschossen.
No the War, Yes to Jewish-Arab Partnership
Support here the Jewish-Arab movement for freedom, equality and justiceAll donations are tax-deductible in the US and UK Standing Together is the Jewish-Arab grassroots people’s movement of Israel. In the past 5 years, we have been organizing people locally and nationally, and have mobilized hundreds of thousands of people to the streets in the struggle for peace, freedom, equality, and social justice.
Now is the most critical time in our shared existance here. Those who despise peace, social justice, and progressive values are ramping up against us. Please consider supporting us in digitally, physically, financially, or morally. We need your help.
For Trump, Hamas and Bibi, It Is Always Jan. 6
Like Trump, both Bibi and Hamas have kept power by inspiring and riding waves of hostility to “the other.” They turn to this tactic anytime they are in political trouble. Indeed, they each have been the other’s most valuable partner in that tactic ever since Netanyahu was first elected prime minister in 1996 — on the back of a wave of Hamas suicide bombings.
No, Hamas and Bibi don’t talk. They don’t need to. They each understand what the other needs to stay in power and consciously or unconsciously behave in ways to ensure that they deliver it.
Präsident von Mexiko in Konfrontation mit dem Energiesektor
Während ironischerweise die internationale Ölindustrie Umweltargumente ins Spiel bringt, illustriert der Konflikt um das Kohlenwasserstoffgesetz vor allem die Schwierigkeiten, die nationale Souveränität bei Wirtschaftsentscheidungen zurückzuerlangen, nachdem ein Freihandelsabkommen wie T-MEC abgeschlossen wurde.
Report: US approves $735 million sale of precision-guided weapons to Israel
The administration of US President Joe Biden has earlier this month approved the sale of $735 million in precision-guided weapons to Israel, the Washington Post reported on Monday.
According to the outlet, US lawmakers were notified of the move on May 5, well before the latest military escalation between Israel and Gaza Strip-based terrorist groups.
When Fighting Erupts Between Israel and Hamas, the Question of War Crimes Follows
Civilian deaths on both sides raise urgent questions about which military actions are legal, what war crimes are being committed and who, if anyone, will be held to account.
Palestinians deserve the same security, equality and right to a homeland as the Israelis
If history serves as a guide, however, after a ceasefire is reached, the conflict will slowly fade from the headlines, the world will go back to its business and the Palestinians will largely be forgotten — yet again. For those who sincerely want to see a just and lasting peace in the Middle East, this time must be different. The world, and especially the Biden administration, cannot look away but must engage on the question of Palestine. It‘s 2021 — a homeland for Palestinian Christians and Muslims is long overdue, as is safety and equality for Palestinians.
Dozens of Democrats Urge Immediate Israeli-Palestinian Cease-fire to Prevent Further Loss of Life
Twenty-eight Democratic senators, led by Sen. Jon Ossoff, and eight House Democrats issued joint statements calling for a swift end to the flare-up in order to prevent a further loss of life.
“To prevent any further loss of civilian life and to prevent further escalation of conflict in Israel and the Palestinian territories, we urge an immediate cease-fire,” the senators said.
The devastation in Gaza is unconscionable. We must urge an immediate ceasefire. The killing of Palestinians and Israelis must end. We must also take a hard look at nearly $4 billion a year in military aid to Israel. It is illegal for U.S. aid to support human rights violations.
The nightmare for the people of Gaza and the West Bank must end.
A Republican Senator about to call for a ceasefire before the Biden White House has. Incredible.
.@JeremyBenAmi on The @mehdirhasan Show: „This occupation is now 54 years old. It is strategically terrible for the State of Israel, but it‘s also morally reprehensible and runs counter to not only democratic principles, but I would say to Jewish values.“
Biden faces an angry rift in his own party over Israeli-Palestinian conflict
It’s an awkward public fight for a party that has made its commitment to social and racial justice a main part of its platform. As the US comes to grips with its own history of racism in new ways and adopts the Black Lives Matter movement in a mainstream way, liberals want to apply similar notions of justice to foreign policy, where an increasing number see apartheid in Israel’s approach to the Palestinians.
UN Security Council Calls for Ceasefire; US Vetoes Statement
14 out of 15 Security Council members were in favor of the statement. Only the US was opposed. And since the US has ‘veto power’ at the UN Security Council, they were able to block the resolution.
The U.S. also blocked a similar resolution this past Monday, May 10th, the day that the escalation began.
Another night of HELL. Random bombing across civilian areas in west, south, east and north of Gaza. This is an onslaught. Bombing is ongoing for 25 minutes so far. Many houses are directly hit #GazaUnderAttak
Israel’s bombardment of the Gaza Strip has entered its seventh consecutive day, with the death toll expected to rise further. Rescue workers are digging through rubble to find survivors.
Can‘t believe the savagery. They have been bombing like crazy for severe minutes. Car alarms going off shrapnel flying all over
So among the people killed in yesterday‘s airstrikes on Gaza: Gaza‘s top neurologist (Dr Mouin Al-Aloul) The head of Coronavirus response at Gaza‘s biggest hospital (Dr Ayman Abu Al-Ouf) Psychologist and social worker Rajaa Abu Al-Ouf (as well as her children)
In addition to destroying the roads to al-Shifa Hospital and killing 33 in the process, including 8 children, Israel targeted a Doctors Without Borders clinic
Israel-Palestinian conflict marks its deadliest day as scenes of horror unfold in Gaza
Two Israeli airstrikes in Gaza killed at least 43 Palestinians — including eight children — and injured 50 others, most of whom were women and children early Sunday, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health. (…)
Defense Minister Benny Gantz said in a Tweet on Saturday that „Israel has no interest in escalation, but is ready for any scenario,“ echoing an Israeli military official, who said on Friday that Israel is prepared to continue hitting „quality targets“ for an „extended period of time.“
Abed Shokry zur Situation in Gaza
Das ist wahnsinnig. Das ist unglaublich, das ist unerträglich und unvorstellbar. Das ist unbeschreibbar. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass die israelischen Piloten jeden Einzelnen von uns, auch die Kinder hassen. Ich kann es mir sonst nicht erklären, wie sie gezielt eine Wohnung bombardieren, obwohl sie sehen, dass da Kinder schlafen (geschlafen haben, denn sie sind jetzt tot). Anzahl der Getöteten, von denen die meisten Zivilisten sind, ist weiter gestiegen. Heute am Freitagabend gibt es 122 Tote, von denen 31 Kinder waren. Waren die Kinder Hamas-kämpfer? Es gibt ca. 800 Verletzte, die zusätzlich zu den vielen an Covid19 Erkrankten behandelt werden müssten – wenn es denn genug Medikamente, Ärzte und Betten gäbe
Gestern Nacht waren die Angriffe heftiger, stärker, und irgendwie anders. Denn das Haus bebte und bebte und bebte. Es wackelt und wackelt und wackelt, wenn die Bomben in der Nachbarschaft fallen. Und die Geräusche sind sehr, sehr beängstigend. Das ist total gruselig. Ich dachte, es handle sich um einen USA Action- Film. Es ist aber LEIDER sehr real. Die vierte Nacht infolge ohne Schlaf, weder ich noch die Kinder und ebenso wenig meine Frau. Dann wurden Gift-Gas-Granaten auf unterschiedliche Stadtviertel in Gaza Stadt und im Norden vom Gazastreifen abgeworfen. Uns brannten gestern Nacht die Augen und wir hatten schlimme Atemproblem.
Das ist ein Horrorfilm und wir sind mittendrin.
Biden Stonewalls U.N. Concern Over Israeli-Palestinian Clashes
In recent days, the United States has on at least three occasions refused to engage in negotiations initiated by Norway and Tunisia aimed at adopting a Security Council statement criticizing Israel’s evictions and demolitions of Palestinian properties in occupied East Jerusalem.