Daily Archives: 4. November 2020

04.11.2020 - 23:13 [ Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) ]

Französisch-britische Einsatztruppe

Zum 10. Jahrestag des Vertrags von Lancaster, mit dem Großbritannien und Frankreich eine enge militärische Zusammenarbeit in diversen Bereichen, u.a. den Aufbau einer gemeinsamen Interventionstruppe, vereinbarten, meldet die britische Regierungsseite nun Vollzug:

04.11.2020 - 22:38 [ ORF ]

Ausgangssperre: Studentinnen rufen VfGH an

Zwei Jus-Studentinnen bringen die derzeit im Lockdown geltenden nächtlichen Ausgangsbeschränkungen vor den Verfassungsgerichtshof (VfGH). Sie fordern die Aufhebung der von Gesundheitsminister Rudolf Anschober (Grüne) erlassenen Verordnung.

04.11.2020 - 22:28 [ Augen geradeaus! ]

Coronavirus-Pandemie & Bundeswehr: Jetzt wird anders gezählt

Am (gestrigen) Dienstag hatte ich hier die Zahl von rund 4.200 Soldaten genannt – und am (heutigen) Mittwoch lautet die offizielle Zahl auf einmal 5.350. Sind da über Nacht mehr als 1.100 Soldaten neu hinzugekommen? Mitnichten – Bundeswehr und Verteidigungsministerium haben nur einfach mal schnell die nach außen kommunizierte Zählweise geändert.

04.11.2020 - 21:20 [ CNBC ]

Trump campaign says it will request a recount in Wisconsin

President Donald Trump’s campaign manager said Wednesday that Trump plans to request a formal recount in Wisconsin.
A top election official there confirmed that nearly all the votes in the state have been counted, and NBC News currently has Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden leading Trump by more than 20,000 votes.

04.11.2020 - 21:17 [ Independent.co.uk ]

Trump claims poll lead has ‘magically disappeared’ and calls Biden late surge ‘very strange’

Donald Trump has taken to Twitter to claim his lead in “many key states” has “magically disappeared”, after it was confirmed today that Joe Biden had overtaken the current president in Wisconsin and Michigan.

Mr Trump was leading in both of the rust belt states when he prematurely declared himself the winner of this year’s presidential election on Tuesday night at a White House press conference.

04.11.2020 - 21:03 [ NYBooks.com ]

Who Owns Our Voting Machines?

These vulnerabilities—and others—inject doubt into the public’s perception of election integrity. That doubt is compounded by the fact that the three major election vendors in the United States—Election Systems and Software, Hart InterCivic, and Dominion—are owned by private equity. Together, they account for about 80 percent of all election equipment used in the United States. This leaves the public in the dark about who owns the voting machine companies, or how much money those owners make from elections.

At the very least, not knowing who is behind these companies—and if they have ties to either political party, donate to super PACs, or have a financial stake in the outcome of an election—undermines confidence in the proprietary software undergirding voting machines. The federal government, which does not participate in the administration of elections, could change this by requiring any election vendor paid with federal funds to disclose its full ownership and post its balance sheet. Until then, as Saltman warned, “situations may be created in which conflict of interest is a serious concern.”

04.11.2020 - 20:34 [ Wikipedia ]

Hart InterCivic

Hart InterCivic Inc. is a privately held United States company that provides election technologies and services to government jurisdictions. Headquartered in Austin, Texas, Hart products are used by hundreds of jurisdictions nationwide, including counties in Texas, the entire states of Hawaii and Oklahoma, half of Washington and Colorado, and certain counties in Ohio, California, Idaho,[1] Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.[2]

Hart entered the elections industry in 1912, printing ballots for Texas counties.

04.11.2020 - 20:29 [ Dennis Lennox / Twitter ]

Trump did not lose #AntrimCounty in #Michigan. It is now confirmed that 32 other counties use the same software as Antrim County. He will get 6,000-plus votes out of Antrim. What about the other counties with the same software?

04.11.2020 - 20:16 [ 9and10news.com ]

Election Officials in Antrim County Investigate ‘Skewed’ Election Results

The county clerk says she became aware of “apparently skewed” results early Wednesday morning.

The county says they are working with election officials across the county, and with the company that provides their voting software, to figure out what happened

04.11.2020 - 20:01 [ Tagesschau ]

Neues Gesetz für Corona-Maßnahmen

Der Bundestag entscheidet Mitte November über das neue Gesetz, eine Mehrheit dafür ist zu erwarten. Danach hat er aber keine Mitsprachemöglichkeit mehr, was die einzelnen Maßnahmen betrifft, ebensowenig die Landesparlamente. „Unsere Aufgabe als Gesetzgeber ist nicht, über einzelne Maßnahmen zu entscheiden“, sagt der Parlamentarische Geschäftsführer der SPD-Fraktion, Carsten Schneider.

04.11.2020 - 18:31 [ MIT Technology Review ]

We just found a source for one of the most mysterious phenomena in astronomy

Spoiler alert: it’s not aliens. Two new studies published in Nature today strongly suggest that magnetars—highly magnetized neutron stars—are one source of FRBs. The studies also indicate that these bursts are probably much more common than we imagined.

04.11.2020 - 17:41 [ France24 ]

‚The last red line‘: Ethiopia nears civil war as PM orders military into restive Tigray region

The statement by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s office, and the reported attack by the well-armed Tigray People’s Liberation Front, immediately raised concerns that one of Africa’s most populous and powerful countries could plunge back into war. That would send a shock wave through the Horn of Africa and beyond.

04.11.2020 - 16:35 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Operation Gideon: US-Funktionäre sollen Putschplan in Venezuela unterstützt haben

Am 3. und 4. Mai 2020 wurden Schnellboote mit bewaffneten Männern bei der Annäherung an die venezolanische Küste abgefangen. Bei anschließenden Fahndungsmaßnahmen wurden mehr als 40 Personen festgenommen, unter ihnen Berry und Denman. Beide wurden im August wegen Terrorismus und anderer Verbrechen zu 20 Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt.

04.11.2020 - 16:19 [ Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Secretary of State / Twitter ]

Michigan update: recently updated and reported results now include absentee ballots voted by citizens in Livonia and Dearborn. Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids still have yet to fully complete and report their tabulation of every ballot.

04.11.2020 - 15:32 [ ABC News ]

Election 2020 live updates and results

Election Day is turning into election week as the counting of votes continues across the country, with preliminary results showing tight races in several key battleground states. A candidate needs 270 Electoral College votes to secure the presidency. ABC News projects President Donald Trump currently has 213, while former Vice President Joe Biden has 225.

04.11.2020 - 14:32 [ KHOU 11 News Houston / Twitter ]

Election officials in Nevada say they will suspend updates of election results until Thursday.

Joe Biden is currently holding a narrow lead over President Trump there. Counting continues in other key battleground states – latest updates:

04.11.2020 - 14:28 [ CNN / Twitter ]

On the morning after Election Day, there are nine states that CNN has not yet called:

▪︎ Alaska
▪︎ Arizona
▪︎ Georgia
▪︎ Michigan
▪︎ Maine
▪︎ Nevada
▪︎ North Carolina
▪︎ Pennsylvania
▪︎ Wisconsin

04.11.2020 - 14:18 [ butlerradio.com ]

County Will Continue Process Of Scanning Mail-In Ballots Wednesday

According to a press release from the county Tuesday night, about half of the ballots received by mail had been counted by 8 p.m. but the process was going more slowly than anticipated due to mechanical issues with the ballot scanner.

After the high speed scanner had been operating all day, a technician was called into the Election Bureau to allow the scanning to continue until 11:30 p.m. before picking back up again around 8:30 a.m. A second scanner is also expected to be available on Wednesday.

04.11.2020 - 13:56 [ CNN ]

Official in Michigan‘s Wayne County can‘t predict when vote counting will finish

County clerk Cathy M. Garrett declined to give a specific time frame on when we can expect it to be completed.

“Because of how large our county is, I don‘t want to be boxed in with that. But just know that we‘re not in a competition.“

04.11.2020 - 13:37 [ CNN ]

Why the Supreme Court let some states count mail-in ballots received after Election Day but not others


In the final days before the presidential election, the Supreme Court has been pelted with requests from parties in battleground states seeking last minute approval to change election rules, especially regarding whether mail-in votes can arrive after Election Day and still be counted.

04.11.2020 - 13:04 [ mystateline.com ]

Ballot counting error causes results delay in Ogle County

OREGON, Ill. (WTVO) — The Ogle County Clerk’s Office is reporting a delay in tabulating votes for the 90th Representative District, after officials discovered the electronic tabulators did not read the ballots correctly.

04.11.2020 - 12:40 [ Atlanta Journal-Constitution ]

Fulton County election results delayed after pipe bursts in room with ballots

They planned to stop scanning absentee ballots at 10:30 p.m. and pick it up back in the morning. No official could explain before press time why Fulton was stopping its count of absentee ballots at that time, only saying that was the procedure.

“As planned, Fulton County will continue to tabulate the remainder of absentee ballots over the next two days.

04.11.2020 - 12:32 [ Philadelphia Inquirer ]

Pa. is now pivotal for both candidates as Trump wins Florida; counties continue 24/7 counts, but full results may take days

Despite President Donald Trump’s claim that his early lead in Pennsylvania based on partial vote totals is “going to be almost impossible to catch,” most mail ballots had not yet been counted and released as of 3 a.m. Wednesday.

And those ballots will heavily favor Joe Biden.

04.11.2020 - 09:14 [ CNN ]

Crush of mail-in ballots slows count in 4 key states

Four key battleground states — Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and Georgia — began Wednesday with tens of thousands of absentee ballots uncounted, leaving the White House race between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden up in the air.

Election officials in some states called it a night and planned to resume the count in the morning, while some counties in Pennsylvania weren‘t even to start tabulating their mail-in votes until later Wednesday morning.

04.11.2020 - 09:12 [ theweek.com / Twitter ]

Georgia‘s most populous county stopped counting ballots at 10:30 p.m.

04.11.2020 - 09:11 [ samanthamarika / Twitter ]

You mean to tell me that EVERYONE stopped counting at the same time?

04.11.2020 - 09:09 [ hodlonaut / Twitter ]

Georgia stopped counting ballots at 10:30pm with 93% votes counted and Trump leading with 120k votes.

Getting critical clarity on the election of the president of the USA clearly has to take the back seat to poll workers getting that beauty sleep.

Nothing to see here.

04.11.2020 - 09:02 [ NPR Politics / Twitter ]

JUST IN: Philadelphia election officials have counted about 76,000 ballots and won’t report any additional mail-in ballots until 9 a.m. Wednesday. Meanwhile, in Detroit, officials expect to finish counting absentee ballots by Wednesday evening.

(3 hours ago)

04.11.2020 - 08:56 [ Scott Baio / Twitter ]

Is this the 1st presidential election where states stopped counting votes and went home?

04.11.2020 - 08:53 [ anouk / Twitter ]

„they stopped counting cause its 2:48 in the morning, people are TIRED“ CNN spilling the facts

04.11.2020 - 08:51 [ Sanbeer Singh ਸਨਬੀਰ ਸਿੰਘ / Twitter ]

Someone on CNN just said that counting has stopped becuase the people responsible are tired at 2:30 in the morning.

04.11.2020 - 02:45 [ The Hill ]

Biden scores wins in Maryland, D.C., handful of northeastern states

Biden won the states of Maryland, Delaware, and Massachusetts, picking up 24 Electoral College votes as well as three from Washington, D.C., for a total of 27 from the early pickups.